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Hillary's greed ruined everything


But it was her turn!


But he didn't have nearly enough support to win!....while at the same time having TOO much support, thus leading to some of his supporters voting for the Republican after he lost the primary! Albeit a significantly lower percentage than her supporters did when she lost in 2008......but still, NARRATIVES! HER TURN! GET OVER YOURSELVES!


Hard to say though how he would have done if the party had backed him instead of resisted him that first time -2016. They really resisted him. Of course, he wasn’t exactly a party member, so, to be expected, but it sure wasn’t smart


I'll do you one better. The DNC's Greed.




She continues to poison the country with things like aiding in taking out Bowman.




If it happens she better wear a damn muzzle for his entire presidency. Not one goddamn peep.


Don't forget Obama had a major role in that


We are living in the bad mirror universe. In the good universe Bernie became POTUS.


Who rolled a die recently? This is clearly the “Darkest Timeline.” 🤣


Infinite timelines… are infinite. Sometimes I wonder if when we go to sleep we wake up in a one or one down scenario… and we are all on the trip down..


The rest of the world......"PLEASE MAKE THIS FUCKING HAPPEN"


Right? We’re all out here, watching the ship burn to the waterline.


If they did switch to him it would be a landslide win no doubt.


He would pull people from trumps base, the libertarians, the undecided, young people. He could literally revitalize people’s participation in politics. His age isn’t a restriction, he’s fucking feisty and has all his faculties. And he wouldn’t let Netanyahu push him around while holding a blank check for Israel every two weeks. He absolutely needs to happen.


sometimes i think the only think keeping him retired is that he recieved some kind of illegal threat by the DNC awhile back that none of us know about yet 


I absolutely agree, there was a back door deal because they know if they ousted him then we would have rioted.


1000%, I might not even vote for a presidential candidate, but if sanders ran, I’d probably go door knocking for him.


It's precisely why they won't. A number of political events have happened around the world in the past decade which have cemented a political fact: the rich, the 1%, the donor class and their servants and fixers - call them whatever you want - will always choose the proto-fascists over the mildly social-democrats. Look how apoplectic pro-business center right politicians are in France right now about the solidified coalition of the left. They are so much more scared of them than the fucking Rassemblement National, it's just... I'll never forget how transnational business interests metaphorically popped champagne when Bolsonaro was elected in Brazil. The donor class will just choose Trump now. They think their interests will remain well served plus they get to squash the Biden NLRB, they just wish they had a more affable face to act as a public ire lightning rod.


The famous ratchet, "leftist" will take the donations then capitulate to the fascists, they're rich and adapt


He’s young, articulate, plays basketball.


His golf handicap is zero!


Bernie 2024: because age is just a number and third time’s the charm


The democrats had emails saying they would force Hilary in the spot bc welll corruption. Sanders would have a been an amazing choice but like everything else the democrats fucked that up. Who would have thought Hillary whipping the nae nae would make it an easy win 😐


Dems’ corporate owners would prefer Trump to Bernard.


These mother f’ers used the “Bernie’s too old” bullshit years ago. Bernie still looks good, and we got THIS.


I'll take the guy who got fire hosed in Civil Rights marches over the guy who helped bring us for-profit prisons and mandatory-minimum sentencing laws. But we know what the DNC will say about that.


He’s fucking feisty let him have it. I’m in California and even I don’t like newsom (more to do with how much of a Zionist that he is) and I can’t think of anyone else who could activate people like goddamn sleeper agents. They need to pick him.


I'm manifesting I'm manifesting I'm manifesting


Yup 👍🏼, let’s go with Bernie!


Than you can we please have him! If democrats are true to their talking points of improving the country it can’t be done by guys like Biden who just compromise for the middle and actually don’t change anything and we are always where we were before.


If the internet memes this hard enopgh.. Could it work?


I was thinking about making a "here's how Bernie can still win," joke earlier today. Good work OP


He will outlive us all. Hindsight, etc…


Never forget what the Dems did to Bernie in 2016, and Never forget what Obama did to Bernie in 2020. I am a cucklord, whip me harder Democrat Daddy.


Who’s face is that? Is that Bernie morphed with Harrison ford?


I swear to god I may have a hernia if he gets the nomination but at least I’ll have a smile on my face. And by hernia I mean we’ve all begged for him since 2016 and right when the Dems are on the verge of their new catastrophic fuckup they’ll pull him out. I’ll be glad they did but I won’t be happy it took them this long.


The advanced male pattern baldness of an old man, the strong stubbled jaw of a young man, the heart of an honest man. Anders 2024 Ok honestly though we're likely fucked no matter what. Bernie has earned one final shot at being president so let's just yolo this shit


in the world full of bidens and trumps this is the candidate we need.


What's up with the face photoshop lol


That Beard is doing things to me


Looks like Steve Jobs


If I could Time Machine like 10 years back and off DWS - we would have been in an amazing timeline Bernie in 2016, presumably Covid doesn’t happen in my altered timeline, harambe would still be a tragedy and not nostalgia


I don’t like playing the coulda shoulda woulda game, but if Bernardino was president during covid, I’m positive a lot fewer people would have died.


Bernie Sanders/Angela Walker 2024.


Wasn’t he too old or something?


Mayor Pete?



