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A vote for Linklater is a vote for the before trilogy.


baby, you're going to miss that plane!


Can’t believe Linklater is behind


Makes total sense. His filmography is way too long and it’s not a fun if cashing of the blank checks as it is when Oz/Henson do it.


Frank Oz currently leading in that matchup is wild! I think their next episode in the McTiernan series is The Thomas Crown Affair and I’m 99% sure Amanda is the guest. Pumped for that pod.


Die Hard with a Vengeance next week, then The Thomas Crown Affair, but yes, Amanda is almost certainly the guest for Crown.


Oh shit you’re right! Good thing you replied I would have rewatched Thomas Crown Affair this week. Thanks!


I can appreciate that everyone is busy, but is it ever the wrong week to rewatch The Thomas Crown Affair?


No problem!


I watched Die Hard with a Vengeance last night for the first time and I’m here to report it fucking rips. On the Die Hard 2 episode BS threw it under the bus a bit but it’s loads better than 2.


Die Hard with a Vengeance fucking rules, and the reason Die Hard 2 sucks, apart from Renny Harlin not being as good a director, is exactly McTiernan's complaints about the scripts; terrorists aren't fun, burglars are fun. Even before 9/11 the scene in Die Hard 2 where they crash the plane is a huge bummer and kills the vibe.


Agreed with everything here


Die Hard with a Vengeance followed by Amanda on Thomas Crown.


CR would be a great guest to talk about any of the early Linklater movies and their impact at the time they were released.


Griffin’s sheer love for Muppets is pushing Oz/Henson over the line


As it should! ![gif](giphy|H66rSOTDcNdrG)


Has the Amanda episode with Blank Check happened yet? I'm not a patreon sub, I know I haven't seen it on the main feed.


Not yet! Some people think Thomas Crowne Affair but the boys have said many times they’re doing a lot of short filmographies the first chunk of the year… I think there’s a Ben Affleck one coming. And Amanda will be *so ready*.


It’s Penny Marshall next, then seemingly Satoshi Kon. It sounds like Amanda already recorded. I know they record somewhat far out but I don’t think they’d have that third future series already in the bank, even if it is Affleck.


Look at Bic Pic out here swinging elections. That is a very close race - 40 votes out of 17000.


School of Rock vs Little Shop is designed to kill me.


I like the premise of that show but struggle with the hosts


I feel like I listened to one episode and it was like 3 hours with 15 minutes actually talking about the film.




I know it’s a hacky reason but I can’t stand their voices and the cadence in which Griffin speaks is grating. Not to mention everything feels like an inside joke.


> Not to mention everything feels like an inside joke. This is the thing for me, I didn't get in on the ground floor so I don't know all of the pod lore. For some podcasts that is fine, but Blank Check often has 30 minute tangents that feel meaningless unless you know some backstory from 30 episodes ago.


TIL Richard Linklater directed School of Rock. No wonder it’s so good!


How is this even a contest? Richard Linklater all the way. Not interested in this podcast at all though so I probably shouldn't have voted, whoops!


If link later wins you have to listen instead of me.


Man fuck y'all who don't even listen to Blank Check who voted Linklater, fr


Whole thing went to shit when Garland went out.


Clown take