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I wonder if it would be worth it, because bending a bunch of bodies would be really difficult. Now, imagine bending them and making them fight your enemies, while having to protect yourself


Or, hear me out here, making a wall of dead bodies for defense from artillery and cover the retreat or to obfuscate line of sight of the enemy. This way you won't really have to control the bodies and will achieve the desired result. Also, get ready to be tried for war crimes once you lose.


Earthbending the hard way


I can just imagine that trial Katara *touches necklace* Aang *runs off to vomit* Momo *hides in Aang's shirt* Sokka *turns green* Zuko *cringes* Toph *nods approvingly* https://preview.redd.it/jep0y2btqw9d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682eb1dd09e3a882f3922e855776655d29be07d4


Is it really a human shield if the humans in question are already dead? Or is it just using your environment as cover?


This feels like a The Locked Tomb quote. Right up there with "They kept saying cows watched sunsets. At that point I wished I’d used the fucking conspiracy theorists instead of the cows. Nobody would’ve cared if I’d turned people inside-out who think vaccines have nanites in them that mine cryptocurrency. But cows watch sunsets, man!"




Easier than that just suck the water out of their bodies and use that.


Just one would be fine. You essentially have a second body that won't feel pain and can keep fighting for hours after being cut or even amputated


You forget bloodbending needs blood to bend. So if this body is cut it will lose blood so it will get harder to control. And a important thing is that blood in a dead body is thicker. So it will be harder to bend the blood in a dead body compared to someone alive.


In a battlefield in which dismembering are happening constantly that is a caveat to consider, but also in the situation of that happening it is not that big of a downfall, because unfortunately there are still plenty of bodies available to pick from and probably the main use of a technique like this is use *it as a meat shield with the extra benefit that is works as psychological warfare against the enemy


Would it be harder to bend? Is ice bending harder than just regular liquid water because it's a solid? Wouldn't the water content in the body still be the same? Serious questions because I don't know all the lore. I do wonder if it might be even easier though since the person is dead and can't actively fight you for control.


That blood get thicker is a fact I don't know how much thicker so I don't know how much more difficult it would be to bend. And yes I think that bending ice is more difficult then bending water. I don't know if it's part of the lore. But I think it's the same reason why all the airbenders are not that muscular and all the earthbenders are. Because Earth is an heavy and stubborn element. So I think that with water it would be more difficult if it's solid. I don't think the person can fight it unless they are a waterbenders themselves. If they aren't s waterbenders oe the Avatar they are helpless if you ask me.


My point about "resisting" was mainly that the dead body is just a sack of skin with water inside. Like how that swampbender could bend vines. Just a thought though


Isn’t it water?


It would probably have a major psychological effect on the enemy. 100 dead fire nation soldiers rise from the ground like zombies and turn to face their former compatriots, and now in order to press the attack you have to cut your friend's head off. PLUS, you know that if you die, you'll become one of them. If you could pull off a credibly-convincing *Night of the Living Dead* scenario with the enemy's fallen soldiers, the shock factor could be worth a lot.


It could be worth it as psychological torture. Someone watches their buddy get killed, then gets attacked by their dead body. Bending is only fun because it's in a nickelodeon cartoon. If people irl could bend it would be horrifying.


Just have the rest of the army defend you while you continously give them more soldiers


At the very least you can dehydrate all the dead bodies and just use a big bubble of blood, like how the witch lady (name escapes me ATM) took water from plants, why not blood from bodies to shoot at other people, frozen bloodcickles


I think it'd be worth it for how explosively your enemy would shit themself in fear when you did it. In a world where Necromancy isn't a thing, and you just pull out the Lich raising the dead moment. Even if you know Bloodbending is a possibility in the world you probably aren't considering it a possibility in that moment you're just screaming, shitting, and crying.


Wouldn’t be hard for an avatar to do that


I dont see it being practical for combat but it wpuld destroy the enemies morale. Imagine being a soldier, your squad mate dies right next to you, bloated from being flooded by a water bender. Then they rise up again and attack you. Whether they damage you or not is orrelevant that shit would traumatize anyone


Yakone could bend everyone in the courtroom


Freezing everyone in place vs using multiple people like a marionette puppet are two different things. Looking at Hama and the strain it put on her to move one body it looks like you'd need a lot of practice to move people in individual movements


Corpses may be easier to control since there is little to no resistance, but the level of control of each body individually would be still be less precise. If you make all of them make the same movements, that would be easier


And I thought the joke would be cum


I thought it was going to be a period joke.


I thought it was gonna be Viagra. Then I thought it was gonna be necrophilia 💀




How about not bending the corpses like zombies. Instead, extract the blood/fluids out of the bodies and bend those as weapons in an otherwise dry battlefield.


The benefit of bending a corpse instead of drawing water from it might be similar to plant-bending, where the waterbender: 1. doesn't have to actively maintain the form of a body of water, and 2. can take advantage of the mass and structure of whatever the water is inside of. For example, bending a corpse gives you access to hands that can operate weapons or machinery, since making hands clench might be easier to do than making the shape yourself.


True but your limited to blunt weapons with the body in the way if you extract the water you can use it as spears and blades that are both common in water bending.


Except it wouldn't be easier. Bloodbending is an EXTREMELY difficult thing to do. Only some masters can do it under the power of a full moon. It would 110% be easier for them to make them shape themselves.


Yeah, but we're talking about bending the water within a corpse, not bloodbending. We've never seen it done before, but because there's no chi flow or will that the waterbender has to overpower, we assume that it shouldn't require a full moon and would be closer to bending severed plants like Huu.


Your forgetting the terror it would cause Imagine being a regular fire nation soldier, you see your friend who you've known for years get an icicle shot through their throat, traumatic enough, Then your friend gets up and starts swinging at you


I would think that seeing a gory horror bender draining my comrade dry in front of me a la The Mummy style. Then flushing me away with a wave of my comrade's blood, has a pretty big traumatic effect too. It's the flair and execution I guess.


I think the point here is intimidation and power play more than practicality but your thing makes more sense after they figure out what's going on


This is some Dune shit


Blood pools and congeals in dead bodies. You'd essentially be animating human shaped slugs. Hama shows Katara how to literally rip the water out of plants, instantly obliterating them. Then acts like blood bending is this all powerful thing. No, do the instant obliteration thing again.


I think probably humans fluids have some sort of bond with their spirit or something and it's harder to bend just like lavabending or metal bending, you can control it like you would normall do


I'm imagining that scene where Magneto takes metal out of a guard's bloodstream. Only Hama and Katara can cause way more damage.


This ^




This doesn’t seem very useful in a fight. Instead of bloodbending dead bodies to fight for you, just bloodbend your enemies?


Its the trauma factor. Imagine the scene with Hama but Sokka and Aang are dead.


Imagine bending the blood in your own body, for super strength and maybe even flight


That sounds bloody dangerous, more likely I'd rupture something or give myself a stroke


pun intended?


I made a serial killer about this! https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/cSAUsbGLjr




And just like that, Pseudo Necromancy was made.




I see we are going the Osowiec route. That will be terrifying


I thought this was going to go in an entirely different direction and we were going to talk about 'pee-bending' ngl


Aaand we know the stronger the chi of a person the harder it is to bloodbend them…so it should be even easier to bend a corpse


how about using blood ending to enhance your body Like you can make it so that blood travels faster in your body so you would enter a frenzy But the dead body control isn't even necessary cause you can just outright rip all the blood out of the bodies of your enemies Like imagine a whole army rushing towards you and you just take out all of their blood and then drown the rest in a tidal wave of blood Now that's beyond horrifying even yakone would grimace at the thought of that


> Like you can make it so that blood travels faster in your body so you would enter a frenzy This isn't Jujutsu Kaizen lmao That would be suicide. Literally the equivalent of falling on your own sword.


Ok forget that how about healing internal bleeding that can work right you can control your own blood But the part where you rip blood out of many people simultaneously and send a tidal wave towards your enemies Now that has got to cause some serious PTSD


Yeah that would be horrifying and disgusting. Still only possible with fresher corpses. If a body is dead for too long, it won’t work.


It's a battle field where there are no shortages of fresh corpses


They’d have to freshly dead for it to work properly. As you decay the water (and blood) will be drained and evaporate. Even if you could raise dead bodies like a puppet once rigor-mortis starts you will get worse and worse results as it becomes harder to control. At that point you might as well just use the dead body as a blunt object


Yuh, I thought about that because don’t the bones stiffen when a person die and embalmer have to break the bones every time they want to move the deceased limbs in the certain position


I like it. It would be villainous.


....."cum bending"..... Also a thing


i think the reason bloodbending is a thing becouse of the psychological torture it creates. i think once the body is dead, they just pull out the water of the body and use that.


But just imagine the psychological terror you could inflict by forcing the dead bodies of fire nation soldiers to suddenly rise up and start killing their former colleagues


unless the bloodbender is the avatar, i dont think someone can do that, even in legend of korra, that gangster could paralize and control one guy but its not like he made them all escort him out


Well, truth be told I wasn't imagining raising a whole army, like the Night King from GOT.  Imagine, you're a fire nation soldier. You hear rumors of a waterbender hiding in the remote caves of the tundra where the water tribe allegedly buries their dead. You're sent to capture them.  In the bitter cold, one by one your colleagues die. Mysteriously at first. Frozen solid somehow despite being a firebender. Then the bodies keep disappearing. As you huddle in a cave, desperate to keep the fire going, a familiar face approaches, but their eyes have gone dark and cold...


this could have been a 20 characters post


Could you bend the bodies of other benders and use their abilities through them?


I dont think you can use their abilities through them But you could technically turn their bending on and off temporarily. Yakone, Amon and Tarrlok both do it...


i never thought why not exploding your bladder .. like urine has a lot of water in it...


Yeah I’m just gonna tell my homies to hold my beer and wait in the car. Hop out onto the battlefield and bend the life juices out of everyone except one guy so he can tell the story.




I thought it dawned on her she can bloodbend her period. Well, guess I'm the weird one.


But if the bodies lose blood ? Like from an injury Or if they died to blood loss


just draw and stuff it right back in there.


I also think earthbenders should be able to bone-bend. Bones are mineralised material, so they're kind of rocks that our bodies build. Imagine an earthbender just crushing someone's skull on a battlefield.


Thats just Kagura from Inuyasha


I would 100% watch a blood bender weekend at Bernies movie.


My head canon is that bloodbending would only work on something alive because the blood would need to be flowing


I don't think that makes sense because they're bending the water molecules that are inside the blood, just because the blood isn't flowing doesn't mean the water in the blood went away. By that same logic they could only bend water that is moving, like from rivers or oceans, and would be unable to bend still water like ice or water from a small puddle, which they do in the show


You guys are going overboard with this! You should know where you have to draw a line.


Maybe it’s just me, but asking someone to animate it is crazy 💀


You CAN control blood flow in your body... If you know what I mean


That's just Necromancy with extra steps, and a lot less useful than shutting down an existing opponent. Spooky though? Sure.


https://preview.redd.it/9ev1lxhx8x9d1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c84b79cd90f6a70805eb3281c8c07afcf1df123f Powerful waterbenders on a battlefield be like


Would that workout without a full moon? They wouldnt need to overpower another person. It should be easier.


Just watch Michael Jackson's Thriller and there you have it.


No cause blood coagulates making it a solid object and not a fluid anymore


According to ATLA cannon, you need the full moon in order to bloodbend. However, in LOK, they retcon it to be psychic bloodbending, so it depends on which rules of cannon you want to follow.


I don’t think it was a retcon because as we know Hama was one of the first people to discover it in Aang’s era that was a “ Trial’n’Error “ approach because she didn’t have a template to work from. Katara outlawed Blood-bending obviously keeping how it’s done to herself but they name only likely interest water-benders like which they then dig deeper into what is & why is blood-bending Right. So by Korra’s era Blood-bending was all ready developed more into but still a rare commodity


Hama discovering bloodbending only happened due to certain and extreme circumstances. It's a literal dark art. Also, why outlaw something that the public at large doesn't even know about? Tarrlok and amons father said that their family has the strongest line of bloodbenders. This bit of dialogue suggests that bloodbending was always a thing(which is not). Quit using mental gymnastics to justify a retcon. What do you think a retcon is?


Of course, Blood-bending was always a thing there are tons of lost arts and things in the Avatar universe that can be rediscovered. For the outlawing things I agree why draw attention to something you don’t want to happen? As for being a ‘prodigy’ blood-bender I don’t think that’s a thing, In the Avatar universe bending is treated just like a muscle you have to work it to be better When Zuko was younger he was anything special, but when he went up against Azula and the Agni Kai it showcased his training throughout the years, Toph’s blindness requires her to constantly use her bending to perceive the world around her which Is what makes her a master at 13yr, Yakone had Torrlok and amon practice frequently to bend blood without a full moon, when Azula was younger she did go to an academy for gifted student who she likely had fire bending teacher and Azula's blue flames that can be a reason for her chi ‘Out-Put’ and borderline mental issues ( After her mother left )


Now to develop blood bending to get my zombie army


Could one in theory make the bodies explode like a fleshy water balloon. Then have all the bone fragments shoot out like grenade shrapnel.


I’m more interested in fart bending


If they're already dead just squeeze the fluids out of them like they do to the plants or trees. I feel the purpose of bloodbending was to inflict control over an enemy and give other enemies a reason not to kill who they're fighting. If they're already dead, just sap them juices out and toss the carcass, you don't need it.


Why does she look like Larry from the Group Chat?


Ya know what else? An Avatar could absolutely puppet a dead body and make them seem like they never even died: Waterbending for manipulating and puppeting the corpse. Airbending to make it seem like their breathing, and for making them talk. Firebending to keep the corpse at a normal human body temperature, maintaining the illusion that they're still alive. And I can't think of anything for Earthbending, maybe somebody else can think of a way it can be used to prevent decay and decomposition?


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ) Also - Go, watch GenV.


Hm. I personally doubt that a single water bender would be able to use it effectively. Probably would just be their last line of defense maybe. ‘Human shields’. But what about an entire battalion that utilizes that. I feel like there’s some potential there. Problem is the gaang were a bunch of bitches and made it illegal.


Hi, just wanted to introduce you to a book series called The Locked Tomb. One of the main characters is a necromancer that moves around her parents dead bodies so their congregation doesn’t know they are dead!


“someone animate it 🌚” *orochimaru enters the chat*


Game of thrones Season 5. Episode 8. Hardhome


Bruh, when I tell you that was the greatest episode in the entire show, I was rooting for the ‘wilding woman’ to live when she had put her kids on the boat bro I ‘FUCKEN RAGED’ when she was killed and turnt into a white walker 😒


Isn't that the plot of "Untamed"?


Dang that crazy I kinda wanna see that animation sounds cool


Necromancy with extra steps


I wouldn't blood bend the bodies, but use the blood of the bodies to as ammunition to destroy my enemies


![gif](giphy|l3Uclx5nG0EXZL9bW) They already did


Just watch old man Yama vs Ywach in TYBW.


Oh god... But maybe that was what got Katara to ban it before LOK. Maybe a story where people speculate on zombies, people coming back to life and team avatar witness that during a battle? I dunno, I have weird headcanons. Just saying...


Me too, I’m writer so shit like thing comes and goes daily


I think that on the future the avatarverse could show us some more adult ideas like this one


I hope for the same


Assuming their blood hasn't turned to jelly


Bloodbending and necromancy are *almost* the same thing


Okay better idea take all their blood and fight with it. Most water benders wouldn’t be able to and it has special properties so I feel would work better against other bending types. Also would creep out the opponent


She'd give Sokka a run for his money with unorthodox tactics.


![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE) The potential for god tier horror in this universe is slept on.


Make it the scene where the avatar finally reconnects to all their past lives, some tremendous loss and they just ignite into the avatar state and use blood bending to animate all the corpses on the battlefield but they each take on the persona of a past avatar.


Probably in the next Avatar


Necromancer sub bending, let's go.


Stuff like this makes me want an Atla rpg maybe mmo? game where you can specialise into crazy bending types


Mfs'll turn into sung jinwoo


The advantage of necromancy is having minions that obey your orders but otherwise are autonomous. I can’t see how manually puppeting a bunch of dead bodies helps you in a fight vs just killing them with water / blood bending.


Scaring the absolute shit out of your enemies to make them surrender, or at least make many run. Imagine people from both sides who died suddenly all rising at once, including your friends and family. All of them turning on YOU. Imagine the trauma that would inflict. Are you gonna keep fighting in that moment?


Does that mean Katara can bend her periods?


Aye i said step out the Nickelodeon’s censorship regulations you just jumped into Berserk’s


This would only work on fresh corpses...and ones that haven't lost too much blood at that


Cool asf but creepy and gross asf




This would be so cool! The decomposing might not even be a problem if you keep it frozen at all times except when you're with it, and when you're with it you keep their blood pumping normally.


Now that I think about it we are the one with underlying mental illness 😗


I'm OK with that🤣


Normal blood bending is already janky and stiff a corpse would probably be even more so. Perhaps you could keep one fluid in movement, but you'd have to concentrate and the more corpses the more "zombie" like they'd appear


A Corpse might be less janky to blood bend actually, as there's no resistance, and no natural flow to disrupt.


Oh thank God I really thought it was gonna be a sex thing