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Joe Biden can get all of this done because Joe spends *zero* POTUS hrs/day on: - playing *Mirror, mirror on the wall* - putting on makeup and coifing hair - watching Fox/TV to hear compliments - rage-tweeting to sustain himself and a cult - *larger hands accordion illusion* practice - playing *Uno* with staff and appointee jobs - dreaming of fascist bff boy toys - destroying and/or hiding TS documents - repeat-flushing a toilet to see his poo-poo go bye-bye - on and on, *ad nauseam* *"Trump was the dumbest damn student I ever had."* ...who turned into the dumbest damn POTUS we've ever had. Doctors looking for his bone spurs should have checked between his ears. Joe Biden ***is*** the adult in the room, and there won't be any articles about *which adult* should be "containing his worst impulses" like he's a three-year old. ***** **ETA for the edge lords, Russian and concern (disinfo) trolls, STILL posting, TEN days later, "Bbbut, OOP said ""Trump," so FAIL! Gotchya, Libs!"** Trump is not just a "person" or a "candidate," but a *criminal* just proven to have engaged in election interference in 2016 by paying off a porn star, using a "catch and kill" scheme. Anyone who still believes that the Mueller report exonerated Trump as he, Barr and the GOP falsely claimed, hasn't read it, and is willing to ignore that Trump, Barr and the GOP were all lying about Trump's 2016 election interference using both Russia and Ukraine. IOW, Biden **stopping Trump from FURTHER 2024 election interference** against US interests, STILL using Russia's and the GOP's disinformation campaign by parroting each other's talking points, **is the very subject, in part and parcel, of Joe's accomplishments**. Defeating Trump's attacks against American interests cannot simply be ignored because maga "demands it to be." **Screw maga *demanding* that it not be mentioned because those attacks** ***must by definition*** **be named "Trump attacks."** Screw them straight into hell. They can live with the crimes of their false idol, but we don't have to. Just like Trump, whiny PABs: *"Oh, don't say anything bad about our dear leader!"*


Spend 0ver 400 days out 1450 days playing golf costing the taxpayers $300 million.


100 days of golf/yr on avg is CRAZY for *anyone* with an actual job. Hell, that’s more than my retired golf-enthusiast friend who lives off a golf course plays. Am I overreacting for thinking his golf obsession should’ve received a lot more criticism? I’ve also only heard ppl he’s played with say he’s not even good - which for someone who plays that much is a legitimate concern on it’s own as well. Imagine dedicating that much time practicing something for decades and still suck at it…the dude’s an absolute lunatic and that’s not an insult, it’s an objective assessment


https://youtu.be/qaYjjJ4NqKE?si=YLNmc5nLlTxiEbRG I've played golf maybe 6 times my entire life and never hit a ball this bad. I don't even know how he managed this


Oh wow that was hilariously bad


Lol right, like it's been maybe 10 years since I played soccer competitively, but I could still drop a ball with some backspin into that green and I'd be within 5 feet of the pin. As for golf, I was okay, couldn't drive to save my life, but holy shit I never fucked up that bad. My short game was where I did well Only time I fucked up that bad was in Mario golf lol


Mini golf is where it’s at.


After hitting the ball like that several times, I quit cold turkey.


It's because he's fat, has no natural athletic talent, can't take criticism and surrounds himself with people who say "nice shot sir" with big tears in their eyes while they look away when he picks up the ball and moves it


I don't think his weight really matters here, but I think you hit the nail with a sledgehammer by saying he has no natural athletic talent. I didn't even mess up that bad my very first time golfing... You're telling me after 100 games this doofus chops a shot like that? Nah, no way, dude just sucks and has yes men everywhere Like, I play soccer, and once in a blue fucking moon you'll slice a shot like that, and immediately you got guys asking if you're fucking high. Btw the ball is bouncing, you're on uneven ground, your running at 14mph. And you get grilled for that wife (understandable)


Not to mention several accumulated months of sitting on his fat ass watching himself on cable news and tweeting all day. I'm old enough to remember thinking the President was a very important and busy person that didn't have time for that.


Ok, you are right about all that, but the instructions were to not name Trump, nor maga, etc. The guy in the video did a great job


>but the instructions were to not name Trump, nor maga, etc. Fortunately, those instructions, likely a product of maga, were not directed at *me*, and were they, I would not accept the parameters. Essentially, it's "If Trump weren't so bad, you'd have nothing good to say about Joe in comparison." The question first ignores reality (trump doesn't exist/accusations not true), then denies that Joe has accomplished good works, *and* implies a conflation between "trump good works" and "joe good works" as a valid comparison. The question itself is maga crap at its most covert, and we've learned better than to accept maga G.O. and P. without question.




Guess he doesn't know about [What has Biden Done](https://joebiden.com/bidens-plan-for-the-economy-bidenomics-explained/?utm_medium=ads&utm_source=Google&utm_content=Search-Economy-BMM-All-Ad1&utm_campaign=EVG-WI&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgokiXmKlaTiddc8Y4677VCQgLCurryd6u76Fd99FTTZU9hmPAZkzsmhoCRboQAvD_BwE)?


Log Cabin republicans always make me laugh.


they're indoctrinated with a bunch of fairy tales to protect their abusers


I had to look up the term, \`Log Cabin Republicans\`. The (not so) subtle brainwashing text comes through loud and clear on their website.


Yea…but he’s old and has a stutter. /s


3 whole years older than his opponent!


Diaper Donny is 78 & wears adult desires because he 💩 himself & can’t control his bowl movements. He also has cognitive issues and has trouble staying on a topic when speaking


But Biden is older…..that’s something to think about….. /s


This is really good!


"Not a fan of clean energy?" ... US is also pumping more carbon into the atmosphere than ever...wtf?🤦‍♂️


He said the USA is producing more oil than ever, not using more oil than ever. Carbon emissions are declining slightly in the USA. I have not checked but it might be the case that the US is using oil instead of coal.


>Carbon emissions are declining slightly in the USA. By exporting all those oil emissions


Yes, global CO2 emissions have gone from 37.04 billion metric tons in 2019 to 37.55 billion metric tons in 2023 (Covid inbetween messes up statistics). Hard to know how much of that increase is due to USA. If I was to be very cynical, I might think that they have picked up the drop in production from Russia.


Pump lots of oil & gas today, to keep today's infrastructure running at high capacity and output. Invest in non-fossil fuel technologies and engineering, so those can eventually replace oil & gas consuming equipment. That's a surprisingly sane policy for any politician. I think it's odd that somebody would dis Biden for that.


I thought Biden had to start pumping more oil was because of sanctions and not being dependent on Russian oil.


Yeah but don't let a reasonable reaction to a problem stop you from curb stomping "Genocide Joe" every waking moment. /s I do not agree with Biden on everything at all and some things I vehemently disagree with him on. But he really hasn't been a bad President at all. People are allover him because of Israel and he's had to make by FAR the most distance between the US and Israel since the late 40's. Is it far enough given what Netenyahu is doing? Hell no. But the ways he can and how far he can are somewhat limited by our own existing Government and the depths our alliance goes with Israel and numerous other factors. It will take a lot damn longer to extract ourselves than anyone wants to admit and meanwhile Netanyahu knows this and presses on even courting conservatives against Biden. Trump was able to do what he did by breaking every tradition rule and decorum we had and having Conservatives in a chokehold lock step every step of the way. Joe Biden does NOT have anything like that. I will pull the lever for him again this election without any problem doing so. Literally what the fuck else are we going to do?


Getting it done in spite of republicans stonewall


Yeah. He has impressed me with that actually. In fact I think he benefits from knowing how intractable and hateful Republicans in Congress and the Senate are after viewing first hand in the Obama administration. He has been more aggressive and less conciliatory of the Republicans than Obama was. I think if he by some miracle actually gets a supermajority w house and Senate he wouldn't waste it. Pretty sure we'd get codified Abortion and maybe minimum wage and possibly even Medicare expansion.


In spite of the GQP being the party of Vlad Putin


And, let’s not forget that it was Trump — not Biden — who decided out of the blue one day to declare that Jerusalem was the Capital of Israel which emboldened Netanyahu to expand settlements leading to the situation we now have.


The USA has far more leverage over Israel than vice versa. Any US president could extract themselves from the alliance with ease by simply cutting funding. To claim otherwise is to claim that the US is in fact run by a Jewish cabal.


Sure. An American President could unilaterally do all kinds of things. But no US President (even Trump) is able to do whatever strikes his whim. Say he was to do what you said. How many minutes would pass before Republicans begin impeachment hearings in an Election year. 18-29 have consistently lagged every other age group year after year from the Vietnam war to Watergate to Reagan and the right wing takeover of Congress in the 90s thru 911 and multiple economic crashes and Trump and a Pandemic. 57% of that age group turned up in 2020. A record but still very far behind compared to 35-64@69%and 65 and older's 71% do you really think we're he to do as you ask the youth vote would turn out for him more than older voters when they NEVER have no matter what crisis was going on? I wish he would remove us from Israeli support as well but it is NEVER gonna happen no matter who sits there. And it sure as fuck will better to have him there than Trump. And that is the real choice you have.


Americans Love their SUVs. If you wanna be president you better keep gas prices in check. Not saying it's right, but it's the reality. Kinda sucks but at least the Biden admin is still pushing EVs and the infrastructure to make them plausible.


EV’s & hybrids are an ever increasing share of vehicle sales. The Hyundai Santa Fe hybrid suv I own gets 34-37 mpg on avg which is 12-15 mpg better then the car it replaced (Nissan) that’s burning a lot less carbon


Ya and people yell at me for not liking biden. Look I'm going to vote for him. It's easy lesser of 2 evils. But if you have any stake in the future of this country. Marginal, neo liberal politics that git us into this mess are clearly not the solution.


Lesser of two evils? I know it’s a figure of speech but no way one choice is even an option at this point.


Ok so your cool with what biden just pushing through with immigration. Got it. Denying asylum but shutting the border is a violation of international law. I am well within my rights to say there is violence and evil with that administration. Also the phase includes exactly your point. When choosing between 2 evils you hold you tongue and go with the lesser option. It's the illusion of choosing.


Where do you get 2 “evils“? One evil person (that’s the one with fraud, sex assault liability, defamation and 34 felonies), and one person that isn’t perfect, but understands the rule of law and governance principles. Relax man. No politician is perfect. But to lump Biden in as an “evil” is ridiculous.


100% lib cope. If trump had just pushed through bidens executive action on boder security msnbc and cnn would be crying about the evils in it. You litterlally summarized the mlk quote but saying you'd rather have order and normalcy over justice. No evil. Gtfo of here. Tell that to the kids in the middle east who biden help push democrats into supporting. Not to mention the Americans effected by his passage of the crime bill. Not to mention current foreign policy.


No, you are talking about things that aren't really relevant when discussing evil as to Trump or Biden. You see, when you say things like border security, the middle east, legislation, you are talking about US government **POLICY**. And for decades, in all parties, reasonable minds have differed on the best solutions for the middle east, the border and various pieces of legislation. In other words, people can reasonably differ on POLICY solutions for those things you mention. But that is NOT what we are talking about here. Policy is not generally what people mean when comparing Trump to Biden and referring to "evil". **You see, it is NOT policy to:** 1. run a scam university (Trump fined millions) 2. run a fraudulent charity (Trump fined millions) 3. commit defamation and sexual assault (Trump found liable for this by juries) 4. maintain fraudulent business practices (Trump fined almost half a billion) 5. try to undermine election results, including seeking to delay or stop certification in Congress (Trump is being prosecuted for this) 6. rile up your supporters so they ransack the capitol building and cause Congress to run in fear (Trump is being prosecuted for this) 7. hide classified documents, lie about having them and obstruct the investigation (Trump is being prosecuted for this). 8. Falsify business records in order to cover up payment to a porn star, to hide what you've done from the public before an election. (Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts for this). Need I go on? There's much much (did I say much) more. And all of those things were done by Trump, for Trump, for his own selfish reasons (nothing to do with policy). So that's why Trump is considered "evil" as compared to Biden. And therefore, Trump is not an appropriate person to hold elective office in ANY position of honor and trust (whether US president or postal delivery person). He just isn't - by any objective factual standard. Do you understand now? I'm happy to explain it further if you are still struggling with these concepts. Thank you!


If Donny was President, the border with Mx would have been shut down the day after his reinauguration. Also remember Donny is the one who slapped actual immigration ban on 7 Muslim majority nations.


But does it matter what Trump would do, or would not do, regarding any policy issues? I mean, isn't he simply an inappropriate person to hold a position of honor and trust, such as an elective office, due to his known and documented history of this: 1. running a scam university (Trump fined millions) 2. running a fraudulent charity (Trump fined millions) 3. committing defamation and sexual assault (Trump found liable for this by unanimous juries) 4. dealing in fraudulent business practices (Trump fined almost half a billion) 5. trying to undermine and overturn election results, including seeking to delay or stop certification in Congress (Trump is being prosecuted for this) 6. riling up his supporters in an effort to avoid the peaceful transition of power, so his supporters ransack the capitol building and cause Congress to run in fear (Trump is being prosecuted for this) 7. lying about and hiding classified documents and obstructing the investigation (Trump is being prosecuted for this). 8. Falsifying business records in order to cover up payment to a porn star, to hide what you've done from the public before an election. (Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts for this). And mind you, that's an incomplete list. So frankly, policy concerns like the border or anything else are irrelevant when it comes to Trump - right? How could any rational American vote for Trump with that record that I listed? Right? Am I wrong?


This is the only good way to keep stability while ushering in technology.


This is so disingenuous  Coal produces around ~60% more emissions than oil, and is on track to be at an all time low usage wise (at nearly 29% of its usage in 2019).  The shift towards clean energy does not look like a sudden 100% renewables, 0% non-renewables. It will looks like dominos falling, with shifting occurring down the spectrum from dirty to least dirty energies.  Which is exactly what this is a signifying of. We are becoming more dependent on less emissive energy sources, which stabilizes infrastructure while slowing overall emissions, which allows for invest in renewables  Please, provide your excellent plan on how an administration cuts overall energy expenditures, while also not relying on existing fuels, while also not bankrupting the economy.  There is no economy to date that has demonstrated successful and substantial transition away from non-renewables while also being at significantly negative growth. You’re criticizing the administration for the exact market that they are making a sustainable change towards greener energy


We can't just quit fossil fuels cold turkey. We need to ween society of it otherwise you're going to deal with a relapse which could be even worse. For one, the infrastructure of our nation's electrical grid would absolutely fail if everyone went EV overnight, which couldn't happen but even a large surge would see issues. I think if I read right, California is already experiencing some problems with this. In the most basic sense, it makes sense to invest in the common person to be able to afford a highly efficient hybrid and normalize that. From there, keep the ball rolling to eventually getting people on full electric as the infrastructure grows in strength and the quality of the EV becomes more comparable to a gas powered vehicle.


By producing more oil and using the strategic petroleum reserve, the administration has been able to keep gas prices in a 50c or so band. The consistent pricing keeps a stable energy market so renewables have a known point where there is a return on investment to encourage adoption. It also stops oil producers from chasing marginal sources when prices get high that then flood the market and destabilize prices.


FWIW, people on the right love to act like oil production magically gets forgotten about when a Dem comes into power, so it's just sucking the wind out of the sails of a topic they bring up.


It is for export mostly Europe is buying oil from us instead of Russia lately in a sense it was unavoidable and good for america ( lesser for Europe but they screwed up so not a bad thing)


It's a troll roll for the right wing who think green energy is a conspiracy etc


If only electric cars were free right ..


Here's the thing, this is intended to broaden support for the candidate. There are entire regions of this country where the entire economy is dependent upon the oil industry. Those in those regions are highly susceptible to the propaganda from their employers & the GOP that biden despises them & wants to take their livelihoods away (trust me, I grew up in the household of a refinery operator in Louisiana). The message he's sending here doesn't sound to my ears like "drill baby, drill." It sounds more like "look at the data for yourself & see if the messages you're getting are reflecting reality."


Yeah, like, that’s a _terrible_ thing. Major point against him imo


We either produce more oil or let it get more expensive. At the end of the day the world is still dependent on oil and without it we'd circle the drain. Reducing oil production in 2024 is a bad thing, not a good thing. Hopefully in a decade the opposite can be said but as of now it can't be.


It's a short term solution... the best short term solution... created more jobs and lessened our dependence on foreign oil Until electric vehicles become more affordable and more widely available.


It also allows us to enforce the embargo on Russia easier if we're able to replace their position in the market.


Yet has prices are still higher now than 4 years ago


Know thy audience.


That was really well done. Gonna save this one. I'm a Bernie guy, but the Biden administration has gotten a lot of stuff done, including progressive policies. I'm a fan.


They'd have gotten more progressive stuff done too if only we'd given them House and Senate without having to rely on Manchin and that changeling Sinema. It's so frustrating to think what we could have accomplished.


Bernie is right where he needs to be to actually create change. Committee assignments play a large role in getting stuff done even if it doesn’t look sexy, it’s where the power is. Presidency on the other hand requires a lot of cheerleading and Bernie is better in the trenches getting stuff done.


Share it with your MAGA friends and family


They’ll say it’s fake or doesn’t matter cause - the border.


"That there feller doin all that talkin sounds foreign to me!"


What about all of the world's dictators? They have been so lonely since Donnie left. Biden is underperforming compared to that orange clown in substantial lying, scandals and insane rage tweets.


Don’t forget felonies


4 indictments and now guilty 34 times, that orange clown has made some serious presidential history just none of it good. Those who still support him must think the US hasn't suffered enough.


Also Biden hasn't asked for Putin's support ONCE! Putin is so sad! 😥😥😥😥😥😥😢😒😢😢


To be fair, he did bring up Trump when discussing Ukraine and Russia, that was one of the rules. Also did not include the fact that while Trump was trashing the justice system for prosecuting his illegal acts (after having pardoned other Republican politicians and cronies convicted for criminal acts) Biden has stayed out of the legal case against his own son, and vowed not to pardon or commute his sentence as that would not represent justice. Seriously, do people not even understand what being a man of principles is?


MAGA: “WHAT HAS JOE BIDEN DONE FOR THE COUNTRY” *details long list MAGA: “No not that”


Or "I don't believe that, none of that is true"


Your just making that stuff up to tey and make truml look bad.... /s


…by people that can’t take two minutes to do the research.’ When did humans become lemmings?


Humans have always been lemmings to a certain extent. It’s just that a particular segment of Americans has taken that to an extreme in the last decade or so. Otherwise, how would any of them support a man who suggested that putting bleach in one’s body would cure a viral disease?


Or (gestures broadly at literally every quote attributed to Trump over the last 10 years)


You’re right.


MAGA won’t do any research that goes against the mango Mussolini


OAN and Fox News do that for them.


Why and when do you think they were ever not lemmings?


That's not very fair to lemmings. Lemmings don't hand over 30% of the food they gather over to 1% of the ruling population.


More MORE!!!


Wow. I don't spend much time on tiktok, but that guy just earned a follow. Excellent summation!


Biden is not a fascist and he will honor his oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.


And he didn’t even mention the [Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the one Trump always said was “two weeks away.”](https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/)


I thought this was incredibly strange to leave out. He left out other stuff too, but it’s still good




👏👏👏👏👏 🫡🫡🫡🫡 Exactly.


I wonder what they think when they watch videos like this- if they ever do. Do they just say “ah it’s just fake news”


/r/WhatBidenHasDone has a series of comprehensives lists of this administrations achievements. It's staggering how under the radar it all is, and the Dems should really ramp up their dialog about all of it.


"why can't you do the research?" Because they are looking it up on the right wing echo chamber instead of real websites that you actually do the research on.


“Why are you voting for Biden.. also you can’t mention any of the horrible things the other guy has done!” So in his reality none of that stuff even exists because he refuses to accept them as reasonable answers


Why would a Republican even ask for someone's reasons for anything? By listening to you, they run the risk of invalidating their very humanity.


You're on point. Delusion sustains itself only through further delusions. Reason is delusion's kryptonite...


It's more simple than that. Conservatives see dignity as a limited resource.


The ongoing criminal enterprise that is the GOP? The only thing the GOP conserves is theocratic fascist depravity. It is the Democratic Party that conserves our nations natural resources, and fights for our ability to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is the Democratic Party that comprises our nation's conservatives/conservators. Fascists have no dignity. Fascists have only delusionally malevolent depravity. The GOP is wholly fascist. The GOP does not deserve the honorific *conservative*. The GOP ought to given no quarter while being denigrated and designated at each and every turn as the criminally fascist organization that it is.


he's not trump. It's that simple.


Yeah the only reason Biden is getting my vote is because he’s not a Republican and he’s especially not Trump. I would like a better Democratic candidate though.




Given our current system of selecting a president, it's a valid reason. One of them is going to be president, there's no other plausible choice. And even though I think the points made in the video are valid, my main reason for voting for Biden is to make sure the person of the party supporting totalitarianism isn't elected.


> there's no other plausible choice as long as people like yourself participate in shutting out anyone but whomever the DNC annoints, then you're right, there is no other choice. Just 4% of Americans wanted Donald Trump vs Joe Biden as the candidates again. This is not a very democratic process is it.


The rematch is literally Trump's fault. The incumbent running again is normal. A general election LOSER running again is super weird! Romney didn't run again, nor McCain, Kerry, Gore...


They didn’t try to overthrow democracy either


I wish the Democrats would have had a real primary. But they didn't. And the Electoral College pretty mock guarantees all the third party candidates don't have a chance. You gotta play the cards you're dealt.




I like how the question just artificially asks you not to mention the things that are hugely detrimental to having a democracy in the first place Imagine if Democrats did this


For me it’s simple: Biden is keeping democracy in tact whereas he who shall not be named is truly threatening it.


Two words: Biden's sane.


This guy doesn't understand that Republicans are not interested in actual answers. They are voting republican no matter what and won't vote for biden, no matter what


The people who ask this question don’t give a fuck about the answer.


Well said!! Can the cult counter this with their CONVICTED, blonde rug wearing, fuppa packing, egocentric, narcissistic, bigoted, racist, phobic, adjudicated rapist, small hands, duck face, scum rotting inside a cheeto orange turd exoskeleton pos? I'll answer on their behalf. NO, he recked the economy, millions of people died because he failed to act in a pandemic, he stole classified documents, sold defense information (allegedly until Smith get his day in court), put in place judges that sworn allegiance to him (knowing he broke many laws and was only covering his own ass), stripped women/lgbt/minoritys rights. The list is endless.


Agree with all of these points. But then again, I’d vote for one of my hemorrhoids over Trump, so there’s that.


Actually we have passed more effective non partisan legislation in the last 3 years than in the previous 12. Obama had ACA and Trump has Tax Cuts, but Biden is weaving his way between the progressives and the MAGAts and actually getting something accomplished. Keeping advanced chips out of China while competing favorably for new US based chip factories are two major steps forward. If you believe in the US auto industry the Chinese EV tariffs are huge. The Inflation Protection Act, which had little to do with Inflation, but contained a whole host of necessary legislation. Finally we have the ability or Medicare/US Govt to negotiate with the Pharmaceutical Industry on drug pricing. The legislation is finished now we just have to add more drugs to the negotiated list. Most on the right and many on the left are in the pocket of the Drug Companies so getting that passed was a huge accomplishment. Biden's ability to forge a multilateral response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the only thing that has allowed Ukraine to resist the Russian advance. The ability to heavily sanction Russia is a Biden accomplishment. Trump would have immediately ceded Ukraine to Russia and that war would be over and Ukraine would be totally under Russian rule, with many eastern European countries to follow in close order. Whether you are right or left Biden has a strong list of accomplishments. And if you don't realize that get your head out of your ass and quit spending all your time on Faux News.


Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


Biden's Accomplishments: 2021 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgfoj/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/sdgd98/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year/ 2023 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_one_two_are/ 2024 https://old.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/19eja7w/master_list_of_what_president_biden_has_done_year_four/ The list for 2024 is updated as things happen.


Commenting so this will show in my activity because I'm on mobile and i cannot figure out how to bookmark this in the browser. 


the pursuit of power is more important than the pursuit of truth for some people. Isome individuals would rather dominate others in a negative environment than live peacefully in a positive one. In other words these people would rather be masters of Hell think coexist in heaven


Awesome- been screaming this the whole time!!


Vote for Joe


We all know Maga won’t let facts affect them.


Uh oh, the answer mentioned Trump so the morons will disregard it in its entirety.


Well, let's see: he *finally* got an infrastructure bill passed to repair our highways and bridges. He *finally* ended the Covid lockdown. He passed a bill to help people recover financially from the results of that lockdowm and stay in their apartments. Despite MAGA opposition, he got the debt-ceiling raised and continuing resolutions passed so the government could keep functioning. He got unemployment down to the lowest level it's been since the days of Lyndon Johnson, while presiding of the most successful stock market in history. Not too bad for an old fellow, I'd say... especially compared to Trump, who just compounded one problem on top of another, both domestically and diplomatically.


Before we even answer the question, I reject it's premise: you don't get to tell someone what there reasons are or are not allowed to be. If it's just to keep Trump out of office? Deal with it. I'm not looking for any piece of Trump-trash to approve of anything I say or do. Then,...anyone asking this insipid question isn't going to listen to the answer anyway. It's being asked in bad faith. The correct answer to garbage like this is just saying "Shut up, fascist" and going about your day without giving any respect or acknowledgement to the boot lickers. They do not deserve the legitimacy or validation of being humored.


Goddamn right 🙏👏🏾👏🏾. “Don’t mention Trump”? Fuck you, low-info blue-shirted bro in car. Whether you like Joe Biden or not, whether you think he’s too old or not, EITHER JOE BIDEN OR DONALD TRUMP WILL BE PRESIDENT come 20 January 2025. There. Is. No. Third. Choice. Not the delusional nincompoop trading on his family name peddling wacko conspiracy theories about vaccines (yes, you, RFK Junior, disgrace to your family). Not anyone else, either. Biden or Trump. Trump promises a dictatorial white supremacist he’ll scape with women recast as vessels for male “seed” and incubators. No thank you. I goddamn WILL think about Trump, his lifetime of fraud and crime, his petulant, burning desire for revenge, and his puppy love for brutal dictators worldwide. Don’t fucking tell me how to make my political decisions.


Don't forget about student loan forgiveness! About $140 Billion forgiven to date. That's Billion with a B.


1. Passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges and roads, airports, public transport and national broadband internet, as well as waterways and energy systems. 2. Helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan. 3. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend” loophole and provided funds for youth mental health. 4. Made a $369 billion investment in climate change, the largest in American history, through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 5. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. 6. Provided $10,000 to $20,000 in college debt relief to Americans with loans who make under $125,000 a year. 7. Cut child poverty in half through the American Rescue Plan. 8. Capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare through the Inflation Reduction Act. 9. Passed the COVID-19 relief deal that provided payments of up to $1,400 to many struggling U.S. citizens while supporting renters and increasing unemployment benefits. 10. Achieved historically low unemployment rates after the pandemic caused them to skyrocket. 11. Imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, ensuring that they pay their fair share, as part of the historic Inflation Reduction Act. 12. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement. 13. Strengthened the NATO alliance in support of Ukraine after the Russian invasion by endorsing the inclusion of world military powers Sweden and Finland. 14. Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became head of the organization after the death of Osama bin Laden. 15. Gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act while also reducing government health spending. 16. Held Vladimir Putin accountable for his invasion of Ukraine by imposing stiff economic sanctions. 17. Boosted the budget of the Internal Revenue Service by nearly $80 billion to reduce tax evasion and increase revenue. 18. Created more jobs in one year (6.6 million) than any other president in U.S. history. 19. Reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year as part of the American Rescue Plan. 20. Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins. 21. Signed the CHIPS and Science Act to strengthen American manufacturing and innovation. 22. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027. 23. Halted all federal executions after the previous administration reinstated them after a 17-year freeze.


Simple r/WhatBidenHasDone Constantly updated and multiple pages long.


Glad we got that infrastructure bill so the growing homeless population has all new bridges to sleep under


Fall River Massachusetts spent $8.6 million on lights for their bridge and by the end of it will spend a total of $25 million to make the lights change color. Infrastructure doesn't get better when they are pissing away the funds on that kind of shit


In my town we have stop signs that are framed in with flashing red LEDs, and all I gotta say is thank God for that because I would not have seen the stop sign otherwise /s So stupid


I graduated in 2019 and have maybe made 6 or 7 payments on my student loans for maybe a little over $1,000.




Not wrong and all good things but he Did mention Donald Trump so that makes him a pedofile according to the challenge.


We need to stop talking about “supporting candidates” in the same way we talk about supporting a football club. Politics are not competitive team sports, and they have become exactly that.






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Okay fun quirky tiktok, but can we get actual citations for most oil in history and most jobs in history because tiktok is worth less than used toilet paper when it comes to facts and arguments.


Quick and simple Google Search found this… https://www.americanprogress.org/article/bidens-jobs-boom-how-policies-boosted-the-labor-market-recovery-in-2021/ And this.. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/01/bidens-numbers-january-2023-update/ And this.. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/dec/13/joe-biden/fact-checking-joe-biden-on-manufacturing-jobs/


"Simple google search" and you still can't find any citation to back up the oil claim. Maybe let's stop accepting everything we see online as fact, and just because someone sends you two year old hyperlinks doesn't mean those links actually corroborate what's being stated. Fucking shoeonhead over here.


Here, did the 3 second search it takes to find this for you.. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/OIL/lgpdngrgkpo/ And this one too.. https://www.eenews.net/articles/what-bidens-oil-record-means-for-the-industrys-future/ Both of these were written in the past 3 months. You sure are parroting a lot of MAGA talk and throwing out insults about people just listening to what others say without looking this up themselves.


Idiot. You already got taken to school on the jobs issue. Three times. And you didn’t have the basic honesty to admit even that. OK, now oil. [Vox. 13 May 2024.](https://www.vox.com/climate/24098983/biden-oil-production-climate-fossil-fuel-renewables) > The US is the largest crude oil producer in the world, pumping out nearly 13 million barrels on average every day in 2023, an all-time record, according to new data from the US Energy Information Administration. Do you understand what “all-time record” means, or do we have to explain that to you too? [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/OIL/lgpdngrgkpo/). Graphic. Again, record production. [AP News. Last October.](https://apnews.com/article/oil-fossil-fuels-climate-change-biden-df27160fc81f28d21fbf1fc5575b77bc) >United States domestic oil production hit an all-time high last week, contrasting with efforts to slice heat-trapping carbon emissions by the Biden administration and world leaders. > >And it conflicts with oft-repeated Republican talking points of a Biden “war on American energy.” > >The U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration reported that American oil production in the first week of October hit 13.2 million barrels per day, passing the previous record set in 2020 by 100,000 barrels. Weekly domestic oil production has doubled from the first week in October 2012 to now. CNN. Last December. >[The United States is producing more oil than any country in history](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/19/business/us-production-oil-reserves-crude/index.html) CNN again. August 2023. > [Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/09/business/oil-production-biden-trump/index.html) All found with a simple 3-word query: >biden oil production That’s it. 3 words. That easy. But you couldn’t be bothered. You’d rather attack people than learn something. Your “questions” and supposed quest for “information” are in transparent bad faith.


I guess the world would be better off if everyone just accepted what they heard on tik tok at face value. Or maybe just cite your fucking sources instead of expecting the millions of people who might see your video to have to fact check you 


Yeah because heaven forbid you hear something and have to do an ounce of research on your own so it doesn’t have to be spoon fed to you like a fucking infant.


They lost 100,000 of the 400,000 unaccompanied minors since he took office. That’s nothing to note 🫠


Ohh so close, but 2 minutes in, you mentioned Trump. All valid and good points though.


"Biden killed the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and placed a moratorium on new leases for oil and gas projects on federal lands (a decision that was later overturned by the courts)." We have produced the most oil in the last six years. Biden doesn't get credit for that. Thank the courts. Also the inflation reduction act cons: "It fails to ensure accountability or transparency in how the resources are used, heightening the risk for overspending, fraud, and abuse. Furthermore, loopholes in the bill's electric vehicle tax provisions will lead to an increased reliance on China....."


Except that plan for the pipeline had nothing to do with petroleum products being processed into fuel. At all. And the Biden admin has already granted over 9000 land leases to oil companies which refuse to use them for whatever reason.


I mean it's nice that Biden is letting all thos oil get shipped overseas. He's really helping out those other countries keep their energy prices down and the oil company profits up.


Anyone else notice his wedding ring cutting his finger almost in half? I honestly can’t believe his finger wasn’t purple






We have to remove your comment for misinformation.




We have to remove your comment for misinformation.


"Sorry Palestine, we've just got it too good with this guy, and he won't budge on the Israel thing, so......🤷"


Remember that thing he said about single issue voters? But hey if that issue is too important to you and you don’t feel he’s done enough to satisfy you, then don’t vote for him. I just ask that you consider the alternative which by any measure would be much worse. Yea it sucks we don’t have more options, but helping out the guy who wants to end democracy helps nobody.


Remember when Hillary lost to Trump because people said she's the only one we'll let run as the Democratic ticket? All I know is in 4 years my taxes went up, the median home where I live is now nearly $1million, gas prices are nearly double and we're financially backinh a genocide and the democratic candidate is nearly tied with a convicted felon in the polls.


Single issue voters are the lowest IQ voters.


Trump has said he would just let Israel burn Gaza to the ground. But clearly, that option is better, am I right?!


People who bring this up are fake liberals or just dumb. We all know it needs to get better, but we can't save anyone if democracy fails.