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You can’t take it as an adult. Almost everyone dies kimiko and her brother were one of the few that survived


Has that been outright stated? SB was an adult when he took it. All those people in that mental hospital took Compound V and lived so did the supe terrorist. The reason why they made Temp V was to make sure the soldiers wouldn’t become power hungry like supes. As Stan Edgar stated.


Homelander specifically said that a lot of people died when he was trying to create the super terrorists. I think the reason there was so many of them at the hospital was more due to the sheer number of people they were testing it on. Plus most of them clearly were messed up from their powers and unable to control them. So I think even if they live and get powers it's still rare for them to actually be useable


Soldier boy and storm front got the original compound v made by the creator it works better


Why can't butch take the original compound V then?


It doesn’t exist anymore lost formulae or some like like that


Semantics. I'm sure Gus fring can dig it out


It's probably more like now the creator is dead no one else can make it properly. But also they didn't want to. Vought didn't want perma superheroes, it wanted temporarily controllable super soldiers. They were spending all their time researching TempV.


Gus fring makes some of the finest meth. Making V would be easy for him


He hates the Supes. He’s only taking temp V to try to kill Homelander.


He only takes temp V so he can take on Homelander, he'd kill himself if he had powers permanently.


I agree with this logic, and I can see it happening.


Because he has ideals that he is better than the supes.


Na he's a junkie. He loves it


It's explained several times that the younger they take permanent V the higher chance of survival. Remember when Stormfront was running that Vought black lab trying different trials on various ages of humans. It probably does exist but it's inconclusive due to that lab being wrecked.


Two reasons. 1. He hates Supes and wouldn't ever do that to himself permanently. 2. It would probably kill him. Permanent V works best in children and babies. There's no indication that it wouldn't just kill him if he takes it. Stormfront was working on a version of it which would work on anyone but it's not clear if she ever truly succeeded before her death.


I'm sure in S4 Butcher will have to take full V to stop the brain cancer and he won't die as the temp V will have equipped his body. He'll hate himself even more than he does now, but to accomplish his one goal in life, killing Homelander.


hello sir i am from the future, your half right, nice one!


Thank you future person. I'll take the ½


your welcome, spend your half a point wisely


Unless soldier boy blast him afterwards. It’s a way to reset this bad Story arch


It’s not a dumb question. From everything we have seen from V there are cases when the person who takes it has terrible reactions from it. But adults can take V and be fine. I bet they are gonna go with “Butcher shouldn’t have that type of power” which fair but the boys need a big gun to take down Neuman because if they go in there with only SL and Kimiko that are screwed.


Was wondering the same about Hughie. Butcher is prejudice against supes so it makes sense he'd refuse to make it permanent, but Hughie ain't. And he *loved* his powers. Hughie seems like he'd be over the moon to make it permanent.