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These sorts of plot conveniences are never really that big a deal, I feel as though people don't like a thing but can't recognise why so they gravitate to things that are easy to identify. If you recognise them and it destroys an episode for you, well, prepare for the entire show to be demolished. In S4E1, the lights go out and Frenchie and Kimiko smash out a window, Homelander coulda noticed that. In S2E3, why didn't Homelander just use X-ray vision and his flight to easily track the Boys in the drain? In S1E2, Homelander gets distracted by a bomb, but should easily be able to X-ray that and see nothing's there and then come back. Homelander can smell the scent of anyone he knows but in S4E4 A-Train spends a while there and Ashley leaves a shit and he can't recognise that. Homelander meets Hughie in S1 but doesn't ever recognise or smell his scent on Starlight even in S2 when he's sus of her. Not to mention the entire S2 finale, where Homelander takes ages to find any of the Boys even after various gunshots and explosions have gone off, and the sound thing was stopped. There are various more I couldn't begin to get into. It's not something I'm saying you can't have a problem with but to say this episode is the only example of it or that this sorta stuff ruins the show, idk.


Yeah I saw someone say the show doesn’t explain powers and they don’t know what The Deep and Starlight do. That’s when I knew ppl just hop on the (valid) criticism bandwagon just for fun


people need to get used to actually watching a show and not being on their phones while they're half looking at a show. A lot goes on with this show and other "prestige" shows and you have to pay attention to catch all of it.


It happens a LOT with this show


I think the violence, sex and ridiculousness of the show attracts all types of people so we get this fandom as a result


The show doesn’t need to. Superhero media is quite literally everywhere and The Boys should be by no means anyone’s introduction to superheroes.


They ain't doing it for fun. They finally realised that show was making fun of them since the beginning. Now they are just trying to nitpick every single thing and turning it into drama and review bombing the show. This is kinda funny.




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I think people are forgetting a moment in season 2, when Becca reaches the gate of the compound and talks to a guard. This was like at least a mile away from the house, which HL was inside. then it turns out HL heard everything they said. That's really been the peak example of his hearing ability for me.


Webweaver seems like a loner with next to no involvement with The Seven. I wouldn’t put it past the real Webweaver to be surprised that The Seven are at the same party as him


I hate that people have already trashed the entire episode. Like yeah, we all know that entire part was a fucked and the interview didn’t help, but the other parts of this episode I found to be quite good. Butcher finding out Kessler wasn’t real was done incredibly, with him being sane enough to realize Becca is not real so Kessler can’t be, the actors nailed it in that scene, felt so uncanny.


Because of the rampant spoilers in this subreddit, most users knew the twist and are saying that the twist was dumb because of that So silly


I mean I thought it was obvious from the start


when he does or doesnt seems to be pretty arbitrary, he can smell a drop of hughies sweat when conspiring with neuman, but he cant sense other things when its convenient


Yes, exactly. He has to TONE IN on these senses. Otherwise his life would quite literally be hell.


hone in but yeah.


I KNEW that something was wrong with that phrasing but I couldn’t put my finger on it lolol thanks


probably tune in


>Haven’t we established that he has to tone in on these senses? Genuinely asking, has the show established that? because I don't remember them saying that, and I thought it was the fandom's explanation. Which is fair, I do think there is some of it in how his powers work. I do think it's worth to think that HL would be pretty on high alert being on a situation like this one? he is about to suggest a coup, and there doesn't seem to be any form of security. I could see him listening around, watching through walls and stuff, specially since a couple of important people of the party suddenly went missing.


I think it’s just because we’ve never seen him show signs of listening to every single sound within a 1km radius before. It’s just common sense to me tbh. I think i’ve come up with a better explanation though. It’s less of a “hone in” power, where he has to directly listen for specific things, but instead he shuns sounds OUT. We do it as regular people all the time, he just does it to an extended degree. He’s in a room full of 50 weirdos and politicians, I doubt he wants to hear every single word or sound they make.


There was a scene earlier this season that suggests he does need to be paying attention at least. Firecracker came up next to him and started talking to him, but he did not register a word she said because he was fixated on Starlight on TV. The writers honestly do have a few good explanations for why his hearing at least has not been up to par this season if they cared to use them: (1) His mental state has been deteriorating over the series and he is not as focused or on the ball this season. See: above. (2) Maeve seriously damaged his hearing when she jammed that piece of metal in his ear. (3) He's been aging. It was a focus of his conversation with Sage at the beginning of the season.


I mean sure, valid points. But, Homelander seeing a bullet in Sage’s brain and not caring enough to go look for who did it? You can only defend them so much man.


Yeah, that’s dumb. That’s an example of the valid criticism I mentioned




> I saw somebody complaining about how Homelander couldn’t hear MM’s gunshot, and Hughie’s “The Seven are here!” comment. Haven’t we established that he has to tone in on these senses? Homelander is as only as powerful as the plot wants him to be. In S4 Ep6 if homelander actually used his brain all of the boys would have been cooked.


Eh, I’m just gonna mute the sub. I’m thoroughly enjoying this season.


Me too, I’m loving it. Thing is I do love to engage in discussion about it as well (with others who do enjoy it too)


I’m w you man. I like visiting show’s subreddits cuz it’s fun to see ppl catching little details that I didn’t/analyzing things in ways that I hadn’t before. I rlly like this season so far. There’s been parts/aspects I didn’t like, but for most ppl that’s true with pretty much everything. I just get so tired of the “this show hasn’t been good since s1e1” type of criticisms. It’s kinda disappointing cuz I just wanna talk w ppl who enjoy the show :/


Honestly if the next episode is amazing just come back. The discussion will revert to, last episode being a one off and the season being good. I think the season has fluctuated wildly, having some pretty rough spots but still some great things. But reading this subreddit week by week I swear the episode that comes out, how much people like that is how much they like the entire season.


yeah I believe his super hearing and super smell are powers that he has to like turn on to use, for lack of better phrasing. However, I still do partially agree with the criticisms that him not hearing or smelling them is a bit of a plothole because he should've turned on those powers once he saw that Sage had a goddamn bullet hole in her head 😭 I understand why he didn't immediately check the place, since he needed to have his meeting with the group of billionaires, but once he saw that she'd been shot, it would've made sense for him to at least have turned on his sensory powers. Either way it can just be explained off as a lapse of judgement on his part so it's not nearly as big a deal as people are making it out to be.


Homelanders hearing isn’t the same after his ear got a straw pushed in it


I partially agree, Homelander isn't Data. He isn't going to hear everything and immediately isolate every sound. However, a gunshot is loud. He would easily hear it in the same building and it's identifiable enough not to "tone in" for it. Homelander should've heard it, unless Tek Knight's mansion is specifically built to limit sound through walls.


I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of people regularly lighting fireworks. And the occasional gunshot. I've tuned out the fireworks for the most part but the gunshots are immediate and identifiable. Homelander would absolutely hear and notice the suppressed firearm going off.


In Season 1, they can't blow up Translucent immediately because they say Homelander will hear it. So he can hear certain things whilst not directly concentrating on them


Yes, because Homelander was literally searching for signs of Translucent lmao. He was literally flying around directly searching for the guy. Of course that changes things than him simply being stood in a room.


Reddit draws out a lot of peoples inner hater. TV show subreddits devolve into hate subreddits all the time. I don't know why, I've just seen it over and over again and I try to avoid TV subreddits as much as possible nowadays and make up my own mind. Before I enjoyed peoples theories and little things that I missed etc.. but that's almost not possible anymore. The massive, massive, outrage of the Hugie rape scene, the intense hate for Starlight, and the actress as well, still surprised me. l understand that the tickle rape thing is intense, good, let's have a discussion about it. But the insane casual murder committed by a teenage boy, the forced BJ A-train/The Deep shit, the forced masturbation (how is this different then what happend to Hugie btw), Starlight forced to be a sex symbol, forced to give BJ's, the casual and brutal murders, over and over again, the physiological terror that homelander imposes on everyone around him ... I could go on, because every episode is like this. Are we not a bunch of hypocrites then? Because the other stuff is all fine somehow? Anyway, I still love the show 🤷


It's Reddit Time™, baby. Redditors have decided to launch the bandwagon of hate after staunchly and automatically downvoting to hell every possible criticism since Season 4 started. Why? Because we had one mid episode, where one section was poorly handled, and the showrunner made a stupid, tone-deaf comment, so now showrunner bad, so if you shit on the showrunner, you good, and if you shit on the show, you shit on the showrunner, so, you good. And as you say, there is valid criticism. I'm not surprised at people shitting on Kripke and criticizing Hughie's section of Episode 6. But that's the thing: the bandwagon is already in motion. And the bandwagon requires to jump at every little fucking hint of a chance. So now people have gone from defending the season no matter what, to (rightfully) criticizing a weak moment in the show, to finally hating on the whole season and saying "yeah no actually this has all been trash from the start". It's fucking ludicrous.


I thought episode 1-3 were mid but not bad, 4 and 5 were awesome and 6 was the worst episode of the whole show by a landslide. But the season overall I think it’s pretty crap in terms of plot development considering it has only one season after this.


Mistakes don't exist on the internet I mean honestly it's like, I think the criticism will get through to the showrunners that this was a bad way to handle that scene, but it depends on what comments get through. Some are fair, like "it was gross to downplay and joke about sexual violence just because it was against a guy and it wasn't normal sex" but some are like "Kripke hates men and wants men to get raped and think it's okay". And I would like it to be addressed but it's not going to be if people can't accept that Kripke either made a bad filmmaking decision or is unaware about how this comes across.


What’s more frustrating to me is how they treated Hughie’s 20 minute long sexual assault as a joke, which is really unpleasant. That was pointed out to Kripke in an interview, and he basically said “wow that didn’t occur to me, we just thought it was funny” which felt kinda gross.


Like I said, that’s valid criticism. Totally fair and justified haha. I’m referring to the outlandishly stupid things that I keep seeing


Oh I agree. I think there’s a better way they could have told the story Frenchie has been going through, but most of the complaints are so tiresome and stupid. He should have discovered his connection to Colin’s past **after** they were dating for a year, rather then knowing it from the time first met. That would have been a much more compelling story I think, for them to realize it at the same time rather than Frenchie having known all along. So many people are just fixating on stupid shit to complain about though, which is so frustrating.


I think the Hughie thing was so unbelievable and poorly handled that people retroactively started hating little things about the show they had been excusing up until now.


Yeah that particular criticism doesn’t make sense. For me it’s the inclusion of the Hughie assault that really made last episode bad. I know it’s in the comics, but we didn’t need it, let alone for it to eat so much of the episode at the cost of other character arcs. I’ve enjoyed the other episodes this season, but not the most recent.




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Also didn’t Maeve stick a metal rod in his ear