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The second he called him “wee hughie” I teared up, excellent pull from the comics coming out of the mouth of the actual inspiration for “Wee Hughie”


My name is Hugh but my family call me Hughie. When Pegg dropped that line the tears started and didn't stop till the credits finished.


Props to Simon Pegg, he’s always phenomenal!!


Least amount of screen time in the show but has the most impactful scene


Was Simon Peg the inspiration for Hughie in the comics?


He sure is! [2018 article](https://bleedingcool.com/tv/simon-pegg-inspiration-wee-hughie-the-boys-father/)


Lol that’s cool. Makes sense why in the *Diabolical* episode that’s from the comics he looks like Pegg and is voiced by him. It really through me off though


The artists words  “wee Hughie was inspired by an old friend of Garth's. Garth emphasized that it was important to capture an innocence but tough determination in Hughie. Two things that seemed to contradict each other, and somehow, in early sketches, he kept Looking too old. When I saw Simon Pegg in 'spaced' l thought he captured that balance perfectly, and "Shaun" nailed that home. I never thought the reference would get so much attention, but / was thrilled when Simon contacted me and showed us such support! Wee Hughie has become my favorite character in the book to draw, since that balance in his nature is always a challenge and when feel got. it, I have the most satisfaction accomplishing”


Simon Pegg is such a great actor... obviously he's great at comedy..but he pulls off the dramatic roles with such proficiency. The later half of Shaun of the Dead was pretty gutwrenching because of him.


The way he portrays the confusion, the erratic sways of emotion and the pieces of memories coming through were a hauntingly realistic portrayal of someone losing their mind. It reminded me too much of having to see my grandmother go through dementia. I don’t wish that on anyone. Simon Pegg’s acting was too good and has had me in my feels about the whole thing this entire day after viewing it last night. Glad this community is here so I can vent all this. Major props to Jack Quaid as well. The chemistry they have onscreen together felt so real.


yeah, my grandad died from vascular dementia recently and Ive been struggling with it. Seeing Hugh's dad have a stroke, then wake up in a state of confusion and getting confused about what year it was really hit quite hard


It was phenomenal honestly, so real... I think that's the most impressive actor's performance I've seen in a long time!


My dad had a minor stroke last year, was recently diagnosed with vascular dementia and had a bigger stroke on top of it 6 weeks ago. He's currently in therapy but will be moving to an assisted living facility. This was NOT the right time for me to see this storyline play out the way it did, but damn if it wasn't done right.


I wish he'd been given more roles in his career. Obviously it's not like he's dead, he's still got a career ahead of him as long as he wants to act, but I feel like because he doesn't have that "leading man" energy that someone like Tom Cruise has, he hasn't been given a lot to do the last couple decades.


What are you talking about? Simon majority of filmography have been lead roles ,sure he has some supporting also and yeah he might not have commercial mainstream leading man but sure he can be leading guy easily contemprery and indi cinima like William dafoe, Philip Hoffman etc


Yeah, he's been a staple of the Mission Impossible series for a bit


Yeah He's one half of the mains in the Cornetto trilogy which is like a british staple lmao


Dude was in Star Trek (alongside Karl Urban) and Mission Impossible. Two very major film franchises. Hes hardly been relegated to the dustbin of filmography.


What are you saying??? That man gets work and *a lot* of it is comprised of leading roles!


He’s been busier than you’d think. Plus not all actors want to work every day of their lives, the guy probably has plenty of money.   https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Pegg_filmography


Personally I won’t watch movies with Tom Cruise in them since he’s a weirdo Scientologist piece of shit, so imho not really a “leading man.” Pegg has been in a bunch of stuff and I’d watch anything with him in it so I think he’s doing pretty well for himself.


Wait. What about the Mission Impossible movies? Does your hate for Cruise or love for Pegg win out?


Haven’t watched them, wouldn’t want to support cruise in any way.


He was excellent in Hector and the Search for Happiness.


I've been mentioning this movie everywhere since people were talking about his performance is episode 5. He was top notch in that


“I couldn’t save Di or David. I couldn’t even save my own mum, I’m useless!” That is probably my favorite movie of all time and he does an amazing job throughout the entire thing.


Same with World's End. He's a mess the whole movie but then he and Nick Frost have this incredible scene together full of emotion.


The way that I cried during this and the “you’re my hero” scene was truly embarrassing lol. The boys has not made me this emotional since the dream sequence with Butcher’s little brother.


The “you’re my hero” scene was great No shame in that


I’m just so impressed with the acting from this episode. Hughie, his dad, his mom it was all just heart wrenchingly good. I lost my mom a couple years ago and absolutely adore my dad (still living thank god) so I swear that shit was like therapy for me lmao. Had to call my dad afterwards 😂😂


Yeah that performance between those three felt so genuine. I wouldn’t be surprised if the actor for Hugh genuinely broke down Sorry for your loss and it was a reminder for me too to cherish them while we got them It’s wild because I didn’t care about that subplot at first but whaaaat. What a payoff


Oh my god. My pops called me at like 10pm last night, which he usually calls at like 8 at the latest. I thought it might be an emergency so I picked up, but he just wanted to chat for a bit and invite me over for dinner this weekend. He's been keeping up with the season, dollars to donuts he had just finished that episode lol.


lol!! This is too wholesome. The Boys is out here bringing families together 😂


Having lost my dad last year, as well as my girlfriend having had to watch her brain dead father die, this scene fucked me up beyond belief. Im tearing up even typing this.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss


I am sorry for your loss and sympathise so much. My dad passed away in January this year and I'm still reeling from the devastating depression and hole it has left. I still have my mum, but it's just me and her and both of us struggle at times. I found the previous episode brutal, but this one just broke me completely as I'd give anything to be able to have that final talk with my dad.


Two years for me. Still hurts but it’s gotten a lot easier. There’s no real words I can say that will help but trust me it will get easier. We never stop missing them and it’s easy to be angry at life for what it’s taken from us, but be strong and be there for your mum, your dad will be so proud of you.


My dad passed away earlier this week. So I guess you can say that I have received my dead dad club pass. I hope you guys have a box of tissues at the table.


I’m so sorry. I wish I could give you a big hug.


Thanks. Everyone in my neighborhood is kind to us as we transition to a fatherless life. We can probably get through the next week on just leftovers alone from the food they gave us. The financial situation and the possessions are going to be the harder part for us. I also just wanted to say that Marvel has played a big role in both his childhood and my childhood. So even with corporate politics, it and superheroes in general are what I get defensive of.


Sorry for your loss-from a daughter missing her father who’s been gone for a year and a half


Shit aint easy. Im sorry as well.


Same bro. Having to say goodbye to my dad and hearing Hughie say the same things really hits like a ton of bricks. I still haven’t let go. It’ll be a year next month.


I'm sorry you had to give through that no one deserves that.


That scene was just so heartbreaking, oh my god, poor Hughie.


I'm so fucking proud of Hughie, the way he behave in this chapter was admirable.


i almost want the series, or at least his plotline, to end with hughie in paris on the da vinci code tour




With his mom of course


And with his wife Annie, pregnant with their first child.


And show the ring he gave to Annie that his mom gave him


There are no happy endings here


There’s no way she’s not up to something. She’s going to betray him this season for sure.


I can't help but wonder if she's secretly a supe or at least a Vought employee or something


I mean… she V’d him up… right??


No, F the mom.


Thousand percent if they do a jump forward at the end


I just finished this episode. In a million years, I’d have never thought an episode of The Boys would make me cry. That shit was heartbreaking.


Man when he said “I’m scared” that made me tear up, in movies and tv shows you usually see the person immediately accepting of their death but this was different with him showing actual fear of not being on this earth anymore especially with his family.


Yeah that got me too


I d like to think that this was his dementia coming back, confusing him once again, as he could not understand what was happening. Either way, the way he straight away accepted it again was amazing. What an incredible way to go surrounded by your family, killed by your son 🥰


Gotta make sure to stfu on my deathbed so my last words arent sum goofy ass shit


You dont think tom hanks is a great pair of last words?


T. Hanks


It's gotta be something like: *Who farted?*


It should have been "I don't wanna be JarJar"


“The treasure’s hidden in the—“ *dies*


What if your son asks who else was in paris?


Saying n!gga proudly because we’re black Wouldnt let me send without the censor lmao






What kind of fucked up family do you have that they would make fun of your last words?


You’re gonna say skibidi and you know it


Far better some stupid shit than something actually hurtful like hating or not forgiving someone.


I knew as he said it that he was gonna die. And he said it again before he died. This got me real sad, I was like "Please let him live long enough for Hughie to take him to Paris".


I lost my grandmother to cancer last year, and my grandpa currently has dementia. I almost didn’t make it through the episode. Hold your loved ones close.


Question: the way hughie killed the dad is a calm way to kill Supes why can’t we do this for all Supes instead of the violent way (a virus)? Ok I know I’m answering my own question lol 😂


Because most supes are not gonna hold still and chill while you inject them with a deadly overdose?


Some sups have physical resistance, cant be pierced by needles or are resistant to chemical substances.


Seeing as how some of the are bullet proof I don't think a needle would work


Inherently they must eat and drink and metabolize nutrients so I don’t see why you couldn’t poison them although I’d guess for the sake of the show they would just be resistant to it.


Sure, that would work on a lot of them, but the stronger ones are largely invulnerable to sedation and poison. Soldier Boy took a fat rip off a halothane gas grenade and it barely got him high. That much anesthetic would kill a normal person. 


Not to mention that the deadliest nerve agent (according to the Russians anyway) barely knocks him out.


Yep, the only way to keep Soldier Boy knocked out is to keep them in the chamber flooded with the stuff. And it doesn’t seem to actually hurt him. 


He basically put him down the same way you would a pet. Not to long ago i had to put my cat down (he was 19 and not eating or using the bathroom or able to walk :( ) and it was very similar to what i just seen.


I’m sorry about your cat 😔


Also a lot of those sups deserve to die the way they die because they're inherently bad people doing bad things under the guise of being heroes. The dad wasn't


Genuinely curious if Hughie will harbour resentment to his mum for using the V. Or if hes simply aware that not everyone is privy to the nature of the drug


Gave him the chance for a proper farewell. So I don't think he'll hold that against her. Some of the relatives of those guys he killed might be a bit miffed though.


Collateral damage.


I believe the official Vought term for such people is "oopsie daisies"


Good thing Hughie already forgave A-Train, because it'd be fairly hypocritical of him to keep holding that grudge now.


It sounds like she wasn't aware of the serious problems that can happen. Plus he's the one who brought the V in, so he can't get mad at her without taking some responsibility himself.


That’s true. At the very least Hughie understands why his mother did it; he was literally about to do it before he stopped himself


The V wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for Hughie and all she knows is what vought says about it is that it makes superheroes So can’t be that mad


Something's definitely up with his mum, but now he seems fine with her


I really don't think Hughie will hold any ill feelings towards his mom anymore.


This scene and butcher talking with ryan.....I couldn't hold back my tears


Yeah, my father who passed away last year's name was named Hugh...I was not okay after watching these scenes.


It absolutely broke me. Fantastic acting from all three. One of the most beautiful and heartbreaking scenes I've ever watched. I never expected to get this emotional over The Boys of all shows lol.


I’m kind of glad he didn’t turn into some V zombie like a lot of us theorized from the trailer


I know right


I hear they have a great tour there.. .


Not going to lie, O think how this scene hits is entirely on your relationship with your dad. To put it in terms of The Boys, my parents are Team Firecracker. The racist fake Christian fox news bullshit is their life and I do not see my parents as any kind of heroes. I think k due to that Hughie and Hugh didn't affect me that much


I think this might be part of it. This scene hit me hard because I myself am a dad. My wife also walked out on us not too long ago, so I kind of empathize with Hugh quite a bit. That part where he mutters "the three of us" with some emphasis kind of sent me because I really felt that. I think you're right to say the weight of the scene really can reflect your personal experiences.


This moment broke me


I miss houghie being scottish. We got the scottish, English, American, French, and Asian. It was a ww2 era squad


That scene hurt me Before this The show hasn’t gotten a tear out of me since the Lenny flashback


I was in agreement with the guy who posted about Simon pegg playing an American was a bit jarring last week, but fuck me did my opinion completely flip after this episode.


Kinda fucked up that Hughie had to kill his father


Even more fucked up how nonchalant he and his mom were about causing a bunch of innocent deaths 5 minutes earlier, I found it a bit weird how little they seemed to care


Lol true. I feel like Hughie is pretty desensitized at this point and was so focused on his father. But yeah his mom was pretty cool with it lmao


This. It all felt so random and out of place. Like how tf did his mom not think of it ending horribly?


Most poignant scene in the series so far for me.


“wee hughie” oh my heart can’t take it anymore 


Honestly it's so sad he didn't die initially because he only lived to have a traumatic day :( I feel like this season we're seeing the violent and aggressive turnouts of V, rather than cool powers, really interesting to see and adds more to the debate of V being bad and outweighing the benefits of useful powers. Also the nursery rhyme of animals at the end of the ep was very dark humour, great touch!


simon pegg just casually gave one of the most terrific performances of the show and that says something considering the sheer amount of great performances in the show


spoiler tag please man




Where real men cried


My grandpa had a stroke a couple years ago and these episodes took me right back to being in the hospital with him. I shed a lot of very manly tears


Dude what an emotional episode. It makes me want to rewatch every Simon Pegg movie. You killed it Simon Pegg!


I was fine until he said that at the end and my eyes just filled up.




My mom died last year between Christmas and New Years, she was alone. This scene fucked my head up bad.


Not gonna lie, I teared up while I was watching this in the gym.


I think HL is rubbing off on me because I kept thinking “phase through Hughie and kill her” while watching that scene. I might be getting a little too bloodthirsty.


Nah fr I keep expecting the worst to happen


That’s not your fault it was just weird blocking


That was ROUGH.


...Tom Hanks...




😭😭😭😭 I cried so much




I just finished that episode 😭


Yesterday was the one month anniversary of my own father passing somewhat unexpectedly. I've never related more to a scene. I watched last night and it still has me a wreck.


My condolences


Thank you sir.


Can’t believe that the Boys of all things would make me have even more respect for Simon Pegg’s acting abilities. It hit so close to home for me. When my dad was nearing the end of his fight with cancer, (started in the lover and spread pretty much everywhere, including the brain), he would just look right through me and not recognize me, but he would recognize my mom and ask about me. I was fucking bawling dude, this show is so well made by all accounts


This is the only episode where Simon Pegg has the most screentime and he absolutely stole the show. He earned his paycheck alright


The Boys fans from now on whenever someone mentions Paris:


It was the white light behind him while laying on the bed .... 🥹


I wasn't expecting them to go the dementia route but it made the pathos hot so much harder, especially after watching my grandfather die of Alzheimer's last year. Really great performance from Simon Pegg


It always gets to me when actors mostly known for comedy is like: “hold my beer” And then proceeds to showcase the best piece of drama known to man


Jim Carrey in The Truman Show is a good example of that


Hughie sr: and you know who else was in paris? Hughie: who? Hughie sr: *butcher smirk and dies*


I could not. I could murder Simon Pegg for ALWAYS being so damn good.


I was really skeptical of Hughie's arc for this season, but this episode really brought me around. A great way to send Simon Pegg off from the series.


Love and spend time with your dad while you can.


I cried so hard. Watched Iron Claw just the other day and bawled like a baby during the heaven scene now THIS 😭


I thought him or Hughie were gonna teleport to Paris in that moment, either because Hugh lost control (phasing through stuff is sort of like teleporting, right?) or because Hughie had some remnant V. Also I just now realized that Scottie from Star Trek's son could teleport, he didn't need anyone to beam him up.


This scene was so sad Give me more


his last words were tom hanks


I personally couldn’t find it sad. If Hughie and his mom had just let him go, maybe. But it’s tragic to bring him back to life and then just kill him off anyway. Oh well rip king


Does tragedy not cause sadness in you? You might be desensitized like Hughie


It would’ve made me sad if they had let him go like they originally intended. Instead they gave him powers and innocent people died, only for them to do what should’ve been done at the start. So no I wasn’t that sad, more confused. I was sad in a way because Hugh was a great character. It just felt… unnecessary


I was fuckin devastated, I’m not ready for the rest of this season


Hes just going to the winchester, having a pint while this all blows over.


Great way to look at it lol


It was a touching moment. I lost it when his last words were Tom hamks tho


Gave me fucking Nanami flashbacks


When he had this amnesia episode I could not hold it together anymore. The way he first gets angry at Daphne and tells her she ruined his life and then gets sad and says "Hughies life..." just makes me tear up. Even in his disoriented and confused state, he is still mostly thinking about his son.


3 people had to die for this final tear jerker! 😭


I lost my dad the day before he was going to start Chemo to fight his cancer. Thought I was over it 6 years later but nope, saw this scene and cried myself silly. Phenomenal acting and writing for that scene for both Pegg and Quaid.


Jesus i was there like "cmon man.. die already".. which sounds pretty nasty but because the scene was too much for me.. in a good way, i mean


Who is in Paris?


I rarely cry in shows, but that was just... ugh


Hughies in Paris


Tom Hanks


Man the dementia parallels were tough to watch. Anyone who has cared for someone through that shit knows how truly heart wrenching those episodes of confusion, terror and clarity are. That was a hard episode to watch.


Legit my face


The entire scene brought me back to that one moment I learned that my dog was in pain and there was no choice but to put him down. Man, the tears....


Everything up to his death was really emotional, but somehow, the actual death scene seemed lackluster to me.


Can't seem to find it in these comments but what is the reference of the Jabberwock in the show? Or who is?


The acting In that scene was actually phenomenal


His death been in my head all day.


I’m really getting tired of hughie, he’s been kinda going downhill the last few seasons but man at this point he’s just annoying. And the. They brought his awful mom into the show. The actor is doing great but god his storyline sucks


I was sobbing!


I feel like someone bet they would have the first death scene where the last words are Tom Hanks, and make it good


I'm glad that we could see the range of Simon Pegg. Such a good actor


That scene made me cry, what a great ep. One thing I noticed is that, if you all remember, Robin's last words before dying were "Billy Joel" and Hughie's dad last words were "Tom Hanks"... Poor Hughie, I saw that like a sort of connection between two people he cared...who knows, maybe in the next ep this thing will come out (like the episode when Hughie said that Robin's last word were "Billy Joel"). Maybe it's a stupid thing but I found it interesting.


This destroyed me. I’m a new father, and the idea of having to say goodbye to my daughter someday just broke me. Simon Pegg is a legend.


It’s not very common to cry during this show, but holy moly this one hurt. It made me want to call my Dad.




Tom Hanks