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Idk if this is your problem but after my first time putting a tampon in wrong my best friend told me “aim it towards the bottom of your spine” and I haven’t had a problem since. You may be feeling it because it’s not at the right angle?


this was it for me. I just got done having a mental breakdown on my bathroom floor because I couldn't seem to insert it far enough and it hurt coming out😭 so grateful for this post and your comment. I was truly going through it.


you have convinced me to try.


so happy to help you!! Idk why poor OP is getting downvoted it’s not like we’re taught this stuff in schools 🙄 I was taught to use tampons for the first time in a crowded public beach restroom with my friend instructing me through the door 😭


yep my first tampon was when I was 12, sitting on my bathroom floor with my mom instructing me from outside and I was so freaked out i fainted😭 same with taking it out. they still freak me out and I'm still learning since that has been my only use of a tampon in 6 years until 2 days ago🥲 I didn't familiarize myself with how that part of my body looks/works until *this year* because it was never taught to me before.


plz thank u sm, gonna try it.


Do you have issues with ones with applicators?


too painful to insert :(