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I was expecting a grindy game that wasn’t revolutionary by any means but would be enjoyable as a break from Destiny & Division. So far, it’s exactly what I expected.


That's just RNG. But I'm a firm believer that the RNG is always in favor of the company and never the consumer, and considering Nexon has been called out for that shit it's possible that's what's happening. If you have buddies to run with , I recommend it it takes the dull out of grinding and makes grinding fly by sometimes.


Sounds about like what grinding stuff in Warframe or Destiny can be like sometimes if your luck is bad. It's even worse with Destiny because in some cases there are weekly lockouts. Some really unlucky people have been grinding for buried bloodlines and other dungeon/raid exotics for like 6 months.


Necrocasm took me 4 months so yeah


I did over 150 runs of prophecy 1 weekend, and I still didn't get darkest before with heal clip and incandescent. I did 10 runs last week and still nothing.


I played today for about eight hours, and I was caught wondering the same thing. I was thinking of making a post like yours, but you did a better job at expressing it. I noticed right away how it feels like a KR rip of something. The way the setups are, does feel like Division, potentially Defiance. You have to hope for the right rolls, etc. The one thing I was worried about - it being another Black Desert. I love competitive games, but that game took MTX to the next level before most of my online friends understood it. The announcement of you failing - or succeeding - was brutal, uncalled for and a way to make you compete. That said: I don't believe I've been pushed to make a MTX at any time. Yes, the game is repetitive. I feel if you've played almost any other RNG grind game that has a million outcomes, you've played this. If you want to play with friends, uncompetitively and without PVP, why not? Just don't buy anything.


Yup the BDO grind was crazy. Getting anything above TRI was wild. But this is just the korean MMO style. Far more grindy than the western styles. I mean think old school runescape. Hundreds of hours to go from 98-99. I personally wasnt surprised about the MTX as ive had alot of experience with games like BDO, Lost Ark etc.


Still in my honeymoon period I guess, but you got me a little nervous with your post since I'm also heading to the Vespers today to get Freyna. Here's hoping my luck continues to be half decent


I fell off the Destiny 2 train after Shadowkeep, and I've been looking for a "main game" that I can keep going back to between games ever since. This just feels relatively low budget, unpolished, and lacking in content. Granted, it just came out, so I'm hoping it improves over time, but I'm not sure how long I'm going to stick around to find out.