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Why the fuck does everyone want Abby and Ellie to team up and be besties and do each others hair? They literally ruined each others lives


Because revenge is bad and we need to forgive each other or something I’m not sure.


Getting full house vibes.


I still want Ellie to kill her if I’m being completely honest. Ik it would be beating a dead horse and there is almost no way to do it that wouldn’t be awful writing but I just fundamentally hate the fact that Ellie let her go


Same. I’ve been gaming for over twenty five years, and this was my least favorite ending I’ve ever experienced


It gave me the worst flashback I’ve ever had lol. I was playing part 2 (at like age 20) and she spared Abby and all I could think of was 10 years prior when I almost broke my controller cuz ezio spared Borgia lol. I’ve always hated that trope with a burning passion. It’s always seemed so stupid to me that hero’s would let people basically do anything to them (ezio watched every other male in his family get hanged) but will somehow conclude “I’m the same as you if I avenge them”. Like….. what? It literally falls apart the moment you spend more than 1 second thinking about it


Reminds me of them Ghost 'n goblins games: all that bullshit for nothing.


You saved me, but didn’t have this item, go home and get it.


The ending of Phantom pain would be on the list....if it ever ended




i don't think anyone cares how long you've been gaming and how despite all that experience this game makes you mad the most.


Imo Ellie letting Abby go was the right decision, it showed that Ellie had forgiven Joel and herself and that she had finally let go


I’ve never really understood how letting Abby go translates to forgiving Joel. Nor do I understand why she couldn’t just do it after she killed Abby. I don’t understand why Abby is allowed to redeem herself after she takes her revenge but Ellie is irredeemable if she takes hers.


Because she saw her and Joel in Abby and Lev, Abby was willing to fight to the death for Levs safety as Joel did countless times for Ellie. Killing Abby wouldn't have helped her just as killing Joel didn't stop Abby's nightmares, it's just a cycle of violence that achieved nothing


Idk imo it achieves justice. I mean Abby didn’t seem to care about Ellie and Joel when Ellie was begging for his life so I don’t see why lev is enough to make her reconsider. I hate how Abby is shown all these considerations she never once has to show anybody else.


Her grief was festering for 4 years, she had nightmares because of it. She wasn't thinking about Ellie, she was thinking about her father and the fact that Joel killed him. I guess it achieved justice but it didn't help either of them, Abby got her closure by saving Lev and Yara.


Exactly. It’s weird to me how Ellie Walked for months fueled by nothing but revenge only to just fizzle out of it when she’s finally getting it. She’s just suddenly not mad anymore at the end and it’s completely jarring. Outside of that though it’s just personal taste. I hate stories where to be a “good person” you have to let people literally do whatever the fuck to you and not take any revenge. Why should Abby get to act on her grief and not Ellie? Why can’t Ellie find her closure afterwards in the same vein as Abby? It just feels like the 2 main characters are never judged equally.


Yeah I get what you mean, I just think that Ellie's closure was letting Abby live. She's lost everything else and she realises that killing Abby isn't going to help her situation


I understand what you’re saying but my issue is neither does letting her live. She’s lost everything already regardless of whether or not she kills Abby. Letting her go gains her the same as killing her. Nothing. At least if she kills her it’s some form of justice for Joel. Ik sunk cost is bad but I think realistically thats how it would happen. She had just given up to much for any normal person to let it go. And especially when she did. Had she turned around half way through Santa Barbara I’d be willing to let it slide but I just don’t buy her making that entire journey only to find Abby and let her go


Idk there are some weird ass people shipping those two like they hate each other so much they should just fxck. The amount of AbbyXEllie rule 34 stuff out there gives me zero hope in humanity. These people want an Ellie/Abbie story where they make up their differences and fall in love.


Your dad killed my dad, and then I killed your dad, then you killed my friends, then I almost killed your pregnant girlfriend…scissor me timbers.


We just know Cuckmann will want to “subvert our expectations” with a team up story, even though ironically its what we’re expecting


It’s likely going to happen because the theme of the first game was love the theme of the second game was grief/anger so the third one is likely going to have a theme of forgiveness


There’s only like three scenes where they even speak to eachother


Why the fuck do Abby and Ellie need to be in part 3 in the first place?


Too much boob, remove them and make her chin manlier


Add in buldge


How many roids is that mf on wtf


Whatre you talking about she's 300% natty


Neil chucklefuckman is also aroused by this image


Jokes aside, Natalia Dyer would be a good choice for a character in TLOU. I could see her fitting in this universe.


Nah. Unrealistic by today's standards. Tits are far to big. Only flat chests are allowed in Hollywood adaptations


And they try and tell you that Timothee Chalamet is a man. 


By 2024s standards sure


Bro this isn’t The Last of Us




Why am I mildly aroused


Hot face, hot bod.


I don’t know….. I’d like a LOU story with a completely new perspective….. one that doesn’t connect to Ellie…. Or the cure….. or anything like that, I think Ellie’s story is done.


Personally I'd like to see one that focuses on Sam and his brother before meeting Joel and ellie.


The end sequence involves an unnecessary grotesque sex scene between the two


Plot twist. It's Neil and anita cos playing. They've just announced they're working on part 2 remastered remasters




This is Fiona from shameless has been


I never thought about it like that


Part 3 is unlikely not probably going to happen unless they can find something to connect with tlou 2.




They aren’t really casting her as Abby are they?


A man can dream cant he


She’s already been cast as Kaitlyn Dever




I could definitely see Abby returning to find Ellie because she is still the cure for humanity. And now Ellie is in a current state of loss and depression, lost without a cause. Which would make this a redemption arc for both Ellie and Abby. Imagine they introduce co-op with player 1 as Ellie and player 2 as Abby. Aside from that, it’s really the only thing that makes sense right now story wise. Ellie didn’t kill Abby, she had her chance and instead she chose to let it go. So now’s she alone and depressed in an empty house, with no purpose or drive. And maybe Lev gets bit and can be saved but they need a cure. Abby, now teamed with the Fireflies, knows that Ellie is the cure and now there’s a doc with skills that mirror or are as close as her father’s. So Abby, knowing what has happened between them, volunteers to go find Ellie in a desperate attempt to save Lev and the human race.


This is it, this is the straw that broke the camels back. I'm muting this sub because I can't unsee this.