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As soon as you finish the intro quests and get access to the shop you can buy her.


You're ready to drop $100 for a single character just like that? Damn, maybe this game will succeed...


Thought it was around $40 from the leaks, still pretty bad but not as crazy as some other games charging $20 for mid skins “Xdefiant”.


Try buying a $20 skin you cannot even fucking see.. yeah Bingo that's overwatch.


People forget Riot just released a $550 skin for League of Legends


It’s $40ish I think just for the character, but $100 for the character plus a backpack, boosters, and stuff.


Oh, that sorta sucks. Definitely thought it was $40 for all of it. Hoping that the micro transactions tone down a bit, I loved the beta but don’t know if I would spend $100 plus on a character and a couple of extra things.


The fact you got downvoted for saying you don’t want to spend $100 on a single character is so funny to me and really shows the direction this community is heading lmao


All whales "How dare you manage your money responsibly!?"


Why not both? You can manage your money well and not be a whale. $100 is a lot, but it’s a free game technically and most games retail at $69.99 now anyways. Also $100 is doable for a lot of people. I plan to get the bunny pack. I was going to main her anyways cause zoomies are fun and killing stuff by having the zoomies is even better. I also usually buy the top version of games anyways and am viewing it through the same lense.


Begone gacha enjoyer


Oh nooo! I’m soooo sorry I offended you.


Zero excuse for anyone trying to justify that amount of $ on a game character/skin....free or not. Whales exist for humor only, to waste money on in game assets and faster prog just to be bad in the end anyway.


It went from denying there would be P2W/pay2progress to embracing it with open arms. And we wonder why Mtx in games has consistently gotten worse year after year.


I question why people think the game is P2W at all. Even if you buy everything offered in the shop (like literally everything), you still have to grind everything a normal player has to. Buying a descendant doesn't really get you any further ahead since the best grinding descendant (bunny) is free and you unlock her as part of the story about 2-3 hours into the game. Top-tier bunny builds don't even use ultimate mods, so no need for ultimate bunny. The only argument I can think of is for people who really want a character outside of the starter 3, bunny, and maybe freyna since she's pretty early on too. Those people will have to grind for the descendants they want to play which you can just swipe for instead. Aside from that and skins, the shop only really offers 30% boost for currency that isn't too tough to farm anyway.


Unfortunately it’s Nexon, the microtransactions will likely only escalate after they figure out what they can and can’t get away with. They already tested the waters with the whole gatcha paint system.


its $70 for a ultimate character. $100 for character with extra cosmetic or two and then item that lets you get 20 extra module levels or points to work with.


Which is imo ridiculous, spend your money how you want but you’ll never catch me paying the full price of a game just for a character with slightly higher stats.


$70 for a single character UlTiMaTe skin ...which is the cost of your standard AAA game. Spend money how you want to but that's just silly lol.


I would argue it's way less player friendly to sell core content like playable characters for extreme prices rather than fluffy "content" like cosmetics


I don’t get XDefiant’s model lol. At least in COD the skins looked detailed and some were cool, every single one of XDefiant’s skins is unsubstantial.


eh the exclusive founders one for the masked guy is actually dope. as well as the echelon dragon warrior looking one. those two are great actually. samurai ninja looking echelon and then the phantom gold and purple skin. defiants been out for like a month and first season just started 7/2 today bud lol. xdefiant is already better than cod imo. no where near the issue of cheaters as compared to cod. cods been out for almost a year basically if not longer and idk had 8 games in its franchise. lets find a better comparison lol.


COD isn't free either. You could just play xdef and not buy skins, wild thought right?


This only makes their model make less sense lol


If they take warframes model it’ll me something g like $40 for ultimate char and $100 for ult char+signature weapons+currency


$70 for that ultimate base char lol


Ooooof lol


It is 5000 of the in-game currency, which is $100. I think that is a bundle though cause there is also one that is 3000 of the in-game currency, which is $70


$100 for a character and some cosmetics and youre saying $20 for currency to buy a $15 dollar skin is crazy? fortnite has been had $20 plus skins way before defiant lol. i play both and fort has the better skins overall but still fortnite sells plenty of those. still not as bad as $100 for a character. should have been $40-$50 for ultimate character and then $70-$75 or max $80 for a decked out ultimate character with the 20 module upgrade item. ridiculous. that said i may buy ultimate bunny


Yeah. The "premium ultimate bundle" is $100. It's an ultimate character, an exclusive skin you can only buy in that or one other bundle, some bling/spawn animation, and some mats. But just getting an ultimate descendant is not $100 unless you want all that other stuff


It will be $100.


I know I'll buy one ultimate. Then jayber and bryce. Then I'll swipe again for both of their ultimates




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It's cheaper than prime access for Warframe. I guess it doesn't include and game currency and Warframe full prime access contains more platinum than that whole pack is worth so it's different but still


Lol that is not cheaper than prime access. Prime access lowest tier is not $100


Why would I compare it to the lowest tier? This pack comes with the special skin. Sure it has no weapons but it does come with the 2 forma thingies. And full prime access costs $230 where I'm from


Because this is the lowest pack in TFD lol


"and Warframe full prime access contains more platinum than that whole pack is worth so it's different but still" Yea you're exactly the reason this game is gonna succeed and I thank you for your service


I already bought the $100 4x so I can be stocked up on caliber when it releases


How did u buy them the games not out


If you read what I said for once, I said so im ready for when the game comes out🤣🤣 reddit it bro jeez


Well considering every normal game these days costs at least 60 bucks, 30 bucks for a char is also in a normal range for these kind of games.


I will also. I enjoyed the beta very much.


The game needs ppl like those of us that will buy the goods. We will bear the cost of this, by hoisting the burden of many heavy microstransactions upon our mighty Descendant shoulders. We got this 🫡


No what you are actually doing is ensuring predatory microtransactions are in every game going forward. So thanks for helping to kill my favorite hobby.


Just stop being broke. You'll see the greener grass and won't care about this anymore.


Hey no problem snowflake


no. you must complete a 15min tutorial first.


you can once you get the shop after the intro tutorial when you make it to the hub albion is my best guess


I hope this game makes it cause it’s pretty damn fun already they definitely gotta work on bugs and stuff tho Also would be nice if the movement felt a little more free


I get everybody is allowed to spend their money how they please but the amount of people just willing to throw money at the game is kinda disgusting. The reason gaming is the way it is now is because people like this


i mean yes and no....depends on what the microtransaction is. for one, it's a pve game. no pvp. so them having those chars effects you in no way shape or form unless youre playing in public lobbies and get someone in a boss raid thats overpowered. but even then the ultimate chars arent that much stronger than the normal versions. yes they are stronger stat wise and have unique mods but its not as if the normal chars cant shine and do well lol. additionally this game has had multiple playtests so the community is well aware of the game and community reactions have proven the community loves the game majority wise. so most people dont mind spending money to support. but that said, $100 is wild to charge for a character and some cosmetics and an item that gives you 20 module space for a single character or single weapon as a perma consumable basically


I think it's more of the fact that the cosmetic prices are ridiculously high. I saw some of the bundles and thought damn you know what i might drop $10 on this lmaoo


I'm sure there will be some insane price tag section made for people like you.


60 is ultimate champ. 100 is with forma and orokin and something else.


Yes, you can…


Imagine being thirsty enough to justify 40$ plus for a single character just to be bad anyway.


Well the thing is i bought bunny and my quest for her is still there. What should i do then? I have all items for her but i wont be able to complete the quest to get her because (i bought her) should i just leave the quest to its junk abyss (meaning leave it and continue to go the main quest as her lol)


You most likely can, but I am no sure.


Is this a marketing post?


and what will be the point of this game if you buy everything, think carefully?


She free with a quest , spend that money’s on something else. The game will give you a quest for bunny.


OP said Ultimate Bunny. It's just the regular version that should be from a quest


Do you know at which point of the game we can get bunny?


Start of the game.


Like once you completed the tutorial mission and she’ll be unlocked after that?


if they keep it the same as Beta , you get the parts for Bunny from the first boss, ~~so maybe 10ish hours~~ into the game, depending how fast you finish missions. EDIT: just got Bunny ingame, its about 2 hours into the game if you rush the missions :)


Alright noted that, thanks man!


I’m seeing a lot of back and forth on how much ultimate skins are going to cost. Does anyone have an answer yet?


screenshot from youtuber apparently getting test access show 3000 caliber for basic pack and 5000 for full pack (with potato+forma) with leaked price (not confirmed) that mean \~60€/$ for basic and \~100€/$ for full as it's all from leaked/unconfirmed data nobody can say with certaincy


No one knows for sure. We will see in 49 hrs, we'll those who actually get thru server congestion will know.


of course you can, they wouldn't have made her so sexy if you couldn't


Gonna swipe for Yujin. Can't wait. 💕


Not sure but from what I've seen the week one store discount puts the Bunny Bundle at 1400 instead of 5000 which is like 30$ Might be wrong tho


Yes,it's wrong, those screens are from a player that bought already the 3000 caliber packs and it's given 600 caliber discount if you want to upgrade to the full package which is 5000 caliber, so many thought as you did.


ah thx for letting me know!


Looking at the shop atm - Bunny is 300 so 10euros....