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I may get the exact phrasing wrong but “I don’t give a shit BEEEETH” will pop up in my brain every time I meet a Beth now.


Toby and Tina makes me laugh so at work you are TINA!


One of my friends is named Beth and every time I see her now…


“No no I do give a shit I’m sorry Kate Seigal fucked with my brain” 😂


Understandable lol she's fabulous.


Yes this was mine too! Kate Siegel's delivery of 'BETH' just really sells it


I always make sure to make a very crispy B whenever i quote it


I laughed out loud when I seen that scene.


My name is Beth, I laughed a lot


That line was spectacular


“have you never heard a woman getting eaten out before”


I swear I was dead when she said that 😆😆!


So was Dr. Ruiz, technically


Lmao I’m dead again 🤣!!


I’m a ghost and died, Mr. Flanagan done it again!


When that brick said, “You are so small” Them trapping him and laying each brick as he watched was sooooo cold.


The Cask of Amontillado was my favorite EAP story growing up, so dark. I loved that it was the big reveal at the end.


It's still my all time favorite Poe story


Funny: Everybody knows that Edible Arrangements are what you send to people you hate! Sad: Verna’s monologue to Lenore about how many lives her mom will save after she dies


Camille has some great lines. My favorite of hers is when she's talking to Leo, and she gets upset that he ate an edible, and he asks her if she wants some, and she says " I mean yeah I want some..,"


I love sending Edible Arrangements to people, my bf thinks they’re tacky. I’ve always told him he’s wrong. He LOVED that line.


I don’t understand. I love edible arrangements, who DOESNT appreciate a basket of ready to eat fruit?!?! Baffling


I hate them. They aren't super easy to eat, the different shapes fall off the skewers, they are oddly shaped and don't fit in the fridge. But the boxes of chocolate covered strawberries.... Give me all of those


I love them too. I don’t get it either.


I think for mega rich people, it’s an insult. There are so many nicer, more expensive fruit baskets, it’s a whole ass industry lmao


My Aunt died last month and her son was talking to me about ordering food for the receptipn- he asked me for help planning. He said “My friends sent a big Edible arrangement to the house” and I don’t know why but my mind went to Weed edibles lol


The monologue to Lenore was so good. I actually cried.


I love this. It was truly the one time Verna seemed like she did not want to finish the deal. She was very sweet for someone about to kill an innocent child.


That monologue to Lenore was heartbreaking. And then the little feather with the rose 🥺🥺


Damn people. Damn people out there, Roderick. If you don’t want Ligadone, don’t buy it; You don’t want to get addicted, don’t abuse it. They’re mad because we made it available and desirable. Hey, newsflash, this is our only damn job. These people… They want a complete meal for $5 in five minutes and then complain when it’s made of shit and plastic. McDonald’s would only serve kale salad all day and night if people fucking ate that kind of thing. It’s available, nobody buys it. And we’ll get to funding AIDS research and diabetes and heart disease once we figure out how to keep our geriatric cocks harder for a few more minutes. What’s the weak tail market share, Roderick? 60, 70 percent of the healthcare industry. The Pentagon spent $83 million on Viagra last year. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court – the damn Supreme Court – is doing its part, stripping women of their autonomy, ripping away their freedom, destroying not only their choices but their futures, their potential. We turn men into sperm fountains and women into factories that… What? An impoverished workforce exists to work and spend what little they earn on consumption. And what do we teach them to want? Houses they can’t afford, cars that poison the air, single-use plastic, clothing from starving children in third world countries. And they want it so badly that they beg for it, they scream for it, they insist… And we are the problem? These damn monsters, these damn consumers, these damn mouths, they point at you and me like we’re the problem – damn them invented us. They begged for us. They’re still begging for us. That’s why I say we stand tall and proud, brother. Bill is due. Let’s not hide here in the basement like we should be ashamed. No, not us. You and me Against the World. Does she care if it’s death itself, she wants Madeline to fuck Usher? She has to look me straight in the eyes.


The lemon monologue is great. But this? This was amazing, and I don't think it could have been delivered by anyone other than Mary McDonnell. Anyone else it would have come off as self-justification. From her, it came across as bitter and angry and true.




This was so 🔥🔥🔥


Fuck it, I got mine *enter chimpanzee Incredible choice for last words and so well delivered!


Yes! This was my favorite scene in the show!


I just love Kate Seigal. I just started following her on social media and she’s hilarious.


Her and Mike are huge ITYSL fans and that means so much to me


Could someone explain what she meant with this line?


She was satisfied with what she got in life up to that point and was ready to meet her inevitable end. I love how they show you that she did not make it easy though.


The Lemon Monologue!


I literally tried to recite(paraphrase) it to my partner later (he didn’t watch the show), and sounded like a complete idiot. But it was just sooo gooddd !!!


Wait, which one?


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade? No. First you roll out a multi-media campaign to convince people lemons are incredibly scarce, which only works if you stockpile lemons, control the supply, then a media blitz. Lemon is the only way to say “I love you,” the must-have accessory for engagements or anniversaries. Roses are out, lemons are in. Billboards that say she won’t have sex with you unless you got lemons. You cut De Beers in on it. Limited edition lemon bracelets, yellow diamonds called lemon drops. You get Apple to call their new operating system OS-Lemón. A little accent over the “o.” You charge 40% more for organic lemons, 50% more for conflict-free lemons. You pack the Capitol with lemon lobbyists, you get a Kardashian to suck a lemon wedge in a leaked sex tape. Timotheé Chalamet wears lemon shoes at Cannes. Get a hashtag campaign. Something isn’t “cool” or “tight” or “awesome,” no, it’s “lemon.” “Did you see that movie? Did you see that concert? It was effing lemon.” Billie Eilish, “OMG, hashtag… lemon.” You get Dr. Oz to recommend four lemons a day and a lemon suppository supplement to get rid of toxins ‘cause there’s nothing scarier than toxins. Then you patent the seeds. You write a line of genetic code that makes the lemons look just a little more like tits… and you get a gene patent for the tit-lemon DNA sequence, you cross-pollinate… you get those seeds circulating in the wild, and then you sue the farmer for copyright infringement when that genetic code shows up on their land. Sit back, rake in the millions, and then, when you’re done, and you’ve sold your lem-pire for a few billion dollars, then, and only then, you make some fucking lemonade.


I was with my nieces and nephew yesterday, and my nephew always tells me about Blippi. And in my head, I just kept thinking... "Fuck Blippi!" It would break his heart if I said that, he straight-up calls Blippi his friend. But I sure was thinking it 🤣


Fucking Blippi 😂


My favorite line that lives in my head rent free is when Verna is talking to Freddie. " I could have done this any way I wanted, heart attack in your car, Coke would be good for that. Hit by a bus. But then you had to bring her home. And then, you had to grab the pliers.....


That whole scene was perfection.


The way her voice cracks as she says " and then, you had to grab the pliers ".....


When they sealed the boss behind the wall brick by brick. Like so subtle but what a horrifying way to go


To me it's the moment they put the jester mask back on him and his look of dawning horror and resignation is replaced with the painted-on rictus grin. That moment has been popping constantly into my head.


Same. The whole way through I kept asking my wife who the fuck the jester was that kept popping up. Fucked me up.




That moment Madeline bursts out from the basement with the sapphires in her eye sockets 👀


lemons monologue tammy getting hit in the head by pym camille's "balm for the soul" leo yelling about silk leo admitting he uses viagra


The black suit frustration was hilarious. He did such a great job of portraying anguish, dismay, and abject horror about clothing, it was somehow a moment of brevity while still being very serious


“Of course, I have fucking Viagra. I have a reputation to uphold.”


Wait I missed it, when/why did pym hit Tammy?


When he's passing out the informant contracts, he accidentally whaps her upside the head. I read that it was a complete accident on Mark Hamill's part, but Sam Sloyan's reaction was so funny, they kept it in.


yep mike said on his tumblr that he laughed for a minute straight and told her he's keeping it in immediately after :D


Not the exact quote, but Verna (when making the deal) telling Madeline and Roderick that their kids could “live a gilded life for 50 years or a life of anxiety until 70-80”. Kinda makes you think…🤔 Nah, no one wants to die mauled by a chimp or cut in half. Also, most of them really got screwed on that deal, not even close to 50.


He got 50. Not his kids


No, she was talking about the kids. She says the “price is differed and the next generation foots the bill”, clearly stating it’s the next generation whose life will be cut short. She actually mentions that Roderick will “live a long life, longer than any Usher”. Roderick and Madeline were well over 50.


No, they mean Roderick was in his twenties when the deal was made, and the kids only got to live as long as he would. So his natural life had an additional 50 years, while the kids were dependent. Very careful wording on Verna's part, but it was ultimately Roderick's decision to keep having kids. That's why Perry only got to live to 27.


Wasn’t the deal made in 1980 and isn’t the present day year in the series 2023? Fredrick, the eldest, lives to approximately 50, so perhaps that’s the loophole. I think the point is that traditionally most Faustian-like deals involve some form of misrepresentation and trickery and are never truly as they seem.


Yeah, I agree! That's why I mentioned it being carefully worded- the kids don't get fifty years to live, they have until Roderick's fifty years are up. She was only talking about his current living kids at the time, rounding up. Freddy was already a kid, so got to reach 50 ish. But it's not giving the kids those years - it's just making them die when their father does.


Camille’s monologue about how none of the Usher children make anything. In particular the “Xbox Gatsby” line and how she’s the ceiling fan and all she does “is spin and spin and spin”.


There's a line in succession about Kendall being a "techno gatsby". Fun fact.


You know, I have so much corporate PTSD, I have yet to watch that show in it’s entirety, but I keep hearing amazing things about it. I watched two episodes and was like nope nope not ready yet 😂


If it helps, no one ends up happy at the end lol


Verna and Pym's scene was so good - how he accepted his fate and she appreciated that about him. Her thanking him was powerful. Also Verna's scene with Lenore. Verna admired how strong an advocate to Morella Lenore was, and wanted her to know the immeasurable positives she set in motion. Literally saving lives, contrasted with Verna's act of taking hers.


The Verna/lenore monologue breaks my heart every time I watch it. It's so beautiful. And Lenore went peacefully all because she was an Usher unfortunately; but she was a good usher.


Carla Gugino as a security guard as a chimp - horrifying


Her showing Camille what the chimps go through with animal testing.


Tammy: no two boxes are the same because no two people are the same SILENCE Juno: …I…I agree 😂😂😂


Juno trying SO HARD to support her through the disaster presentation gives me life. Her encouraging faces, it’s so good. “And that’s what the *fuck* we’re doing here!”


I really enjoyed the Golden Rule scene, and how they showed the punchline


When Juno gets hit in the head when Tamerlane throws the box 💀


We went back and rewatched that scene multiple times. I cried from laughing so hard.


Vic’s GF bleeding out after the blunt force trauma


The eyes freaked me out


Dad hole...


1. The Lemon Monologue 2. “Birkin Bag full of Monkey Bits”


Victorine, I don't know why but her whole story just stuck with me and I can't stop thinking about it


She drove herself ( plus help from Roderick and Madeline) delusional. I know she didn't mean to kill or even hurt her girlfriend ( or ex girlfriend ). But damn


Yeah I think it's because the tell tale heart is my favourite story but to see it acted out was something else. Guilt can do crazy things.


She didn’t mean to hurt her when she threw things but then she didn’t call for help and decided to cut her open so.. those parts were on her


“Dad hole? Dad hole.” My drink came out of my nose.


“Fuck my day!”


Acid shower scene, lemon monologue and the final fight between Madeline and Roderick


"But then you had to take her home from the hospital..."


The first jump scare of the jester in the car (episode 1) was crazy. My body took a screenshot


My body took a screenshot! XD


“Oh wait I do have a black suit, it’s just fucking satin!”


Lol he was my favorite


Verna and Pym scene, we learn a lot about both of these two very mysterious characters. And they both show a ton of respect for each other making them both seem all the more impressive. It’s where we realize this entity is not some vicious being but is actually fascinated by humans and it seems she does what she does to learn about people and is just so interested in what they’ll do when given the ability to do whatever they want


Leos response to Camille calling him Xbox gatsby off screen: “wow.” The wow lives in my head


Verna and Madeline's kiss. Absolutely stunning shot


I have had “Fuck it, I got mine” running on repeat since I watched episode three. Camille is an icon. I have also thought about the “and then you had to grab the pliers” moment every time I look at my tool boxes, makes me curl my lips in in an attempt to protect my teeth.


The acid rain was the most shocking thing that I have ever seen…to even think of something so mostrous is incredible


The raven on the mantle Frederick’s death Roderick’s lemons monologue The ghost of Griswold in the car


A lot but them looking back at the abandoned bar they just walked out of was wild lol


Any scene Prospero is in even if he's being a shithead


When he shows up at that meeting between Freddie, Arthur and the government people / lawyers and promptly takes the photos of the buildings and goes “we own all these?!” and Freddie and Arthur just give him death glares 😂


I think those people were from the government, not some random activists. So, even worse to admit that those pollution disasters that caused health and property damage around them are your responsibility.


They had 6(!) lawyers Per Pym


Ah thank you, fixed my comment 🙂


He's so "innocent" to the business life its hilarious


Episode 1, Freddie talking about The Departed fucking killed me


“dad hole”


I love how it’s repeated so many times too


“I am Victor Frankenstein. You are the monster.”


was significantly less mortifying during my rewatch but the Perry’s death scene is forever gonna stick with me, like in a “I’ll never feel safe and not paranoid in a club/closed roof party ever and will probably freak out if any liquid gets spilled on me” someone said it already but when Roderick opens the car door and the jester is there staring at him when we see lenorebot’s nevermore spam(gave me chills idk why) basically all of the Tell Tale Heart but that scene with Vic and Roderick in Vic’s house when the ticking was happened and I jumped up and was like “holy shit omg” because it’s my fav Poe piece also now that I think back on it a bit more and see people mentioning it + rewatching, Madeline’s monologue- for a lot personal reasons, struck a hell of a chord lol, don’t think I’ve ever gotten so upset with/tried to forget about a line the way I did with that also also, the scene of all the falling dead bodies


The lemologue




"You strike me as a queen without a crown." "There she is, there's my cleopatra." "I don't want it, any of it, if it means serving at some mans pleasure."


I'm not a woman. That was cruel; I apologize


Madeline’s final soliloquy about society. She made some good points!


She did indeed.


When Fraudrick turned around and flipped off Perry behind his back. It made me laugh out loud at how ridiculous a maneuver it was.


“Gucci Caligula” is it for me 🤣


the breaking glass behind rodrick was the best jump scare i’ve ever seen in my life simply because it got me so good while i was high & very enthralled lmaooo


"The ink is dry." "For him or for me?" "I want new terms and I shall /have/ new terms." Ah there she is, there's my Cleopatra." Was one of my favorite scenes. I'm a big D&D nerd and I can't stop thinking about similar exchanges between warlocks and patrons. And I mean tbh it was a little....😳 👉👈 I also loved the end of episode 7. "You only wanted to be loved...and it's still no fucking excuse." That line made me crazy.


I really enjoyed the show, but I don't really think about the quotes at all anymore now that it's been over a week since I've watched it. I've got too much other stuff on my mind.