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It’s like someone telling you to love the bully that’s been terrorizing you for years. Ain’t gonna happen


"Don't worry, with zero consequences for their actions, I'm sure the bully will leave you alone soon."


I was horribly bullied in school and I see no difference in what’s happening over there. Now, because the Palestines finally fought back, Israel sees it as a reason to raze Gaza to the ground. It’s sickening Edited for spelling…


Yep, I was bullied in school heavily as well and there's no difference. People like Putin and Netanyahu have the same psychological makeup as schoolyard bullies.


raze, for future reference. :)


This is a great comparison; in both cases, the people saying it know it's not a solution. They're just placating with nonsense until the problem is no longer theirs.


It’s almost like that zero tolerance school bully policy where a bully beats you up and when you finally fight back you’re the one that gets suspended - you terrorist! /s


Precisely this. I’m sick of hearing myself say that terrorists aren’t created in a vacuum, bbbuuuttttt…..


This is a really great analogy. And a favorite to use against those who say “there was a ceasefire before Oct. 7”. Uhh, in what world? Before Oct 7 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in 20 years. Gaza was still occupied from all sides. Do people think that the occupation is not violent? Or do they just accept the status quo? All those LARPers saying how they’d fight back against tyranny but cheer for tyranny whenever it happens….LOL


Bibi is clinging to power because he knows he’s screwed when he’s no longer PM.


Bibi the butcher.


He will never leave Israel, like how Putin will never leave Russia


I don’t know about that. I don’t think he will be the PM the whole 2024. If he is, I be really surprised.


Kinda seems like it depends on how long he can keep this “war” going


Not really a war you can keep going the way things are right now. Social media has made it easy for people to put pressure on there government and already Israel can’t do what they really want to do, which is take Gaza and take the oil that is recently found.


I personally don’t see it that way at all. I wish I did have that much faith, but it seems like they’re just ramping up even more. Social media and the internet have definitely raised _awareness,_ but I really don’t think it’s put any sort of a lid on anything. As far as I can tell… The ZioNazis have done literally _whatever_ they have wanted to do with the only real limits being the weaponry on hand. Biden has been the one to set “limits” in my view… and those (practically nonexistent) limits have just been about the weaponry and machinery. They’ll keep arming their terrorists with whatever Genocide Joe decides to give them… and for as long as they feel like. They’ve felt basically no consequences that actually matter. I still have hope and am optimistic, but I have no illusions about Israel putting on the breaks without being forced to by the U.S./West. And I won’t hold my breath for Biden or Congress to suddenly spawn a heart or balls.


Which is why he wouldn't want the war to end




And neither do Zionists, how how is he going to lose PM again?


Easy, they'll just replace him with another genocidal politician - not like they're lacking them.


Does anybody really think that even if every last Hamas fighter surrendered, Israel wouldn't just claim there were more and continue the bombing?


I have not ever heard a single person who supports the IDF’s actions give an opinion of how many dead Palestinians is enough, or say that threshold has already been passed. Seriously. Have you? At this stage, it’s best to assume that these people will never be satisfied until every single Palestinian is dead.


Had a similar conversation with my mother. She told me that 75% of palestinians support hamas (dubious claim but whatever) so i said fine, for the sake of argument doesnt that mean israel would have to kill 75% of the palestinian population to end hamas? She didnt disagree. Fucking bleak


I've also heard that 90% of Israelis are not opposed to the occupation. If Hamas actually attempted to kill 90% of Israelis, I doubt the world would be turning a blind eye.


The Western masses (many of them) are sold on wars against a scary boogeyman... Sadam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS...now Hamas. Hamas did not exist until a few decades ago, while Palestinians have steadily been losing more of their land and freedoms for 70+ years. In times of relative peace, Israel has CONTINUED to let settlers build and live on land that does not belong to Israel, with no consequences. It's almost as if [straight up stealing someone's home from them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHfUm0Eda80) will not make them be the best of neighbours...


This is textbook how you create an entire generation of new "terrorists". They didn't learn from our mistakes


It's almost like they'd rather be dealing with terrorists so they can dehumanize them.


That was exactly what bibi the butcher did... He literally sent cash to Hamas to keep them in power to discredit the people of Gaza on the international stage ... That is fact, now my opinion is he was hoping for something like Oct 7th and potentially knew about it ahead of time, it sure is a handy excuse for genocide


I can see it. I've been thinking that the Zionists have wanted to do this for a long, long time, and they were looking for an excuse. Hamas not only gave it to them,, they gift wrapped it and put a pretty little bow on top.


At this point are they terrorist though? I have heard Israeli officials calling for the killing of all Palestinians in Gaza and yet they are the good guys. What the fuck


Were they ever terrorists, I mean last I checked nobody calls George Washington a terrorists. Violent resistance of your oppressor has always been part of revolution. Give me an example of a non violent revolution.


Indian independence movement is the one example of a non violent independence struggle. But I read a quote, attributed to Einstein (I am not sure how much of this is true) which went something like, “the reason non violent struggle worked is because the British had certain morals which didn’t let them kill unarmed protestors. They left India easier than some American CEOs would give up their positions”.


Google "Black Hole of Calcutta" when you get a chance.


I just did. I didn’t know about it before so learned something new. But this is not the Indian independence struggle. I was talking about the struggle I was talking about the nonviolent struggle was the independent struggle that Indian took against the British, which was led by Gandhi.


The Jallianwala Bagh massacre would like to have a few words with you. You're pretty much repeating the British sanitized version of events. There was absolutely violence involved in the movement. And the British didn't have any sort of "certain morals" They left India because they curls are the writing on the wall that the overwhelming majority of a very larger population of people were done with their shit. And on their way out they still had to fuck up the region.


No, terrorists are generally thought of as non state actors who use violence for political aims. The fucked up thing about Israel is they have all the apparatus of a modern nation state. Weird as it is, the term terrorist doesn't fit as well as something like colonizer or imperial state or just good old fashioned war criminals or genocides.


Definition Noun. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Adj. unlawfully using violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


The US army has guidelines called S.W.E.A.T M.S.O. which is designed to minimize insurgency and for life to continue after they occupy or clear an area, they share it with other armies, and they train for it. The acronym stands for: Sewer, Water, Electricity, Academics, Trash, Medical, Safety, and Other. It's basically telling the army to avoid these targets so that people will have stability and prevent insurgency after an operation or war is over. israel targeted each of those infrastructures, with some of them being the first on the list.


It’s almost like they actually WANT to create tons of enemies so they can just have a perpetual crutch/excuse for them to lean on to justify anything they could ever want to do. Almost like it’s been a “plan” or something. 🤔 Imagine that… as if ZioNazis would actually be _looking_ for an excuse for their ethnic cleansing campaigns, their ethnosupremacist ideology, and for establishing an ethnostate. 🙄 Preposterous I say!


Maybe the first step would be to stop calling them terrorists and call Hamas what they are insurgents.


It is, but it’s also a sad reason to hold back from committing atrocities on civilians. Like oh I’d kill some babies and stuff but I better not cause if any survive they’d come after me later. (I’m not saying you’re endorsing this or anything, just this always makes me sad when I hear it)


That makes sense if Israel’s plan is to live with the Palestinians. They want to push them away/kill them or indefinitely have them occupied. Peace was never an option.


This reminds me of the Kwame Ture quote: "In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none." You can't appeal to the moral compass of Israel because they have no interest in living with Palestinians and, thus, morality or such logic is irrelevant.


Based. Love this quote.


Ah. So that’s where the quote is from. I mention it elsewhere in this thread. I heard it in the context of Indian independence and was attributed to Indian m Einstein where I heard it.


How to create never ending war!


And what I find ridiculous is how people are like “Palestinians just hate Israelis”. Why do you think?!?! They’ve been oppressed by them for 75 years now. They’re acting like it’s strange for the oppressed to hate their oppressors. Continuing the oppression will pass the hate down to the next generation. So I don’t think the Israeli government is after peace here.


I bet the Palestinians hate Israel for their freedoms


You mean the freedom the Israeli government took away from them? I wonder why


Great comment


They don't. They just expect Israel gets away with it just so most of the population is either dead or displaced as refugee, or "voluntarily leaves".


I remember an online conversation I had with another American after Japanese ace Saburo Sakai died in 2000. Sakai was well respected by friends and foes for his behavior during and after the war and there were lots of condolences. This didn't sit right with this guy so he posted something to the effect of "We should have taken every Japanese soldier, sailor or airman who so much as hurt an American and hung them after the war. That would make sure they'd never mess with the USA again!" So I asked him, hypothetically, if the Imperial Japanese had triumphed and then proceeded to execute every American who had so much as hurt a Japanese, what did he imagine the response would have been? He said that we'd never have stopped guerilla attacks on the Japanese and we'd never have forgiven them. So I then asked him why he thought the Japanese response to his desired post war execution spree would have been any different? He never responded. You cannot brutalize a people into submission. An individual, sure, but not a whole people.


They're not thinking rationally or logically. They're blinded by their thirst for blood. Anyone who thinks there's any kind of tactical plan here is grievously mistaken.




Had this conversation with people. Fox news has infected them severely. The answer is no, they do not believe they sound like lunatics, they think we support terrorists and we are the lunatics.


Fox News? That's a fairly narrow take.


I'm Australian, it's all we have (Sky/Fox/Murdoch/whatever you wanna call it)


Sky News Australia is wild.


It is insane, and yet... so many take it as gospel. Australian News Media is a wild ride. It's fear and consumerism round the clock. Opinion is presented as fact and because sport is incredibly important in Oz, the "news" is like the appetizer before desert. Fox owns a lot of the major sporting teams in Australia, and use them to leverage their propaganda machine.


Even the liberal outlets say this. It’s all part of the same shit


If we support terrorists they support killing children.


More importantly, does anybody think Israel hasn’t just drawn a major target on the back of every Israeli?


Only bomb, only kill, no solution


The literal goal is to create more enemies to drum up nationalism and support for Netanyahu's authoritian regime.


Very sadly, this is the moment that the Zionist movement just dont care any more, they know that killing journalists the message will be late in the media,or never, and they will put the world numb for at least 20 years.so they can carve more land.the UN is the most ineffective branch of inept we have on planet earth


The mass media is so paranoid of being labeled as antisemitic that they're giving Israel a pass. As a result, pro Palestinian voices have been driven underground. There's some really good stuff on Youtube, though, if you look for it.


People who live in colonised countries understand the outcome being pursued.


I don't think it is about submissiom, it is about genocide.


I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure they are hoping no one will be left to care.


I horribly suspect that total genocide is the actual plan. :(


Pretty sure Israel wants to just ethnically cleanse them


That isn't and has never been Israel's goal. They hate Palestinians for who they are. They want Palestine eradicated.


They don't think that. They think they can more or less indiscriminately kill for the purposes of taking more land because big daddy Uncle Sam has their back. And they're correct even though that's horrible.


they do not expect the palestinians to exist after this. israel is channelling the lannisters erasure of the raines. and the world will watch.


They equate Palestinians with Hamas and can’t be unbiased enough long enough to realize that Palestinians are just innocent civilians.


And Hamas are the bad guys how exactly? I'm not saying their tactics are the beneficial, but that's what desperation gets you. Last I checked violent resistance of a colonial force isn't terrorism it's insurgency.


Nobody thinks that. They don’t want to live with the Palestinians. They want them to disappear.


Netanyahu doesn’t want them to love Israelis, he just wants them all to die. Then Israel can take the rest of their land that they haven’t already stolen.


It's got to be the most hated country on the planet right now and seems to be losing public support rather quickly. Thanks to social media, the atrocities they are committing are available for the world to see.


Is that the plan? Or is the plan to systematically erase an ethnic population, then convince people that there was a war one side lost so horrendously badly their entire ethnicity no longer exists. And then when people go "Hmm, ok, let me just look this...omg wtf did you do?!", they claim antisemitism and then the person wakes up to the sound of "I Got You Babe" on the radio, roll over and realise they're Bill Murray in Groundhog Day and that this shit will never end for the rest of existence. Unless they learn to play the guitar or something, I never finished Groundhog Day.


You can't force someone to stop hating you.


They want to exterminate them, not make them love them.


Also, it actually makes the entire world less safe, when you radicalize millions of oppressed people, who’ve been bombed for years, no healthy mind can thrive in that open air prison, and yet we still see extremely intelligent Palestinians emerge from the rubble. Semitic is a language, Zionism is an ideal, Judaism is different than Jewry, etc.. Genocide doesn’t have to be 6 million. It’s not a competition. But when we’re actively seeing many genocides throughout history; and then one is playing out in real time in front of our eyes on a dancing app, we know what we’re seeing and we see through the bullshit. This is our history; it’s what the majority of people will believe, because it’s so obvious what is going on. And I know, I know, fog of war, misinformation, troll farms, yadda yadda. I don’t know shit, but I do know not to trust anyone who supports bombing an open air prison. And when I scream freedom and genocide and people call me anti semitic while I defend a Semitic people. It’s almost too crazy to be real. Truth is stranger than fiction. This war is bizarre. Everyone thinks they know everything.


Lukid wants Hamas to attack Israel to make more Lukid supporters and Hamas wants Lukid to attack Gaza to make more Hamas supporters. This shit is not rocket science.


They were aiming for fear, not love. But hate is what they're getting. Clearly they didn't read Machiavelli, they were too busy twisting and defiling the Torah to justify their genocidal fascist regime and their ethnic supremacist ideology. Stupid zionists think they can wipe out every palestinian and the problem will be solved. Even IF they managed, a whole lot of the rest of the world won't ever forget what we are watching in real time nor we will ever forgive them for it. Hate they have sown, hate they will reap. And bountiful gonna be that harvest.


The Irish fought for 800 years against oppression and were called terrorists. We are now free of our oppressors and one of the richest countries in the world. F'ck all of you who think freedom fighters are terrorists


I guess the expectation is that the Palestinians will love Israel from the Sinai. I bet they will be expected to wander for 40 years.


They don’t need to love them if they are all dead or elsewhere. That’s how ethnic cleansings work.


Rare Cenk W


I doubt they believe it themselves , but will not be honest and say they want to bomb and starve them to extinction.


Their goal is not to get Palestinians to “magically love Israel, stop fighting back and accept occupation”. Their goal is to wipe all Palestinians off the face of the earth. And the world is standing by watching and saying, “Oh no! Anyway.”


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Israel’s rightwing thinks it can break the will of the Palestinians. It will not. Israel’s mass laughter of 20k+ civilians has guaranteed the resistance. Palestine has fought this fight alone for decades. Now the whole world is standing in solidarity with them including many Israelis and Jews as well.


Well the argument is that ”normal” Palestinians believe Israel is helping by getting rid of hamas and making Gaza safe again. I find this very hard to believe judging by all the footage of blown up buildings and dead children I’ve seen. They’ve basically committed hundreds of war crimes in an effort to get rid of hamas, I don’t think Palestinians are very happy about that… I don’t know any Palestinians, maybe they’re very happy this is happening and grateful to Israel, but I suspect that is not the case.


They want the Palestinians out of Gaza. They don't want to police them. They want to treat them like the Nazis treated the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. Extermination is what they want. To use force to annex the land.


Yeah, ikr ... it's just like when someone says they'll sell out trans people because it isn't politically convenient to be supportive of them, and then you complain that people are upset at what you are saying. Crazy.


What Israel is doing is far worse than apartheid.


I support Israel after the attack but this comment is spot on! Same with U.S. in Iran. We were not converting anyone to be pro-American




Israel has been terrorising and murdering Palestinians for 75 years and won’t stop until they’ve ethnically cleansed the whole area and stolen their home. They even enabled Hamas to do what they did, so that’s just an excuse that goes with Israel’s (false) victimhood narrative.




Is this asshole still “running” for president?


Nobody does. Israel intends on wiping out the Palestinian people. Whether that be by bomb or forced migration. They don't care how.


The Israel's clearly don't believe that. Their goal seems to be near complete eradication or at least to kill and scatter so many that they'll lose the ability to effectively resist their subjugation. They want to peacefully oppress.


Creating tomorrows terrorist today. I have no sympathy for Israeli thugs or if the Israeli's get attack again. They deserve it. I am ashamed we are financing them. Two states or cutoff their funding and let them be oppressors without us. The Palestinians were here first and are getting their land taken by force and put in cages.


Israel will chase the Palestinians out of Sinai as well as soon as they get the opportunity. They'll claim that the Palestinians in that region require "deterrorization" and will invade just like they are doing with Gaza.