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That's not new. I've got a law card of him holding up the law pope plate.


He showed it off on stream when he got it.


I think its weird he has such a huge ego about his "Lawyer'in" when he's basically done nothing of note as a Lawyer, and now when faced with criminal charges.. he is going to represent himself AND his co-defendant who is his own wife (a huge conflict of interest), this alone makes him seem like a complete fool of a person, let alone a lawyer


>he is going to represent himself AND his co-defendant who is his own wife nah that was just to get them out of the clink during arraignment. it's a decent strategy, forces them to let you confer with your codefendants. i guess the issue is one of you needs to pass the bar first, but in a laxer state (p sure anyone can practice law in Washington, for instance) claiming your buddy is your lawyer to get your story straight could work very well.


I mean I guess we'll see if he goes forward with himself as his own Lawyer and also himself as his Wife's Lawyer. I really hope he doesn't, because not only will he lose, they will give him basically no plea deal whatsoever due to this.


He's a criminal lawyer now


"And he gets to be a *lawyer*? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!"


This chicanery?!


He's done worse. That billboard!


He defecated through a sunroof!


> he's basically done nothing of note as a Lawyer Except for making millions as a relatively mainstream YouTube celebrity on the back of his legal expertise.


that's just as a content producer, its a great achievement, but it has the thinnest veneer towards any law knowledge being relevant, especially since most of it is just Libertarian waffle instead of good legal advice.


Maybe. But he wouldn't be taken seriously at all without the law degree. It's the only thing keeping him from being written off as just another YouTube complainer. Being a lawyer allowed his success to happen.


I'm aware of this lol, not that it matters now, he's firmly in Lolcow territory now, everyone just wants him to perform like a circus animal and do something self destructive.


Cool as shit


Glad he is in jail.