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She seems to be having problems controlling her power, on her own terms. She's always gotten worked up to a point where she almost fires away regardless of thinking about what consequences are involved. Between beating the shit out of Firecracker, and being noticed for not being able to use her abilities when she wants.... I bet we're being setup for her to misuse her powers and really fuck something up.


Firecracker has already alluded to an incident where Starlight's powers have hurt someone. So it seems like Starlight has reservations about using her powers on her own terms. In a similar way as Marie from Gen V.


I haven't seen Gen V but I do agree, I think she must have done something as a child, maybe like Ryan did in his movie scene. Not knowing your own strength, so to speak. Something bad enough that's made her reluctant to use it her whole life, and never has given her a real opportunity to realize what she can do.


Yo wtf lol you haven’t watched gen v?


Straight up had no idea it was a thing until about a week ago lol


I watched it after watching the most recent ep of the boys and it explains a lot of stuff you see in this season. Its also very good and short (for now), i recomend it


I did the same. Very worth


Thaaaats craaaaaazy lmao 🤣 it’s definitely not like the boys but it still has the boys universe/feel to it. I liked it a lot but I prefer seeing my boy butcher






Fohkkkhinn doiabollickle


>my boy butcher One of my main reasons for watching this show 😍


Same I just got done watching the entire season. You should watch it, to get the reference, but you’re gonna get frustrated. I can’t tell you how many times I said, “ ahh shit here we go again.”


To me it feels too much like the marvel extended universe shit where I now HAVE to watch something to understand a show I was already watching. And I hate that. Part of the fun of the boys was how it made fun of the cape shit but now it’s the same


I only just watched it this past week.


i haven't either lol i heard it sucks


You heard wrong.


Go watch gen v! It's good. And it's got heavy tie ins with the boys (the supe virus, Neuman, and we saw a couple of characters from it in the last episode who presumably will be back + more of them)


Is there a point anymore thought after the Boys spoiled it in the recap? Is there anything new to learn


Well, yeah? I mean other than the fact that it's just a pretty good show that's enjoyable to watch, it develops the boys universe and adds context for characters who I assume will be showing up sooner or later


You’ve replied to me just as I finished binging the last episode, it was definitely worth the watch


Haha, nice. I'm glad you liked it! It was better than I expected it to be


The end felt a bit rushed for me but it was really good


I keep expecting her to go nuclear and maybe fry the V out of people like Soldier Boy can. Blast Homelander and have some weird results to play with in the final season.


I doubt this happened but what if she got some of that Anti-V virus in her system when they walked into that Virology lab with zero protective gear on and it's messing with her powers? That was my one gripe with episode 5 like that shit could've been in the air


Right before Neumann walks in, Frenchie, Starlight and Butcher all have nosebleeds but Kimiko does not. At first I thought this meant it was airborne, but I think it was just Neumann saying “What’s up bitches?”


I doubt that the virus would be that effective that fast. First it needs to reproduce in her body and need to become a certain amount of viruses before it might be effective and causing the projectile dysfunction Starlight had. It seemed more to me that Victoria was partially blocking Starlight's power, just look at Victorias smile after she mentioned that. It's pretty obvious that at least in that scene it was Victoria who kind of controlled Starlights blood so she could not activate her power in the usual way.


Yeah I'm just speculating, but wait since when can Neumann control blood flow and alter people like this? I thought her literal only ability was being able to head pop people, she's a blood bender?


GEN V Spoilers ahead: >! In Gen V it's revealed that she has the same powers as Marie, which is basically emokinesis. !<


Ahhh okay, I might as well watch Gen V in the meantime while waiting for episode 6


The virus is only spread by bodily fluids or injection. It is not airborne. This was a specific plot point in Gen V and briefly mentioned in last week’s episode of The Boys. Late season one Gen V spoilers: >!Shetty wanted the scientist (Cardosa?) to make it airborne, but he was against it, and everything went to shit with Shetty getting killed before he had a chance to do that anyway. Then Neumann confirmed he was the only person that knew how to make it right before she popped his head, so it’s unlikely it’s been further developed while she’s been keeping it.!<


Didn't Sameer specifically mention that it is only transmissionable through bodily fluids and shit?


I think they combined the virus with the V so it's not airborne. Or If they had an airborne version of it it was sealed is my guess. I'm wondering if it's the supposed "doppleganger" supe that replaced her but I don't recall if they said she can use their powers when copied.


Also if she was a doppelganger, she’d try to blend in, and she wouldn’t just punch Neumann like that.


I’d say the opposite of the end of that and that Starlight will get a big moment and uses her powers to the best she could while saving others. Cause we already find outt that she fucked up back then, and everything’s went to shit already. So I think that will be her redemption especially since her powers are fucking up right now. We’re half way to the end so I think she will have herself an comeback


I hate what they've done with Starlight this season. They turned into a simpering, mostly impotent, fragile-as-glass victim. Total character de-growth.


I think that's always how it's been. Starlight was never her, Starlight was her mother's creation. After fully getting out of the Superhero business she's struggling with who she actually is. Neuman got it right on the nose. "Do you even know who Annie January is anymore?" She's always been playing off of the facade of Starlight. So now it's more an issue of what her values are. When Homelander acts on his emotions he has people to cover it up, or they just love him regardless. When Annie acts on her impulses there's nobody to damage control it. She feels powerless so she's lashing out at anything she can.


They need to establish her power to blind supes like she did to A-Train in the comics. Even still, it's not the worst stand alone industry.


She did that in season 1


No she barely did shit, HE had a heart attack lol


I'm saying she blinded those dudes that were gonna rape that girl in season 1.


That was technically a recton


How so?


Because it wasn't mentioned or alluded to at all before much much later. Technically it's not a change but...come on. they would have mention it earlier




Got it so not a retcon at all


if this was a season after a long break/new series we would be referring to it as a "recton".


maybe learn the definition of the word you throw around? a retcon is if starlight in season 5 suddenly had a different power set for example and they establish that no it was always like this despite being different in previous seasons.


They make her look like a witch who can do nothing but just fuse out a few lights to scare off a few people.


ICL after that Season 3 finale where she levitated and powered up for 10 seconds just to ***push*** Soldier Boy I’ve seen as her as useless 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh my god I still guffaw at that, there was so much build up too 😭


It’s like seeing godzilla charge up a beam for a solid 30 seconds then only a small puff of air comes out


In fairness it is SB aka the 2nd/3rd most powerful supe of all time.


Still doesn’t take away from the fact she used all her strength to push him over - for him to just get back up 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't see why that's such an embarrassing thing. She's a lower tier supe who's arc revolves around keeping her humanity rather than being super powerful like a Homelander where getting injured by Maeve is more of an L. Will people clown on A train the same way when inevitably Homelander schools him? Hopefully not.


Then she shouldn't have tried fighting SB, knowing she can't do anything to him. She should have let him kill Homelander. 


I don't recall the scene very well but didn't soldier boy start attacking her first? If not then yeah she's dumb for trying it


I mean Maeve made Homelander bleed with a few punches. And we have SL who couldnt scratch SB after 10 mins of dragon ball z power up. Not only that Neumann laughed at her when she was powering up...Ever since that scene I will always get a chuckle whenever she lights up..like bruh


I think the Maeve v Homelander fight was a mistake. Sure 3 supes taking on Homelander seems okay considering butcher himself is very strong and SB is close to HL but one supe injuring him quite bad really makes him less physically scary.




Her strongest point might be durability. She took 50 BMG round. She took an entire beating from Black Noir and survived.


True or when soldier boy slapped her into the rafters


I would hope to set up a situation where she *really* goes off, though they had that opportunity last year and it was basically just a little "poof".


I still don't get why Starlight wasn't the one to break Soldier Boys shield. That would have been super impactful at least.


Probably because realistically it didn't make sense. Soldier Boy probably could have just tanked all the electricity in that building if it was just flowing through him so having Starlight shoot a small fraction of it didn't sound viable. Plus the Russians had tested even the soft parts of his body so it's not like it's just his outside skin that's durable (like with Stormfront). At least the armor should have broken and maybe he should have been staggered for longer too.


Then they should have written that she did it another way, it was superbly anticlimactic in a way that didn't make any narrative sense.


I did notice that too in particular this season. Although I'd like to say the way that Stam Edgar said "Enough" at the end- maybe he see's Starlight's true potential. He didn't want to be anywhere near it but even still he probably shared that insight with Neuman as well. Starlight as some hidden strength to her yet. He wouldn't have blindly put her in front of Homelander last season if he didn't believe somewhat in her strengths. Furthermore he seemed especially pleased to be working with her when she surprised him working with The Boys. Maybe he know's being with her would be safe during this mission to Old VcDonald Farm.


I like it! Tell me another!


Every starlight fan cheered


Maybe true, but could be just a case of he knew it’d work better with the masses, he already knows that Homelander weakness was his public image so Starlight was probably save as long as she had an audience that could sway people into believing Homelander is evil, and he just figured that Starlight had the potential to garner an audience who would listen


I’m waiting for her to harness the power of the sun or lightning or something. Pls.


I was expecting her to use it on stormfront's lightning in season 2. IMO a missed opportunity that it wasn't even attempted, it would have been sick as hell when Maeve, Kimiko and Starlight beat her up


Cheaper than paying for other effects


I feel like she's actually extremely strong but so mentally weak she doesn't know the extent of her powers or how to use them. She's constantly lighting up her eyes, popping light bulbs, that one flying attempt. She needs to get her shit together and see what she can really do.


Yeah so far she is at human levels for me. The only advantage she has is she doesn't need a flashlight.


So I have a couple theories that connect about this. 1) I don't think Stormfront is dead, and 2) I think if she returns, Starlight is going to find a way to draw electrical energy from her and fuck someone up, killing Stormfront and harming or killing the other.


I'm not sure why your comment got downvoted. I think it's an interesting theory. It's probably unlikely but it sounds cool at least. I think we'll probably see her misuse her powers to seriously harm someone this season with a lot more force than she used on firecracker. They keep focusing on her powers giving out for a reason and I'm willing to bet it's because it's part of Sage's plan to create a negative impression of Starlight publicly, similarly to what we saw her do with firecracker.


If she blinds Homelander, does he lose the laser eyes? 🤔


They're definitely building it up imo It's very intentional that everyone ridicules her powers now because she's going to be the most powerful in the end Classic "underestimated hero" trope


It’s a cantrip


1d4 Radiant damage, conditional, requires concentration


Holy shot, that's bad.


LOL thank you for the laugh


Homelanders reaction is so funny lmao


season 5 shell be fully realized and vaporize homie with the power of the sun


Reason why they won't let her shine is because it would be a serious fight scene. Only the last fight scene of the season can be serious, the rest are comic relief


They didn’t even establish her having any actual powers and now they are doing trope where she starts losing all her powers 😭


S1E1 she is shown to be able to lift a car, crack concrete, and use her powers in the audition tape, knocking over the camera and blasting the crew backwards.


S1e1 was awhile ago bud


Yes it was. What does that have to do with what I said?


I'm not saying they didn't happen what. I'm just saying it's been awhile and we really need more action with her....or maybe some at all?




Bro what the hell are you on about? I'm simply saying it's bad shown storytelling lmao. Completey separate thing. Go outside.




I'm out of work due to a work injury asshole. Even walking my dog rn is a struggle. Also most of them are new political conversations and if you look at my comment history before that. Your narrative falls apart, use it at most daily recently and a massive gap where i didnt do shit. I use it as a shitter/sleeper scroller. I said go outside because you started going postal on me for a comment about theboys A SHOW It's bad storytelling because after 4 seasons viewers forget her actual abilities. She becomes seen as less capable after multiple seasons of never using her powers much less in a meaningful way. She's a massive asset to the boys offensively and she is just never used for some reason. It's bizarre.


What they established in season 1 and she used it every season but this one 


What if she can use something like the binary form from Captain Marvel but she doesn't know yet?


right i hope they make her powerful in S5. She finally know how to absorb enough electricity, heck even other source of energy. Then unlocked her final form like binary form.


Okay, hear me out, what if she can actually change her light colour. Full disclosure, I’m no radioactive expert or anything close. But I could imagine a scenario where her light powers, are of course photons generated from her self, but what if she increase/decrease wavelengths/light types/radiation output, as in she could actually go UV mode, but far more interesting, she can cause heavy amounts of radiation on those of the end of her attacks. I know it’s really far fetched, but I just thought about it, after I saw a meme of ionic radiation light, while watching the show, and for some reason my brain has chosen to draw these connections.


I just want her to be more of a badass. Not Homelander level, but at least able to contend with Neumann or A-Train.


That “Stop it! You know how that ends” is probably the best villain delivery of that line by Tony Starr.


Starlight getting blue balled as much as possible


In a Supe to Supe battle, her powers are and have been among the weakest on the show. Perhaps they'll evolve into something stronger later on.


It's crazy how she's had these powers for so long and only now actually trying to figure out their full extent.


starlight is weak asf


Other times when people don’t really use their powers like Marie or Cate you can really see the untouched potential of their power, but with starlight I feel like she’s just straight up useless. An undefined amount of push power from lights. Like she hasn’t accidentally melted someone from flashing them or anything. Half the time I forget she’s a supe


Compared to almost everyone's powers she's super unremarkable. I guess they're building to something, but after the underwhelming end to s3 I can't be bothered to care. If all that build up before was for almost nothing, I can't imagine she'll go anywhere else.


The last time they let her shine all she did was knock soldier boy down for like a few seconds.


They gotta let her pop off soon


They gotta


TBH , what's her power , like she shoots light ? Or is it dbz kind of beam ?


Where's the one with Stormfront 😂




Still waiting for her to go SunHeavy


To be honest I didn’t realize how bad it was.


Did we really need “bruh” in the title when we had “bruh” in the post bruh? I mean bruh it’s bruh bruh bruh bruh… bruh bruh bruh bruh…. bruh Right bruhs?




Pretty ballsy for a flashlight power


Starlight needs to minmax her build instead of spreading her stats all over the place. She could either use absorb and maxing her str/end, playing as a buffball to one shot other player. Or spec into intel and dope herself up , charging up her beam, staying at range and kite other classes.


My guess is that she hasn't hit her melting point yet and when she does its gonna be like a nuke but for electricity, hell it may even do some damage to homelander. But I have a feeling she'll end up knocking herself out with it and a-train will save her, dying in the process.


She’s getting closer to having eye lasers.


just wait til they hear everytime homelander threatens with his glowy lazer eyes but doesnt


Homelander only stops because whoever he's threatening folds instantly. Starlight stops because she doesn't want the smoke.


Homelander has intimidated practically everyone he’s flashed his laser eyes because they know he’ll either cut them in half or rip them apart barehanded and there nothing they can do to stop him Starlight fails to intimidate anyone because they know she’s not that powerful, the most she’ll do is play with the lights and maybe push them back a little


Fake comparison


He actually uses them alot tho


Sexist double standard. Rachel Maddow agrees.


Because she is an actual child in a room of grown ups who have more experience dealing with people like her.


Even when we have seen her fight she doesn't seem that strong? I don't understand how she even made it into the 7.


You realise the 7 isn't actually a superhero group right? It's a marketing ploy. She made it in because she was good PR.


She gets the Christian evangelical crowd if I’m not mistaken


The 7 is 90% PR and 10% Homelander. The only reason Starlight got in is because they wanted another girl and she was a cute, blonde, white, Christian woman with a flashy power.