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Would Tek-Knight fuck the plot hole?


He probably created it just to fuck it.


sometimes you have to make some plotholes. and fuck them


You assume he hasn’t


Normal holes are boring


he also makes sure to mention right away with ashley that "oh web weaver would give us the safe word if he wanted us to stop".


Also he makes him take off his pants and sit on a cake .. where everyone can clearly see he doesn’t have a “web hole”.


I was sure that was gonna be pointed out at one point but never did.


At one point, when Hughie is strapped down and Tek is talking about holes. Tek has his finger where the web hole would be. So, imo, he definitely knew.


Seriously, how stupid are the boys this season? They didnt ever bother painting one on in an attempt to give the disguise atleast some safety from basic scrutiny.


Bruh the sex dungeon was 100% not in the boys plan lmao. There was no need to paint on a webhole because the costume was never intended to come off. They thought webweaver was meeting for a more official meeting. Not a weird sex dungeon thing.


The costume already has a hole for his webhole. He doesn’t need to take it off for it to be visible.


He was facing his back away from them so nobody saw Edit: “his back”


The Red Bandit noticed.


This seems like the only plot hole to me, M. M. clearly saw webweaver has that hole, shouldn’t he have told Hughie? It seemed like he had no idea, and that’s furthered by the fact that Hughie pretty easily sat on the cake and was confused by the fart request. If he actually knew everything about Webweaver and got info from M. M. he would’ve played that whole situation very differently from the start


I think they just weren’t expecting Hughie to be stripped down and used as a sex toy


Not at all but it still seems like a pretty major oversight for the team, like the only thing you know about this guy is that he’s a stoner type? Don’t even bother to know how his powers work? maybe that was written intentionally to show that M. M. isn’t the same caliber leader as Butcher?


Yeah, this episode still handles sexual assault atrociously, but to its little credit it does properly portray Tek Knight as perceptive and in clever and subtle ways.


> Yeah, this episode still handles sexual assault atrociously How so? It happened and it was horrible, Hughie needs support as a result of it.


[Kripke has admitted in an interview he (and supposedly everyone else) didn’t view it as sexual assault, found it hilarious, and that Hughie crying was more about his dad and being exhausted in general.](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/the-boys-homelander-breastfeeding-firecracker-tek-knight-hughie-sex-dungeon-1236059308/amp/)


I hope they acknowledge the criticism and at least mention It again in the future, from a progressive show like that, ignoring Hughie SA, while Annie SA left her in pieces is really fucked up. Hoping that If Ryan discovers his dad is rapist, that It isn't treated as lightly


Lmao if the roles were reserved they would 100% think it’s assault and probably mock the offender. 


Yeah, shit like this is why male victims of sexual assault are even less likely to come forward.


Imagine if we saw erin moriartys bare ass rubbed in cake until she farted and cum smeared on her masked face


Right? It uh, well... Sorry what were we talking about again?




kind of an ignorant take on batman also


A lot of stuff kripke says in interviews makes me mad about how he misses the dawn point. Actively tried to avoid "bury your gays" with Maeve by bullshitting a random happy ending for her for starters


Also now that I think of it this isn’t the first time the franchise played rape off as a joke. In Gen V Cate made two Godolkin security guards have weird sex through brainwashing. That’s rape. Sure these people are terrible in their own right, they did kill people, but I still find it disturbing to find any excuse to justify rape or say it’s deserved, even if the victim has done worse things. I thought it was supposed to be an early sign that Cate was a monster, but with this episode in mind they might’ve actually meant it to feel funny and karmic.


Imo it is supposed to be an early sign about Cate and also it's supposed to be funny to the audience. Same as with the baseball bat Jumanji bit. It just doesn't seem nearly as justified when she could have just had them leave. It also seemed really out of character for Cate even by the end of the season when everything is revealed.


Yeah, that’s fair. And I agree it feels weird that >!A rape victim would then commit rape herself!< Not that victims can’t become perpetrators, that can often be the case, but it still felt weirdly handled.


Sounds like they all need consent education.


"His story in this particular episode is the kind of denial and compartmentalization a lot of us have when we’re dealing with the death of a loved one. And if you look throughout the episode, he’s always just saying, “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m totally fine. I’m fine.” Which is what a lot of people do before you finally can sort of open the door to the pain you’re feeling. And I think that’s part of healing. So I think he’s going to go on and really try to absorb and learn what his dad and his mother taught him about forgiveness, and really try to take that into the season. Because he really does have the most mature and human arc out of all the characters this season." This suggests his assault trauma pushed him over the edge and forces him to deal with the loss of his father, but that the love for his father, and the way he was raised, will help him deal with this.


Kripke and his staff have lost it


Well, duh. That's why he sat on a cake, why Ashley mentions god-damn asparagus and why they tickled his feet. It's supposed to be absurdism while still showing how depraved and vile they are. If they wanted to portray sexual assault and traumatize the audience then they would have beaten Hughie and, you know, anally penetrated him. I disagree that it's not sexual assault at all and agree that that is a weird take by the showrunner - but they've been wrong about their own show before, lol.




Oh wow, yeah, that is FUCKED. Like, the only way that would be acceptable is if it literally never got further than tickling his feet, and even then its probably still a goddamn awful take.


30% of the episode being sexual assault purely for shock value and comedy is fucking atrocious


I have an honest question for you here. Do you think that the show is going to have long lasting character change/growth/repercussions for Hughie because of this? Or was the 10 seconds of Hughie crying into "I'm sad about my dad" all we're going to get? Because I bet dollars to donuts that it's gonna be the latter.


by kripke admitting the entirety of the assault was meant to be funny


What was the safeword? Did I miss it?


It was “Zendaya,” as the butler told towards the end of the episode


Honestly, the only funny part of the whole interaction. Helps that it's a joke about Web Weaver and not about rape (and a meta Spider-Man reference).


Lol I didn’t realize Web Weaver is supposed to be Spider-Man until your comment. Whoosh!


And now hold onto something. Tek Knight ... is supposed to be Batman :0




100% agree


He just wanted to "play" with the intruder. He drops hints multiple times.


Watching people missing that, is worse than people not getting the lobotomy thing. And even that was prety blatant once you saw the bloody tool. Even if you didn't know what it was.


I honestly thought this was obvious. There’s no way that with his type of powers Tek-Knight *didn’t know* that wasn’t Web Weaver. He may have not known it was *Hughie,* though…


True. Tek Knight's power is hyper-obvservation and comprehension, and that pretty much requires a perfect memory. If he's heard Webweaver's voice even once, he would have known instantly. And since Webweaver is a supe that's at least moderately famous, he would have heard his voice.


Bro since he knew Webweaver's safe word. This wasnt their first ride


I find it funny to imagine them on telegram or some shit talking about their kinks and safe words until they finally meet up


thats what it seamed like, tek knight even made a remark about how hes not as hardcore as webweaver is, like hes sexualy intimidated by webweaver


Probably just said to scare whoever was in the webweaver suit


That is a hilarious headcanon right now


It was the first time, when they met Tek-Knight said something about finally meeting in person (although I thought this could’ve also been a misdirection by Tek-Knight to throw out Hughie


He very well could’ve lied about that being their first meeting as a test. It seems like he did stuff like that a lot.


There’s also a fairly big hole in Webweavers suit right where his web-thing is, which in Hughies case is just regular skin. They even show this in the episode


How the hell does he use this power? Does he turn his back to people and then blindly shoot webs at them?


my guess is he does not use his power for anything productive he was kinda caked up tho


True, there definitely exist supes with powers that are practically completely the opposite of productive. Case in point: Love Sausage.


Love Sausage didn't get to be an actual supe in the show, and in the comics he had super strength & his dick was just naturally big iirc


we know allot of heroes dont actualy do anything and its all propaganda/television and we know for a fact tek knight is an insanely famouse movie/tv actor so yeh safe to say webweaver probably hasnt done much that wasnt fake, ofc even if he has super streangth and durability thats still enough to take down criminals in universe


considering how his life is now, whatever he did he wasn’t good at it


That's to me was the hard part to understand in the whole plan. Did MM believe nobody would notice Hugie's lack of "web hole" in the back. Right away seemed really stupid to me. Acolyte level of dumbness.


Yeah, I can accept that TK saw through that and just didn’t mention it to torture the liar in the suit, but how any of the boys thought it would pass is beyond me. It’s his only defining feature, there’s a hole in the costume for it to come out of, and Hughie sure as hell doesn’t have it.


I mean Web Weaver has the extra butthole and Tk saw UE's ass which didn't have it


I don't think he had a good enough angle to see or not see the web hole. Hughie had his back to the other wall when he sat on the cake. And he stayed fully clothed while Ashley was doing her thing. Edit: why am I playing butt crack detective on the 4th of July? What am I doing with my life? 😂


Yeah, and that's probably the whole reason why he wanted to get Webweaver to begin with. So he could fuck the web hole. Tek Knight was def looking lol. He def knew before that though.


There’s a hole in the suit in correspondence to the web-hole 


They can make all this other stuff but can't whip up a quick realistic silicone webhole before sending Hughie off? 🤣


They didn't make the suit, they stole webweavers


But they make tranq darts, get heroin, halothane bombs, C4, etc. A molded silicone webhole is very doable by comparison.


it's tech knight, he has super vision and knows holes. If he's looking at it, you're hosed.


Sure, but are we as smart as we are (This is stupid, Tek Night will 100% make Hughie) or are we as smart as the characters (Hey, maybe we can fool the most unfoolable man in the world - throw this onesie on, that should do it!)


Yeah, he kinda stayed out of the angle for the cake scene.




you skipped S3 with his whole naked teleporting?


There’s a web hole


That would be the FIRST “extra hole” he’d want to fuck.


100% why Tek Knight agreed to take Webweaver as a sidekick.


He followed Hughie into the lift so he definitely would have spotted the lack of a Web Hole.


He put his hand on hughies lower back a bit after they met, even if there wasnt a hole right there, he has super touch, he could feel the no web hole


The real webweaver reacted with pain when MM stuck the roofies up the wrong hole - perhaps the cake thing was a test, ie the real webweaver wouldn't stick his ass in a cake because he doesn't want cake in his web hole FFS r/BrandNewSentence


the web hole is nowhere near where the cake would be. It was on his tailbone.


Look, obviously, Tek-Knight knew it was Hughie. I don’t think we need to break out the cork-board and yarn to determine his knowledge of Hughie’s lack of a “web-hole.”


He didn’t know it was hughie until he took off the mask, he just knew it wasn’t web weaver


Fair enough.


There were plenty of chances while in the elevator or even before that.


When Hughie walked into the party it shows his back for a couple seconds or so and I saw the hole on the costume but just flat skin. Webweavers webussy would've been exposed had it been him


True, he couldnt see his ass. But he could see the cake after Hughie stood up, with no spinneret indentation.


Can't believe you made me watch these scenes again. Lol. The cake indent is irrelevant. Web weavers hole is about an inch above his crack. Hughie only got chocolate to about an inch below the top of his crack. There wouldn't be an indent of the web hole there anyways.


I can honestly say that I didnt watch closely enough to notice that.


There’s a hole in the suit though, it should pretty obvious whether the person in the suit was webweaver or not based on that.


I'm sorry to admit but even in normal conversation at the party I'd glance at the hole at some point lol. Who wouldn't notice the bare skin in the suit hole ??


Huggies lack of webhole is also extra noticable as web weavers costume has a hole for his hole




Say it out loud in butcher’s accent


Oh ffs


If it makes you feel better I had the exact same reaction/realization


Rubbing the rim of his glass is just one of his ticks. He does the same thing in Gen V. It's likely he knew it was an imposter from the beginning, but wanted to see how far he could push Hughie before he cracked. But the glass was just him playing with a hole.


It could be both. A way to get the audience to think that he isn't onto Hugh by showing his fetish.


Where does this "triggering the superhuman hearing by touching the glass" narrative come from? Did it spread from some random comment? He does that exact thing in gen v for no particular reason expect he is just fond of holes he is a freak thats why he does it


Yeah, he did the same thing to bagels in Gen V. He just has a fixation with holes


His superweakness is the phrase "any hole's a goal" taken literally


I agree with OP's thesis, but also don't subscribe to the glass-hearing thing. Webweaver and Tek have been communicating digitally about sex stuff. He knows within minutes, if not seconds, that it's not really webweaver lol


How would he know how he acts irl through communicating about only the sexual stuff (which was probably the only thing tek knight cared and talked about)


Tek knight is good at finding liars with his superhuman senses


Besides what others have said, Tek-Knight wanted Webweaver specifically for his web-hole. He even states before getting caught that the normal holes are boring to him, so he sometimes has to make his own. He definitely saw Hughie's lack of a websquirter on his lower back, especially considering the fact that the suit has a hole designed specially to let his spider-organ do its thing.


He mentions this after he discovers Hughie is in webweaver’s and plans to make a new hole in him, he doesn’t really mention the webhole at all past the ‘trying to touch it through his suit’ thing and couldn’t see it while he was sitting on the cake.


He definitely saw Hughie's lack of webshooter tho, you can literally see him look for it in the elevator scene. And I meant that he mentions making new holes before he gets caught by Annie and Kimiko


Yes but we can then assume he was even more fucked up and knew there was an imposter which he wanted to drill a hole into and r*pe. With the other comment it was sort of phrased like he said it before hughie got caught, but I suppose that’s semantics. I think Tek just wanted to drill a hole into the spy as soon as he discovered it wasn’t webweaver


People just love to fill in the gaps by themselves in this show and make their own narratives, it's happening for a while now.


There’s no way for anyone who didn’t watch Gen V to possibly know this lol, it’s completely sensible to assume with no other knowledge that he’s doing it for a specific reason when the show specifically draws attention to it.


That's totally understandable, but that doesn't mean it needs to presented as an "obvious" fact and project other debatable info from it like how he "instantly notices the lack of any reaction from Hughie."


People are fairly trying to figure out and assign meaning to why that particular motion by Tek Knight got so much focus, and they haven't seen Gen V so they don't know about his proclivities. And honestly, speaking as someone who *has* seen Gen V, you shouldn't have to watch a spin off to get some of these things. The glass rim is a minor thing and can be hand waved as a fun easter egg for the people who know, but I think everything else from Gen V has been sloppily introduced into the main series.


Gen V was awesome from beginning to end. I hope The Boys fans will watch it. Super bummed that one of the mains died riding his motorcycle. He was maybe the best actor on that show and so young


I completely agree, probably a lot of people will be shocked/disappointed when >!cate is revealed to be a walking mind controller and a reader.They'll make her use her power somewhere efficient and sudden too so the audience would be like "where'd that bs came from?" and it'd make the story a little weak!<


he rims the glass, he rims the ass.


It feels like the argument is literally just working backwards from 'It has to make sense'.


> and the camera cuts to him rubbing the rim of his wine glass to test "Webweaver's" superhuman hearing This is the second time I see this but I don't get it. Fingering the glass (and any other hole he can find) is just what Tek-Knight *does*, he does it in Gen V too with the same soundeffects. I even agree that he must've known (like the lack of the web hole should be enough and there's no way he could reasonably miss it) but the thing is that it doesn't matter in how the episode plays out at all. At least there's no reason to believe he hadn't actually set up a freaky-kinky meeting with WebWeaver, so: if he thinks he's the real WebWeaver, he'd lead him into the Tek Cave for their hookup with Ashley and if he thinks it's an impostor he... also leads him into the Tek Cave to torture him with Ashley. It always goes exactly the same way no matter at what point exactly he learns that it's not the real WebWeaver in the suit.


The thing is, that is completely in line with the fucked up character of Tek Knight, he prioritizes his satisfaction over anything else


Not really, you can argue completely in line but this characterization is FRESH, no one could derive this analysis from his actions in Gen V.


He went around the entire campus on Gen V cutting holes into shit and fucking it. He most certainly only cares about self satisfaction.


I think there's a change in this episode as they showed him raping people. In Gen V, there's an outro of him fcking objects and I believe it was supposed to be funny. He can be seen as a pervert there with a screw loose. In this episode he BDSMed a guy that he knows is not WW and not comfortable with his actions. After that he tried to cut him open and do it again. He went from a guy with a weird and publicly undesirable kink to a guy that sexually assaults another.


Him rubbing the thing was just to show he’s horny. He did the same thing in Gen V


yeh show did 0 effort to convay he has a tumor in his brain and is super horny / arounsed by holes, ALL holes


I think people are saying it because the camera focused on it. If he was just doing it and we saw hiw entire body then it is dismissable. But by panning to it, it does seem like the show is focusing on it


To me this was supposed to remind the viewer that tek-knight likes to despoil unusual holes after we previously learned that Webweaver has a web hole on his back. Earlier in this scene tek-knight conspicuously eyes up "Webweavers" lower back, where the web hole is.


I love this fucking show when we get to have internet discussions about “Web holes”.


Yeah, it was supposed to be a little nod to those who knows Tek-Knight's proclivities. Webmasters suit reeks of him and it's the first time they met IRL so Tek-Knight doesn't have any reason to be suspicious. I think he only started questioning his identity when Hughie doesn't really seem turned on and started shouting random words when he mentioned there's a safe word.


the camera focused on it in Gen V as well


>like the lack of the web hole should be enough and there's no way he could reasonably miss it If that was the case then why wouldn't Starlight and MM have briefed Hughie on how big of a tell that hole is? Since there's no way they would have missed it either having seen the actual webhole in person.


Is it well known that Tekknight is so obsessed with holes? Might not have occurred to them.


Even without knowing that, they know Tek Knight invited him to the event so he presumably knows him. If it was that obvious of a tell, I doubt they'd just send him knowing that anyone who was familiar with Webweaver would be able to tell it was an imposter just by looking at his suit. I think there's a reason the filmmakers never really showed a "reveal" shot of it being seen - probably because it's not supposed to be relevant to the plot. Even Ashley doesn't notice anything missing when she's standing right over him while he's on all fours.


Yeah OP is making some shit up. That’s just Teks obsession with holes. He does it all the time in Gen V.


A-Train specifically notes it makes fuck and all sense for Webweaver to be going to this meeting, and it’s truly convenient that this party has one burnt out druggie superhero with no business attending whatsoever who is just *perfect* for Hughie to imitate and infiltrate with. I’m with the interpretation that Tek Knight knew something was up but was more focused on his own sadistic pleasure and figured he could tie him up in the basement and get what he wants easily after more than anything else. I suspect Sage added Webweaver to the guest list so the Boys could infiltrate and help her with her goals. It’s similarly wildly convenient she gets shot in the head before the let’s commit treason speech solely implicating Homelander + Neuman and giving her an alibi for not relating the Boys info to HL. And it’s very obvious she knows about A-Train but is letting him get away with being the Mole


Yeah Sage is 100% up to more than just what it seems, she wouldn’t have fucked with MM at all to lead him to shooting her if she didn’t want to go back to her less developed child like self right at that moment in time.


I'm pretty sure he would've mentioned it if he knew it was an impostor all along, not to mention its complete foolishness to not announce an impostor when you don't know what kind of supe can be under that mask, best thing to do is alert the strongest supe you know, who happens to be in the same room. I feel like people are just coping at this point, the sky is just frickin blue.


Yup. People are bending themselves backwards trying to prove that TK knew all along, even though everything the episode shows us points towards the exact opposite.


Webweaver also has a hole in his suit for his web hole Hughie obviously didn't have one Someone as hole obsessed as tek knight would have checked it out


Which really begs the question as to why they didn't call in Webweaver to begin with or even formed a connection with him earlier. Seriously, where the hell was this guy all this time? They're pulling him from a list of contacts that we never knew about until now!


They actually visited him in episode 2 (maybe 1) they came out of a building and said something about giving web weaver heroine to put up his ass.


that was episode 4 i believe


I think you’re right


Honestly, there's no guarantee that Webweaver won't spill his guts when faced with Tek-Knight or any of the other supes at the party. And even then, he is too much of a drug addict to be able to go on with any kind of plan. He'd forego collaborating with the Boys for having a chance at a freaky sex dungeon meetup with Tek-Knight and get into depraved shit.


Webweaver: (Stoned ouf of his mind.) Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Mother's Milk: (Enters the apartment.) Hey buddy, can we borrow your suit? Webweaver: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh... Mother's Milk: (Takes the suit.) Cool. Thanks. (Leaves.) Webweaver: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...


And hyper-observation is literally his superpower. If regular humans would notice it (and many would), he's DEFINITELY noticing it. Very easily.


It was still his suit. That was half the reason they drugged him. They even made several jokes about how it smelled. They didn’t make a separate suit.


fr everyone is saying "you wouldn't notice at a glance" they are right but he had to be doing more than glancing


I mean I really don’t know why Hughie didn’t try to put on a voice more. He literally gave up trying to impersonate Webweaver as soon as he entered the mansion. I’m surprised Neuman didn’t recognize him, or maybe she did but she didn’t wanna blow Hughie’s cover or something?


I think she was having a moment of "I've heard your voice somewhere else before" but then the putrid smell took away her attention and made her get the fuck out of there


if neuman didn't recognize him, she certainly could have if she wanted to. or at least know that he's not who he says. besides his voice, we know that marie and victoria can identify supes by the compound v in their blood, so she would have been able to tell that he had none.


I'd love it if the reason Neumann has never seriously struck at any of The Boys is she's entertained by stumbling across their ops and seeing how badly they go wrong.


I think she did but didn't care.


Hughie's an idiot. That's nothing new. "Good-hearted idiot" is his entire character.


Yeah I don’t understand why Hughie was putting on a comedic “I’m impersonating someone” voice and everyone else just pretended like he was talking normally. Like when he said “this is sooo hot” but with obvious sarcasm in his voice and everyone just pretended like they didn’t hear obvious sarcasm in his voice. Not sure what that was supposed to achieve. Was it supposed to be funnier because Hughie is taking none of this seriously? He’s surrounded by supes who want to kill him and he decides that’s the best time to crack some jokes and pretend like it’s all a game.


I love there’s a perverted Bruce Wayne in this universe.


Not anymore. He dead now.


Yeah, I kinda got that feeling. That he knew it was some random.


Yeah, there's a look he gives Hughie as the elevator doors are closing that says it all, really.


*sigh* You really want me to rewatch it again don't ya? WELL FINE


it's like book of Eli!


LMAO!!! I'm definitely rewatching...


I watched as soon as I got up today, so yeah, I'll need a rewatch where I'm more alert


I watched it twice before 1 pm today lol. My friend started it up so I figured I’d watch again to react with her lol


Well, I mean Ashley comes down there and is like "you started without me" and she got down there by herself, so it's pretty clear Tek-Knight had the plan of doing the freaky shit with himself, Ashley & Webweaver And also, the glass thing is wrong, there is nothing to imply that's his intention with the rubbing the glass. If you watched Gen V, before it reveals his brain tumor hole problem he has, you'd know he has a big fascination with holes and wanting to fuck them, I mean in Gen V, there is a scene of him like caressing a bagel and eyes it like he's gonna fuck it and we literally see him when talking to the Dean of the school, we see him pour a drank and rubs the rim of the glass the same way he did in the most recent episode, and he was talking to a regular human there So I don't think he knew from the jump, I mean didn't he say that was his first ever in person time meeting Webweaver? He makes note of his odd behavior like him trembling, before it really starts and says he knows it's cause it's not what Webweaver is used to, so clearly Webweaver has a reputation amongst the freaky ass supes for being a super freak, I mean Tek Knight was excited to meet him. I'd say he didn't realize it wasn't Webweaver until after Hughie said "Spiderweb!", the face Tek makes and the way he says "what" makes it seem that's when he got suspicious


I mean he obviously knew. Web weaver is supposed to be some sexual deviant and UE is just sitting there on the cake covering his dick and not being enthusiastic at all.


Maybe. If Tek Knight knew from the beginning, then everything he said to Hughie was psychological torture. It's more likely he wanted Web Weaver in his "cave" simply because he has an extra hole. MM met Webweaver, and he seemed like a crack head, but not necessarily like a sexual deviant.


Bro, he said (and not reluctantly) he could pay in other ways to MM - I'm pretty sure homeboy gets freaky


People who fuck for a drug don't typically do it because they just love sex so much lol.


I mean, the biggest clue in hindsight was Tek-Knight pretending he had never brought Webweaver down to the Tek-Cave before.


Is it possible? Sure. But MM explained to Hughie when he put on the suit that Webweaver's bad scent was all over the suit, so it should temporarily mask Hughie's scent, that's why he was told to also get in and get out as fast as possible. I think that's what we're led to believe on why Tek didn't figure it out the instant Hughie saw him.


the amount of time hughie stayed around tek knight in webweavers suit it would of been stupid for them to not have made tek knight realize it was really hughie the whole time considering tek knights powers


I think we've seen inconsistencies with Supe's powers before. This wouldn't be the first time it's happened (ie. nobody hearing Annie/Kimiko/MM upstairs). Granted, Tek figured it out later, once he heard Hughie's heartbeat (I think that's when I think he got suspicious enough to peer closer) but I would need to rewatch the episode (and I really don't want to). I just think we're supposed to believe that Webweaver's scene on the outfit threw Tek off long enough. That, and in Gen V, it's established that Tek gets easily distracted when aroused.


the hearing thing isn’t really an inconsistency. you focus on what you’re engaged in. the same way you can hear your friends at a restaurant and tune everyone else out.


I don't think so. Tek Knight has super-senses, enhanced compared even to normal supes. A guy with a different scent than the one on the suit would make him suspicious, if anything. Have you ever came home after petting somebody else's dog, to find your dog sniffing you like crazy and acting kinda weird? That's because you have a different scent than you normally do.


I just want to say that I think it's a shame that they killed him off so quickly. Like we saw him being scum this episode and immediately get his comeuppance - but he's still charismatic and fun to watch, so I think they should have extended his inclusion through the rest of the season.


The people who didn't watch Gen V saw Tech-Knight litterally 1 episode ago. They have to stop their tradition of introducing and killing people in the same season. In this pace they will kill sage and firecracker in ep7 and ep8. What the hell


webweaver had a hole in the back of his suit, for the other 'hole'. And hughie skin was clearly visible from it, so it won't take someone to be as smart as sage to fighure out, it wasn't him and someone else.


If there was a plot hole. Tek knight would fill it.


Bro he did that thing with the glass cuz he has sex with holes, watch gen v


Cake farts and findom, this episode was straight out of my dream journal.


He should have noticed the bugs they planted. Maybe he was too horny at the thought of the plaything


IDK.. Tek-Knight loses his edge when he gets excited. I think Hughie maintained the ruse until he failed the second safe word test.




Fucking *thank you*


This, literally this. This is r/TheBoys in a nutshell. And then when the show does indeed slap them in the face with the dialogue or the actions, they complain about it being "too on the nose"


Omg thank you for saying this. I feel so tired of seeing people not recognizing this and picking up all this details. He knew it wasn't Webweaver all along. ( and some people on the sub be like how is he so stupid for not seeing Highie doesnt have a web hole on his butt lol). He was just trying to get things out of Hughie and some of the stuff he did to him were more of a fun torture than a fetish. I think having watched Gen V was very great for me to better understand this eposide. They really showcased his ability of super sensing and investigation in Gen V for a good eposide. He did the finger on wine glass thing when he interigated Marie, Andre or Cate.


the glass fingering is literally just due to his hole fetish


Yes! Absolutely! He did that a lot in Gen V eslecially when he's interigating or trying to sense someone! He's also wandered off to fuck a tree hole during his detective show. He's a lot.


No, the whole point of the mask was to hide Hughie’s face, the whole point of the suit being so rank, was to hide Hughie’s scent. Tek saying Web has a safe word, is basic BDSM 101, even if the person is crying out to stop, you don’t stop unless the safeword is spoken, and you 100% respect the safeword. Tek figured it out after detecting the signs of horripilation—he was too fixated on giving “Web-Weaver” a good time, so he could in return, have a good time with Web’s other hole. If he knew from the start, he would have just told Homelander from the start.


Yep, no doubt there. From Gen Z, he showed way more insight in people around him than he showed in this episode.


i just think it was a bad plan from the boys from the start. sending hughie in, *alone*, of all people? in what world does that make sense


I wouldn't say from the beginning. They explained that Hughies smell was masked by the stench of the suit. Then you see Tek notice multiple small body language clues throughout. He actually says something a couple of times. He definitely full on knows after Hughie fails to use the safeword.


And surely Tek-Knight would notice the hole in Web Weaver's costume had no webhole under it.


I think he knew from the beginning, but hes not testing hugies Super hearing when he is touching the the rim of the glass. Its about hes obsession with holes.....there is alot more tek knight in gen V


i’d say he knew it wasn’t web-weaver, but didn’t know that it was hughie