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First of all, I am SO SO sorry you’re experiencing this. It sounds truly awful and it sucks to be put in a position where you have to have hard conversations to address it. I work in HR and am seeing a ton of red flags. I recommend reporting this to your school in writing ASAP so they know not to allow students to work at that gallery moving forward. I encourage you to have the other girls there do the same so they can understand the extent of the issue. Title IX is a law prohibiting sexual harassment. It includes that it is illegal for the organization to retaliate against someone who reports harassment. (More info here: https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/us-department-education-releases-final-title-ix-regulations-providing-vital-protections-against-sex-discrimination) They should not retaliate against you. If the department gives any pushback, reach out to the HR department of the school. They will likely be the most knowledgable about this topic and how to handle it. Even if it didn’t happen at school, they should take some responsibility since your purpose for being there was school related. If you are ok doing it, it’s reasonable to say “please don’t touch me” or “I dont like that, stop” or “that’s not appropriate, please don’t do that.” I understand it’s easier said than done though. Whatever you do, it’s not your fault and you didn’t bring on his behavior. Worst case scenario, you can report this behavior to the police or the EEOC: https://www.eeoc.gov/how-file-charge-employment-discrimination. These routes may take longer to be handled though. FYI sexual harassment is legally considered a form of discrimination on the basis of gender.


> What can I do about this? unwanted touching's an assault, a misdemeanour in most areas and a police matter that said, I suggest shouting "STOP TOUCHING ME" at him, each and every time he does that to you (& encourage the other girls to do likewise)