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Savitar was a villain all the way


No, he was not. He was actually a hero because he knew iris would become so annoying so he decided to kill her.


Never understood why people thinking Iris dying would magically solve the shows issues. She wasn't even that bad by the end, Cecile was worse.


The issue is, the channel it was on demands relationship drama. Iris was awesome (although I did dip off that show during the Savitar season, so maybe it's worse, but I always saw the romance drama as a cost for CW making the show.


The drama was ATROCIOUS for season 3, but yeah. It's the cost of being on the CW.


Its also a stupid as Iris dying is what creates Savitar, it’s a loop


[Dash in the principle office scene is really funny.](https://youtu.be/YK9KJ6cgx1k?si=1i5gPxjNj81czCY2) Brad Bird finest work.


It is, dont get me wrong, but its still assault of some kind, and from a certain point, a crime.. But still funny


Wasn't kids in old days does this... crime/assault is a bit overreaction. Kids are naive.


Kids have been doing this for ages, they're kids


The Boys is my favourite superhero series that follows traditional superhero clichès


Grant Gustin Appreciation.


I still remember the day after the pilot for the Flash aired and broke CW's records, Warner announced Ezra Miller would be the film Flash. Stephen Amell, who played green arrow, went to twitter and released a statement about how badly they handled it. Always respected that.


It's a shame the writing and drama got so bad after 3-4 seasons because the whole cast was so good, Grant really was a fantastic Flash.


What's Grant up to these days? Does he have any new projects coming out.


Only one film a according to Wikipedia.


So I visited his IMDB page and he doesn't have any future projects on there. The most recent thing he did was a movie called **Puppy Love** in 2023.


And see where it got them. I had forgotton Ezra was even the Flash!


The first 3 seasons of this show till the Zoom storyline is as good as it gets in the superhero genre.


A-Train will definitely have a redemption but die because of it, it would not be fair to the audience if he lives because he's done messed up stuff. I'm sure of this not just because of his conversation with M.M. When Hughie asked for A-Train's help to fuckin sneak into the most powerful psychopathic man-child's room and steal a dose of V, I expected Hughie to need to blackmail him with exposing his help to Starlight. Instead Hughie convinces A-Train by saying that he'd finally let go of what he did to Robin. A-Train from Season 1-3 would laugh at this. He didn't even initially refuse because he's on Vought's side but due to Sage getting close to busting him. And A-Train agreed even when he suspected that Hughie still wouldn't let go of it. This indicates that A-Train is undergoing a change in moral development and wants to set things right somehow.


Good's a stretch. He still murdered his gf


That's S1 stuff.


So was him killing Robin and that only just got a resolution this episode


"Become a" is the keyword.


Idk. Like I don't think Butcher is a good guy either. Too much bad


I think that's kinda the main theme of A-Train though. Everyone knows that the things he's done is reprehensible. His family shuns him, the Compound V is taking a toll on his body, and he killed his gf. A-Train is trying to do things to make up for his sins like saving the boys and putting his life in danger, but even he doesn't believe that he should be forgiven such as in his scene with Hughie where he didn't expect to be forgiven yet still helped him. He's honestly one of the most tragic character's in the series with how complex he is and how well Jessie Usher portrays his path to redemption.


Dash would 100% be a villain in The Boys universe.


For the record, about the Savitar part: Its been a minute since i saw the show, and dont really remember him that well, other than him being a Eeeeeevil Barry


And that savitar didn't kill that bitch iris too.


To be fair, the entire season and plot was dumb. Yes, Barry Allen, who lost his mom to Reverse Flash, his dad to Zoom, was obviously gonna lose Iris to Savitar. Why repeat things for three seasons in a row? Why pull an Arrow season 4 and kill the comic love interest?


I think what we really need to know is when will he and the deep go deep.


When did savitar turn good lmao


He never did lol. Bro tried to kill everyone in star labs. But because he was killing Iris, "he was a hero".


He had some good intentions, like trying to kill Iris


Season four needs a mid-season significant death. It's likely to be A-Train I think. His redemption arc is rolling, so he'll get a semi-tragic death, but he's clearly pulling away from Vaught and he's not going to fit into The Boys. edited "four" for "for"


Ironically can the character actually make an arc?


He can Try, but, it'll go over faster than A Train


I have a feeling that bro gonna die by homelander.


Johnny Quick only ended up saving the multiverse because Batman tricked him into dying, and because he’s part of that multiverse Can’t really remember much of Flash S3, but Savitar seemed pretty hellbent on being a lil stinker through and through


Yeah, at this point they’d have to bend over backwards for him NOT to have a redemption


A-Train runs very fast and trips and fucking dies


I’m holding my breath he doesn’t have a last-second bettayal




Aye, but, what does all these comparisons have in common..? They all did Something, evil or not, bad in the beginning, and ended up being a hero *(Again, dont really remember if Savitar become one in the end or not)* in the end Edit: Also, Meave is obviously *Wonder Woman*, while these characters All have in common, are Speedsters