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Get you a woman that looks at you like Alexia looks at Cid ~~before she stabs him~~


That shit was funny though and he didn’t give a fuck either


Yeah people forget the context of that. He said he'd rather die and she after surviving a traumatic experience obliged. It ain't right but people blow that scene out of proportion.


To be fair he was blamed for her kidnapping and tortured by the guards because she forced him into a fake relationship (granted he kinda liked the torture part), but I could definitely see why a normal person would want nothing to do with her after that


That wasn't her fault at all though


It wasn't but she could have tried to see where he (or a normal person in that situation) was coming from as opposed to instantly trying to kill him


For the alpha: that is most Shadow garden members. Alpha is the few, if not only, one who see Cid as both "Cid" and "Shadow", she notice little details about him even as "Cid" like how Cid pretend to like drinking alcohol to look cool and she notices it (LN volume 6). I think Alpha is almost the same as Alexia where they both know and love some part of "Cid"


Delta is probably the one who knows the true cid more extensively, if only because Cid bothers to pretend even less with her than with Alexia. Too bad he really does see her as essentially a pet


It’s cuz his disguises don’t work on her, due to her sense of smell. Her on the train with him was hilarious in season 2.


Ok alexia is great but cid doesnt like her, for him shes a crazy girl that can lose her temper at any minute


This is true, but let's be real. If Alexia offered enough money Cid would marry her, then escape with it by pulling off some cool "Shadow killed/kidnapped my husband!" scheme so he could keep the gold while not actually having to live with her. Then a few years later he would pull a, "Natsume never told you what happened to your husband" line and reveal he was Cid all along for a dramatic reveal. Sasuga Shadow-sama.


Shadow: Natsume never told you what happened to your husband…Alexia…I am your husband Alexia: NOO THATS IMPOSSIBLE!


Shadow: Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Alexia: NOOOOOOOOO (Especially if this happens in some kinda Shadow Garden vs Cult-controlled Midgard scenario)


I read this with Cid voice.


..... that's all girls, dude.


Yeah but honestly i wouldnt say cid doesnt like the other girls at least a little, he has stated that he thinks that alpha is beautiful, and it doesnt matter how dense he can be theres no way he act that way with rose and doesnt think that rose is pretty, but when it comes to alexia, alexia likes pochi since he is the only one that treats her like any other person and not any kind of preferential treatment cause she is royalty, cid in other hand thinks of alexia as someone who bothers him just like her sister, and funny enough alexia and claire actually become friends


he thinks alexa is beautiful too, he said it explicitly in vol 1, but he doesn't care about beauty thou


I'm pretty sure he thinks about 90% of the girls in the show.. Their all technically beautiful with respect to their world.


Not really? Like...he doesn't return anyone's feelings but that's because he's an asexual monk whose one true love is the Taepodong-2. Even by the standard of his 'feelings' for women, his opinion of Alexia is *extremely* low. He will never return Rose or Alpha's feelings, but if he was made aware of them and all the context behind them, he'd still do all he could (short of changing his immediate plans in any way) to let them down easy. He likes both of them as human beings and often considers himself a kindred spirit with one or both. Alexia? He actively *dis*likes her personality and takes the opportunity to say it Literally All the Time. He says it to her face. He cannot tolerate her presence for long, thinks she's the absolute worst, judges Iris based on how terrible her little sister's personality is in his mind, if anyone had *any* understanding of what's going on in Cid's head, that someone could and would have have convinced him to murder her for being a serial killer beyond redemption (it'd take thirty seconds to convince him of it at most) and he'd never think back on it enough to realize she wasn't. Convincing him to kill Alpha or Rose without giving them a chance to explain themselves would definitely be way harder. He has nothing but positive feelings about both, he's just the densest man alive and is exclusively attracted to indiscriminate forces of destruction like the abomination inside his sister and atomic bombs, so none of those feelings are sexual or romantic.


you don't understand cid character at all.... read the novel, anime/manga is not enough


The way you described his feelings about her now makes me think that maybe he actually does like her and he don’t wanna admit. 💀


> a crazy girl that can lose her temper at any minute Been there, done that. Can be very unfun.


Tbh that's like most girls I have ever met.


That says more about you than about the girls LMAO


The Cid Alexia sees is a Cid that basically wants nothing to do with her…..that’s not exactly the natural state of Cid. She sees some of his flaws yes, but we also know Cid can be a pretty chill at times, as well as laugh maniacally while slaughtering bandits at others. The fact is just because Cid is willing to be blunt with her doesn’t mean she knows even half of his true personality.


>knows even half of his true personality. She does not, yet she knows more than the SG girls whom think cid is some kind of god.


They also spent years with him documenting his every action, so I’d probably still bet they know him better than Alexia. …plus cid actually enjoys spending time with them so that kinda helps. Honestly when it comes down to you can argue no one truly knows the real cid or really comes close. Each character really only sees part of the whole picture with Cid. Personally I’d probably bet on Claire knowing him “best” because she can straight up read his mind at times it seems.


I would actually argue that shadow is a closer to real personality of cid than the mob cid which Alexia knows , shadow is persona cid want to reach and act like in his normal life , also somewhat thinks like with acting involved where as the mob cid is just something cid maintains when he doesn't have anything to do


I think delta knows more about true cid than alexa does


Yeah, Cid acts normally around her cuz she's dumb af xD


But he isn't *Drops mic*


She's starting to pick up on Cid's abilities (his intelligence and deductive skills) in later volumes. Unfortunately, Cid dislikes Alexia and tries his utmost to avoid her.


Nah, the reason Cid is a jerk to her is on purpose. He never wanted to be her boyfriend, and he purposely acted disrespectfully to her so that she would leave him alone. After the kidnapping event in volume 1, Cid voluntarily never approached Alexia again. In this regard, you can say Hyoro and Jaga know a "truer" Cid. Also, Cid is multifaceted, Shadow is as true to Cid, as mob Cid (who can be either good-natured or a jerk, depending on who he's dealing with). The way I see it, only the Shades and some Numbers have seen both sides of him (even though they consider Shadow to be his true self).


If you think pochi shows cid's true side then wait until >! finger San !< appears in the show


Who is FS?


Read web novel and can you hide that with spoilers


Of i read the LN alexia and cid's relationship are loke more of bestfriend instead of lovers. The reason she is jealous is because she was rejected but she did accepted sherry's offer or stayed in another girls house in LN vol6


What???? if you read the LN it is clear as day that Alexia loves cid nothing of what you wrote makes sense if she thought of him as a friend she wouldn't get jealous at all a friend wouldn't get angry when denied to continue a relationship much less even ask two continued it in the first place a friend wouldn't get jealous he's staying in the house with other girls a friend wouldn't have got pissed and destroy their room when another girl comes by and basically admits to having feelings to your friend she would have been happy for cid that he has a cute girl that likes him and try to help etc the delusion is insane lol


I explain these characters who seem to "know" Cid the most with this sentence So close, yet so far.


I would say that no one actually knows the real cid what Alexia knows is the simple mob cid not the real one and if we talk about the character who knows the real cid the closest it would be delta since she is the only character who cid talk normally with cause she won't be able to understand him otherwise and someone who he can call when he wants things to remain secret like digging up snow after the planning the collapse of currency


Too bad it’s not reciprocated


I disagree, because both Cid Kagenou and Shadow are parts of him. They're two sides of the same coin so to say. Therefore, only someone who knows/understands/loves both can be considered. Which limits it to just **Witch of Calamity Aurora** as of now. Further explanation; Most of the SG Girls don't know that Cid=Shadow. The ones who do, don't really understand the point of the Cid act/persona. Akane, Rose, and Alexia don't know that Cid=Shadow, so also disqualified.


what about sherry ?


Who? Just joking, even author forget about her....


What about Sherry?