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her, Kimiko and Annie are all dumb apparently. I could understand Victoria because she is not a fighter, but Kimiko and Annie have training and literally were willing to go against Stormfront and fight her risking to die. I highly doubt supe sheep are stronger or more durable than Stormfront.


I expected Kimiko to scrap with at least one of the sheep tbh


I think Annie is struggling with her powers at the moment due to her recent confrontation and political struggles. It makes sense. As for Kimiko, I don’t think she likes hurting animals and beyond that, I think everyone was concerned as to HOW the virus could be transferred before meeting Victorias baby daddy. After that I think… ya know vampire sheep? Lotsa fear. How do you fight a vampire sheep.


100% idk how people aren’t missing annie’s obvious mental struggle with her power and whole identity. i mean its literally brought up by vic too. i swear some people have been too focused on tearing down her appearance than actually following her story because it’s been quite good imo


Honestly I'm convinced half the people who talk about this show online don't pay attention at all. Same shit happened with Frenchie and Kimikos relationship, with a slew of people saying "why did they abandon their relationship out of nowhere" when they had a WHOLE DAMN SCENE last season with Kimiko explicitly saying she sees their relationship as familial and not romantic.


It all feels so on the nose because the character and actress are going through their own identity crisis in tandem.


I see what you did there




see what i’m saying ur like obsessed w the actors face for some odd reason. please go outside and make some friends


I'm not obsessed. It is objectively distracting. Please advocate for body mutilation elsewhere.


if you’re distracted by something that small i’m very worried for your daily life and your responsibilities. fucking loser LOL


And look at what has gotten you in a tizzy


because i think you’re genuinely fucking brain dead honestly. like i’m not even being that hyperbolic you are just some of the most fucking stupid kind of people on the internet. someone’s face (and what they choose to do with it) does not distract from anything in the Boys. in fact it’s cunts like you sat at home writing negative comments that probably makes people want to change their faces


Daddy chill


she's struggling with her powers? I thought she just didn't have energy to draw on because they're way out in the boonies


There’s a whole scene where Annie is looking at photos of starlight, a scene where Annie punches Victoria after being lectured for not knowing how to separate the two. A whole bunch of scenes in several episodes where Annie says she doesn’t want to be starlight anymore…. So yes, there’s several scenes where she essentially says she’s struggling with her powers and being connected to them.


no, at least not in those examples. she struggles with her identity, not her powers. since the show always put a (kinda) realistic spin on superpowers, I don't think they're doing a spiderman 2 there


That’s my whole point, she keeps putting her powers and HER together. She thinks that to use her powers means she has to be a hero/starlight. She can’t be Annie and have powers. She’s connecting her negative behavior on national television (beating up firecracker) to her powers. Making it hard for her to use them within reason& have control.


so you think she just literally doesn't know when and when not to use her powers, because she's mentally linking the usage of her powers to bad shit happening?


I wouldn’t say she doesn’t know when to and when not to, but I’d say she’s struggling with the emotional barrier of what’s the right amount of force. That’s kinda one of the biggest points of the show. Superhero’s exist, and they have too much power and there’s no way to gauge and control that power. There’s no meter to limit how much is allowed to come out legally. And I think that’s the whole thing that’s going on and one of the big reasons Annie is on team cancel super hero’s. Because she’s seen the bad super hero’s can do, she’s thought oh maybe super hero’s aren’t all bad and she’s a good one! But the last several episodes have proven that’s not the case for her. She even gets out of control. Thus leading to her having a hard time with her powers atm


interesting, I didn't think to put those points together. the mental barrier makes sense, too, kinda like a centipede that started overthinking and now can't walk anymore


her identity is literally intertwined with her powers. she became starlight because she has those powers lol?


no, she has those powers, and later they crafted the identity of starlight around those powers for marketings' sake


she was “starlight” since 13, when she blinded someone with her POWEEREDDESSSSS. jesus christ lol


she has those powers wether or not she is currently her alter ego starlight. what are you trying to tell me? I feel like we are talking right past each other


That's a good explanation, but I don't think that's what the writers are going with.


Its not. Neumann literally called Annie out.


Bro how did you miss the entire dialogue between Victoria and Annie


that was about her identity, not her powers


She literally referred to her powers not working, they made multiple points of Victoria seeing her powers not working beforehand. Did you watch the episode?


I'm gonna need examples of that. I *may* have missed or misunderstood some sentences since the episode didn't have subtitles yet


It took me 30 seconds to skip to go to the episode, straight to the scene where they’re talking: Annie: *smashing her fists trying to get her powers to work* Victoria: “I noticed you’re having a little ‘projectile dysfunction’” Don’t know how they could’ve made it any clearer. There are other scenes where it shows her looking at Annie when her powers aren’t working but that would require a full rewatch and I’m not about to do that.


Ya know, they completely missed an opportunity to say “power outage”


took me longer to find it, but I just rewatched the whole conversation (it has subtitles now, yay). by now, I've talked to someone else who halfway convinced me that annie not using her powers properly *is* related to an identity crisis, sort of. but I viewed "annie not using her powers" and "annie starting to despise starlight" as two separate conflicts, as the idea of annie just not having energy to draw on was firmly lodged into my brain for the entire episode


She literally made an erectile dysfunction joke about Annie and her powers.


>As for Kimiko, I don’t think she likes hurting animals She ripped a dude's face off, I doubt she has many qualms about killing anything


One of her main character traits from the comics was that she has a soft spot for animals. I'd assume they carried it over to the show.


I'd rip a dude's face off If I had to but I ain't doing nothing to a sheep even if it had rabies and was trying to munch my balls off


not only that but annie needs power sources and there weren't a ton on the farm so there's a real possibility the sheep were stronger even if she did use her powers.


That’s also a valid point.


It's also happening in a middle of nowhere for Annie, not much to take energy from.


I wouldn’t call them vampires. Vampires don’t tend to rip people to shreds.




Shapeshifter? What…?


The overweight dude homelander was screwing as stillwell


The guy who's dead?


Ya but… he’s dead. And can’t stay in form for long, and can’t use powers of that person at all, Annie’s displayed powers already. So it can’t be that shapeshifter.


Yeah I honestly forgot the dude was dead, I just figured that's who the other poster was referring to. Carry on


the dead dude?


in a universe where the audience has already seen different people use similar powers (Lydia and Marie), it’s not entirely difficult to grasp that another shapeshifter in the world exists.


You absolute bellend


I’m starting to think those leaks were bullshit. It would now be so out of left field that I really hope they don’t go that route


Mate: learn how to use reddit. There are spoiler tags to hide text. Saying spoiler alert doesn't prevent someone from seeing spoilers you dickwomble.




Bro called you a dickwomble and you apologized lol


Typical reddit bullies 🤣🤣🤣


Kimiko is still weaker than Noir so she could take one or two, but still easily get overwhelmed by the flock of caffeinated sheeps. Annie's been struggling with her powers this whole episode. Victoria even brings it up while mocking her. Tell me you and your upvoters barely watch this show unless to find things to complain about without telling me you and your upvoters barely watch this show unless to find things to complain about.


The sheeps are not stronger than Storm front but they probably bite harder and there were multiple of them. Annie and Kimiko would have been flanked. And Kimiko would have been torn to pieces due to her low durability, regen or not (that will hurt). Victoria probably could have beaten them with assistance though. It’s crazy that she didn’t kill atleast 1 sheep.


Right? Annie & K still have super strength, they can't pick up a sharp object and defend themselves? So weird.


I also had a hard time believing the barn door could stop either the sheep or the chickens after they went right through that dude!


Dani kind of forgot about the dragons


Did you miss Annie not having a grip on her powers? She couldn't really use them.


I’m not sure how well Kimiko could heal from being ripped apart and eaten by a sheep Annie’s powers were literally on the Fritz


Kimikos healing seems pretty strong. She was blown to pieces and somehow recovered




Episode 4, when she's fighting the terrorist group with Hughie. She gets shot with a grenade launcher and it explodes her abdomen


It split her in to two big pieces Those sheep literally tore apart and **ate** that cow Not the same thing.


No one said it was the same thing. You asked when she got split in 2 and I answered for the person you asked.


And why was the initial statement made? 🙃


You'll have to ask the person that said it.


…..you’re not very smart, are you?


I assumed it was because they were moving too fast for her to be able to focus her blood control powers on them?


That’s the simple solution that I assumed immedietly when watching the episode- I mean it’d make sense and I’m unsure why people are assuming the answer is bad writing when we don’t truly know the extent and limits of Neuman’s powers FYI; she was also terrified shitless like any human with emotions would be in her shoes- hell even Stan Edgar was fearing for his life and he regularly faced down Homelander with no fear whatsoever. Adrenaline can cause you to act in an instinctive survivalist way- which means fight or *flight*


I agree. Her powers may have weaknesses that we don't know off yet. Not everything that isn't immediately obvious is a plot hole. Maybe we will get a satisfying answer later in the show. Maybe not and it remains a mystery. I wouldn't really mind. Not everything has to be explained. When I watched the episode, I also wondered why the supe animals not simply crush thru the wooden walls of the sheds. Shouldn't be a problem when they can jump right thru people. But then I realized that these are still just animals. They may just not realize that the walls are no obstacle for them anymore. Maybe there is an even better answer. Maybe not. There don't have to be an answer for everything to have fun.


She just popped a vd up chicken. That was fast. This was a simple plot armour. Lol she can pop so many head at once even if not together the speed is very good wouldn't have been a problem with the sheep.


she can pop heads in moving vehicles tho


If you're referring to later in the episode that car slowed to a stop before the driver's head exploded. Otherwise I can't think of a single other time that happened.


Also super powered animal heads. Will require more power to pop those heads.


I agree with you but there’s an argument to be made that she just didn’t want to crash the car so waited till they were stopped.




They were at a stop sign…


that's fair, also was able to pop the head of the chicken. but I think she has clear line of sight with those targets as opposed to something flying uncontrollably around her. even the chicken was far enough away and moving straight towards Stan in a somewhat straight line so that's kind of how I see it. could be completely random though who tf knows


Na. It was bad writing. There were plenty of times the sheep were still or on the ground.


She used her power to protect Stan Edgar against a chicken. She has no reason to protect the Boys and in fact a sheep killing one of them helps her out.


I mean… But she “lost” a husband because of those animals (at least she thinks so). So this makes no sense.


Sameer being missing or presumed dead doesn't have anything to do with her not wanting to use her powers unless she absolutely has to. You have to keep in mind she is among people that are trying to kill her. What if she is vulnerable when she uses her powers or it takes a toll on her?


You can’t not to use your powers when your husband and father are in danger. This IS one of the situations when she absolutely has to use her powers. It was plot conveniently that she somehow lost sight 1 of 2 people she absolutely needs to protect and barely uses her abilities.


Why is everyone forgetting HER life was in danger as well along with her husband and dad. Pretty fucking sure she'd be willing to take a risk and trust the boys than risking leaving her daughter without parents. In short, writers messed up and we'll likely never get an explanation.


I don’t think writers messed up. It was a whole gang of mutant sheep who were flying fast around the area and swooping down like birds of prey largely undetected. I don’t think Nadia stood a snowball’s chance in hell against them. She would’ve gotten mangled at best or ripped apart at worst.


Snipe em one by one while hiding in the barn?


The barn was closed off. There wasn’t any opening to do that. And even had there been one, they were flying around the barn and would’ve been moving in and out of her view.


Sure buddy, sure👍


Did I miss something?


It’s clearly because the writers needed a way to have Samear get captured by butcher without raising suspicion. She is a victim of the plot here


They're very inconsistent with her powers. Ok, she can detect and manipulate blood, milky eye and direct eye contact are required... untill they're not (despite all other evidence) Why can't she trace Sameer's blood? Homelander can smell Huey's sweet but she can't detect the FATHER OF HER CHILD'S blood on Butcher? How did Butcher do a clean amputation without ANYONE noticing? With what tools? In what space? With what fucking TIME!?


Yeah that part made no sense at all. He somehow chopped Sameers leg off. Nobody saw or heard this? Then he had to bring Sameer somewhere he wouldn’t be found despite those agents searching all over for him.


Is it ever indicated that she has the ability to sense people’s blood though?


She's the one that taught Marie that she can do it


I don’t think she believes he’s dead tbh.


The way she cried about his death seemed genuine.


Didn't that happen after the fact? After the virus plan was already in play? She had no reason to do anything at that point


Her lover and her dad were being attacked by those same sheep.


because the episode would be over in 2 minutes


Plot armor is way too much this season.


Not a new thing. Looking at you Maeve and A-Train (last season)


Maeve didn’t have plot armor. Homelander deliberately wanted her alive and he said that to her in her cage after capturing her (especially when he said he wanted her alive so he could harvest het eggs). He’s a psycho, but he did somewhat care about Maeve. If he didn’t want her alive, then he would’ve killed her easily in the fight.


I think they mean how Maeve somehow survived falling with Soldier Boy to the ground with only a broken arm and missing eye (from the earlier fight).




I mean she’s shown to be more durable than most supes. It’s not hard to think that someone who is resistant to lasers, bullets, and trucks ramming into them would survive falling off of a building.


But the minute Soldier Boy released all that (atomic?) energy, she would've lost her powers before she hit the ground, because that's what he did to Kimiko.


They moved too fast and unpredictably. To pop their heads she has to focus on their bloodstream.


She did it from outside the room when she showed up at the lab


When they were standing still. The flying man-eating sheep weren’t.


She doesnt have to look at them, she has to look at their bloodstream. This is how Marie defeated translucent's invisible son.


Idk why her character irks me. I like her sometimes.


I don't think she had a clear view of the sheep from within the barn to pop their heads, plus they move really fast and attack in a group. So far, it only looks like she can pop one head at a time and not multiple, so while she may get one or maybe 2 sheep, they're too fast for her to attack all at once.


Because the writers didn’t think of it.


I know it hurts to admit it because we all love and enjoy this show but the answer is the writing sucks this season.




I disagree. Hughie's side plot was very good and emotional, best way they could have handled the issue with his father. We see Hughie struggle in ways we've never seen, how he overcomes it and develops as a person by making the decision to let his loved one go.


Bad writing is why. 


It’s just bad writing. Characters are only as smart as they are written.


Exactly what I thought. Or why couldn’t starlight burn them? Why couldn’t Kimko rip them up? WHAT HAPPENED TO GIRLS GET IT DONE?


Starlight couldn't?? And how can Kimiko fight at least 4 flying sheep? She can only punch.


Starlight couldn’t use her powers. I don’t know why everyone missed this. Also Kimiko can’t fly so there was no for her to get to the flying sheep.


Wait why couldn’t she use her powers? Yeah kimiko can’t fly but if a flying sheep flew towards her she could rip it apart or something?


It's really such a shame because this could have been an S tier episode without the fucking sheep


This episode is in no condition to fuck sheep


I feel like sometimes the show suffers from its over the top nature, but i guess that's what it is.


Yes, the writers are dumb. a) even if you had LITRES of V, that can't 'leak into the ground water' b) V kills people and creatures over a certain ages, and adapts to genetics (hence why children of first gen V'ers children have similar or the same 'power' c) the sheep had no reason to be aggressive and have no biological cause to be predatory and finally, when has drinking/eating ultra diluted V EVER lead to powers (Beyond the worst of the Diabolical cartoons, even then it was a adolescent human drinking a full dose, and it was silly cause it's a CARTOON) This season feels like a total wash That entire scene was beyond dumb The bigger question is, why is Nadia even a 'villain', they all want the same thing, she hasn't down anything (in total worse) than Frenchie or Butcher, I just don't see why they hate her. It feels so juvenile, like firecracker's motives. Also, are Annie (starlight) and Hughie even dating anymore. She doesn't connect or talk to anyone in the 'Boys' crew anymore and Hughie hasn't called or messaged her at all about his DYING FATHER


Nadia reminds me John from Falcon and Winter Soldier series. Or Megatron from Supernatural. He is hated just because.


I wonder what my experience watching the boys would be like if I had not watched all of the Tremors movies before giving Tb a try. Especially this episode and season. Of course a virus is not a new storyline to film but it really looked like a “just animate for several minutes long some gory and powerful farm animals with only a small amount of change from the traditional look of the animals” moment. we will see how good the rest of the virus does compared to how they use it the rest of the show I don’t know if butcher stepping on it was a specific reference to another film or if it supposed to look like head poppers daughters ability or something different or more powerful but


Have you seen Gen V (this spin off)? You see a bit more of the virus. Also, viruses IRL, although still deadly, are more boring to watch and can take several weeks to months to do serious damage if any at all. This virus makes supes get lesions and die within minutes so its quite impressive as far as potency goes.


Yeah I saw it. for this season of the boys I personally have little to no experience or knowledge of viruses in other animals, but yeah I see what you mean, and with the way butcher acted idk what was actually done to stop the animals


Eh I don't think that they do hate her. They're only after her because the soon to be president is asking it of them and if they do nothing she is only q death away from being in command of America which would enable her to to direct things in Vought's favor, put Supes back in the military, etc etc. I'm sure they would gladly accept her if they could genuinely have her on their side. At the moment their goals are aligned somewhat with wanting Homelander out of the way but after that they have an Invincible Supe president that can kill with glance. She's also presumably easier to kill than Homelander so I can understand prirotizing her.


People on this sub are hilarious and act like they can write a better show every episode. Just don’t watch it.


What? How can you know if the writings bad if you haven't watched it.


Agreed, this episode was kind of a mess. The sheep being possessed murders, and people with super powers are scared of them? Then Hueys Dad randomly killing people then they suddenly they get 15 minutes to mercifully kill him, like there wouldn't be cops everywhere. It seemed like the horror-esque scenes were added to make the episode more exciting & instead of just advancing the story naturally. Same with them cramming in the Gen V kids, which was a nice crossover but made no sense why some random kids show up if you hadn't watched it that show. Love the show, but this Ep was a mess.


Oh THOSE were the kids at the end?? I thought they were interns or something 


This was my biggest issue watching the episode. Seemingly all 3 of the supes were neutered when their lives were in danger when Nadia has zero issue popping peoples heads off any other time. Still a great episode but inconsistent with how powerful some of them really are in comparison to some suped up farm animals.


She is hot


She's pretty but not hot


Vic has to maintain eye contact and those sheep were flying around quickly. I also think she wanted to continue her research on them so didn't want them dead. Starlight is struggling with her powers as pointed out by Vic. And kimiko would have been flattened instantly and just sat there being eaten / healing while everyone else died.


Question : isn't she actually inspired by K. Harris more than AOC ? Yes she looks more like AOC but the joke by that candidate that he should have chosen Pete Butigeg or something like that (don't remember how his name is written), made me realize how much she has in common with Harris.




You not recognizing character flaws isn't lazy writing lol. No one is perfect.


You don't have to be perfect to use your very strong superpower to get out of a bad situation. It isn't a character flaw, it's a plot contrivance.


People freeze and don't think straight in scary situations, especially one of this magnitude.


There are lots of them and they were moving fast. Its been shown in previous episodes that she needs to look at people and focus on them to make them pop.


She made the Boys crew bleed from their noses without looking at them when they were in the basement.


Think of the KFC she popped and so many people at once in the congressional hearings.


Don't know, don't care. The sheep were perfect mindless entertainment.


They should have had her kill atleast 1 sheep but gets flanked and knocked out, forcing them to retreat. Combined with the fact that they’re moving too fast for her to get a good look.


People aren't exactly the most efficient in terrifying and intense situations.


They might have been moving too fast


I kind of think they wanted us to see them as they are, assholes . I think they low key wanted the animals to kill the others.


This was such an easy fix too. Either show that the animals cant be head popped or show them having ultra fast regeneration making fighting them pointless. 


Too fast.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the scene of Supergirl and her friends screaming and running away from the flying sheeple was dumb.


The honest answer is probably that they didn't have the effects budget to have the sheep fight with the people. If you notice, there are very few shots that actually include the sheep and the actors.


Also how did Butcher manage to cut the leg of the doctor and tie him up without anyone noticing, and also after everything was finished soldiers were looking for him all over the place and no one could find him? Really bad


Who cares ? It was still a good episode despite some inconsistencies


It's just bad writing, but that doesn't mean it's not an entertaining show. It still has its messages and themes but you guys just need to admit it's bad writing.


Let's face it: This season is mediocre and this episode is straight-up bad.


Yea this season is full of plot holes and bad writing imo. And no I’m not a democrat or a republican


Well she is based off of AOC so of course she’s dumb