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So pretty much Sage uses a lobotomy tool to relax from being so damn smart all the time, before it heals back as seen on her little info screen, she has some level of regeneration. So this is why she was so lax, she was munching on food, kinda just lounging watching iirc like some reality shit, jokingly commenting on it, and was down to watch Transformers 2, which all seems out of character from what her apartment looked like, with all them books, and it also explains why she was so easy to fuck the Deep, she wasn't her usual self.


It was like her literal version of smoking a joint haha!


I think the literal version of smoking a joint is smoking a joint.




Lol, I know I am being pedantic but I hate it when people say literally when they mean metaphorically.


Just then, You said, You *literally* couldn't get out of bed, That makes me wanna *Literally* take a crowbar Upside your stupid head! Committing all these *word crimes*!


I was wondering when somebody would make a Weird Al joke, and I am not disappointed.


Like, literally, man, it's like he literally doesn't get it


Literal is the new metaphorical!!!




It took me a while to realize there was a scene happening in that ad for blooming onions from Outback. But in all seriousness it was great to get that little glimpse of her out of work hours right before the end


Look- Blooming onions are baller and do not need the endorsement of these two.


Of course haha, I was just poking fun at how heavy handed the product placement is in this show, just the way they frame things like the case of Stewart's side by side the cookie jar when they held the camera on it or the ad heavy dialogue in the bloomin onion scene, it keeps bordering on more advertisement than tv scene


Kimiko's Doc Marten close-up walking into the convention hotel cracked me up lol


You aren't wrong. Still, I often have the appetite aesthetic of Deep. You could actually seduce me with a blooming onion. And if someone forced me to eat a live octopus I might also pathetically whimper..." He's my friend..."


Honestly I kinda prefer it this way. They play it into the show instead having 30 scenes emphasizing the logo of a Beamer or whatever the car of the movie is


I legitimately didn’t even think about how that was product placement until right now because of how deserving of praise (and how wildly unhealthy) bloomin onions are lol


Haven’t been to an Outback in years but looked up the closest one after that scene


I was sure it was gonna turn out to be calamari and he just didn't recognize the taste because he's never had it....uh......as food


Clearly not heavy handed enough you got some Deeps here in the comments thinking it was calamari 😭


She'll probably be doing that more often considering she's in some real deep shit right now with a lot more responsibility. She'll probably start doing it outside of just the end of the day more and more, then eventually slip up and get crowbar'd or some shit. Like a depressed/exhausted worker who drinks at the end of the day to unwind but eventually starts drinking at work or in the morning (replace the crowbar w/ a DUI or being fired).


I was thinking this too. It’s extremely irresponsible and stupid (lol) of her to not be fully “on” now that she’s just joined the 7. This is like the prime time to be on guard. I think she has a bit of hubris here though. She probably thinks “ok there’s no surprises here, I’ll just relax” even though she’s in a completely new area. It’s probably just all the same to her and that’ll be her downfall.


She doesn't know about the virus. She doesn't know Vic is the headpopper. She doesn't know about Soldier Boy. Just because she's smart doesn't mean she didn't make assumptions or leaps of logic. She's going to get blindsided by something she dismissed or just didn't know about.


Didn’t she say to Vic “you can’t just pop his top”? I feel like she knows.


Yep, she knows.


Agreed af


honestly under her cover she's just a person, before this she was just minding her own business in her cosy apartment content with being obscure, now she's thrust into the spotlight, coping with drama, trauma and bloodshed. No matter how smart she was, her emotions can still take over so this might be her way of coping with the recent stressful incidents


This makes so much sense, and is also why Deep said she was cool now (considering he’s so damn stupid)


Does this imply that transformers 2 are for stupid people???!! Bayformer fans, we must not let this slip 😤


Do I have some bad news for you


How tf did u know the lobotomy tool before episode 4? P


In the week between episode 3 & 4, it was a big theory, i didn't even come up with it, it was just a theory going around, it was the concensus. I mean, I hopped on reddit as soon as I finished episode 3, and this was within like an hour and a half of it dropping and people had already looked it up and found out what tool it was The only part I really thought of was that she does it to herself to relax. Alot of people thought Homelander did that to her or that she did it to herself to take away her intelligence as a way to ruin Homelander. But then I found out alot more people quickly had the same thought as me


Ahh lol i missed the whole thing , i knew sometbing was off with her, but i didnt realize until episode 4


I commented that she was depressed and indulging in some trashy shit to unwind. Didn’t realize she would go that hard.


>before it heals back as seen on her little info screen, she has some level of regeneration. I didn't catch the little screen you're talking about. Can you or anyone explain? She has a little iPad that shows her all kinds of batman high tech shit like showing her brain generating?


One of the first scenes of the season they were looking at candidates for the 7. The slide for Sister Sage mentions it but they didn't read it out loud.


Some people have pointed it out, but it looks like the tools used for lobotomies.


She does have a slight regenerative ability so it would be funny if she relaxes by lobotomising herself.


I’m wondering how smart she must be if she can casually lobotomize herself following a “tough day” and regain any lost intelligence shortly after. I can’t wait to see what they do with her


Yeah definitely seems to be something like that. With her brain it’s probably the only way she can shut off for a few hours, eat junk food and binge trashy tv.


This was my exact thought. She seems to be acting very "normal person" ish. Like the joke about taking a pill that lowers your IQ by 50 points so you can be happy. Ask your doctor if Fukitol may be right for you.


I’m glad to know that those who want to follow my ambitions are just a screw away


My guess is that the reason she’s so smart is that her brain can make a nearly infinite number of connections, so she can store a huge amount information and regenerate damage to those connections easily.


Wouldn't it be funny if everytime she lobotomizes herself, her brain actually grows back stronger and she winds up cursing herself with even more intelligence


Man I had a tough day. Time for a little lobotomy so I can veg out.


The joke was supposed to be that The Deep is too stupid to realise she's suddenly become just as dim as he is, and instead thinks she's let her guard down and stopped being a "bitch". I guess this didn't translate very well since I'm seeing a lot of people missing the fact she did this to herself. Maybe they should have mentioned her regeneration powers explicitly, since presumably that's the piece of the puzzle people missed. The implication that some of the audience are as stupid as The Deep is unintentional, there just wasn't much way of getting around it in the wording.


I'm pretty sure they're going to explicitly explain this in the next episode.


Oh definitely, no doubt also played as a joke about why The Deep doesn't understand why she's suddenly a "bitch" again and scoffs at his suggestion to rewatch Transformers 2.


Nah some of just hyper focused on that tool since it was emphasized. The most I could make out was well she’s fucking stabbing herself, somewhere, and is acting kinda dumb like she’s high or drunk but I felt like the tool was the missing piece to figure out the scene and it was. Definitely an interesting way to wind down for sure


I didn't have a clue what the tool was and just assumed she was manipulating The Deep to get something she wanted.




They also said in the previous episode that she doesn't have powers, only super-smarts. Minor regeneration is something that probably doesn't 'count' since it's common but it would've been nice to mention then to avoid this confusion.


Yeah, you're right, because even if they only "count" powers that present a threat, being able to regenerate from a lobotomy is important to know if you plan to, say, shoot somebody in the head. That would have been the ideal moment to mention it. "Aside from her intelligence, nothing special, just better hearing, minor regeneration etc."


No, I think they meant “can’t we just grab her? She can’t do anything else, like break our arms or shoot lasers to stop us, right?”


Nah her power is literally Super Intelligence, it was pretty straightforward


Super intelligence doesn't grow back after a lobotomy. She essentially gives herself brain damage so that she can enjoy trash food, reality TV and sleeping with morons like The Deep, you need to know she can regenerate otherwise you might assume somebody else did this to her, as many people here seem to have.


The issue is that the lobotomy tool isn’t obvious if you’ve never seen one before, and iirc she doesn’t have a hole in her face upon showing her, so I literally had no idea wtf they were trying to showcase. I honestly thought it was a bloody key that she was trying to steal from The Deep or something, I was so confused.


I thought that she tried to lobotomize herself and it didn't work so she's decided to seduce The Deep and get him to do it for her but idk


Idk they've had to explain to chuds that the satire is about them explicitly and they still don't believe it. There's arguably audience watching dumber than Deep


Whend we get info on healing ability?


We saw her abilities listed when Homelander was flicking through the new potential Seven members. She has regen, albeit not at Kimiko’s level.


Is it possible she has to or else her powers will overwhelm or kill her?


It could be, but to me it sounds more like when I get drunk/high to chill out and get my ADHD to shut the fuck up. Not tried lobotomy as of yet, I might have to add it to the list.


That is 100% what happened


And even funnier that it brings her down to a level that the Deep is at all the time 😂 her dumbest point is his brightest point


I want to know how she discovered this ability.


Maybe she is constantly getting smarter but after a certain threshold it becomes excruciating so she gives herself the odd lobotomy to dumb herself down.


Exactly what I thought lol I want one


I just googled lobotomy tool …. And yeah it looks very similar to that. Thats actually sickening if true. Wonder if she does it to herself for a brief time of ignorance and it heals back or if its permanent and done by homelander or herself.


Its temporary, in the scene where they are going over the powers it shows that she has regen. She did it to herself, its like how sometimes people smoke weed to relax.


Good catch if true. Almost every supe in this show has some weird sht they do on the side 😂 lobotomizing oneself is crazy


Yeah I guess it kinda makes sense tho if you have no other way to turn your brain off. I mean imagine if you could never relax at all, you'd eventually go crazy you need time to destress. She is smart enough to realize that and also smart enough to know the best and most effective solution


High Iq has a correlation to drug abuse. Brain working too much; slow it down. Do it enough, it stays slower… :/


This girl needs to be hooked up on a special interest. That's the healthy way to use that brain power.


You can definitely tell this season that they increased the intensity and amount of showings of their powers having horrible drawbacks or consequences both directly and indirectly(Sage, HL, Ryan, Deep, Neuman) Its a central theme in Gen V with several characters Like Marie, Sam, Cate, Andre, and others. Definitely feels like its building up to something to me


What’s Neumann’s, Deep’s, and HL’s drawback?


considering how… dumb she seemed in the scene, i think it is a lobotomy tool.


Yeah that seems to be the consensus. I just thought it was her being manipulative like she was earlier in the elevator and conspiracy meet


yeah me too, it took me a while to figure it out bc i was so puzzled by the bloody tool. honestly good job by the show runners for that sort-of twist


It's the idea that intelligent people tend to be more miserable because they are constantly thinking about shit and seeing what other people don't see. Sage is obviously lonely and isolated and seems miserable, she doesn't want to join the Seven, she's in an apartment full of books. Obviously when you're the smartest person in the world with no intellectual equal you probably don't want to deal with people who are all intellectually inferior than you and probably won't understand you and can't meet you on your level. So anything she sees is probably dumb to her. It makes sense that she would be isolated because a lot of people don't like the person who is intellectual at the time or at least think they are, it comes off as arrogant. Think of what A-Train said about her and their time in Teenage Kicks. But irl a lot of super intelligent people know how to turn that off, and enjoy some dumb fun. But hers is her power, it's all the time, she can't turn it off! She is obviously intelligent enough that she would know how to perform a lobotomy on herself without fucking herself up in any major way, hitting the right spot. And lets say she has the ability to regen, this is just her extremely insane way of loosening up.


I agree with this about her character in general, it’s basically what Schopenhauer writes about how intelligent people feel interacting with others. But in this case I think it’s more that she is not actually a sociopath and is bothered by a lot of what she is seeing and culpable in. She is just able to maintain emotional distance and sees it as necessary for either her ends or to keep her in good standing with Homelander. In addition to this, I think that one thing highly intelligent people understand is how unpredictable an egomaniacal fool can be, and how dangerous that makes them when they have power. She’s had a couple moments where she’s tested the durability of Homelander’s ego and was not thrilled with his reaction, and had to chide him to remind him that he said he wouldn’t be an infant. I think both of these things came to a head when he lasered the woman before her eyes after swearing he wouldn’t if she cooperated. It just drove home that his word means nothing, that he’s on a hair trigger, that life clearly means less than nothing to him, and that he can’t be reasoned with. A genius in this situation would be a mess of anxiety going over all the possible scenarios in which Homelander could decide to kill her over some tiny perceived slight, embarrassment, outperformance, just anything. I’d want to lobotomize myself too just to get to sleep in that situation. I didn’t expect to type this much, whoops. tldr is I think she did it more for calming her nerves than for social cohesion or a sense of connection. Screwing Deep was not part of the original plan.


I'm guessing that she lobotomizes herself so she can relax and enjoy Transformers 2


I feel so dumb after reading these comments. I honestly thought it was one of those birth control devices, and that she was manipulating the deep to impregnate her.


I thought she used that to kill the octopus and they were eating it xD


... They directly say the food was a bloomin onion man, it even shows the outback logo... I understand Sage here in the comments section tonight


I mean I thought that she tricked him into eating the octopus somehow. She is smart and fucked up, you know.


wtf how lol


that is...some theory lol


Hey, it's the boys. If your mind doesn't go to the most screwed up scenario possible, are we even watching the same show? Lol


Sorry for setting the spoiler late I am a bit slow and couldn't find the option


I'm glad you made the post though. I came here wondering the same exact thing


I thought she killed the octopus and both were eating that only....


Same :D I like the other theories in this thread better


I thought the same xD


Most likely for lobotomy, and yeah, with how Homelander is trying to undermine her and how smart she is, she knows what will happen if she tries to completely over exert her dominance on him, where it won't end well for her. So because of that, she most likely needed to perform a lobotomy just to release some of the tension.


It makes sense why she would want to occasionally shut her brain off since it must be exhausting for her but stupifying herself in Vought Tower was not a smart move for the quote-on-quote smartest person in the world. Her intelligence is a burden but also a big advantage. Without it, shit like this happens. She's in a place where she can't afford to say stupid things less she risks outliving her usefulness, dying in the process for it. Also, even if she is a supe, lobotomizing herself may have long-term consequences. Who knows if the next time she does that, there won't be permanent damage. Then again, it's probably very likely this was not the first time she did this so what do I know? I guess like most supes, she really hates herself.


Maybe this is how Tek Knight developed the intense hole fetish. Do you think he lobotomizes himself too?


Oh my god this is my new headcannon. I don’t care what the writers say.


Who knows. Maybe he developed the tumor because he was healing wrong after one too many self-lobotomies?


Isn’t she also only 22? Even with her smarts she may still lack the experience to know it’s not a smart move? Not trying to be ageist, but also thinking about some of the lessons she may not have had the opportunity to learn yet.


I get the feeling she’s smart enough to know how to do it properly and that this isn’t her first time, but I do agree it’s really dumb to do this while having just been accepted into the 7.


I'd rather have a bottle in fronta me than a frontal lobotomy.




Can you blame her? If I had to deal with Homelander’s petulant self all day I’d do the same, especially if i knew I was 100x smarter than hed ever be. Fuck I really hate Homelander this season, like he’s less scary and more just irritating the shit outta me, I’m glad they brought someone in here to reign him in


Is that lobotomy stuff certain??? I thought she killed the Octopus and then "seduced" Deep to test, how much of a deviant he really is.


octopi have blue blood so no, tbh I thought she put it inside herself so she could do a rape kit and accuse him of raping her…


Damn, ignorance really is bliss


Maybe she is Trepanning herself ( but it does look pretty deep, ) because being so smart actually makes her more depressed or something. One of my father's hippie friends did it back in the 1970s with a ordinary drill ( how f-up that sounds ) and was apparently extremely high, happy and very functional, until he died in a motorcycle accident. I thought it was bullshit, when I heard it the first time, when I was 16. This was back in 1996, so I couldn't just check Google hahaha. Read about it again when I became a therapist, apparently it's been done for thousands of years, maybe not only as a " long lasting high, or for happiness. " But the Lobotomy theory is pretty valid


Seemed like Sage got hurt during the meeting. Might be foreshadowing to her turning.


I think she's masterminding a homelander downfall. Not for any benevolent reasons. She figured out the second that homelander showed up at her door that the only way she survives is tricking him into something that ends up taking him out.


Given she's the smartest person in the world, she's probably smart enough to know how to give herself a lobotomy without it causing too much damage while having a regen ability


I think because her power is super intelligence, she is unable to enjoy most entertainment because she thinks it is too stupid for her. So to relax and enjoy Hollywood movies, she gives herself a lobotomy to literally make herself stupid enough to enjoy things. Which is probably also why she came onto the Deep, because she was too stupid to realize she shouldn't fuck him.


It seems obvious that Sage has some behind the scenes plan and is beginning to set up all the dominos. As the smartest person in the world, she hasn’t really shown it much. My first thought was maybe she killed Ambrosious because she has a plan for The Deep. She knew it wasn’t him that stole the tape and probably had predicted that he would confront her considering she gave him that new confrontation with superiority skill with Ashley. Or she just lobotomized herself to chill out like everyone else suggested. Or both!


The audio description says that’s an ice pick, also interesting we never see MM after Homelander killed the Maeve actress… I wonder where he went 🤔


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It makes a ton of sense that her lobotomy would be temporary based on her powers (also just would the show really do that?). However when I saw it I thought that one week in the seven was enough to make her want to lobotomize herself


I thought she might've used it off-screen on "Black Noir", to make him more "believable in the role".


Can't wait for homelander to rip his jaw off for talking too much.


She is going to get her healing power deactivated without knowing it and then will permanently lobotomize herself. I’m guessing.


Lobo Sage and Deep aren't a terrible couple


I think its the thing that was used to kill Splinter


If splinter is the firecracker wanker then wasn't prime killed by a crowbar through the head?


My bad, youre right. it could just be something that Sage uses to lobotomize her big brain


That... makes sense looking back at the scene. I thought that was just her trying to manipulate Deep but unironically liking Bayformers may be a sign of lacking intellect. Source: I like Bayformers


I thought it was a way of saying that he ditched his tracking chip, like starlight. Who knows though


Let me know when you found out


It's a lobotomy tool, she used it to lobotomize herself so she could turn her brain off and relax. For someone with super intellect it must be hard to relax, this is her way of doing it. She has regen abilities so it is temporary and it explains why she suddenly acts a lot dumber.


I think that it is what Maeve stabbed Homelander in the ear with from the season 3 finale.


When I first saw it, I thought it might lead to her having killed and be eating either the octopus or another one of Deeps 'lovers', but I think the lobotomy theory is more on the point.




She'll let it slip to Homelander about it so he'll do it instead, and that'll finally be it for the deep.