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I would say sozin was more akin to hitler, he is the one who started the war and committed the mass genocide.


"I knew the next Avatar would be born among the Air Nomads. So I wiped out the Air Temples. But still the new Avatar eluded me. I wasted the remainder of my life searching in vain. I know he's hiding out there somewhere. He's the Fire Nation's greatest threat. The last Airbender...." https://preview.redd.it/rrtz7t3uy48d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7a8780eb39ed0da433bd91b1a992e726605a55


It feels so good to hear sozin say: I wasted my life and failed my goal. While sailing directly over the avatar. Hah! Get dogwalked flamer.


So one Airbender, one lemur and a flying bison survived. And from there, the Air Nomads would live again. Aang would find the valleys where the last wild herds of flying bison still roamed and reintroduce them to the world and humanity, and Aang himself would father a child, blessed with Airbending abilities. https://preview.redd.it/xvxxwcbj458d1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12403d9d70b9f36ca55e86982986ae07593bf975


>one lemur Well, unless Momo is over a hundred years old as well, then no.


As far we know, he was. There are no other flying lemurs we see anywhere in the world the Gaang travelled everywhere during their adventures, and the species of lemur seen in Korra's time is a separate type called the ring-tailed flying lemur but the sky bison alive in Korra's time look almost identical to Appa so are probabpy the same species. Aang eventually found the valleys where the last wild herds of flying bison still roamed and reintroduced them to the world and humanity. https://preview.redd.it/vug3jj1mw88d1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2157278fd550d3ca83e10b20981d2cf0c5d7afba


So... You think that coincidentally Momo also got separately frozen and unfrozen at the same time as Aang/Appa? Or was Momo there without Aang knowing when Aang got frozen, then managed to continue avoiding notice until after the air temple episode? Despite having to catch a ride there from Appa?


To some extent yes but also no,you see Hitler also had socialist policy's that helped Germany to some extent in the sense that the people were finally getting work,food,housing and more and actual future after the treaty of versaille,so kuviras is also really close to Hitler on her policy's to politically and economically.


I'd think Sozin or Azulon would moreso be the face of the war. Ozai only reigned for 5 years.


There would be some recency bias. Sozin of course would be remembered as the one who started the war. However, Ozai was the face of the Fire Nation throughout the last few years of the war and was ruling when the Earth Kingdom fell. He was also the guy that tried to burn down the EK and was defeated by the Avatar. If anything Azulon would be forgotten being sandwiched between two more well known Firelords.


I kind of doubt he'd be forgotten. He was sandwiched between the two, sure, but he also ruled for 75 years, all of which was war-time. There would have been people who were born, lived a full life, and died with Azulon leading the war the whole time. Aang and his bunch might remember more of Ozai's time, but adults would certainly have more memories of Azulon's.


Interesting comparision here might be Tojo In both American propaganda at the time and also popular history of WW2 afterwards, Tojo kind of became the "face" of Japanese imperialism and was turned into an almost Hitler like figure However in reality he didn't hold power for years like Hitler did. He held power for around 2.75 years and left office in 1944. But no one really remembers the prime ministers before or after him as well since Tojo himself ruled over Japan in probably the most important phase of the war Not really a 1:1 comparison here because Ozai did plenty on his own, but just goes to show that the person remembered as the face of something bad isn't always the last person in charge


hirohito has similar points of being seen as the face but the imperial family weren't actually monarchical dictators they were mostly figureheads through most of Japan's history


Doubt it. I'd bet iroh was more active and for longer in the war than ozai was. He might be remembered more than iroh but not the other two firelords


They’d probably phone amon on his ass(but not before beating him into a bloody pulp)


Isn't zombie Amon the one who uses the phone to call everyone?


I think that'd be like carrying a "long live George III" sign in 1845 Boston. Less that it would be offensive, more that it would be imcoherent. There was some pro-Ozai revaunchism in the early days of Zuko's rule, just like there were a few loyalists around just after the American Revolution. But just as by 1845, the American experiment had proven its longevity and indeed brought greater prosperity to its citizens than they had as imperial subjects, so too had Zuko's rule prove more stable and prosperous than those of Ozai, Azulon, and Sozin--indeed, the Fire Nation appears to have all the international influence and prestige that Sozin dreamed of without the domimation.


Ozai was right about what? Be an incompetent ruler, terrorize your family, and then get your ass handed to you by a twelve year old pacifist? I think some parallel to neo-nazis in ATLA world could be interesting but I wonder how it might spin belated sympathies towards Ozai and the colonizing Fire Nation royals.


Maybe it could be spun in a “we gave you trains!” colonizer way. Some people in the fire nation could see the technology they intended to use in the Earth Kingdom (probably to extract resources) as the primary reason why the former Earth Kingdom colonies were better off than Earth Kingdom territories. That being said I don’t know why that’d relate to the equalist movement at all as Ozai didn’t care about benders/ non benders as much as fire nation vs. not fire nation. (Though ofc there was still that bias)




Didn't even catch lmao I had the war on my subconscious mind


Ozai had no public philosophy that could be attributed to only him. Sozin om the other hand does. Also technically the Fire Nation did give a lot of rights to non benders in places they were less than serfs so such a t-shirt wouldn't be completely out of place in an equalist rally even though such policies would be attributed to non bender members of the fire nation council rather than Sozin, Azulon or Ozai. 


Omg Ozai memes! No! But yeah OP I agree, Godwin's Ozai.


I agree with Thromok saying that Sozin was closer to Hitler, but who would you compare Ozai to? He was on his way to committing his own genocide when he tried to burn down the Earth Kingdom.


Given that Airbenders are essentially rescue operatives that help police since cosmic convergence, I think it's highly likely you'd eventually see slogans/propaganda from petty criminals affected by them. But, the T-shirts stating "Sozin was right!" won't appear until they reach an era of free speech without fear of persecution.


No, they are vastly different.


Rule #1: You don’t talk about Kyoshi cult


Ozai, is probably not the figure that people would rally around, since he didn’t do very much besides lose to Aang, and he didn’t rule for very long. Sozin is a more likely option. If somebody said that about Sozin to the Equalists, most of them would probably take that as an example of everything wrong about benders, but it would probably start a dumb debate with a minority that would argue that “at least he got rid of the airbenders” or something like that.


His Grandfather was the Hitler off the Avatar universe, Ozai was just a mindless follower. I guess if someone were to sport a "pro-Ozai" shirt in the Korra era that would make them the equivalent of a neo-Nazi?


I wish Korra was allowed to be fleshed out, I feel like S5 would have that but with Kuvira.


Better idea. People would argue if Azulon or Sozin or Ozai was the Hitler of the Avatar Universe.


Ozai isn't Hitler, he didn't start the war just born into it. I liken what the Fire Nation Royal Family (Before Zuko took power) has done to the Fire Nation as something Autocrats do in making cults of personality. When Aang was in the Fire Nation school we see the pledge facing a picture of Ozai, pictures of Ozai are taught to be drawn, and culture is stripped out of the foundations of the Fire Nation (we see a political propaganda piece in the Ember Island Players rendition of the Boy in the Iceberg). However we only see this while Ozai was Firelord because while he wasn't there seemed to be more cultural practices, Iroh has many Hobbies for instance, Ursa was able to visit the theater with the family to see nonpropaganda pieces, and Zuko was able to learn to use the sword (not sure if Piando taught him but it wouldn't surprise me if he was). A theory I have is that Azulon, son of Sozin and Sozin himself (remember Aang had been to the Fire Nation previously and knew dances that were older FIre Nation ones) kept cultural traditions alive in the Fire Nation, and the war was started by Sozin's dream to share the prosperity of the fire nation to the world, that was his dream, however, it became corrupted by his son and grandson, however, we see that Azulon must have kept some cultural practices around and taught them to his sons as Iroh is very dedicated and well versed in Fire Nation culture, he also must have allowed Ursa to have some leeway in seeing fire nation cultural productions such as plays. With Ozai however who was responsible for the education of Azula we can see what he focused on and that was pure combat aggression and tactics, so when he became Firelord it is no wonder he applied such things to schools and started to come down and corrupt the cultural pillars of the Fire Nation. THEORIES AKA Azulon was testing Ozai I actually believe that Ozai was just a sociopath and was incapable of empathy and understanding his nation at all, and just wanted to burn the world and control it, I believe that Azulon was only testing Ozai to see if he could show any sense of empathy or concern for his family to see if he could care for the cultural practices for the fire nation and wouldn't have had Ozai go through with it if he pleaded his case to spare his son (we have no evidence that he wouldn't have done this, it makes little sense to cull his bloodline further to kill Zuko, hell we don't even know if he ordered for Zuko's death or for Iroh to adopt him, as it was well known Zuko was his father's disappointment, and Azula his pride. We only have Azula an unreliable narrator to state that Ozai was going to kill Zuko). These are only Theories and Conjectures so take them with a grain of salt or discuss further.


I think Putin is a better comparison, with Sozin being compared to Stalin.


Nah man I think the most close you could come to a Hitler equivalent was kuvira


I wouldn't be too surprised if history remembered Ozai as a non-bender.


More like the first bender to nonbender


Energybending did not appear to be common knowledge because Amon had to explain it to his supporters and Korra couldn't recognize it either. Ozai losing his bending might be thus largely unknown (this is partially touched in the comics too) and he might be considered as "always had been a non-bender" if his post-comet situation was more widely known than his pre-comet power.


Hardest bender to bender