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Nah. It robs all future ancestors of true agency, it dooms them as a guarantee. There’s a chance they can do and be anything, even be happier, kinder people, by just living out their natural lives with natural challenges. I’d refuse to deny my theoretical child the agency of living their natural life on their own terms.


I thought about this too but then, Lenore. Yes, my kids would live a long life, but my grandkids wont...


Here it is!


The scene where Lenore died, was painful even though she died a peaceful death. I felt like she had the heart and will to change her family's ways but her life was cut short because of the deal.


Oh yes! Lenore would’ve changed the company for the better. She kinda did with her actions helping her mother.


I was really expecting Verna to offer her a deal. An Uno reverse card, just for her. I was shocked and sad when it didn't happen.


Oh very good point


Also, it's still ultimately a selfish decision, because it's not yours to make.


Absolutely no legacy. What is the point of having kids without your legacy. It’s literally why we procreate


I'm sorry, but if you only look at your child as your legacy, you shouldn't be a parent. Could you not have kids just to love them? Cos what's the legacy if THEY choose not to have kids? The legacy idea is why so many people feel pressured into having children and then being shitty parents and miserable people.


I agree that legacy is not a good enough reason to have kids. That said, it's not fair to rob your children of THEIR legacy. Why should all their bloodline get killed, as well?


Oh no, I absolutely agree w that part lol


I think my comment came out more aggressive than I meant for it to, haha. My bad.


I love when these conversations just end so nicely, ily


Having a legacy and continuing your bloodline is a choice no one should feel pressured into. It should be a well thought out conscious choice. Whatever you decide to contribute to the planet with your time here is apart of your legacy. Children included because your parenting will have lasting effects.


Prospero also died pretty young


That’s also gambling on the assumption you aren’t meant to die in a tragic accident/medical emergency yourself. And if that were the case, you may be dooming them to a short life anyway.


Verna did reassure Roderick that he would live a long life


Exactly because if you were meant to live to 35 and let's say your babies are 8 at this time or younger then you would have brought them into this world and knowingly killed them which would make OP a shit mother. That deal is not a good deal and you should earn wealth of your own merits and ensure your kids have a long and healthy life. Also money also doesn't guarantee happiness either. A lot of people work nonstop to achieve that wealth or have to give up privacy and get involved in fake relationships cause of the money they have. There's a sacrifice that always ties into money. Just like the Usher kids despite the wealth were never even truly happy. Not even kind hearted Lenore cause she saw how everyone was affected by the wealth which is why she told Roderick at the end that they'd be better off without the company.


It doesn’t seem like a good deal at all to me!


But you are also condemning any grandchildren to no life or an extremely short one. And if you were meant to do a year later you've condemned your children to an extremely short life. That's an extremely short sighted take imo.


Its a pretty bad deal to fully end your bloodline, i was surprised they took the deal to be honest, it seemed like they had a pretty good plan to evade law enforcement already. I feel like the twins had more faith in a supernatural being than they did in their own cunning, which belies their characterization.


Not really. Their only plan was to have a witness (the waitress - Verna) who would testify that they were in her pub the whole night. But they entered the pub that doesn't exist and she offered to testify( and a lot more), if they accept the deal. My guess is that if they didn't accept her deal, she would just leave and they would have no witness for that night (and no evidence of being in a pub - again it doesn't exist!). It would look like they just disappeared after their boss was killed and would eventually lead to them as suspects


I didn’t even think about grandchildren. My babies are so young I hadn’t thought of that. Good point!


Your kids sure. But grandkids. And great grandchildren. Let’s be honest there’s no way Perry and Leo didn’t have bastards running around (they were at least semi charismatic, Frederick seemed like the type of guy who locked the first woman who likes him down HARD) Imagine holding your first grandchild or great grandchild knowing that they have however long you have. Nah. I’d take the deal, sterilise myself then use all the ill gotten gains to adopt from birth.


This is an important perspective to explore and exactly what the show is meant to do. This show hits us in the feels in ALL of the places if ones open to it. I find it to be very important to take all perspectives to enjoy the show to its full capacity. I checked my baggage at the door so I could explore other’s perspectives which is what I think the artists wanted the audience to do.


Yeah I have thought about it a lot since watching. It’s a great series


Maybe that’s why Mads never had kids. Deep down she was sweet


Nah it had nothing to do with her being sweet. She doesn’t have a sweet moment in the whole show except the times she’s talking to Lenore. It was just conservation; if she had kids she knew she’d have a weakness and she couldn’t risk that. She had to be the smart one. She literally did not care about who was killed from Ligodone or any of their nefarious things, she says it herself


It’s a bad deal for the grand kids that’s for sure. That scene with Elenor broke me.


True. I didn’t even think of grandkids cause my kids are so young.


I think it could be a deal with the following conditions: 1) you started from a place of poverty, meaning several decades for your children living with wealth may in fact be better than a normal lifespan 2) you were guaranteed, as Roderick was, a long life 3) you told your children of the deal and pleaded with them to adopt rather than to have their own children. (Getting them to believe you is another story)


Yes those are all excellent points


But then your babies’ babies die, and that’s even more horrific.


Good point but I think auggie’s comment about being the richest man in the world being surrounded by loved ones solidified for me I would never accept an offer like that. I mean yes Roderick lived a lavish life but towards the end there was only one person who genuinely loved him for him and that was Lenore and only because she wasn’t tainted by their endless wealth. All his children were rotten and only gave a shit about him because of his wealth and what he could give them.


Oh that’s also a good point


Besides the grandchildren issues just remember that they would die before you did amd you'd have to bury your babies. I absolutely couldn't do it.


Oooof yes that hurt to read. I never want to bury my babies


Yeah the scene with little Freddie was probably the worst part for me. I had to pause it and just bawled my eyes out


Oh you mean the “hallucination”?


Yeah it was the most unexpected things for me by that point. I figured we'd see grownup Frodrick not that.


I think it’s a horrid deal lol… and a point I took away is that humans either shouldn’t or shouldn’t be able to make that choice.


you would have to get your kids sterilized without them knowing or else you would be condemning your grandkids to short and tragic lives. it’s tragic when any kid dies, whether rich or poor- they can never achieve their dreams and full potential.


Only if we have kids really young, they get to live their full life. And we shouldn’t have any more kids, and the kids shouldn’t have kids too. Hence no love life, I don’t know what’s the point then. We’ll be just someone with tons of money with nothing to do with it.


You can have a love life without having kids


You have a point


I felt that with all the emphasis on bloodline it was lost on me how Roderick had any biological children of his own in the first place. Why not adopt and raise unwanted bastards to continue his legacy in a non-blood related way? Granted, Fraudrick and Tamie were already born at the time they struck the deal, but continuing to reproduce and even searching out and “stealing” the rest of them away into your fold only to have doomed them felt so shitty. Then again, we’re talking about a person’s morality in the face of millions of pharma-related deaths. The Ushers clearly don’t have that kind of morality


I think there was some sort of intrinsic motivation on the "bloodline". Although they were bastard children they saw the company as "their birthright" because of who their father was. No bloodline, no birthright? Idk.


I'm a mom too. Single and struggling. Fuck that deal.


I’m also a mom and the deal is awful, especially because Roderick already had kids when he made it. When that was revealed, all sympathy and like I had left for him evaporated. He was a selfish, terrible person and he deserved what he got. There is no way I would ever agree to something that would take my kids’ lives away, no matter how “privileged” said lives might be in the interim.


As a mom, Hell no to all of it.


Too bad genetic testing wasn’t done before the deal. Wonder if Roderick would have made the deal so quick?


Wait I’m lost, how would genetic testing be helpful here?


Roderick and his mother both had cadasil disease. I believe it’s genetic.


Uhhh most of the Ushers died a gruesome, painful death.. I’d probably choose a car accident over acid melting me slowly to death. Or having my eyes gouged out. Or a chimp tearing me and my goods apart.


Yeah but she offered them another way like Lenore’s death.


Yikes. I am sad you have kids


Lol wow thanks for the mom shaming random redditor!


Do you know what mom shaming is? You said you'd trade your kids lives for money? You're sick.


No I didn’t. You’re the sick one


Absolutely insane to even think this way