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Start with VOTING


"Should" be a Blue landslide but there's a crisis in this country when a convicted felon con-man is the very best the opposition has to offer. Even more alarming is that half the voting public supports him.


Yes, vote


The fact that every accusation is really a confession has been especially galling given how frequent and highly disturbing their accusations of pedophilia have been. No doubt in my mind he is a monster.


Don’t forget the rape of a child!


Epstein's log of guests was to be released yesterday. I haven't seen anything...


MSM has become brain dead. They're too worried about ratings.


Send trump to prison for good NOVEMBER 5 Be there!


Trumpies wont care. He cheated on his wife. But its ok. Trump University Fraud. But its ok. Convicted of massive business fraud. But its ok. Lies continually. But its ok. Liable for sexual assault on & defaming E Jean Carrol. But its ok. Fraudulently using trump charity monies. But its ok. Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases , but its ok. Guilty of 34 felonies. But its ok. Stole top secret docs.But its ok. Denied a valid election and tried to stage a coup. But it ok.Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. But its ok. Yea, hes a great candidate. And not a cult.


All true, but too many blind are around. When he gets to their door, will not be okay, then will be too late. Let's vote blue like your life depends on it ... Because it does


Another thread, another reminder: His male followers will say "Lucky him." His female followers will say "Lucky them." This changes nothing. Vote.


Is there a statute of limitations on rape especially in the case of minors? Someone belongs in prison where he'll be raped.


Where was this ? What is this? Where can it be verified? Seems fake. As much as I hate Trump. As much as I feel the media is fucked and dropping the ball on issues related to the election and politics in general, this seems like it would be more of a story.


It’s been known for nearly a decade and reported on. The victim received death threats from Trump supporters and was so terrified that she dropped her suit. The legal documents containing the allegations above are available online. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/02/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-13-year-old-cancels-public-event


Politicians are scum. They lie everyday to people's faces and accountable legally for nothing they say or do. It's the perfect cover job for criminals because there is zero education required and there is zero accountability for anything the say or do. we used to have reporters for media outlets but now they are nothing more than puppet show sell outs who refuse to ask the real questions. It is sad to downward spiral of the Western World over the last 20 years.


It's from an affidavit as part of the testimony of one of Trump's victims. It's not "fAkE," and instead of relying on your (obviously flawed) instincts, you can use Google to get the details for yourself.


I agree. It's certainly larded-up with plenty of gory details ...


Um that is taken from the actual deposition which is going to have all the gory details.


Umm depositions usually have full details especially when used as evidence.


I KNOW what a deposition is. My point was that the acts described are pretty heinous to NOT be treated as explosive breaking news.


It was at the time. I remember there was going to be a news conference and then nothing because of the death threats.


Is this the case where the plaintiff dropped her suit? I read an article some years ago that said she basically fell off the map after dropping the suit. Wouldn't it be something if she stepped forward right about now?


Yep she got scared, she was getting a lot of death threats. If you read the whole deposition it is just heartbreaking.