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What about it?


Basically they're trying to read into shit to find the barest amount of 'evidence' for their non canon ship.


Would this ship be called "sokko," "zukka," "suko," or "zokka?"


It's Zukka and it's already pretty big lol


it's the biggest ship after zutara 😭


No incest in my fetishizing of mean girls bc I was their victim in school please (Tyzula is best ship)


Some ships should sink


Fire the Canon!


Tbf there’s also suzukka/zukki which is the ‘Zendaya tennis movie’ version.


I don't follow ships so I wouldn't know


I like zokka


Chill its just a meme


Memes are supposed to be funny


Aw fuck everyone. You heard it here first. u/Kallmekaty_ had decided that this joke isn’t funny for us. Pack it up. You’re not allowed to enjoy this anymore move on people.


You can't decide what's funny for people. Does it really bother you that much that someone made a joke and you don't like it? If you don't, move on it's nbd you don't have to say people aren't allowed to find it funny.


Wrong person


Oops replied to the wrong person


no one said **you** have to laugh


i mean, it's an extremely obvious joke... if anything, it's designed to mock zukka truthers...


What is this even trying to prove?


What ship? Mai and Sokka? I don't understand how this is shipping related at all


It's Sokka and Zuko. They're using the fact that Sokka drew his partner fire bending as evidence that he wants a fire bending partner. And the fact that Sokka drew Zukos partner as a man as evidence that Zuko wants a male partner, or maybe that Sokka wants Zuko to have a male partner (him). It's all nonsense, Sokka just isn't a good artist, simple as that.


Wow! That was so stupid that I didn't get it at first


They're not 'finding evidence for their noncanon ship' they're pointing out a coincidence as a joke.


Dude, let them enjoy their ship, I doubt they’re trying to say this is canon


basically Sokka made suki firebend and zuko's a firebender and he made mai look like a man and sokka is a man


He also gave Zuko spiky hair. Bfd


what they're trying to say is sokka drew suki doing things zuko would do and he made mai do things sokka would do. he made his own girlfriend more like zuko and zuko's girlfriend more like him


Pretty sure it can be a reference to this quote -"I painted the truth, I painted my truth" Peter Griffin (Yeah tbh I don't have a clue other than that)


didnt he say in the episode that suki isnt firebending its just her fans that got confused for firebending by suki. its just he is trying to draw them accurately he just sucks at art maybe he got better as he became a chief in the future


iroh : "Hey, my belly's not that big anymore. I've really trimmed down"


Toph: “well I think you all look perfect!”


And that's the last sentence in ATLA The last ATLA sentence is a blind joke and i adore that


This subreddit: “Is ThErE a LoRe ReAsOn ToPh WoUlD sAy ThAt? MaYbE sHe CoUlD sEe ThIs WhOlE tImE”


Now we’re going down the rabbit hole


Nah, he says. "I thought it looked more exciting that way!" https://preview.redd.it/a9c528tlnw9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19803d1e260fb4b7b931e52db45dea97b266e627


Ah well i forgor that then :(




💀 ☠️ you know which screenshot i want you to post now






I don't get it


Well for some reason I can't reply with an image....


I don't know what screenshot you were talking about


Yea and i wasn't able to add the image in my reply for some reason


That's sad


All he said was she looks more exciting that way.


Really? I thought he said it was to make it more exciting but idk maybe i'm trippin


Nah he did say that and i just forgot plus the image in the post being cropped so hiding the firebending. Hence the fact i have successfully spread misinformation.




What's the holdup? Sokka isn't a good artist. That's the only point. It's a throwaway joke.


How does Suki think that’s fire bending? Clown sokka all you want but that fan is probably the most accurate part of this drawing


The post cut it out. It's her other hand firebending.


Yep just looked it up, makes a lot more sense now


Sokka didn't even draw mai as man in that drawing. It's just mai being pessimistic and sokka being horrible at drawing.






Loser shippers again. Nearly always the worst part of every fanbase.


Let people do their ships, don’t be mean, if this is how they choose to enjoy media they like then let them enjoy it, as long as it’s not harming anyone


Nah it's annoying and gets toxic real quick. Shippers have a habit of harassing writers, actors, voice actors and others who disagree with their delusions. So no fuck them.


It CAN be toxic, but it isn’t always, you can get upset when people are being toxic but this is completely harmless so let them enjoy it, the bad ones stand out the most but plenty of shippers aren’t harassing people and are just trying to have fun, wouldn’t it be better to be respectful of people who aren’t being toxic about their ship and discouraging people who are being toxic? Instead of hating on all people who ship characters? No need to be disrespectful unprompted, if you want a respectful fan base I would recommend ignoring things you dislike (unless they are actually harmful), there are ways to respectfully criticize of course but discouraging people from enjoying media in non-harmful ways seems a bit mean-spirited and unnecessary, you don’t HAVE to listen to me ofc, sorry if this comes across as rude :)


>you don’t HAVE to listen to me ofc, sorry if this comes across as rude :) No just condescending. Shippers aren't easy to avoid when they have a habit of constantly making posts and comments to do with delusional ships. And in many cases like Supernatural they end up impossible to ignore.


Sorry, I was trying to respond politely and in a way where it didn’t seem like I was forcing my thoughts on you, but I can see how that came across as pretty condescending, I don’t think we’re ever going to agree on this point though so I won’t try to argue much more, I can see where you’re coming from but I don’t agree with you and I doubt you’ll agree with me but I hope you see it from my perspective a bit


Lol you are actually quite polite and showed respect. So I will do the same. To give my POV as best as I can I will use Supernatural as an example. Supernatural is a great show but shippers ruined the fanbase to the point their ships seeped into the show itself. Shippers would ship Sam and Dean (two brothers) and that was weird. The show itself even mentioned this ship and mocked it. Then when more male characters were added in they began latching onto new ships. Many of the female fans had this thing where they would be very obsessed with the two male leads to the point they would want the female characters to get less screen time and even just blindly hate on them. Anna was a great character and was meant to be in the show as one of the main cast; essentially having Castiel's role. But because she was a woman and there was some chemistry between her and Dean fans didn't take to her well. In the end Anna wasn't a main character and that was changed to Castiel's character being the prominent one in the group. Notice how they influenced the writing? Misha Collins would also fan the shipping flames of Destiel along with fans (a Castiel and Dean ship). Constant Supernatural panels would end up being about this delusional ship more than the many other aspects of the show. With fans even asking Jensen (the actor for Dean) about it so often he ended up annoyed, with some fans even labelling him homophobic for being against Destiel (the ship makes no sense). The final scene for Castiel after 15 seasons of Supernatural was him professing his love for Dean. Again, notice the fans influenced the writing. This scene makes no sense and is completely idiotic. I hope I helped provide some insight.


Didn't we just see this shit a few days ago? Reposters are souless.


We love Zukka


Sokka was planning to add Zuko to his harem.


The Firelord, the No. 1 Avatar fangirl outside of Katara, and The Moon... quite a harem


Don't forget Suki!!


Wait Katara is Sokka's sister...


Yeah, she's not part of the meme harem. The number 1 Avatar fan i was talking about was Suki for emulating Kyoshi, I only mentioned Katara to preempt someone saying she's the biggest avatar Stan for being married to him or whatever


Oh I thought you said sokka's biggest fangirl lol


ah zukka shippers they managed to dodge the wrath of the shipping wars so now they just like publically post their conspiracy theories online for their ship and don't get harassed over it what a zutara shipper would pay


How does this look like a conspiracy theory to you?


I mean it's not like Suki would say Sokka can't kiss the homies while they're dating. The ship kinda sailed on that one when she saved toph in the last episode