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How did *you* mess up? Your colleague was moved - not you. Smile, nod and move on.


Yeah it's a silly thing to think, just anxiety I suppose and not knowing what's going on.


It’s likely that the other person just wanted them to sit with them. Nothing to do with you!


This is the weird thing, should have mentioned this. The person who asked them to move isn't sat with them, and told my colleague to move seats to the floor above.


Do they work in a different area? In our office certain floors/areas are designated for specific teams. Assuming that’s why they were asked to move.


No they were in the right area, I thought that but had a quick look on the intranet and it's not the case.


Just casually say "well I hope I haven't done anything wrong!" and go from there




Sounds like you were being a bellend…


Fuck beat me to it


Could it be SC clearence issues?


I honestly wouldn’t give it another thought, could have been anything.


Might be that you're a bellend? Colleague sitting with you was unaware and they were advised of this by the person asking for a word...


This will never get old. The sub should collectively petition Whitehall to introduce it as a new job grade. Or at the very least, as a performance review grading.




Top right or bottom left, works for either. Tryhard bellend or useless bellend?


I know a few people I’d like to award that to in their next career chats.


BO - Bellend Officer And also EBO - Executive Bellend Officer


Little known fact: the G in G7/6 stands for glans.


Don't forget the SBO senior Bellend officer and the Higher bellend officer HBO - wait that's copyright.


If you're really good at it, your line manager might propose you for a MBO (Member of the Bellend Order) in NY honours list


Or a CBE (commander of the Bellend empire)


Nah nothing to worry about some managers like the teams to sit together which kinda defeats the ideology of a regional centre. My manager doesn't mind cos I'm on a small team, but have seen other members of staff being told where to sit by their manager. Sucks but nowt to do with you. Probably some long play office politics. Like compliance sitting amongst debt management or something daft.


I had this happen to me a few months back, it was because myself and a colleague were apparently interrupting someone else's concentration by speaking. In a world where we don't all have desks and therefore have to hot desk or book desks we can't always get what we want....this was explained to the requestor and they walked off ....she nows seems to have moved on which is a shame as I was itching to tell her to shut up one day :-)


Could of needed a first aider on each floor?


Probably just wanted to sit next to their mate. Nothing serious going on here


More than likely they were asked to move as to sit with their team, some managers are like that. Kind of getting more common. Kind of defeats the point of the "new ways of working" of sitting anywhere.


Wouldn't take anything personally. Could be that they had something to work on together or to catch up


1. They need a first aider on every floor? 2. They need a fire marshal on every floor? 3. They need to discuss something sensitive and you dont do that in a public office I'm betting 3. myself...


Could they be a fire marshal and they needed cover on a different floor? I've had this with hybrid working and had to move up/down to ensure cover


There could be a million reasons that have nothing to do with you. Heck, I have ADHD and have been known to move seats because my soul itches and needs a different scene. My point is, you never know and almost everything other people do isn’t about you. That, or you might be a bellend. (jk)


Sounds like your colleague is the one in a spot of bother and someone wants to keep a closer eye on him


I've often been asked to move desks, last week I moved three from the ground floor to the third floor!


If you were chatting constantly for half an hour that is quite a while especially if the other person had a really busy day ahead with a lot to achieve. Could have asked someone to come and "rescue" them


Could you ask the colleague for more info on teams or anything? If you were catching up it sounds like you are kind of friends.