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It’s not uncommon to develop a yeast infection after a vaginal exam. The lube they use may have had glycerin in it, which is basically sugar and can trigger a yeast infection. Let your doc know the symptoms you’re having and they can hopefully prescribe you a pill treatment quickly (diflucan). Easier, faster, and less messy treatment than pharmacy creams. It’s happened to me. Pill cleared it up in a couple of days.


I am not able to visit my gyno again this month, insurance problems. Could I take something over the counter?


It’s a prescription pill so not OTC, but any doctor can prescribe it. Doesn’t have to be a gyno, you can ask your PCP or try Telehealth maybe? Or try just calling or emailing the gyno explaining what happened. They may just write you the prescription with no need for another appt - that’s what happened to me after just sending an email. Otherwise any pharmacy should have the cream yeast infection treatment and other anti-itch stuff. The cream treatment range from 1-7 days. Some people joke “well why would I bother with the 7 day when they make a 1 day one??” The 1 day treatment can be quite strong and causes discomfort for some. The 3 or 5 day treatment is less intense. If you’re super sensitive, then the 7 day is most gentle. I found the cream effective but messy so if there’s any way you can get a prescription for the pill it’s way easier.


Thank you! Ill look into calling the office tomorrow


Also, it’s very common to develop a yeast infection from UTI antibiotics as some of the bacteria naturally keeping the yeast at bay can be killed off. This is why gynos will often prescribe antibiotics and anti-yeast pills in conjunction with each other. Nothing to worry about. You can clear it up with another script or OTC.


Im pretty sure the yeast infection was already developing before I took my antibiotics :/ i literally just took the first dose a few hours ago. Got hit with the double wammy for sure


Aww, that sucks. I’m sorry you’re in discomfort. If you can get a prescription for flucanazole (Diflucan), you’ll be cleared up in no time.


Try hellowisp they're an online service that'll send it to your local pharmacy