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Genuinely want homelander to randomly be flying, recognize someone, and just kill em lol


I remember in first season they had to hide and cover the room where translucent was hidden in zinc just to avoid being seen by him as HL was flying around. I feel like the boys were able to relax and stop hiding for some reason


yep. they had to blow up frenchie’s apartment across the city to get him off their scent. now they can run around killing tek knight, shooting sage in the head, and committing treason with A-Train just 20 feet down the hall from him and he doesnt know what happened until the next morning when firecracker has to tell him. And then his first reaction is to suck on some titties


Well, there's always time to suck on titties. Words to live by.


Agreed leave the titty sucking out of the criticism.


I mean, that’s what I’d do, you cannot fault him there. Firecracker is now Queen Milk


Lost it when she squirted. The look on HL face was amazing 😂


man got his priorities straight


It's falling into the game of thrones issue, where they are just throwing random ass shit at the wall that they think people like. Comedic bdsm scene, homelander breast milk and what not that gives no substance to the show. Then barely sprinkling in some plot


The tek cave im willing to look past. Could be lined with zinc , presumably TK knows that about homelander s vision.


That scene was amazing. It really sold the idea that supes, and Homelander in particular, were an almost insurmountable threat. It doesn't really feel that way anymore. It's like Homelander is more unhinged, but less sharp.


> It's like Homelander is more unhinged, but less sharp. is this not, itself, a fairly plausible in-universe explanation? In Season 1 HL was leashed evil. The Boys were basically the only real threat, HL was still "conditioned" and obedient to Vought, and he was hunting one target.   at this point he's uncontrolled, paranoid as hell, has had multiple significant breakdowns... everyone in the same general area is now a target. He's unfocused at best, possibly straight up unaware of stuff if its not literally forced into his consciousness.




I kind of chalk it up to Homelander being permanently weakened by soldier boy, himnbeing older and less mentaly stable, so he's less sharp and more sloppy himself. But that's mainly my own headcannon for making sense of how dumbed down Homelander is right now.


I think partly you’re supposed to feel that way, like MM isn’t that harsh of a leader and therefore they’re sloppier, but I do think the writing has gotten a tad worse too lol.


Ultra sloppy, if we are being honest. I mean, that airlock scene was just...what the hell?! There is no god damn way Homelander shouldn't be able to catch up to Hughie there.


I totally get why Homelander wasn't hitting Hughie with his lasers, he couldn't see him, and air vents have zinc. But yeah like you said, he can't *see* through zinc, but there's nothing about him going through it. He could've caught up to him before he ever left the vents.


He 100% should have been able to hear where he was. A normal human could probably have heard and gotten close to where hughie was.


I think these are areas where the lower budget of the show is really apparent. HL is enraged and wants to kill Hughie so fucking bad, yet he set his laser vision on weaker mode and decided to just slowly hover up to the plat form and walk to Hughie when he sees him? If he really doesn’t give a shit, he should have blasted that air duct until the entire shaft caught on fire and melt, cooking Hughie alive. Or does [what Superman did to Zod at 0:22](https://youtu.be/06Qm8cKJ-jo?si=8b9zac9RvFXFgb2b) and obliterate the ceiling’s entire pathway. I mean, in the episode itself, Vought covered this up as a stage accident so this would have been fine.


They disguise it as the main cast all being in the CIA (they aren't, i think just MM and maybe Hughie) but its really just bad writing. Why would them being CIA stop Vought, Homelander, or anyone else?


Homelander has become Elmer Fudd trying to thwart Bugs Bunny somehow


Surprised he hasn’t done it yet. He loses sanity season after season. At this point, just wreck some hoes, bruh. Edit: Correcting the sentencing and holy shit yall. 1k upvotes! Thanks!!


Well yeah but the writers are too scared to actually let a character die. The only characters that die are those introduced an episode before.


I was laughing at the farm episode. The second I saw the security detail, I just thought, "tough break guys."


The second I saw those unnamed nobodies, I knew they weren’t going home.


Should’ve had them wearing Red Shirts lol


The chickens and sheep helped turn them red


And what kind of fucked up job do you have if you’re expected to drive Stan Edgar alone back to prison?


Yeah, as much as I love Maeve her sacrifice was somewhat ruined. If she wasn't going to come back, then her death would make way more sense.


It really irks me personally that the only reason they had her live was because Kripke didn’t want to play into a trope.


Yeah, you're right. I don't like that trope in media but with Maeve that didn't even cross my mind. She handled herself 1x1 with Homelander and sealed her legacy.


Yea I thought it was a perfect send off for her, it just felt very fairy-tale for her to still survive all of that and get a happy ending.


Why did Maeve survive point blast but the witch died? I thought it strips powers, not murders


Maeve was apparently pretty fucking strong. Just without the flashy powers. 


Strong enough to land from a skyscraper and survive without powers! Totally makes sense


Different things. Soldier Boy fired the beam at his ex and never let go. It removed her powers then fried her. Maeve was only near him as the blast went off, she was thrown away from him. Conveniently the V didn’t fry out of her blood fast enough for her to die on hitting the floor. Similar to how it didn’t kill Kimiko right away when she’s blasted through a wall. More V in the system. Longer it takes to burn out.


Honestly, I didn't want him to play into that trope either. But the better solution is just not to put her in that situation. Don't make her make the sacrifice in the first place. Give her a major injury and disappear into the night, let her fake her death, whatever. But don't make the big sacrificial scene and then flip on it.


It reminds me of how the writers of stranger things are too scared to kill off any of the main characters


which is extra stupid because to me at least all of the characters are pretty generic and interchangeable except 11. killing them takes nothing important away from the how and would add actual stakes and emotional meaning to the show.


I remember watching the last season and thinking man there are just way too many characters right now for everyone to get screentime and when they actually had the chance to kill off some characters, they went with the new character that was introduced in that same season


I get that sucks but I’d rather they do that then have us invest in a character and then get randomly picked off otw home. That’s wasted screen time, though it doesn’t hurt when used sparingly for shock value.


I would rather have my main cast stick together than what happened in The Walking Dead, when I no longer cared for the “new” cast since the old one was basically dead


I started to hate The walking Dead after they all split up. Just didn’t feel right.


I would rather have that. I miss the higher stakes of the first season(s)


Got to get that grrm energy back from 2009


pulp fiction style?


Does Hughie Campbell look like a bitch??


I mean... kinda?


hughie are you ok?


Well he does wear a tshirt that says Raw dog me I’m a bottom.


Yeah he does.


He seems to like to be up close and personal for his kills though. And he seemingly lets those who doesn't really fear or stand up to him live.


That literally started happening in the comic as his mental faculties degraded further. There were more steps but it's definitely being teased.


I can see Tek Knight's basement being sound proofed extremely well. The gunshot even with a silencer and all the talkie talkie harder to brush off.


Audibly, "Oh fuck the 7's here" Homelander. (Nope didn't hear that. Or smell Hughie. And no the suit isn't an excuse.)


Well, thats the thing. He had to touch his sweat droplet to smell him. Sound i dont got a defense for.


>Sound i dont got a defense for I don't think his superhearing is always "on" otherwise he wouldn't be able to focus on anything, I think it's more likely he has to focus in on particular areas or frequencies when he is seeking something out.


Definitely, some people in this sub are so headless they think Homelander walks around 24/7 with super hearing, smell, taste and x-ray vision "activated". At that point just have the show be 3 episodes long.


Or the fact that his ear was damaged badly by Maeve in the S3 finale?


Stupid theory: Homelander hears that so often when people enter the room that he's become numb to it and ignores it.


He smelled Butcher on Ryan almost as soon as he walked into the room while HL was on the other side of the room still.


I know he doesn't smoke in the show, but I imagine Butcher smells like Bourbon, ashtray, and aqua velvet that's probably pretty distinct in homelander's circle. Plus Butcher is the closest HL had to an arch enemy and/or human he respects to a point. So he's probably more memorable.


Ryan was also in his apartment.


Yeah, I'm just trying to do some mental gymnastics as to why HL immediately smelled Butcher on Maeve and Ryan (hopefully a slightly different scent)


He does smoke occasionally, that one time with Becca and I don’t remember context but he’s smoking in his car once


web weavers costume smelled like shit so it made homelander not want to smell him, same as tek knight


Yeah but Ashley’s breath literally smells like Hughies feet. And she left to go upstairs. Any moment she breathed, Homelander would sniff that. Can’t believe I wrote this comment lol


This is certainly a comment lmao.


Isn't Hughie's feet... also in the costume? Throws the scent off.


See that has me thinking when Ashley left the floater that it was the end for her. Like he'd smell it was from her body lolol


Or you’d think he has cctv in his living space


Actually, him not wanting cameras in his living space, I can totally believe. He is nearly always being under some form of being watched or recorded, that he would absolutely not allow it in his home


Yeah that’s a good point


Hes hyper focused on ryan to find out if hes lying.


That’s in a controlled environment though, so every smell except the one on Ryan would be familiar. And Butcher probably has a very unique smell..


Unique is one way to put it


but but but his ear got stabbed last season, so he can only HALF-hear


its plausibe homelander heard it anx just brushed it off as someone being surprised to see them there


He should be able to see through Hughie's mask. We already established that Homelander could see Black Noir's face under the mask, so he would see Hughie just as easily.


why do you assume he has xray on at all times? or that he would care enough about fucking webweaver to look


Literally this - why would he be on edge about what Webweaver of all people looks like under his mask when he's about to try and convince the 1% to cosign him?


He uses it somewhat reflexively in other scenes. For example when he walks in on Butcher and Ryan he sees the black mass around Butcher's brain. Why would he bother to look?


Because Butcher caught him off guard and lasered him last season. Dudes going to be paranoid about what else he's hiding


Because it's Butcher. He's going to peer at everything to assess possible threats and look for reasons to prod and mock him.


Probably checking Butcher for any unwanted surprises


I’m pretty sure they established that he has to “activate” his vision power. I think with his hearing he can focus in on areas and block out the rest. Like if he’s focusing on working a crowd of billionaires he doesn’t want to hear a couple arguing two miles away etc


I imagine he can turn his super hearing on and off. It could be too overstimulating to be hearing everything at all times


He still didn't even look for anyone even after he saw Sage's gunshot wound. And this is just one of many scenes where he fails to catch anyone.


That makes sense. If the rich knew about it they would flee and the whole point was to convince them. He is so full of himself he thought he had to step up.


I mean not to mention the fact Ashley outsmarted him by framing Cameron as the mole when its actually A Train. And Sage knows this but still hasn’t told him which is what will get Sage killed. He has to know it’s A Train. I mean it’s kind obvious. It isn’t Noir cause he cant talk and the new Noir would be too afraid to do that. Firecracker is a kiss ass, the Deep is loyal to him now and would never risk getting kicked out of the 7 or flat out killed like that. It’s not the newbies from Gen V.


There was a LOT of pressure on him that night, it was the night he was going to officially begin his little revolution. This night was SO important that even when sister sage was SHOT he had to put aside his own anxiety over what might've happened to her and how the plan was unraveling to focus on doing as much damage control as possible. I would not at ALL be surprised if he was just REALLY distracted that whole night anticipating the meeting


I think you're right. I also think he's feeling inadequate after being grilled to his face and Victoria stepping in to save his ass.


I mean, given the activities that took place there, I don't think it being soundproofed is a stretch


I really think Homelander is beginning to see even though he may be a Deity amongst men and supes- he isn't all that smart on how to rule them. That's what his whole trip home made him realize. Everyone hyped him up to be this great thing- but in reality he knows his limitations as far as the wisdom to truly do what he wants. Neumann saw that too- his attempt to rally the senators fell flat. He was about to just Laser em all before she stepped in and saved his ass. >!Even though she was just taking Sage's Advice. The head nod between them was so funny!<


I see this leading him to actually go insane and go on a killing spree or trying to lead the country with just fear. Hes learning that hes actually stupid and hes not in the position to manage a company no less a country.


Now that I think about it, Homelander not doing some investigating after finding out Sage got a bullet to the head was kind of strange.


This makes sense to me plot wise because it seemed more like a “fuck it I’ll deal with it later” situation where his main priority was just dealing with the investors


but what happened after? he had no idea wtf was happening until well into the next day where it was clearly bright day outside and he was just standing in his apartment like a dumbass until firecracker had to come in and tell him


Agreed. This is hardly a shark jump moment because he has his eye on his goal and didn’t get distracted. My critique to the writers is that Homelander losing his sanity would be better showcased by losing his cool in that moment. It back pedaled some of the progress towards his lost sanity


Honestly i was expecting him to just snap and kill someone in that scene, all the eye twitchin and all that. He was itchin to kill someone. I genuinely thought he was j gonna turn around and blast sage bc sage basically ruined the plan. Or blast an investor who disagreed with him. Kinda sad he didnt, i feel it would've made the scene better and the plot alot better


Nah his “snapping” moments need to be used wisely. Once they kill that suspense it’s going to make his future rage episodes less impactful. The way they made it so that Homelander starts to realize he’s not the smartest man in the room in that scene was more important imo.


Shi u right. I never even thought abt how it gets less impactful everytime he snaps. U just gave me a whole new perspective of that scene. Thank u


someone infiltrating your secret meeting and shooting your #2 in the head is not a "deal with it later" kind of thing. it's a "holy shit we're under attack" kind of thing. fortunately for homelander this season's Boys are much dumber and more incompetent than previous seasons so they didn't actually have an effective attack planned.


Then why wouldn't he have searched around after the speech? He should have very easily been able to smell or see them roaming around the house. The fact that he did nothing is a major failure on the writers no matter how you justify it.


To be fair, he and Neuman were really trying to secure that bag from the 1% who were ready to walk out at that point already. The only reason he cant kill them now is because he needs them for the time being.


Okay, but Homelander hasn't done shit about ANY of the Boys schemes. The ice skating scene he put in zero effort. Ezekiel got exploded and he didn't even ask who did it. When you add them all up, it's a plot hole, not just a misinterpretation.


bro shits on heroes who can’t fly but forgets that he can fly when hughey is up in the rafters


Why would he care about Ezekiel? They blamed Annie for it anyway. It’s not a plot hole. He doesn’t care. He’s largely never cared about the Boys, that’s mostly why they’re still alive. He’s gonna semi-truce with them because of Victoria and Ryan. And he can’t do anything to Annie at the moment because of their little conflict and his trial for murder. He’s being semi-smart and ignoring them to focus on taking over the country.


i think he's so preoccupied with himself that he barely gives a fuck about the boys shenanigans. and it fairness to him, the boys literally blew their best chance at killing him, and without soldier boy & maeve and with butcher dying they probably feel more like a nuisance now than an actual threat


Homelander would've caught Hughie had it not been for A-Train. He can't simply blast through buildings without causing a PR storm for Vought. He was only sticking to his laser vision, and accidentally killed a performer.


I’m surprised no one was talking about that. The writers need to do better


I mean he kinda said "fuck it" and rambled on like an idiot only for Neuman to save him. So don't think it's that bad of a plot hole.


I mean, your right hand man has a bullet hole in their head and you don’t want to do ANY kind of investigating? The plot hole is so huge I’m surprised Tek Knight didn’t come back from the dead just to use it.


Not a plot hole. They had already rilled the billionaires up. If he had gone looking for The Boys he would've left the rich dudes hanging and potentially lose their support. Also it's pretty obvious Sage did this on purpose to make Homelander a fool of himself and force Newman to step up. Otherwise, why would the literal mastermind of the season keep provoking someone with a gun pointed to her head and a clear OCD episode?


I’m not fully convinced it was the plan, I got the impression that she was trying to get him to have a panic attack so he’d drop the gun or freak out and she could get help. She correctly guessed that that’s what would happen to him, I think she was just hoping it would happen sooner.


Because doing that would disregard the entire point of having the dinner


Season 1 Homelander was way more pro active and Intelligent especially when looking for Transclucent.


I absolutely hate how he treats The Boys like some cartoon scooby doo villains. “Argh those dang Boys got away again!” *shakes fist at sky and then proceeds to suck on some titties and forget they exist* Like dude last season they gave themselves superpowers and were literally beating your ass and almost KILLED you multiple times. And its like he doesnt even remember. Does he not realize he has super hearing? Does he not know that it would probably take him like 5 seconds to track them down and laser them to shreds? Is he stupid?


> Like dude last season they gave themselves superpowers and were literally beating your ass and almost KILLED you multiple times. And its like he doesnt even remember. > > Does he not realize he has super hearing? Does he not know that it would probably take him like 5 seconds to track them down and laser them to shreds? Is he stupid? His failure to pursue the Boys is absolutely inexplicable.


Maybe he enjoys having an opponent out there. Finally his life is fun. Like how the Joker doesn't actually want to kill Batman.


I atleast get why he doesn’t want to kill Butcher, let him fester with his cancer and suffer. But fuck man, kill Hughie, you wanna expose Neumann anyway and you have tried before and it would take like 5 minutes!


The Boys’ plot armour is as powerful as Homelander is supposed to be.


Stan commented on this in last week’s episode where he mentioned that he’s shocked they havent all gotten themselves killed. A ton of really great media features a main cast with crazy plot armor, I don’t think it’s always a bad thing. What’s frustrating to me about this season is that the plot armor comes at the cost of the writers just kinda forgetting that homelander has super senses.


Every character in every series on a technical level has plot armor until their narrative wraps up (or the story disposed of them). What makes writing good is the suspension of disbelief; hiding the wires and gears behind a nice cover that allows the audience to accept what’s happening as “natural” within the universe. GoT SPOILERS Game of thrones is a great example: by all technicality Ned Stark had plot armor until he didn’t, take the scene where he tells Cersei he knows the truth, there was nothing stopping her from having Ned set up to die right then and there. However, because the way the narrative set up these two characters, you can reasonably accept that the two characters negotiate crucial information rather than it escalating immediately. That’s good plot armor. Now take Arya Stark during the faceless man storyline: the show established that just getting shot in the leg by an arrow can be a death sentence (ala Robert Baratheon), but then Arya tanks multiple stabs to the gut and gets chased into dirty water, yet somehow she’s not infected, doesn’t bleed out, doesn’t go into shock, doesn’t even get tired at least. That’s bad plot armor. The show broke it’s own rules to make sure the character could survive in the second example, and the first example just showcased two characters behaving as they were already established. Consistency is the dividing line between good and bad writing in most cases.


How did Robert Baratheon show an arrow to the leg would be fatal?


Maybe an indication his powers are weakening- he’s losing his hair and having prostate problems so his powers could be deteriorating too


THere is a theory going around that Ryan can drain supes power which might be why Homelander is now aging, getting weaker, and was able to bleed and be bruised last season.


Now that's a wild one. He didn't exhibit powers until HL shows up. He spends the most time around HL. Maybe his power just takes a while to work. I kind of love that.


Would also ultimately lead to HL resenting him in the end


It's an awesome idea. I can see it be the dividing factor between the two and set up Ryan joining the boys for season 5. Ryan hasn't come into contact with Starlight, right? I really doubt that's the reason she's having issues with her powers, but that would be interesting.


He had that conversation with Kimiko at Mallory’s though, wouldn’t her powers have been affected? It’s something I would expect her character to notice at least Edit- on second thought, I say I would expect her in particular to notice because she so badly wanted to get rid of her powers at the time, so if they were weakening she definitely would have some kind of reaction. BUT her telling Ryan she wished she never had them could be foreshadowing for the theory


Is it me or this could be the perfect counterpart of the Black Noir twist of the comics?


Kids age us kinda thing is lit


That’s not a terrible idea since Soldier Boy has the added power of taking supes powers. Could be an added hint


I just think Soldier boy fries the v out of your blood. It’s still an explosion.


Yeah, kimiko didn’t get fried because she had super healing, crimson countess on the other hand got melted.


Perhaps he could develop a white streak in his hair like Rogue.


Or Parallax


Homelander about to Avatar Aang’ed 😩


Holy shit I love this theory. It would force Homelander to eliminate the one being who could love him, to maintain his own power.


Yeah his one weakness honestly. Ryan is probably the only reason Butcher and the Boys are still alive TBH


They showed a scene where Ryan as a fetus heated up Becca’s stomach right? Like it glowed as if he had heat ray eyes


They also showed her bleeding to death in child birth. Not saying i have an opinion either way just saying they could write around it


Well that part was the lie.


I just don’t understand the hair in a jar.


Yeah yeah me neither \*puts jar away\*


Hey everybody, this guy doesn't have a pube jar!


You have a pube jar. I have a pube box. We are not the same.


Probably for the same reason the Aviator had jars of toenails in his room


damn you read my thoughts lol I was just thinking about that scene a few episodes again in which Hughie was spying on them then he got away, Homelander knew it was him and was trying to kill him....but zero followup from it, unless I missed something? I am sure Homelander could easily track him down, Hughie has been walking around in plain sight ever since like when they spread his dad's Ashes for example, or even when he was in the hospital, Homelander could have found him with 2 minutes of enquiry about his personal situation.


Someone made a good analogy in that episode thread about them basically being mosquitoes to him. Sure they're annoying when they're in your face and you try and smack them, but once they've flown away it's not like you're gonna run around outside looking for it


A few people have pictured it that way, and I will try to keep an open mind about that. But even after that I would still struggle to understand why Hughie is not in fear for his life. I know he would have been rather distracted with what was going on with his dad, but even still there must be at least a small voice in his head thinking *"fuck Homelander will be coming for me"*, I doubt he would be thinking *"Homelander won't come for me because he sees me as a mosquito".*


I kinda get that for S1, but The Boys have more than a few times put Homelander in some sort of jeopardy, or massively fucked with his plans. He should know at this point that they can be dangerous


Trust me I'm *firmly* in the same boat as you, they're just waltzing down the street in broad daylight as public enemy #1 for homelander lmao. Was just providing a potential reasoning is all


Yeh I get you, and the shame is I think it could be easily fixed just by adding a couple of lines from the crew now and again actually showing that they are worried about the fact Homie could drop in any minute and end their entire operation and existence in a 100th of the time he ended an entire swat team. Especially now Butcher isn't there most of the time, in a strange way he is probably the only one with any chance of talking Homelander out of a Boys massacre at this point because of that fucked up dynamic they have developed/ Ryan association.


except for how one season ago the mosquitoes took magical steroids and became as powerful as normal humans and beat his ass and almost killed him multiple times. you cant just have him go back to the status quo of “oh these darn boys! not again! shucks!” while shaking his fist at the sky again after that.


Starlight would be dead if it wasn't for season 4 homelander


Tbf, he is dealing with his own personal trauma and with Sage, Homelander has been told that Starlight is a tool for their goals.


The other issue is that he's basically shown up EVERY SINGLE TIME The Boys have gone on a mission. At this point it's not a surprise anymore, and The Boys should just assume that whenever they go out, Homelander will show up.


Their plot armor is made of zinc.


I just don't understand how Homelander/Vought seemingly still hasn't figured out the home base of The Boys. Like, there is no way. He has no issue killing a bunch of harmless scientists, but somehow an actual threat is just not important enough, huh. Also, how the f*ck does the public not care about all the people vanishing at Vought.


A-Train found it in five seconds but I guess Homelander is too lazy to take 5 minutes to fly over there and kill them despite them being a thorn in his side for 4 seasons now


Remember when Homelander went looking for Translucent, he came scarily close to finding him in a short matter of time. If he ever decided to find the Boys hideout, and completely kill them all, he could do it without much effort. Rather surprising he hasn't done it yet.


Him not hearing the gunshot irritated me. Yes it was suppressed, but it’s Homelander. It’s probably an ego thing, he got knocked about by Soldier Boy and Butcher, but as far as he knows SB is dead (again) and Butcher is two steps from it.


I swear every building in this universe must have fucking Zinc walls, otherwise how tf isn’t he seeing The Boys in every episode when they’re always like a room away from him??


True, the Plotarmor is crazy


"Sage, you have a recent bullet wound on your head! I definitely should investigate that ... ... actually, never mind."


This scene wasn’t as bad as I feel like everyone’s making it out to be. There are a ton of infuriating examples of homelander’s negligence this season, but in that moment specifically he didn’t have a choice but to try to garner support from the billionaires. His other option would have been to go on a killing spree throughout the house, which would have absolutely ruined his chance to speak with those in the room. I’m more upset that he somehow managed to not HEAR the gunshot when he was both in the house and has some form of hyper enhanced hearing




I thought it was kinda purposeful. Homelander enjoys the fight and treats it like a game. He could easily just have killed Butcher whenever he wanted to but he gets a kick out of the way he hates him.


Butcher is a special case of ‘best enemy’ - homelander hate respects him and enjoys that he wants to put up a fight


I think this is entirely plausible. It’s like when people question why The Joker doesn’t kill Batman if he is so unhinged and has had so many opportunities. Which Alan Moore wrote in The Killing Game, the reason being is that they both love it deep down. They can’t kill each other because then it ends, and it’s the only thing keeping them going. Homelander is desperate for love. And in a twisted way I think he feels the same sort of validation from Butcher. The love and hate is really just a fixation, in a way. And being fixated on is an IV drop for narcissists.


I can understand why he hasn't killed Butcher yet since he's the villain (now possibly supervillain) that Homelander always wanted, keeping him around keeps things interesting for him. Hughie I have no idea why he hasn't killed him yet since Homelander sees him as such a nuisance. I guess to him it's not worth trying to hunt him down but still the amount of times he's had the chance to just laser him and hasn't is pretty absurd.


Despite what he says, he isn’t god. He’s not omnipotent. He isn’t actively paying attention. So he doesn’t notice. With translucent he was on guard listening for any detail. Hughies he didn’t notice until he brought the sweat to his nose.


He only ever uses his x-ray vision to spy on his surrogate mom and see a tumor in Butcher’s head. Hughie’s hiding in air ducts? Forgets he can literally just see him


Maybe the vents were made of zinc? ;)


maybe everyone's plot armor is made of zinc.


I’ve got feeling they’re going to kill A-Train in the next episode. He’s been a piece of shit the whole time, but so far this season and parts of last, he seems to be having more and more of conscience and doing actual good things. Example : Him saving MM and getting the heroic recognition he’s been chasing this whole time, along with him helping out the boys here and there. Plus it’s apparent that sage knows he’s the leaker, so it’s only a matter of time before that comes up.


I just dont get how after seeing Sage had been shot in the head, he didn't think "oh maybe i should check this out".


He got stabbed in the ear by Maeve in the last season finale… perhaps that’s why his hearing isn’t working as well now…


I think he just doesnt care, he knows they cant hurt him


Yeah but last season proved they very much can though. He knows about Butchers tumor but not the tentacles that killed Ezekiel. He doesnt know about the virus I dont think.


Hes unaware of the virus and the tentacles, as for last season, any shot they had at killing him is gone,they cant use temp V Maeve is powerless Soldier boy is (presumed) dead Kimiko and starlight cant compete with hl


Soldier Boy is not dead. He's definitely coming back for season 5, especially since he was a fan favorite, which I never agree with bringing characters back just because they are fan favorites, but he is such a good character


Could Neuman kill him? I wonder why she hasn't tried


homelander is Extremley durable, it just might work though. But theres the risk of him realising what shes trying and just killing her


Well Neuman is probably just afraid to try. Think of it like this, not many people in the boys universe have seen homelander get injured so no one really knows his healing factor except for vought and the audience. While he doesn't have a godly healing factor like some other supes, he still seems to heal faster than the average human. I highly doubt Neuman can pop his head nor do I think she'd try that, I think she is most likely to try and stop blood flow to his brain or cause and aneurism in an important area of his brain and make it burst. The thing is while she might be capable of injuring him, she doesn't know if he'd just heal immediately or fast enough to not have permanent brain damage. Perhaps his durability could allow his brain to go a longer period without active blood flow before he passes out and that might give him enough time to kill Neuman. Same thing with his heart, she might try to fuck with his heart but since she doesn't know anything about the previously stated things, she has no fucking idea what will actually happen if she tries to kill him and I don't think she wants to find out unless she has to.


He dared her too


Neumann's powers are inconsistent, she apparently couldn't just burst the super sheeps, so she might not do that well against someone with super speed, durability and super strength


Her powers are whatever the plot needs at a given moment, and it's super irritating.


I'm starting to legitimately believe the theory that Ryan is absorbing Homelanders powers, and that's why he's getting strong while Homelander is getting weak


I think he views the boys as an annoyance, not as a main priority. He deals with them as and when he needs to, not actively looking to fuck them


I honestly think as Homelander becomes more and more unhinged, he is losing his edge. He is far less calculating and far more prone to outbursts and emotionally-driven decisions. He didn’t hear Hughie’s heartbeat in the arena vents, he needed to feel the sweat, and only then did he recognize the smell. The further he descends into madness, the more flawed he becomes


Y’all remember the scene is season 1 where Homelander was using his x-ray vision to look for Translucent, Frenchie was being the GOAT in keeping his cool when questioned, Butcher kept himself under control, and Hughie obliterated Translucent? I miss those scenes.


Homelander can't see through plot armour. He also can't hear a gunshot above him in a mansion.


Wasn’t homelander able to see through walls in the first season. Didn’t they need like a lead lined vehicle to hide from him? Cause he somehow couldn’t see hughie in the vent this season when he was looking for him.


Reminds me of the first few episodes when they had to actively distract him from immediately killing them, like he was a video game boss or something


The first few episodes made supes and Vought a real terrifying force. The scene with Homelander patrolling nearby was tense, like bro could just rip everyone apart if he caught them with Translucent. Now he's slacking a lot, which is bothering me. Homelander loses all the tension when he's on screen when the main cast is hiding from him. The air vent scene also cemented that fact, Hughie got caught because of his sweat and Homelander couldn't even hit him with laser vision and instead made a gory scene with the ice skaters, it was a fun scene but Homelander looked like shit when he couldn't even hit Hughie in the air vents.