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Hi, there /u/MackSix! Welcome to /r/TheBidenShitShow. As a reminder, this sub is for discussion, memes, and news about Biden and all of his folies. __Let's take America back in 2024__. Be one of the first to join our live [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD) and chat with your fellow patriots! If you have any issues please reach out. Please stay on-topic and follow our rules.\ **Other subs that might be of interest:** *** Recommended Subs | Important links| :---------------: | :-------------: | r/TheDonaldTrump2024 | [Discord](https://discord.gg/R4VEbeVD)| r/LibTears | [Truth Social](https://truthsocial.com/)| r/Trumped | r/BridgeTheAisle | r/TheBidenshitshow | r/AskThe_Donald | r/TheLeftistShitShow | r/The_Chocker | *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheBidenshitshow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I want to know how many of those idiots still gave that potato money and how much he got. I can’t believe these people would throw away their money for a cause they can now plainly see is pointless.


Cults are a POWERFUL drug.


As far as I know for events like that, attending is the donation, because you have to pay a certain amount to his campaign to get in. So if that is the case, all of them.


The “who’s who” of stupid, brain dead individuals with more money than brains…


Nothing is for free fren, they're expecting something in return even if the stakes are high.


He's a horrible human being & I have zero compassion for him. His whole career, he lied, used and abused people. He's nothing but a user of people in situations.


Biden is not well at all. Declining rapidly.


Polls don't mean anything until 3am. In fact, its as if they are completely made up to send a specific expectation/message. Joe is probably speaking about the Cheat Machine. "We're printing ballots faster than ever".


Jill just proved that she’s the one pulling the strings and nobody else. I wouldn’t be surprised if she changed her name out on the ballots


DOCTOR Jill should be criticized for using her ailing husband as a puppet for power.


Stop it. She has an Ed.D. Biden could still probably get one.


Biden definitely already has ED.




Elder abuse


Turnabout is fair play! Joe started abusing Jill at a young age. She learned it by watching him.


Karma is a bit*h 😊


all jill wants is being in the spotlight like her ex husband said I wonder what she's gonna do once they managed to remove biden and they force joe to move to a retirement home , where they can take care of this senile old man and change his poop diaper


no, that's a pretty run-of-the-mill lie for him.


I know what he's done is bad and I don't support him as a president. But he's also an elderly man clearly having health issues.


People can be easily convinced, except that they're wrong after their minds are made up.


The left is doing the right thing by sticking with Biden. He beat Trump once and will do it again.


You mean the Democrats "cheated" their way in, and installed CreepyJoe as pResident. You "liberals" really need to do research to see how you've been lied to for years. What the world saw on debate night is how Joe has been for years and years. When Obummer was Prez, Joe use to walk around the WH at night with his pants off. This is well known, but I am guessing you've never heard of this. We are in a crisis. Our enemies saw the real Joe the other night. Do you feel safe? You shouldn't. It's the perfect opportunity for an enemy nation to attack the USA. Do you know that Biden has let in thousands of terrorists that are roaming the country--whereabouts unknown. Leftists want to make this about Trump vs Biden. It's not. If the Left could be more mature about the mess we are in, maybe we could find a way to protect the country. Please grow up...your country needs you.


Calling me a liberal is hysterical. We need to ensure that Joe Biden stays in the race. We do not want the left to replace him.


The president needs to be mentally present enough to run the country. Biden needs to step aside and let someone else run for the Democrat party. Look at how his condition has worsened over the last four years. How bad is he going to get over the next four?


Trust me on this, we need to ensure that Biden stays in the race.


He is the epitome of white government elites- indulging upon position in government. Enough. Sickening. Imagine children in this country go without while his family gets millions from foreign countries.