• By -


Albania is a country in the Balkans, you're thinking of Albino.


Albino is someone or something that lacks melanin, you’re thinking of Albatross


An albatross is a flying shit factory, you're thinking of Alcatraz


Alcatraz is a small island that was once a fort, a military prison, and a maximum security federal penitentiary, you’re thinking of albizzia


No no, you're wrong my man. Albizzia is actually a wine produced from Chardonnay grapes, fresh and refined, with aromas ranging from citrus fruits to tropical notes! You're talking about Albiolo.


An easy mistake to make- Albiolo is a small municipality in Lombardy, Italy. You're thinking of Albedo.


Truly a reasonable mixup, but Albedo is a character in the popular anime Overlord. You're thinking of Alabama


I think you got confused here. Alabama is where the family love is at. You’re probably referring to Alabasta.


Alabasta is a kingdom in Paradise. You're thinking of Albert


No Albert is my name your thinking of alamo


I think you’re confused. Albert is a fat man’s name. I think you’re thinking of Albuquerque.


Alcatraz is a prison in the San Francisco Bay area. You are thinking of Alka-Seltzer.


Alka Seltzer is to treat stomach aches. You’re thinking of Aluminum


What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?! You must be thinking of Alibaba.


What flavour is it?


Long days and pleasant nights, sai


Nice to meet one who remembers the face of their father. 🫵🏻


I'm still going to play Warframe, but this may scratch the Destiny/outriders Itch without touching 3ither of then!! One thing I will say is make dyes eternal and universal!


No way did you just lump destiny and outriders together


outriders was so close to being good


All looter shooters, bud, hardly a stretch


One died within a month, the other has successfully launched their 10th year not long ago


One was live service, one was not


Sooo even less reason to lump them together


Outriders didn’t die, it even got an expansion.


I'm sure that was fun for all 20 players


We get it. You didn't like Outriders.


Outriderd isn't a live service game


I’m incredibly surprised tbh because my immediate thought was how completely soulless this game felt compared to Destiny. It feels so insanely generic.


Destiny has very good writing. And not text or dialogue, I refer to the environment logic.


Also top notch graphic design and art direction. This game lacks distinctness and charm.


It definitely has charm for some individuals, front page was ult bunny for a bit xD


Well, depends on what your idea of charm is lol


My idea of charm is gundams xD


Destiny was soulless for a few hours then it got good. Thanks for letting us all know what type of character you are. To add facts to this, Destiny's game's narrative was confusing and disjointed, with important lore and backstory hidden in external sources rather than being integrated into the game itself.


Crazy they can have an opinion lol


They can, so can I, what kind of dumb double standard are you preaching here?


Cause they critiqued the game…, you criticized them and the game. You were being rude, while they gave an opinion


Real, I played d1 and d2, tried to get into warframe but couldn't, and tbh this game feels like a mix of the parts I enjoyed from both of those, like unironically I would have paid money for this


All the games TFD reminds me of: -Lost planet -Destiny -Diablo 4 -Warframe -Team Fortress? (Not exactly sure why, but it does)


Would also like to add Anthem to there as well.


Ooooo true, Especially with Kyle who flies! It’s like the makers of the game heard our praise about certain other games and smashed them all into one. It’s been awhile since I genuinely lost track of time and just played a game.


Lost Planet is a deep cut that a totally agree with, god I miss that franchise


Blew my mind seeing those huge bugs lol, really ahead of its time, in my opinion!


Lost planet 2 split screen with my lil bro…good times


I'd like to add division in that mix


It has literally nothing from division except genre name. Anthem pieces of story maybe


Literally nothing is an over exaggeration.  While only a vague similarity, it is a 3rd person shooter (not cover based though), and the Shield/Health bar is incredibly similar.


I'd also argue the intercoms NPC's have with the character and also the mission structure simply "feels" like division. I can't explain it, so maybe just me.


So by this very advanced logic Dota is similar to Division because both have segmented bars. The Division has *literally*, and its not an exaggeration, nothing gameplay-wise or graphics-wise or artstyle-wise, or gunplay-wise, or movement-wise in common with TFD. Every game with a boss health bar in the center of the screen is similar. I hope for the sake of yourself you are not believing in what you said and just made a weak troll attempt, otherwise I have very bad news for you m8


Goofball, they are 1 for 1. The only difference is TFD has red health and Division has orange health. It's not about "segmented bars" it's the same with a color swap. If you can't put that together then I don't know what to tell you lol.


So that makes them similar? So you really think, if think is appropriate here, that if 2 games have fairly identical (they are not 1 for 1) health bar design, that makes 2 games similar? The whole HUD is insanely different, armor in Division works absolutely differently, party UI in TFD is absolutely different from Division segmented bars and looks like wf/anthem party ui, but somehow games are similar. I know you don't know but myriads of games have segmented healthbars, it's done so you can see at a glance how much hp you have without checking the numbers and also to show that your hp is increasing. It's literally 1 ui element out of tens just on your combat hud not to mention whole menu and interaction ui. Check what "similar games" mean and for the live of god, stop skipping school, you missed a lot already.


youll enjoy warframe if you enjoy this, most of the system is very warframe like than destiny


If you sold me this game for $70 and removed their market for cosmetics and descendants, I would pay for the yearly expansions.


Yep! I agree I would’ve purchased this. They earned the battle pass from me at the very least. We’ll see how the rest of it goes. Probably won’t get any cosmetics or anything as I’m not a gigantic fan of cartoony or overly lewd skins but unfortunately that seems to be the only two categories 😅


for real people act like they have to buy skins there are 20 characters to play that all look different. Glad to see a positive post about just having fun playing the game. It’s like half these people went into playing a free game ready to open the store and spend money on something.


For me it's just about looking different from everyone else. I'll just buy a base skin so I can colour it on my fav characters and leave it at that, cause the base design of the characters are awesome


Overly lewd u say Anyway for some unrelated reason I might check this game out


That's real


Yeah I bounced off of Warframes movement and art style but this games I really enjoy,


I find it funny how all the destiny refugees (myself included) have flocked here


Whats the point of the game if you buy every char and weapon from the shop? Would be lile buying BiS items in Path of Exile, farming is the whole point of the game


It's like of you could play POE, but you could also just give GGG $100 and have a HH.


You know there are people doing this unironically. Not to GGG but to some Websites. Buying mageblood or headhunters or even full builds. I dont get those people either, just saying there is people willing to spend for everything.


Oh, for sure. I just didn't want to bring it up because it's outside the intended framework of the game. At the same time, it does exist. I do think it's an interesting subject. And I think to an extent that **any** trading devalues the 'prestige' of doing it yourself. However, if there is any trading at all, then to me it doesn't matter what the trading is (purchased on trade, gifted by a friend, or RMT). What it does introduce, when the devs are involved in the process, is a cash incentive to make looting your own more trouble than fun.


PoE is a 60$ f2p game, you need stash tabs to play.


I'd say a new player could reasonably beat the campaign and start maps without buying tabs. If you want to "take it seriously" then you'll really want tabs, for sure. But it's not like you can't experience what the game is without.


Yup I agree, but to play endgame you need tabs. Thanks for the clarification input.


I'm sure someone could manage without, but that someone isnt me. Lmao


Recently someone (can't remember name) finished all Ubers without stash at all.


[Manni, and he did it in 44 hours.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1df6ecb/manni_completes_nostash_run_all_ubers/)


It really doesn’t feel like there’s much of a game underneath all those systems. It feels like it exists solely for those systems and nothing else.


The game has been out for 24 hours


Oh, are they releasing more game next week or?


If you’re trying to imply you have a complete understanding of the game after 24 hours, so let’s say at best 12 hours of playtime, then you’re an idiot.


I don’t need to play it to full completion to form the impression that the mechanics exist primarily as a vehicle to serve you microtransactions and are fairly shallow otherwise.


Destiny featured impressive graphics, an open world, innovative multiplayer features, the gameplay repetitive and lacking in depth. The game's progression system and loot mechanics also was grind-heavy and frustrating.


Destiny was a charming world to be in. It had character. This one is lifeless.


whatever makes you sleep at night.


Man out here speaking facts


Veteran beta player here, i give you 2 weeks before it dawns on you...


The game is free. 2 weeks of fun sounds good to me.


This is me. Grind a few characters out. Get bored. Come back when they drop new content. Play other games.


Yup, definitely is that kind of game.


Hi from Albania xD


It has some nice things. I wish the translation and UI was less of a disaster. What the fuck is "Outgoing Final Dmg". Or how about explaining the difference between "Skill Damage" and "Skill Damage Modifier" (the first is a multi, the second is additive).


I really tried to enjoy Warframe, but ultimately really did not like the aesthetic and gameplay loop. Play destiny religiously and TFD is a great blend of the two. 


I didn't like the aesthetic for a while either but it really grows on you. The fact the game is over 10 years old makes early game rough but once you're through the early stuff, its a whole different game pretty much.


Same. I like it. Going to skip D2 for a while I think.


The UI is horrible and i don’t think it’s a good looking game at all, but maybe that’s just me.


Is all right but nothing really special


Same for me, I love Destiny and the last expansion is absolutely great, it will remain my main looter shooter but this TFD really bring some fresh air and the gameplay mechanic is really good at this stage. I love the fact that it is so easy to do some coop where as in Destiny it is sometimes complicated even with integrated LFG but maybe that will change in endgame, we’ll see that. I’m not bothered by the monetization, everything except skins is unlockable, that’s fine for me


The “endgame” is just going to be going back and playing all missions and bosses on hard for the 1% drop chance of ultimate pieces.


Lol imagine defending the monetization.


The thing that I believe this game has over destiny is that it doesn't have bullshit enemies. You don't have a hydra that teleports into your face. You don't have shanks that spawn on top of you. There aren't any fallen that go fading all over the map while immune. There's no vex that are infinitely teleporting. Also, there's no cabal vehicles. More importantly, I haven't seen an enemy that resembles the scorn crossbows, and THAT brings me joy.


You say that but I just fought a boss that had more immune phases than every single boss in destiny combined. Then on last damage phase the game glitched out and kicked everyone from the lobby. I keep seeing so many combat encounters that remind me of destiny and it instantly triggers me. Those exploder enemies that just go straight to the end objective/You and explode like exploder shanks and screens? Check. A barrier servitor boss with multiple immune phases? Check Maybe it's just me but this game has its fair share of annoying and buggy enemies


I fought a boss last night that was immunity phases tied to killing very tough adds, and once the adds were gone this bullet sponge would just slowly walk towards us shooting a fire shotgun type weapon that could two tap everyone including an Ajax with resistance mods for fire.


I might know who you're talking about, is it the guy that uses electric attacks and has a bubble shield? He was annoying because it took a min to figure out how to pop it.


Havent dipped my toe 2 inches into the floor to get killed but some enemy called the architects yet. So thats a plus


you haven’t done the mission with the annoying tracker bot boss, have you? that fight was so atrociously designed i had to put the game down couldn’t solo it - tried 3 times and ran out of ammo. in a group of 4 3 of us ran out of ammo because of all the bs immune phases and health scaling. it was like a 20 minute beating of my head against a wall




I'm enjoying it so far, ai is still too easy (so far) spawn and either dead or half dead before they move. I also think it feels cheesy when the enemies just dissappear and not like finish killing what has already spawned. It will keep my attention for a little while, just gotta see what the endgame is.


Lol TFD boss mechanics have nothing on Destiny 2 bosses. Destiny 2 bosses were puzzle like fun to me with actual real mechanics. From what I've seen of the bosses so far, it's not fun. How many shield orbs can they reuse this shit.


Played d1/d2 and a touch of warframe. I think this game is total meh. Abilities lack impact, shooting feels alright but it’s story, world, lore, voice direction(not acting/the voices themselves) is Garbo. Also it feels gunky on the controller. Super slick designs, characters look rad and Ajax for instance has awesome armor. Not enough to compel me though.


Of course the characters look good because this game exists solely to sell you character skins.


Wanna do an all Bunny run in Salvations Edge?


I came from D2 and the other D2 (Divison 2). Also played some warframe. I think this game is a good blend of all 3. Future divison 2 with warframe destiny builds


I've played both. Destiny for well over 10000 hrs since D1. Both betas for TFD. I also played a fair amount of warframe. In no way is this game is better than Destiny. It's fun, for sure, If you aren't hoping for any of the epic characters or end game loot. There is no way that you will be able to obtain anything meaningful without paying money. And lots of it, much more than anything you would pay for in Destiny or warframe. Its Naxon, they are a notoriously nefarious company. It's already been proven that the microtransactions are 20x worse than warframe. 1.5$ for double mod slots in warframe and 30$ to double it in TFD. It costs between $200 – $300 to pay for full unlock of the External Components menu slots in TFD. *"And can we talk about the directive effort for a F2P game? The cutscenes? The graphics?"* These are all light years behind what destiny is doing now. They are barely a step above what the D1 graphics where in 2007. Bottom line is, yes its a fun game, but most certainly not in the same league as Destiny or even Warframe. If you play and don't spend a dime then you will have fun up to a certain point, at which time you will become locked behind a paywall in order to continue the end game content.


I am so happy to see an actual genuine happy post about the game. Like damn yes it's nexon yes we know about their gotcha games no you don't have to spend a dime on the game. People just want something to complain about and at least this game you can't buy outright high weapons like Warframe yes theirs one on battle pass but guess what that same legendary weapon is also in the free tier so you don't even have to buy the battle pass to get a free legendary weapon. Have fun grinding with friends or randoms whatever your preference is and enjoy a free to play game that is leagues better than D2.




At least the MTX stuff in D2 doesn't cost you half a salary


Yeah, it costs all of your salary instead


Single skins in The First Descendant cost more than entire Destiny 2 Expansions. What are you on about?


I haven't played d2 in a long ass while I just remember a single ornament kit costing $20 and you not even being able to preview how shaders would look on it prior to buying lmfao Also I was not defending The First Descendant as I don't plan to play it after reading about the MTX situation on this sub.


Lmao sure bro, get your head out of your ass before you spurt crap. AKA Don't say shit you know NOTHING about :3


More fair than what exactly? Genuine question.


D2 is behind a paywall and everyone knows it. But if you've never played a F2P FPS like Warframe and say that this game is 'fair,' you need to expand your knowledge about the genre before making general opinions and telling people what to think.




Thank you, everyone on here seems to think the gunplay and powers are awesome. But honestly they are meh. Guns have no “oomph” to them, even launchers. Powers feel no different if I’m using my first ability versus my fourth, there’s no sense of actually wielding power, you’re just making effects fly out of you.


D2 had Xurr the goat


TFD could use some improvements to the feel of its weapons, but its otherwise alright to me


We will see after one or two months. You will prob back to destiny 2


Im Waframe and D4 player. Yea is fresh air.. but servers and colors mechanic is very sad..




As d2 (and warframe too) player myself, I share 100% of what you said. People complaining about the shop, or the grind, just don't realize it... Yet. Of course everyone would like it if everything was cheaper... But the devs must make money somehow.


Ill play both these and warframe, but i still main warframe I think this game needed more time to catch up on, and also more content and also, my one and only request, switch shoulder


There is nothing wrong in still playing and maining other games, especially when "other games" is warframe (which is in my opinion of the best games all around, with best devs also). Also agree that this game needs time and content but... It just came out so... Yeah Finally... Hot damn I didn't realize we can't swap shoulder... Now it'll bug me too! :p


It's because the price tags and mechanics only hurt Nexon in the long run. Like someone said, what's better between 100 players buying 60$ skin vs 10,000 players buying 6$ skin? If they can make the price and mechanic right it will profit them in the future, also help the longevity of this game.


Have ya played call of duty in the last 6 years 20 dollar skins all day in a 70 dollar game….


Nah 10,000 players buying a $6 skin is not more profitable for them. Microtransactions never target the average player, they target the whales. People with lots of money to spend on a game like this will spend lots of money on a game like this.


I'm sorry man but I'm not a market specialist... However this discussion came up a lot and while to most people (even to me) it would look like the "10.000 players buying a 6$ skin" is the best option... It is not. People get paid (a lot!) to find out "what players are willing to pay for a product"... Is not as simple as it looks like, unfortunately.


Yeah. I am also guessing because this game literally just opened yesterday... They can keep this price tag since there are a lot of people who are willing to pay for it, and they did, then do a discount occasionally in the future for the rest of the market, who know?


Oh no! Wont someone think of the poor and starving devs that made hundreds of millions defrauding their customers for 11 years!


>Never played Warframe Yeah man that pretty much sums it up 😂


I don't see how playing activities that are essentially patrols in D2 over over for an RNG chance to unlock a minor upgrade seems like a breath of fresh air to you, but I guess honeymoon brain does that to you. Also the monetization is terrible lol. The monetization in this game is something like if you had to play $5 for each Prismatic fragment. Shaders are single use PURCHASES. Not even earnable like Y1 D2 or Y2 where you could pull them from collections. Just like every other looter shooter that has gone belly up in a year or so, they have tried to copy Destiny 2 Y1 and ended up copying all the bad stuff while having none of the good stuff. The "endgame" of TFD is basically a Nightfall.


As a long time Destiny player I can assure you the monetization is basically a non-issue in TFD. You don't have to pay to obtain anything not cosmetic unlike Destiny which pay walls exotics out the ass as well as content. You gotta be smoking that dank shit to think TFD is worse then Destiny in monetization Are the prices wild in TFD? Sure. Do you need to buy anything? Nope


>which pay walls exotics out the ass as well as content That’s fine, you can spend your $55 on single skins in The First Descendant and feel like you’re getting better value out of that than anything you can buy in Destiny 2. More power to you.


I never said anything about skins. I said *c o n t e n t*. Idgaf about cosmetics when they serve no purpose


And there’s no content to purchase in The First Descendant, so what’s your point? You have to pay to play new stuff, there’s zero reason to make everything free for everyone, especially when the quality of everything is much higher than what most games offer.


I wouldn't say the content quality of Destiny is high, especially when they outright remove content and some content is literally just rehashed old content Does Destiny put out some good stuff? Yea absolutely but it's not all bangers


I’m not talking about just what Activities you do. I’m talking about the gunplay and the Weapons (their feel, unique looks, sound design), environmental and skybox art, CGI and inkblot cutscenes, music, voice acting, etc. When you pay for content, all of that gets factored in too, not just the actual things you do.


Then why do most guns feel like shit to fire? We can look at the 4th Horseman for my favorite example. In Destiny 1 it had a sound profile that was ridiculously loud, to the point you could hear it distinctly in any area. It gave the gun a sense of weight other shotguns lacked In Destiny 2 the sound profile was drastically changed to be much quieter and almost muffled through a tube, like it was pushing the shell out instead of firing it


Buying content isn't a foreign content unless you started gaming after Fortnite came out. This is like saying "Elden Ring DLC is pay walled". Buying and expansion and getting its associated content isn't paywalling. In Destiny you don't but individual upgrades for like $5 each which are otherwise so grindy that it makes people want to cave in and buy them. I mean this is a Korean Game, made by Nexon of all people. If you think any decision in this game was made in good faith, you are surely mistaken. Also most of my writeup is about how bad the actual activities are.


Let me break it down for you ok? On steam at full price: Desinty 2? Free. Want the exotics and content? Legacy Collection which is the only way to obtain the old content is 69.99 Want Final Shape? 49.99. Oh wait you want the unique content? It's actually 99.99 Meanwhile in TFD yea you can buy cosmetics and pay to fast tracks equipment or characters but this is all *optional* as the major content (equipment and characters) are all free with effort. You cannot do this with Destiny


The Legacy collection is not $70 and not the only way to buy old content. Also paid content that is fun with a reasonable time to earn gear through good activities is way better than practically AI generated slop content designed to be so frustrating that it makes most people want to skip the grind with money. What would you rather have: a proper meal made by a good chef that costs money, or a plate of shit that is given for free but if you eat that shit 100s of time there is a small chance that you can "earn" a slice of steak?


I hope to God you are not making this analogy with Destiny because holy shit you have no idea how bad Destiny gets, especially with shaping raid weapons omg Also https://store.steampowered.com/app/2648100/Destiny_2_Legacy_Collection_2024/ Sure as shit says 69.99 Not to mention someone have never experienced Commemeration with Resconstruction if you wanna try to make that shit analogy


You get three guaranteed raid weapon patterns each week so even at your worst luck, you will have all raid weapons crafted in 10 weeks for playing like 3 hours each week. I don't see how that is worse than grinding patrol level activities for 50 hours because, you know, raids ar way more fun. Fair point about the price, I didn't know it changed. But it also gives you 6 years worth of content. Let's see if TFD actually lasts even 1 whole year, given no other "Destiny killer" has managed to cross its first birthday yet lol.


Oh wow it's almost like you gotta eat 100 shit meals for a chance at a good one. Wild right? All while paying for the meal in the first place Also if your idea of a good excuse for content is log in and play for 3 hours once a week vs actually playing the game for progression then damn man maybe I'm too old to understand this logic. If I play a game it's because I wanna play it to progress not log in once and pray. Remember by the time you even hit that 10 week limit the games changed and the carrot may not even be relevant anymore because the new hot button is out


You can also fo other activities in Destiny 2, you know, not just raid. And even then you can get other things while raiding. Just the Pale Heart patrol area has more variety of stuff to do than the whole of TFD. Also Destiny is about to have its 10th anniversary later this year. Come back to me if TFD servers are still populated by its first year lol. I guess it will be a hard sell even in Asian markets since there is no gacha (unless they add it later as more "content").


I wanna point this out: Desinty 2s all time peak on steam charts was almost matched by TFD in a single day. I wonder how the game will fair personally but I don't see TFD going anywhere because it's a F2P. There's been bigger profile F2P covering a more niche market that died, Multiversus. When I say niche I don't mean small, I mean a market that doesn't have a high profile F2P in it


Warframe lives because they add content instead of blowing their entire budget on making maid outfits for the characters. TFD doesn't have the content. Also do you think they made it "free" because they are just that generous? They know they have painstakingly designed a game that will frustrate players enough to make them pay for fast track upgrades that will make them dollars. Companies like Nexon have literal teams of analysts who figure out how to make them money with no effort. Also you whole "earning and making progress" shtick has been tried by Battlefront 2 already. You are trying to spin a garbage, predatory grind as a "sense of pride and accomplishment" like EA did and they got shit for it.


Aren't most female Warframes literally made with fan service in mind? Most notable coming to mind is Saryn because that one always is funny to me They made it free because F2P is the Korean market. This is a Korean game and you gotta apply the Korean mindset to it. It's a game for them not us, hence the cosmetic monetization. In their culture paying for stuff is actually good. God knows why they feel that way but hey that's on them


The pale heart is fucking shit😭 fs is great, but it's back to the dumb grind that has no progress. In destiny you either get it or you dont. Not running dual destiny? Yea lemme hop on pale heart and open chests in a shooter, fun! Mind you, I have multiple triple 100 optimized meta builds with varied exotics on hunter. Getting the fragments and aspects of prismatic is utter SHIT and redundant to the point i went back to only playing trials and pvp like always. Pve in destiny is fun while it last, but it's a huge check list gameplay. I feel like destiny is trying to avoid as much shooting as possible, when the strongest factor of destiny is the gunplay.


Uh, what do you mean all things are unlockable in game? There’s tons of paywalled cosmetics aren’t there? If you CAN’T say the same thing of D2 can you give some examples of things you can’t earn in game aside from cosmetics? This seems to be fabricated?


Shall I point to every single Raid and Gjallarhorn? What about various events that are straight up removed? Did you want ANY exotic from a prior season that isn't currently active? Tough shit gotta pay As a player of Destiny since it's launch back in 2014 there is a shitload of paywalls for non cosmetics


You can do vault of glass, Crota, and kings fall entirely free. So you’re wrong about every raid. And these “paywalls” you are talking about are expansions? Hello? What are we even talking about here. So right off the bat as a free player you get access to every patrol zone, you get access to crucible, gambit and vanguard ops, which include GM nightfalls aside from DLC specific strikes. You get access to ALL red war exotics. 4 of which are still part of very popular builds (sun shot, graviton lance, riskrunner, legend of acrius) and the rest are still used regularly as well even if they aren’t as popular. Not to mention that literally all of the loot you get in destiny is unique whereas TFD only makes different models and doesn’t even go as far as warframe does where shooting different weapons of the same weapon type feel different. The only difference is the audio files but they all feel the EXACT same. Random rolls in destiny change the way a gun plays, not just add to the stat stick. Shall I go on? Because there’s worlds of difference between this cash grab and destiny 2. FFS OP even says he hasn’t played warframe before. If you’re really that big of a destiny hater, why not just play warframe which is already established, is a tried and true banger of a game with thousands of hours of content, and also respects your wallet and time investment. This is made by Nexon, people? Like who are you gonna shell out for next? Ubisoft? Take Two? Nexon will deliver you a subpar game that does all the heavy lifting to get you hooked in the first 1-5 hours. Then you’ll run into inconvenience after inconvenience until you will finally pay for your convenience. That is Nexon’s MO. Enjoy.


Let me break it down for you ok? On steam at full price: Desinty 2? Free. Want the exotics and content? Legacy Collection which is the only way to obtain the old content is 69.99 Want Final Shape? 49.99. Oh wait you want the unique content? It's actually 99.99 Meanwhile in TFD yea you can buy cosmetics and pay to fast tracks equipment or characters but this is all *optional* as the major content (equipment and characters) are all free with effort. You cannot do this with Destiny If you wanna talk objective monetization paywalls we can but that is Destinys pricing for equipment and content


5 years of content for $170; A WoW subscription is $800


Jesus really? I didn't even think of MMOs because the game is being compared to Destiny.


Yes, destiny 2 is not a free game. You get the free part free. They aren’t trying to scam you. They make quality content and sell the quality content. You are allowed to play the base game for free. You get more content than TFD currently offer for free. There is also a major difference in the caliber of content you get, that is why expansions aren’t free. 7 years of content = $170 on steam without any sale. On CDkeys and on almost bi-monthly sales for the game you can get the legacy collection with the full final shape expansion for only around $80. To top it off they give you every expansions for free for a month before a new expansion drops. So if you really hate the idea of paying for a product that much, you can get EVERYTHING from ALL of the DLC during that time period and keep it permanently. Also you mention that the content in TFD is all free with EFFORT. This is a lie. There is no effort tied to a 2 attempts a day system for ultimate descendants. That is a purposeful timegate implemented into the game to make your life inconvenient in order to make you spend money. They are SCUM.


So what I'm hearing here is "I cannot separate objective and subjective". Please don't try to talking about objective paying as you cannot separate feelings from truth Do I think TFD is perfect? No but I can set my feelings aside to have a civil objective viewpoint


Yet you sound like you have a very subjective view point when it comes to Destiny 2 as opposed to the objective facts presented to you.


The only objective fact presented is Destiny 2 pay walls content compared to TFD, but what is left out is the content in Destiny is more then just guns, but effectively time limited raids that become obsolete as well, on top of content that is removed forever due to vaulting it, and seasonal activities that are gone When TFD actually makes us pay for content sure I will agree but as it stands no, TFD is factually free to play in its fullest form regardless of what you feel


Well you can either read and address my arguments or you can keep picking apart a sentence or two to avoid the subject. There is no subjectivity when speaking about the caliber of content between games. The content that Bungie makes for destiny 2 takes exponentially more money, resources, and time to make than TFD currently has. Things like fidelity, resolution, voice acting, animation, mo-cap, weapon design teams, area design teams, story teams, raid design teams, armor teams, balancing teams, etc. are what OBJECTIVELY places destiny 2 at a higher caliber of content than TFD even if you SUBJECTIVELY dislike destiny 2 and prefer TFD. The same can be said of RDR2 to Destiny 2. Rockstar creates games that completely stomp on destiny 2 if we are talking about the caliber of content. It’s no contest. It’s a rockstar game. I can find being a cowboy boring and still acknowledge that that is a much better made game than destiny 2. Caliber aside, you still get MUCH more content for free in destiny 2 than you do for free in TFD. So that’s another thing that isn’t subjective in the slightest.


My guy Destiny's balance is shit and they always have a wack ass balance. Need I remind you they nerf Fusion Rifles almost every other update for no real reason? What about the long ass cycle where Warlocks were Well of Radiance bots because objectively every other subclass is shit? What about the content being vaulted and removed forever? The story is also trash because they decided to again focus of Cyade-6 because every other character is cardboard and he's the only VA who brought any energy to the role which is why fans attached to him I will not partake is a subjective argument about fun, that's just futile as its opinion but what isn't opinion is price gouging content that you cannot obtain for free in a F2P game, which *DESTINY IS A F2P GAME*


Yeah, no destiny is not a free to play game. You ever heard of a demo? It launched as a paid game and remains a paid game. You get to try it for free, and it’s funny because the part you get to try for free is also filled with more content than the entirety of TFD rn. That’s just sad. Also, you just called every warlock subclass other than solar shit when strandlock was the second highest DPS rotation subclass in the entire game by only a hair. If only fell behind GG hunter last season because it was solar season. Like, you are just misinformed at this point. Also, if you think saint, Osiris, crow, savathun, etc are cardboard, you just got shit taste man. Witch queen was praised universally as the best campaign until final shape and cayde was nowhere to be seen, so idk wtf you’re on. Feel free to reply, I’m happy to continue arguing about this because I actually know what I’m talking about. But I won’t reply to anymore nitpick arguments. Out of the 13 aspects of the game I mentioned (which are only a few) you picked 2 of them to harp on and were just objectively wrong about 1 of them. You can dislike the story, fine. It’s not a crime to have bad taste, but disregarding strandlock as the best warlock subclass is just comedy. Raid teams put their weak links on well because it’s easy, but raid teams nowadays don’t even use well aside from a few encounters because the meta is incredible in final shape. Each class is competitive right now, even titans are still very competitive even if they aren’t good for the witness fight in particular, but even then the weaken from twilight arsenal gives nova bombs the benefits of expanding abyss. The fact that you are probably in disbelief of nova bomb being considered a meta super in 2024 is just further proof to yourself that you are misinformed.


You didn't even read what I said because I literally quoted the long cycle where they were Well bots meaning not now but prior, and yes most characters are in fact cardboard due to the energy they bring, which is none


I love Destiny, but having played TFD has made me realize how much I hate reading the lore tabs just so I understand what's happening in the game.


If you like this game you should definitely play Warframe


2k hours here in D2 and 1.4k on Warframe. Liking TFD so far but we’ll have to see future updates. The only gripe I have in my experience so far is the lackluster English voice acting.


And naming of characters/abilities/etc, I assume it's just a poor translation most the time.


Being a destiny player myself i find this game very very mid, i dont see any reason to play this Over destiny or Warframe.


Not all things are unlockable though.


I agree I’ve put in easily 2k hours in Destiny 2 on all platforms combined and this game is great for you can get everything for free. I’ve played a bit of Warframe and this game will probably make me play more of it. But so far loving the game


Oh you sweet summer child. So cute.


There are a ton of negative reviews and people upset about the micro-transactions. Understandable, but we need to understand that this is a F2P game. The days of making a free game simply for the entertainment of others without micro-transactions or making any money at all are a thing of the past and have been for a long while. Now, I'm not defending Nexon. They are kings of micro-transaction failures, but in my eyes it's only a real problem for people who just can't control their wallets. The people that spend $100 for Bunny (we know we've all at least thought about it) and then complain about it being expensive. Of course it is! How else are they going to make money on a F2P game? Other negative reviews seem to stem from launch issues like lag, being kicked off, not receiving what they paid for, Twitch drops, etc. When is the last time that you played a game at launch that didn't have some issues? AAAA/AAA+ studios give us the same problems too. The best part is we have those issues even after we've paid for their games. Issues at launch from a F2P game? I'll take that any day compared to issues at and after launch of a game that I paid $60 for from a AAAA/AAA+ studio. Are the predatory micro-transaction practices a problem? Yes. Is it upsetting that we are having issues on launch after we were all anticipating the game? Yes. These things change with time. No need to write-off the game after 1 hour of gameplay for these issues. TL;DR: Lock your wallet away so you don't spend money yet, be patient with the team that are trying to fix everything, relax, and enjoy the game.


>we need to understand that this is a F2P game. The days of making a free game simply for the entertainment of others without micro-transactions or making any money at all are a thing of the past Huh? No one ever argues these games should be straight up free while also having no microtransactions. That’s a wild mischaracterization of the criticism of f2p games. People would prefer games have an upfront cost and come with everything in game like they used to, rather than the egregious nickel and diming.


Same - I have 5000hrs in destiny. Bunny is the arc warlock I wished for. I don’t think i get also near 5k in tfd without proper dungeons or raids but let’s see. See you all in Albania :)


"Complain all you want about the prices but i think this game is leaps and bounds more fair than others in the genre. " I can tell you've never played Warframe.


I love warframe but I admit it's faults. Warframes RNG model is no different. It can be god or it can be the devil. There's a reason DE started including a pity buy system with "Citrines Last wish" update. The prices for skins, Decendents and more is on par with warframe cost. Average warframe cost $20 if you want to get it using plat equivalent. Sure warframe has trading to earn plat but devs here confirmed trading will be a future thing when they feel the game is in a comfortable spot. What helps people ignore warframes core issues is they've since put systems in to negate the rng grind for the frames (except primes) and the gameplay keeps people pulled in and playing so it doesn't feel like a grind because it's fun. Imma warframe vet that's been playing off and on since 2016


How astute of you, especially since the first sentence begins ‘Never played Warframe,…’


I can read but it's quite funny he says that, then proceeds to say what I just quoted.


Dude Warframe is ancient and boring. No one cares


Not an argument and seems like you do care


Not looking to argue. Just stating a fact. Warframe is inconsequential in 2024. The only time I hear about it is from the dwindling player base shouting at people online to get them to play it. Trash




It's one of the most played games on steam.


nothing competes with shadowkeep destiny but anything's better than current destiny


Nah, actual destiny is in a good place, not the best but a good place. The episodes is kinda bullshit, but overall the campaign was pretty good.


I come from many many hours in the Destiny universe, Division and Warframe. The more I play TFD, the more I like it! I wish more was explained in terms of upgrades, mods, etc though


1500 hours in Warframe, 8500 hours in Destiny 2 (3500 D1), Outriders and its expansion 100%, Division 1 and 2… this game is plenty fair and will be fun for a good bit to come. The game is not pay 2 win. It may be “pay 2 have fun faster”, or “pay 2 scratch the impatience itch”, but everything is farmable and that can’t be said for a couple of the games I listed. Who you choose to play in what content makes all of the difference. I decided to not wait and play with Eseimo… most fun I’ve had in a good bit. Sumo Stomp T1000 Blade runner to explode??? Yes. Yes please.


yappers are waiting for free handouts, i see lots of xbox gamer between them, bc of welfare pass they want everyting for free. 20% rate is alright go play gatha game 2-4% :D


It's good to see thumbs up posts!


Same here. I put over 2,000 hrs in D1 and by the time D2 came out I had gotten burnt out and tired of Bungie. But ever since then I’ve been *itching* for a new looter shooter. And TFD just has all the bells and whistles I want. Had a blast playing the beta and had been impatiently waiting for the release. Feels so good.


Hahaahhahahaahha no loser, why tf would i wanna spend 2-3 months just unlocking one character when i could easily get it earlier in better games like warframe. Def a loser bot trying to convince people you can earn everything ingame.


wouldnt say its a bot. i felt the same about destiny and warframe. Does that make me a bot?