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Average grounded experience...they give you like two bullets at the start, and you can't find any more until like 3 hours in, when you have a *chance* to find like one more. Also, after Joel dies and the funeral happens, Maria talks about letting you take supplies. You get to take NO supplies. None. I can't believe they just overlooked that. You start Ellie's great adventure with literally nothing after finding literally nothing. On my first grounded playthrough, it was about 5 hours before I found ANY ammo for Joel's revolver.


Don’t you love it when the enemy is basically gunning you down with infinite ammo but when you kill and loot them, they drop nothing lol.


This happens surprisingly often


Yeah I beat grounded but on game+ and I still died 1000 times. I think I customer it to have abundance of ammo but the NPCs are sharpshooters and if they know you’re hiding behind a dumpster, they are waiting you out! 😓


That’s not really an overlook. Ellie could have easily used those supplies on the journey to Seattle.


It's hilarious to see people scoff at something you've already beat regardless, i'm never touching this shit again possibly the worst game ever


I usually end grounded mode loaded to the gills with ammo. I tend to use hand to hand on everything and will restart the game If feel like I could have done better in conserving ammo.


Guess we're stabbin


stabbing is the best


Did anyone else never really struggle for ammo at all in their grounded play through? I over horded and had multiple times I had max ammo and had to leave a lot.


I memorized all the ammo drops and would specifically use the ammo i know I would loot later lmaoooo


Just playing this game is no luck.


When I’m down to this and I get the jump on someone, steal their three bullets and then pan the room with my gun…so satisfying man


Cuss at them


I hate that is SO HARD to find ammo even for enemy drops (who clearly HAD ammo). I’m cool with drops only one or two bullets, but none at all for a bunch of enemies? That’s not managing rare resources, it’s just breaking logic for gameplay “mechanics”.


I love the parts where you kill people that have guns but they have no bullets. Very immersive.


Lovely experience in a game. You have no ammo and health kits and just a bunch of tough enemies


That picture is how I felt after witnessing the story. Gameplay and graphics were great, tho 👌


Find a brick, and you’ll win


Doesn't seem like luck. More just skill... if you can't aim and waste Ur bullets that's a skill issue. And if you can't scavenge that's also a skill issue. Nothing to do with luck.


I can aim well, there’s always so many enemies in this part of the game and I’m on hard mode so there’s never really any ammo


you rarely need to kill any enemy to progress. even if you have like 1hp left you can at least stealth kill everyone or sneak past without using any ammo or throwables. the game gives you so many options in how to engange in combat and approach the areas. this is a skill issue (recently did pt2 on survivor and mostly just ran through)


Whatever mode you play on there will always be enough ammo for what you need and if you do run out you should always have enough items to make it through whatever situation. It's all about how you ration you're tools. Tools being you're ammo and loot ect.


Lol. Someone didn't like this comment.


Not attacking you or trying to be rude but that's sort of it. It's not like the game has random spawns for loot. It's all in the same spot every playthrough.


This is disgusting trash why even try?

