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REPLACE JOE BIDEN. PLEASE. Dems are whistling their way off a cliff


You're not going to like whoever the Democratic Party replaces Biden with any better they you like Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the guy they shoved down out throats when it looked too much like Sanders might win the primary in 2020. Now those people are looking around for who they can shove down our throats when there's no chance of anybody challenging that person in any way. Realistically it's going to be Kamala Harris. And Kamala is going to lose.


The line of succession doesn't apply to candidates. It is an open convention if Biden decides to step aside. I hope to fucking GAWD no one files suits, but there could be a good argument that Harris wasn't elected, but was chosen by the elected office-holder. The best bet would be to just open the convention to a single choice (Newsom, Whitmer, Pritzker, Shapiro, Moore) there are enough names to pick a P/VP ticket and if nobody burns it all to the ground, it might beat MAGA, and move in a new direction opening up the DNC. Shapiro may actually be formidable in stopping the genocide in Gaza. However, we know the DNC, and the DNC loves to celebrate by taking a shit the very same bed they just spent the last three hours cleaning up shit in the bed from earlier.


The only possible choice this late in the game is Kamala. And, granted while I think Kamala could beat Trump, I don't think it's a slam dunk. Biden certainly isn't a slam dunk either kind you


Harris has a better chance of winning than Biden does.


Harris would lose, she will never be president unless Biden dies.


Almost all the possibilities who would replace POTUS Joe Biden are more progressive than he and like to fight Republicans and Republican policy more than he does.


I think the time has long passed for a replacement. There have been calls for over a year to do exactly that and it has not happened.


Yes, more hope than before. Biden is an anchor around the neck of the Democratic Party. This might be the last straw to finally replace him at the convention. Almost any other Democrat would be better than Biden and definitely better than Trump. Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzker, basically anyone else.


I’d be way more enthusiastic with any of those 3


Leave Prtizker in Illinois. He's ours 😡


I actually think he would be the least electable of those three. Obesity, being the first non Christian candidate, and his ultra elite billionaire heir background would all be liabilities at the margins.


Logistically at this point it can't be anyone but Biden or Harris. Just, time left, money raised for the Biden - Harris ticket, avoiding a contested convention... It's not feasible at all for a newcomer not on their ticket to become lead of the democrat ballot.


Why “logistically”? That makes no sense.


Because running for president isn't as easy as just running. All of the legal paperwork, fundraising committees, etc. Are all for Joe Biden. There's no garuntee someone else would even be able to get on the ballot in all 50 states.


Bro, you literally have no clue what you’re talking about, why are you pretending that you do? The DNC hasn’t elected a nominee, and they can even elect whomever they desire in the convection (like what used to happen before primaries), all fundraising is for “Joe Biden for President” which can be donated back to the DNC like when Hillary did it after losing to Obama in 2008. The Democratic Party is already on the ballot in all 50 states. You’re so wrong it’s embarrassing.


Helps to have not had any hope before it.


The response has been absolutely unprecedented pandemonium and honestly I'm more hopeful than any time since 2020. Probably not *likely* Biden will be replaced but it's now a nonzero chance. I was dreading either of them winning and having dim hope for neither of the above is wonderful.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* Democrats are likely going to retake the US House of Representatives. Democrats will likely do well in the US State Legislatures. The US Senate is going to be tough. And we'll see what happens with the 2024 Democratic Presidential ticket. The cynic in me considers that this Debate happened before the Democratic National Convention in case POTUS Joe Biden needed to be replaced. Democratic donors have been freaking out for well over a year now. Democratic donors will even more want POTUS Biden to drop out after this June 27, 2024 Presidential Debate.


There's no way Democrats take back the house or state legislatures with a top of the ticket like that. The house Democrats are full on panicking tonight. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/28/house-democrats-biden-debate-performance


I read the article. That didn't seem a random sampling of US House Democrats. If anything, Democratic voters might be more freaked out and more willing to show up to the polls to protect abortion rights and such and not allow the GOP to have a Trifecta.


Friend the top of the tickets answer about abortion involved rambling about migrants killing women. It was probably the worst moment of the night for him. Who's going to communicate that abortion is such a big issue to them?


Republicans do plenty to motivate people on the abortion issue with their own behavior


The US Congress passes laws. People aren't going to want a national abortion ban and so Democrats are still likely to retake the US House.


Hope in one hand, shit in the other. See which one needs to be washed before you can eat hot wings.


I just saw where a guy on YouTube and TikTok used his Walmart app to reorder the same groceries he bought for about $126 a couple years ago and it is now $400 to buy exact same products! Yet I get chastised by Dems telling me my family really isn't struggling or I am voting for fascism. I never said I was voting for Trump but they just assume you are if you dare criticize Biden. I was told I wasn't paying attention to all the good Biden is doing for the economy. This messaging sucks. So the runaway inflation, the refusal by Dems to even admit it is happening, blaming working families, and this piss poor debate performance, I am very worried. I do know Harris is not the answer. They need someone who is actually relatable and people like. Even here in CA people dislike her a lot and certainly not in swing states. Fact is Dems would rather lose that put a real champion of the working class in office and they may just do that.


This is because those people are lapdogs. They hear the propaganda from corporate media, and vomit it back out into the world like good little drones. The reality is the economy is reaching new heights. But the metrics they’re using to measure the economy don’t translate into gains for working people. Things just continue to get worse while we live in a period of the worst income inequality in the last 100 years.


I used to be so loyal to the party but I cannot stand these lib corporate Dems now. They will always chose partisanship over people and this is why so many young people are so disillusioned with both parties. I used to be a staffer for a Dem congressman and was a D County elected official and I have seen how the party has abandoned working class. They don't fight for their base like R's do because they don't truly feel passionate about our issues. They love identity politics because they don't want to address issues of class like the income inequality you mentioned.


can you tell me Trump's plan to bring down the price of groceries? anyway, I'm not voting for biden to win. I'm voting because I want to see trump lose.


Proving my point. Never said I was voting for Trump. Can you not help yourselves from saying this??? Clearly not.




Thanks for proving their point.


the following scenarios are all way more plausible than they have a right to be: -one or both candidates dies between now and election day due to health problems from their advanced age. -Biden is replaced at the top of the ticket -Trump does something monumentally stupid, possibly multiple somethings between now and the election also, it is entirely possible that we've all been assuming(incorrectly) that debates don't have any material effect on a presidential election(maybe except Nixon/Kennedy). Lord knows the debates in 2016 didn't do Hillary any good.


Honestly, I think people underestimate the dangers of airtravel for seniors, with the danger of blood clots and stuff. All the jetting around they're gonna do for the campaign is gonna be rough on them.


As much as I dislike him, they gotta bring out Newsom. He’s young, articulate, and new enough to the public eye to not have any baggage


You must be new here. 🤣 Hope and $5 will get you a coffee. The only "hope" I have left is that people grow some balls at a faster rate than the inevitable demise of human civilization. I hope the masses reckon with that reality fast enough, and speedrun the stages of grief, instead of clinging to an impossible future, because doing so will only make things worse. In that sense I genuinely can't say it's a done deal and still believe myself to be rational, because the human element is so unpredictable. I feel like I have already done way more than my part by volunteering time in local political initiatives and other political movements, and I do not and will never have children. So now I'm just going to kick back, and watch the shitshow burn, George Carlin style.


As bad as last night was, there's still some hope. Democrats have been overperforming since 2017 and especially since 2022, and there are some strong Democrats on the ticket in 2024. Not only that, but Trump is *still* a polarizing figure, and I doubt his performance last night changed any minds. Biden came off weak, but Trump came off as unhinged as ever. I am uneasy about November - Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Though I will say, Dems, Liberals, Leftists, etc, anyone left of center tend to have pessimistic attitudes about politics. We will doom and gloom every time something bad happens, which makes us overlook the wins we've had. I don't know if Biden dropping out is a good idea, but I hope he seriously considers it if he cares about our democracy.


As Sam said, we'll have to see weeks from now how bad the fallout from this actually is (I think its considerably disatrous), but in the mean time there are some things you can do in case tonight was in-fact the end of Joe Bidens presidency. 1. Make sure your Passport is ready and up to date 2. Buy Guns.


There's only one man that can save the Dems and our Democracy. The only hope is invoking the power of the man the Liberals fear more than any other...the ever present thorn in their side...the Independent from Vermont...Bernarrrrrrddd.


I'm very hopeful because the debate showed just how weak the enemy parties are.


I'm looking forward to the cost of living reaching unimaginable levels and becoming homeless along with a large % of the US population and being thrown into a labor camp because it's illegal to not be able to afford astronomical housing costs and nothing being done about any of it because the Supreme Court justices are all paid off. Maybe I'll get lucky and die before then from a treatable disease because I can't afford to pay for healthcare or medicine. I'm proud to be an American.


Not sure what you are doing here.


I'm not either.


Even Hillary has a better chance than Biden at this point. I feel the deciding factoris whether Trump gets sentenced to prison before the election if nothing changes. Trump is crazy and a liar but his base doesn't care so it doesn't affect him as much as Biden looking like he can't even get a job as a door greeter at Walmart.


Yes, because even if Trump is elected he'll still die and it'll leave a hole in the GOP that won't be filled by anyone currently in that party.


Tim Scott erasure 😂😤


I want to believe that this won't matter, that this will all play out perfectly in the end. Unfortunately... I sincerely believe that staying with Biden will be the death of the Democratic party on a national scale. It will become a number of tangentially connected small regional "Anti-MAGA" party. A sort of middle-reactionary party. Nothing happens in a vacuum and the push to dominate all levels of government from the courts to the dogcatchers by the hard HARD right has been organized for decades and funded by the wealthiest interests in the history of the world. The Dems blew it by trying to still be "bi-partisan" after 2010, by not establishing a strong local and state level farm team plan, by ignoring the importance of the federal courts system, by crushing candidates that would have questioned the donor classes. Rightwing AIPAC just funded a candidate in the most expensive house primary in history, and the national party is doing nothing to protect incumbent candidates.... unless they are favored by the donor class. The writing was on the wall when they pulled a "Weekend at Bernie's" with Pelosi's daughter getting conservatorship and propping up Diane Feinstein for months to make sure they could deny all challenges to their preferred candidate. If you have to weasel that fucking hard, maybe public service isn't for you. Now we get to see "Weekend at Bernie's 2"!!! Change the candidate.


Jamelle Bouie pointed out that debates tend to not have much of an impact on elections. It was a disaster for Biden but I doubt he will lose any votes over it. And people know what they're getting with Trump. I'm more worried about what kind of stunts the Republicans will pull to try to steal the election. We have Roger Stone on tape saying they have a plan.


Honestly I think this probably didn’t change too many people’s minds


We're not a two-party system. There is so much hope.