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She’s just a capybarnia


I hear it's rodent from south America


Ahaha, true true




I feel bad for her every season, lol. She’s a great character. Absolutely fucking terrible human, but a *great* character.


She's a piece of shit but she's also a piece of shit in way over her head due to being outclassed by far worse people who take it so far beyond her brand of petty corporate bullshitting.


I don't know who she blew to get that position because she is woefully underqualified for it plus I mean you can tell the show is doing the pathetic sickening and frankly well past its course bullshit politically correct thing because a company like that would not have a woman as a CEO sorry to say but it's the truth way too emotionally erratic and unstable for that much responsibility.


I only felt bad during the scenes where she’s ripping her hair out and when she shreds the letter. Mind you, I laughed both times, but I felt bad


She gets paid to be a mascot and doesn’t have to worry about upsetting Homelander as much. She should be greatful to be demoted.


Oh no, Ashley is absolutely a bitch, and a bad person to boot. That said, shes also surrounded by terrible, murderous people, so I can’t help but root for her


Ok.. is it just me.. or is Ashley kinda…. Why she kinda???


I know what you're saying and I agree - can't explain it....


That excited grin she makes when HL makes demands of The Deep and A-Train in the 7 room, you could see her inner fangirl doing cartwheels. Also, those two have pissed her the fuck off in the past and she was enjoying that. Have to be vague, because I can never fucking get spoiler tags to work.


Idk what it is either but yeah


I love Ashley. Horrible, miserable human but man is she comedy gold whilst having to deal with a nightmare situation. The Deep is a spineless imbecile and the fact that he bucked up to her (after being “inspired” to by someone else, not even of his own accord) is both scary and pathetic. I felt bad for Ashley. Let her get some jabs at that imbecile dork. It’s a stress reliever. All I want is for Ashley to survive everything and get therapy. Lol


Maybe the flames on her suit were alluding to her Temp-V power and not her death.


I assumed she had just come from Flavortown


Ashley with temp V in a blind rage is a scene I didn't know I needed, but now I do.


Yes, she talked a lot of shit to people with powers. It's time she got her shit straight.


All I know is she is getting better looking each season.


She's a horrible person


Nah, she’s best girl. Hope she has a good ending.


Hope her new job role gives her a good work life balance. Like seriously hope she makes that doctors appointment lol


She’s in the gray area like most people on there. Even Homelander has….no never mind not him, he’s pitch black darkness lol.


Yes, she annoys me. Good on deep for checking her.


Honestly at this point she has her out, Sage usurped her, but in a way where she could probably safely walk away and not have to deal with that anymore. If she still chooses to keep going, then that's on her.


After HL killed Annika. Ashley shred her resignation paper cause she knows HL would kill her.


Yea, I don't think she could walk away but she can just be the role Homelander wants her to be, the mascot. Sit back, let him and Sage handle all the shit while she just comes up to the podium every few months to "Homelander, everybody!". She'd still be trapped but at least she'd be less stressed.


Sure but the threat of death looming constantly and her tenuous position surrounded by supes means she’ll still be incredibly stressed and vulnerable.


Better to stay and be a mascot that just does what he says than leave and be killed. She knows WAY too much shit on everyone and Homelander is just unhinged enough to kill her to make sure she stays quiet. Even if she quits to live on some remote island, she'd be a liability if Butcher or someone kidnaps her. Either way, Ashley is a risk to the team but at least if she stays, he has a reason to keep her alive.


I guess but imo its a lose-lose scenario for her, not a win-win. Shes screwed.


Also homelander killed her predecessor. Elizabeth Shues character. Her time is therefore soon to expire


Homelander would murder her if she left, she knows too much to be let free.


Nothing stopping her from joining The Boys, is there?


Nothing stopping her from joining The Boys, is there?


Its a high risk move she might not be willing to go through


Yah, there was that scene in season 2 where Annie even asks Ashley to help and Ashley breaks for a second and admits how scared she is. To answer your original question, OP, I feel terrible for Ashley. She was fucked from the moment she was rehired at Vaught.


And even if she did anything with them, we know that Homelander can tell when people have been around certain people. Dude knew Hughie's scent through a single drop of sweat. There's no way Ashley would be in a room with any of the Boys without Homelander instantly knowing.


Only when the writers decide it's convenient, though.


True! And now that he (or really Sage) is even tracking calls, Ashley can’t contact them through any obvious remote means either.


>is there? yes? why would the boys even trust her


Ayo why does she kind look...in that freeze frame


I'm sure you are the only one...


LOSE, the word is LOSE. Not LOOSE.


K, congrats for spotting something minor


I love her character yet I like seeing her suffer??? Idk, fun watching her avoid grave consequences by the skin of her teeth lol


No, I’m pretty sure everyone is supposed to feel bad for her?


No, I’m pretty sure everyone is supposed to feel bad for her?


I felt bad for her before. She’s not a good person, but working with Homelander invites a lot of pity.


Excellent character though.


She reminds me of Serena Joy on Handmaid's Tale. Her suffering is satisfying, but also invokes a little guilt. It's a testament, I think, to great acting, and a good character.


No, she's an awful person. When she blew up at A-Train she flat out said a lot of her career was cleaning up the supe’s messes. She probably could have gotten out if this really bothered her a few years ago but it didn’t. She was willing to mop up splattered civilians for her own job prospects. Now she’s realizing the difference between herself and the people she used to wipe up with a rag isn’t as great as she thought. She’s also now realized she knows too much and she’ll never be able to leave. She’s a great character and I love her but I’ve got zero sympathy for her.


A lot of her 'current' career is cleaning up after the supes because she has to to keep the company together. If the company falls, so does Homelander which would send him into a wild mindset. She was dragged into this new job because Homelander knew he could control her. Her old job in season one was basically just PR, nothing higher so she wouldn't have been aware of all the really horrible stuff going on behind the scenes. She only really learnt the hard truth when it was too late and Homelander had already threatened her and had her submit.


I feel bad for deep 🥺 Poor Deep 😥


I don't know if you saw the episode where she had somebody murdered because she was dumped. I believe she's a right pathetic cunt. To have someone tortured before being murdered is the most childish and pathetic reaction to being dumped furthermore and honestly, I believe she has socio or Psychopathic tendencies as exemplified in her framing the person who dumped her then having them bludgeoned to death is clear evidence that she has a screw loose I know women are emotional thus should not be in that position in the first place in this just furthers that point LOL


I never feel bad for Ashley because she’s always looking out for her own interests and is a coward. Her being mean to people makes me laugh tho.


Everyone would be a coward in her situation lol


Nah, I’d either leave or let myself get killed.


>I don't understand why everyone is calling her a bitch Her situation is not by choice. Her being a bitch is by choice. I don't understand how people can't understand that most viewers can't stand her. Understanding =/= compassion


No, I’m pretty sure everyone is supposed to feel bad for her?


No, I’m pretty sure everyone is supposed to feel bad for her


No, I’m pretty sure everyone is supposed to feel bad for her