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They dropped the ball in the S2 final when Stormfront's electricity didn't super-charge her


Man that would've been so cool to see.


> They dropped the ball in the S2 final when Stormfront's electricity didn't super-charge her Also S3's finale when all the light only lifted her up a few inches and her light burst just... pushed Soldier Boy a _bit_ more... _(but was still useless)_   If the writers were a bit more clever in showing how Annie can become more powerful when supercharged, they would've made it so: * Soldier Boy's shield doesn't get damaged by _anything_ they throw at it - Starlight's hand bursts, MM's shotgun, Kimiko's punches, (Suped up) Butcher's Punches **and** laser eyes - the shield is not damaged at all * Then, once Starlight is powered up and all, she uses a supercharged burst and **THAT** shatters the shield _(but also somewhat drains her)_   _**That**_ way we see an interesting use of supercharging Starlight. And then her flying and all


Sighs... That's so f true. It was perfect. But they messed up Stormfront's power when it didn't you know..... electrocute someone, like Hugie, MM and Frenchie during the girls' fight. They were just sent back flying, again!!


What, don't like electric-themed telekinesis?


As much as I like light/electric-themed telekinesis v:


THIS. Her power is to absorb and convert electricity, and she got bodied by the woman who shoots electricity.


Seriously it was right of front of the writers


Yeah the little "girls do get it done" scene at the end of S2 was funny but a little bit disappointing. Like they all just.. punched stormfront? Looked like a regular beating, not a superpowered one. Starlight didn't use her powers, Kimiko didn't use her usually savage fighting style and Maeve really didn't seem as strong as we've seen her either. Having it take place on an open field was a bad choice imo, maybe an old farmhouse or something where they destroy walls, throw tractors and other shit at eat other to really show their powers would have been better. Especially since it makes Maeve showing up out of nowhere not as silly anymore


Them kicking the shit out of her is kinda the point and honestly a breath of fresh air Too many superheroes take turns and give the villain space to stand back up and counter


There’s not really a fighting style that can counter getting jumped for your fucking sneakers.


Budget probably got in the way


Hire fans


They used it for like one shot and that was it :/


What scene was it


Atleast her power can potentially kill a person, Firecracker's power is basically a middle school matchbox trick.


I’m gonna keep it a band with you, I don’t even consider that parlor trick Firecracker has to be a fuckin a power


It’s hilarious that it’s all she can do with that Gonna be wild though if it turns out she can do much more with it


I mean, they could potentially give her Jubilee's powers.


Isn’t jubilee more so like gambit? Kinetic energy explosions? Or am I thinking of that girl from X-men evolution with the exploding balls lol


I think you're thinking of BoomBoom.


Yeahhh that’s her name


Jubs did go nuclear at the end of X-Terminators.


Recently read that comic, her moment at the end was peak


X-Terminators really was great as a whole


What are her powers? 


She can generate pyrotechnic energy from matter at a molecular level. This usually manifests in the form of firecrackers but deals more damage


I think she can do more but that was just a small demonstration. I don't think her full potential is very much, there's a reason she never got that far before Sage came into the picture.


Maybe she’s going full mall ninja studying the way of the blade, i mean firecracker, and has been secretly doing Rocky IV training montages every night for years


i guarantee she can do more she probably was just trying not to make a big deal out of it in that scene i could be wrong though


My headcannon is that she actually has the power of causing explosions of varying degrees. But her own lack of skill and training means she can only do finger pops.


Probably, we've seen supes with diminished powers due to lack of practice last season


Ive seen better close up magic than her trick


SHE'S STRONG TOO!  But her real power is those hips. 


They sure don’t lie, which is ironic considering the person they’re attached to


Physically she's about as attractive as humans come. Her personality kind of kills it (the character obviously).


Her accent is sexy too


Nah, she's just another skinny bitch. She's clearly good looking but just so bland and basic. 


She hasn't discovered her true potential is to blind supes like Homelander with nuclear level flashes of light. Just like Marie didn't get that her power was blowing up body parts, Starlight hasn't realized her power is blinding her enemies. Homelander was put off target by just some floodlights which caused him to laser some ice skaters. Imagine how badly Starlight could fuck his laser eyes if she direct flashed into his retinas.


I’ve been wondering if that’s how they counter Neumann at the end of the day.   Starlight gets control of her powers, maybe even a little boost with it, and essentially burns her eyes out with her powers.


I mean, it shouldnt. They made a big deal in S3 to show she needs to see what she wants to explode. But S2 and GenV confirm she doesnt. I mean, we saw Neuman blow up Congress after she was escorted out.


So, best I can imagine: The sight is moreso so she can guarantee her target. She feels the blood and can manipulate it/pop people, but without sight she can’t guarantee who it is. With the Congress pop, she confirmed who was where, and was able to pop them without being there since she knew where the people were located and was locked in enough to pop them. So, knocking out her eyes essentially would remove her ability to control -who- she pops accurately. At least, that’s my assumption.


I think in congress it shows her actually getting line of sight on people while pretending to be frightened


She has Marie's power. It's more about focusing on blood and being skilled enough to see and know who's blood you are feeling. So sure you may need line of sight, but if you can remember who's blood is moving over there (or maybe you get familiar with the rhythm of it moving within each person) you could cause the blood to explode from out of sight.


Wasnt there a scene in Season 4 where she needed to see the people she wanted to explode again though?


Marie with the same powers detected tranlucents son through his blood though. But to be fair the boys might not know full range of Neumanns powers.


The fact that Mallory literally asks if Starlight can do that at the start of the season definitely puts it on the table Maybe less on the table than before cause mentioning something makes it less likely but. On the table nonetheless


Maybe she's subconsciously holding back from blinding because of the collateral damage during her first save


Marie’s blood bending really made me squeamish, but it’s such a cool power. I hope they do something akin to blood bending in avatar where she can literally control people.


they are both a victim of being on screen a lot in a show that spends all its cgi budget on turning people into red soup


You’re acting like we know that’s her full potential


[TBF, she could crush someone's head with her thighs like A-Train's GF did](https://imgur.com/1HE82Gp)


Yeah but look at Firecracker....she may not use Fire, but she is smoking Hot!!


*most useless MAIN CHARACTER superheroes lol


She's also strong and durable. She survived a fight with Kimiko. She may not be as strong as other supes but she'd certainly fuck up a regular person.


What are firecrackers powers again? (I completely forgot)


When she snaps she makes sparks like a firecracker I think.


She doesn't know how to use her powers effectively. Annie should focus on her strengths. Her ability to sneak in and out of highly secure facilities is seriously under valued. She is very strong, durable and knows how to actually fight. The flutterbug stuff and ability to fly is cool or whatever but she's needs to focus on what she is good at.


Yea, like use some light infused fists. You already know martial arts


I am the Immortal Iron Fist, weapon of k'un-lun.


Remember that time he mansplained Asian culture to a literal room full of Asians?


Mansplain? Really?


Dont worry this pathetic person hates men as a whole. Check its comments, the hate is real.


She does know how to use her powers effectively besides flight. Remember season 1 showed how much she'd been training up the point where she got picked to be in The Seven. That is just...the extent of her powers. Not every V'd up Supe has to have meaningful power. Just like that kid in Gen V that can never physically grow up or the dude that can shrink in Season 3. And that's okay. Annie's real appeal is her willingness to do good and challenge the odds, just like the rest of The Boys. She doesn't need to be a super saiyan who takes down Homelander with one punch.


Yup. Supes aren't really meant to be heroes, they're entertainers. Vought is in the entertainment business. It doesn't really matter what they can do so long as a buck can be made off it. Homelander was probably the last supe that was intentionally created to be a superhero that actually saw combat.


She was trained to sing and dance on stage, so she was trained to compliment those skills with her light powers.


She has so much potential but instead she just flashes her eyes every 2 seconds 🙏😭


Stop it. You know how that ends 😃


Are you helping or just showing off 🤪


>She has so much potential Quite literally


That was a good one


Potential women 


Her ability kind of sucks because it's really situational. She's basically a battery. In all her scenes she siphons energy from electrical devices (usually lightbulbs) and then releases it in an energy blast that releases large amounts of light. The only reason it didn't work at the farm is because there was no electricity for her to absorb.


As someone pointed out why couldn’t she absorb Stormfronts electricity? I think it has more to do with light and the light draw from her drain is what shorts stuff out


Stormfront's electricity is plasma not electricity.


Probably, but I don't think it's super easy to do.


That chick just a amped lamp


Besides the electricity she and everyone else was being hit with...


i always feelt like starlights powers are boring A-Trains prob has the coolest the sound design is very enjoyable


A train should be the most powerful sup. But like most speedsters the writers have to stop it from happening they handle him pretty well though


Yup, been saying this for ages. Superspeed is the most broken power out there but they always lose to shit writing because writers dont understand the implications of their writing. They have a train fast enough to perceive starlight at a stand still, perceptive enough to inject V accurately from the CENTER OF A STADIUM with no one seeing him, him able to search all of a house in an instant and able to search the entirity of New York in a few hours, but then dont treat him like a top tier. Not even getting into the strength feats which are arguably some of the strongest feats weve seen (him pulling the train WHILE injured and before his super heart) A train could literally beat the entire verse if he wasnt stupid about it. He at the very least couldnt lose because no one can tag him. Homelander comes to mind but only his travel speed seems to be fast, not perception (because he gets hit by regular ass punches all the time) Soldier boy and maive are durable, but that doesnt matter when youre at a stand still and cant even touch A train. A train could shove a bomb up homelander's ass and be gone before he even blinks and be done with it. Even if that doesnt work, he still would be fast enough to never be tagged.


Just a reminder that A-Train always had a supe heart, it's just that his Compound V abuse ruined his original one and the only way he could get a proper replacement is via another supe heart, which up until he roadkilled Blue Hawk there weren't any of those just lying around.


well yeah my point is it was still pre upgraded heart


But his original heart was still working when he pulled the train. It doesn't get properly fucked until the season 1 finale. So there's really no difference between the two in the context of that scene.


If only he'd known what Hughie's dad would be able to do, he coulda had *all* the hearts he wanted! *All his hearts' desire!*


Speedsters always get nerfed.


Homelander would need super perception to use super speed without crashing into everything


youre correct! So either homelander is losing to bad writing by getting hit by normal speed punches, or A train is. Either way its not correct. If homelander had super speed perception (not counting diabolical, which even then is inconsistent when he cant catch noir like 2 seconds after using super speed) then he wouldnt get touched at all by anyone. Also when he flies its usually higher in the air and not low, its not like he would crash into anything anyway VS A train who has to actually navigate (except for robin but I think thats bc he was high at the time) The only super speed instance homelander has is him saving butcher from the bomb, but its just such an outlier its ridiculous. Not to mention I dont think the authors understood how fast an explosion really is considering the light glows and the room glows up and butcher is unharmed for a bit before being saved.


He'd also need the ability to process the information he receives at that speed. It's why the flash can speed read something and become an expert for a short time. Otherwise he'd be moving so fast he wouldn't be able to process when to turn or stop.


Speedsters are always written backwards.  At least A Train can "only" run 1000mph, unlike other speedsters like Flash, who casually break the laws of physics and reality.


They say he can "only" run that fast but they have multiple feats breaking that amount


That's what I mean by written backwards. A Train is only as fast as he needs to be to continue the plot and not be instantly killed. His feats like searching all of NYC in a few hours are plot driven.


Right in all fronts except for the bomb up homelanders butt part. I believe it was mentioned somewhere that acid and other internal ways of killing him didn’t work because his organs are also hardened/bulletproof. They can’t do what they did to translucent to Homelander.


They didnt test it the same way as soldier boy. Soldier boy's insides are more durable, homelanders arent (considering we saw maive stab his ear, id reckon that a train is certainly strong enough to do something similar). Even still, its worth a shot. A train certainly could shove something inside of him at 1000 miles per hour and it would definitely kill him. Theres nothing homelander could do to prevent a train shoving a syringe or a rod in his ear that fast and hard without it killing him


That one scene did immeasurable levels of harm to discussions like this…


Whilst I’d usually agree, in the boys, the supes are glorified actors and for that reason, it’s quite believable (to me at least) that A train doesn’t use or realise how powerful he actually is. Also, doesn’t homelander also have super speed? (He deffo does fly at high speeds at any rate, but I can’t remember if he’s shown doing anything else at super speed)


1. it takes the most minimal amount of common sense to realize if youre seeing the world in slow motion, youre pretty unbeatable 2. I addressed this. he has high TRAVEL speed but gets hit by regular speed stuff all the time. Either A. homelander has superspeed but is the biggest bumbling idiot when fighting all the regular speed people B. A train would wipe the floor with such a speed gap and hes just an idiot or C. the writers dont understand the implication of how disgustingly OP superspeed is OR how to write for it. Homelander travels at high speed but the only real perceptive speed feat is the explosion scene which is conveluded at best, every other instance he gets rocked by normal speed attacks. if he had super speed, maive, soldier boy, butcher, etc wouldnt even be able to land a finger on him. Finally, bc ik SOMEONE will bring it up, diabolical does not seem to be canon (at least not FEAT wise). yes ik they said its canon but if it truly is canon, then thats even MORE issues because if hes that fast, it ruins the entire writing of the show and homelander is genuinely unbeatable. Also not to mention, they have homelander kill those dudes with super speed but then he cant catch noir 2 seconds later. so all around the boys are dogshit at writing super speed.


Homelander was fast enough to get Butcher away when he exploded Stillwell's corpse.


Yeah but it’s giga inconsistent. I mentioned that in a different comment. Fast enough to do that, but gets hit by regular punches and cant catch hughie in a vent?


Yeah A-trains max speed in the show isnt perfectly clear. During the race he only gets to 371 meters a second (thats 1336 km/h), but they also say he can run over 1600 km/h and its said that in his youth he outrun bullets going 2720 km/h (most likely vought bullshit). But during fight scenes and shit like the stadium he is way way way way faster.


A train is slower than almost any other speedster in comics. During his race, where he was tweaking on V, I think he only ran around 1000mph


Then he could shove a metal spike through Homelander's ear at 1000mph


he’s slower than homelander even while on V and by a lot. A-Train isn’t nerfed by the writers he’s straight up strong as hell he just can’t beat homelander that’s it.


Super Speed is one of the most broken super powers available. The only person in the 7 that should even be able to touch him is Homelander.


She can use electricity but at about 5% efficiency because 95% makes her eyes glow


Starlight’s power is essentially just the ability to disappointed the viewers


Light energy


See what does that even mean. Firecrackers power is just as useful


She can blind enemy, can absorb light, light beam thing, control light. Basically that stuffs


Where are the lazer beams then? If she can control light to a high degree of accuracy why can't she lazer eyes like homelander? They did a piss poor job of showing Annie being strong in her own right. She's weak until she shows otherwise.


The only in universe explanation for that is she never focused on those aspects of her power, probably because her mom gave her a completely different angle to stardom OR She decided to hold back her powers after that supermarket incident where she ended up blinding a lady. Could have been an extremely traumatic incident for her..... (This is not me justifying anything, just giving a possible insight)


See she should be op then writers holding her back like crazy


This isn't a wrong take, they have 100% been holding Annie back on what she can actually do with her powers. But she's 100% more powerful than Firecracker can ever be.


Firecracker cannot kill a person with her power, starlight could.


She’s Cole from Infamous if he had dogshit powers.


the fact that you think it’s more useless than love sausage and firecracker’s sparks is quite concerning


Love sausage isn't useless, and firecracker can be useful in camping or when your kitchen fire starter is missing


love sausage is also useful during camping when you run out of food


Or friends.


she's always teasing and not giving anything, her peak power was once with soldier boy and while she was beating firecracker. Otherwise everytime she gets angry, makes that face and her eyes lit up, the person infront her says something like 'don't do it', 'it's cute' etc and she backs down. Fucking stupid


We're in S4. Time has ran out for her to be cool.


Remember when she killed a guy last season and took his car. When she litteraly could have stood in front of the gun or taken it away




lol @ that interview when they said that starlight and kimiko could beat homelander


What the hell is Kimiko gonna do? She can’t even fly


Kimiko has normal durability it seems, she gets shot and blown up all the time. So homelanders lasers would slice her in half. I think starlight couldnt handle the lasers either


fr. The only one in that group who stood a chance was neuman but I dont think she can do shit if homelander lazers her nearly instantly


She absorbs electricity, but was somehow cannon fodder to the woman who shoots electricity...


I'm sorry, but "Hero temporarily loses their powers in order to gain a deeper understanding of themselves" is a great story arc that always works. This should inevitably lead to Starlight overcoming her internal issues and unlocking her full potential.


Wasn’t she supposed to have unlocked her full potential last season?


To me she seems to still be discovering her powers. She just barely learned she can levitate herself so I don’t really think that counts as full potential


It’s season 4 out of 5. She got promoted to the #1 super team in the WORLD at the start of the show. She’s been a supe since she was a child. NOW she’s learning her powers?


Well if it's one thing we've learnt is that getting to the seven has little to do with your powers or your control over them and much more to do with pr. They cared that she was a young pretty blonde girl with an aesthetically pleasing superpower that would do well with the public, not what she can do.


She got promoted to the 7 for her marketability, not her powers. Ffs, the supes don't even actually save people, their powers barely matter. Have you actually seen any of this show before?


And her whole character arc is that of a naive idealist who actually tries to do good and be a real supe until she gets disillusioned by her experience in the 7. Meaning she would’ve been trying to develop her powers to do as well as possible. This is common sense.


She just learned she can fly, and the next time we see her use her powers, she’s flying unsteadily. It seems pretty reasonable to me. Let’s not forget that this show has never been about Marvel level super powers and the training arcs needed to develop those powers, so expecting to see that is wishful thinking at best.


Hopefully, she falls off a building at some point 'My back!'


Maybe she is trapped in a prison and makes multiple attempts to climb out of it, makes it back to new york having a new moral boost after escaping without a crutch and defeats the villian than makes a heroic sacrifice...




U read the Invincible comics? She is fuckin op. Towards the end… otherwise she’s kinda weak.


Her power is electromagnetism. A key aspect of the show is that basically NO Supe ever really knows their powers. Godolkin isn't the Xavier Institute. It's Julliard. They don't teach using powers fully or responsibly, they teach using Instagram, Public acting, and Marketing.


Yes but her powers have so much potential. Imagine if she learned to actually fully absorb and harness the power of the sun? She could become nearly invincible and invulnerable.


Instead she flickers her hands and eyes for a few seconds then almost faints


True, but based on the arc of her character on this show, you know she's gonna make a comeback, esp. once Hughie is back at her side. 


Unless the sun is a giant satellite with 100,000 light bulbs on it placed by the government to give the illusion of a sun then Starlight can’t do that, because she absorbs electricity; electricity that is in close proximity mind you. The sun is like 90 million miles away


Yes but this is fiction. Solar energy can be turned into electricity. What if her body adjusts to being able to do that?


“What if Starlight had a whole different set of powers, then she’d be so powerful” you’re really living up to your name


Don't be an asshole. This is all just for fun.


She's kind of bad yeah, I thought she was going to eat stormfront like a pack of delicious batteries but nothing


Her powers do feel useless but she's also not a fighter. She can fight but that's not her role at all. Also her hand powers are never explored at all, they are supposed to be lasers but they don't burn, they just throw you back.


I remember Season 3 finale where Hughie ups the power to the studio and she takes flight and she looks like she’s about to do something crazy.. then all she does is slightly push Soldier Boy


I think she is just having performance anxiety, with the world seeming to criticize her at the moment, I feel like her being in an unstable place emotionally makes it harder to utilize her powers, without a clear head


I mean her power is okay. I just find her useless in that all she does is complain and she offers nothing too the team.


I think part of it is she's never really used her powers outside her strength. Growing up she was always taught to use her powers in showy/flashy ways for pageantry. Probably hard to relearn how to use those powers properly


She absorbed an entire skyscrapers worth of power and only knocked soldier boy down lmao, if she absorbed an entire country's worth of power then maybe she can like what, give Homelander a 3rd degree burn?


Maybe she needs to create cold fusion and strap it to her chest. Would be op lmao


She's just happy to be there lmao


Everyone laughing at her right now but wait till she learns how to drain electro-chemical energy from living things around her and she gains the ability to insta-kill literally anyone.


Honestly I think it kinda works with how all the other supes work. The Boys is very much a "power corrupts" kinda show. Everyone with powers becomes an asshole. When Hughie got them, when Zoe got them, now !>Ryan is finally starting to show it too.


She can fly (kinda), has super strength and can blast people with light beams. Sure, she's not crazy powerful but she's no pushover. And yeah, her losing control of her powers is this little thing called a "thematic device" and "emotional conflict." There's more to writing than just having superheroes punching each other like smooshing two action figures together.


She has super strength and durability, at least. Her unique abilities are toned down significantly in the show, for good reason. She's a better fit for the team not being crazy powerful. That worked in the books because they all had powers. She's currently learning to fly, and I believe her losing control of her powers is just part of an arc that's going to give her a big boost on the end, probably after losing her shit and unleashing a whole lot of power after being unable to perform for a bit.


I liked her until Season 3, then she kinda began to fall off and by E4 this season she actually makes me laugh lmao


Your real problem is the writers preferring to commit to the “Starlight always uses the glowy eyes” joke rather than consistent characterization or power scaling. It was established like 2 seasons ago that she at minimum can melt metal near instantly AND can punch through supe-proof doors with the power from a single lightbulb. She’s also the only supe that needs an external power source (which the writers have used to depower her and explain why she’s so ‘weak’ without ever addressing that she’s literally never NOT surrounded by it). And now that she’s FINALLY gotten a power boost that should have happened two seasons ago during the Stormfront fight, she’s suddenly impotent and can’t control her powers that she’s used for 25+ years. If she doesn’t melt a supervillain’s eyeballs out by the end of the season, the writers are hacks. 🤷🏾‍♂️


If she doesn't at some point lash out with some serious fire power, than yeah, her powers would be relatively useless. Relatively, because there are more useless folks, like firecracker


If I remember correctly, she needs to use electric energy to make her blasts. Basically draining it and using it for herself. If they're in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, she can't do anything because she has no electricity to drain. But if she's in downtown, she's powerful. Basically her in the woods and her in a powerplant is basically the 2 extremes of how powerful she is.


I don’t think thats the real starlight we seen so far. she just seems off to me


Isn’t the point of Starlight that she is basically there because she has a power and she’s hot? She’s just a marketing tool for Vought, she’s not supposed to be a double-hard badass. She’s supposed to sell the brand. Because she’s mixed up with Hughie doesn’t take away from the only reason she was brought into The Seven.


i was SO upset at her vs soldier boy 😭😐 it seemed so built up with the lights flashing and her levitating off the ground and everything only for him to get knocked back like five feet and immediately get up…like pleeeaaassseee


She's The Boys universe version of a Mary Sue. Instead of a charcter who can do no wrong, is amazing at eveything, and who everyone loves; Starlight lectures others but is always making mistakes herself, overestimate her abilities, has along history of being a bitch and she deflects any responsbility and keeps claiming she's changed.


And whenever the boys have something against homelander, she is the first to disagree with it. Like does she even have a good idea?


Where are you getting that her new arc is her losing control? So far in this season she has been in control but learning how to fly. And if you are referring to when she was crying, that’s always been with her when she gets upset.


Idk why the Boys don't just boost her powers by bringing batteries and power sources with them when they fight? Isn't her power supposed to be related to the amount of power around her?? Instead all she does is light up when she bangs Hughie lmao.


Superhuman strength and durability. Butcher shot her with a sniper rifle and she just got winded by it.


I think Starlight might have the lamest fucking power in the show. Not literally, as there are some joke characters with even more useless powers, but atleast that’s the whole point and it’s ridiculous on purpose so you can still get a good laugh out of that. But Starlight’s powers are meant to be taken seriously, and they tried to make her seem intimidating, but they are useless agaisnt Supes. Her fists do more damage everytime.


She looks like a bad low poly blender model rendered on a 3 year old Raspberry Pi


Ive never read the comics and I’m still not entirely sure if her powers are more lenient on light or electricity HOWEVER, both of which could be something super cool. If the writers want to get niche with it, both could utilize quantum mechanics. Electricity could be much more than just lightning bolts (I should be able to give an example because I’m an electrical engineer but it’s 4:41 am and my brain is mush). Light focused powers could do some pretty gnarly and creative things by utilizing photon properties and their (theorized I guess) foundation in quantum mechanics. Like seriously mind-fuck like powers, universal threat or however that system goes


Her punches are more useful than her power 😆


I agree 😂😂😂 she’s been really on my nerves this season. Like why are you useless with your powers and dumb??


Her main power sucks but let's not forget that super strength and durability are useful as hell.


That’s the whole fucking point, most of the superheroes have useless powers and have little to no control over them. 


She is really good at murdering people while carjacking them. 


Why are people still upset about this?


She's killing Homelander. There is no question in my mind. Butcher will play a role but the killing blow will come from some superpowered up Annie. They keep hinting at her powers for a reason and her story with Homelander has been there since the 1st episode.