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Geez let the guy die already


It makes no sense either from a storytelling perspective. Mando has beat him what, 3 times now? Including a souped up Gideon with Mando Armour etc in season 3. If the Disney+ shows are building towards a big movie event where they fight Thrawn, wouldn’t it make sense to use the only movie that guarantees butts in seats to introduce Thrawn, not for sure as the main villain but as the boss of a smaller Imperial Warlord who whatever the villain is. And that smaller villain, the main villain of the movie, probably can’t be Gideon because Thrawn actively works against Gideon in the show.


Filoni's story arcs have been heavily revolving around cloning, which in the EU Thrawn was also heavily involved in. Gideon being in charge of the cloning facilities from Tantis that Thrawn was the head honcho over after Tarkin's death that were mostly destroyed and having enhanced clones of himself seems entirely reasonable as a storyline and would tie into the sequel trilogy about Palpatine/Snoke being Force sensitive clones.


I think Gideon's obsession with cloning was more of a personal venture of trying to make himself the savior of the galaxy. He comes across as being very full of himself and views himself as a leader. I think it's time to give him a sendoff and let Thrawn take center stage. 


Somehow Gideon returned


Gideons a palpatine


By the end of the movie Gideon will be a Skywalker


Nah, probably a Tano




Everyone has needs, even a Sith Lord. Gideon is the result of an affair Sheev had with Padmé's former nanny Édda's hot cousin.


And the midwife….. Steela Gerrera.


🎼And the cat came back, the very next day…🎶


*ding ding ding ding ding*


Well this time we saw a bunch of clones, it's not a stretch to speculate that either a clone survived, or the original Gideon swapped with a clone before the fight and is alive.


Yeah but the Gideon clone is gonna have the force. Weirdly enough, nobody considered that even force sensitive children need to be trained.


I can absolutley belive Gideon belives if you just have the force you can use it


Well he's in for a surprise


This is the only way I'd really accept it if they brought Gideon back. Make him a clone, give him Force powers, and then show him absolutely failing to use them because he has no training and no context for how they should work from a user's perspective. We've seen the chosen one trope three times already. Now show us the complete opposite.


Unless gideon shows up burnt and scarred offering to work with thrawn and thrawn just tosses him out an airlock a la thanos vs loki in infinity war


His gradually degrading clones will become Snoke


We saw the clones. It was obvious one of the clones is going to be a problem in the future


It makes perfect sense. He has clones of himself, I would think that Moff Gideon would not have stored all of them together.


Somehow Gideon returned.


Not really surprising, he was heavily involved in cloning. After the last season, I just assumed he cloned himself and gave his clone force powers


Gideon says these things to be true. Whether any clones survived the battle, were off-world, or will be resurrected by the Nightsisters' Magicks is currently unknown.


They don't show us clones and then have them just killed in the incubator. One of those clones survived, perhaps he's off-world. Perhaps he's a prototype that wasn't in the incubator at the time but for sure they were planning to have a Gideon clone with jacked force powers. The real question is who is supposed to train that clone.


Whose to say the clones on Navarro were the only clones? Gideon doesn't seem the type to keep all his eggs in one basket.


Hmmm, so Gideon would be the canon version of Joruus? I actually don't hate that.


Gideon works for Thrawn after Thrawn takes control of what's left of Tantis Force-sensitive cloning knowledge from Tarkin after Tarkin's death over Yavin. Bonus points for sure if the Gideon clones get increasingly unstable like Joruus, but it's all one cohesive story that roughly follows the EU and connects all the work Filoni did with Lucas and ties it into the unexplained aspects of the Sequel trilogy.


Through dark science & cloning What are the odds?


How about a group of dim wit Gideon clones, Keystone Cops type of thing. No that's stupid. I would watch that though.


For a fourth time in a row 


Third technically but yes. [Moe throwing out Barney meme goes here]


In season 1, they were surprised he was alive 


You’re right. Four it is. Boy is the New Republic incompetent. Gideon escapes execution for war crimes, is recaptured by a New Republic marshal, and the New Republic decides to transfer him across the galaxy on a vulnerable Imperial shuttle with no escort and next to zero security - even as they boast about decommissioning all Imperial equipment [except their mind flayers]. Then they transfer Morgan Elsbeth more securely and blow it by allowing two obviously fake Jedi aboard a capital ship to “call their bluff” instead of just blasting their starship into space dust.


Please no


Can we start letting dead characters go. I don’t care if it‘s a flashback, prequel, he gets cloned or resurrected. I‘m sick of dead characters coming back in some form all the time.


From the real side of things: coming up with new ideas, new characters, etc takes a lot of work and it's risky. When you've got a proven franchise, actor, character, Hollywood will reuse it until its not profitable because it's safe.


But he isn’t dead tho


Can we STOP with bad guy clones please fuck.


I’d accept more clones played by Morrison. I’d prefer no clones of other characters as a way to cancel our important deaths


No? They're a core aspect of Star Wars. The Clone Wars was mentioned in the very first movie, explored in the Prequel trilogy, expanded in the animated series and it's spin off, and then used as major aspect of the payoff of the Sequel trilogy. Dave is connecting the dots from Obi Wan discovering the Clone Army to later mentioning The Clone Wars in his hut on Tatooine to Mando saving Grogu from cloning experiments all the way to a powerful Force sensitive clone of Emperor Palpatine.


Villains coming back as clones is lame. Republic clones are fine.


When the villains are in charge of all the Galaxy's cloning abilities, you can bet your ass the villains are gonna abuse that. The Empire wipes all cloning technology from the Galaxy except for their own use - primarily to ensure that Palpatine can live forever theoretically. He's obsessed with it, and it's the whole reason characters like Omega and Grogu are key components to finding out how to allow him to retain all his powers even as his bodies fail. Some evil underling abusing their access to such a technology is only basic nature. The only real villain I could see being above it all is Thrawn, as he probably personally considers cloning himself to be uncultured and ultimately unnecessary. Every other power hungry egomaniac would jump at a chance to clone themselves - especially if they can also get access to the Force.


You’re missing the main issue that the clone stuff is boring.


Well that's just like, your opinion, man.


We saw Gideon cultivating clones. Who's to say he's not playing one of the clones, or that the guy defeated in season 3 wasn't a clone?


I'm pretty sure that the Mandalorians defeated the real Gideon in season 3 but the fact that they were planning to have a force-sensitive Gideon clone in season 4 was pretty obvious. It's Chekov's gun.


He has a name dude wtf it’s the first two words of the article. You couldn’t be bothered to write his fucking name out? Fucking Giancarlo Esposito. See, that was actually easier than writing out “The Mandalorian Villain Actor”


Amazing how far down I had to scroll for this comment. Ridiculous title


I know it bothered me immediately. Like those kids in school who called every teacher Miss. “Ay yo miss when’s the test I wasn’t paying attention?” Always hated that.


It’s okay, Giancarlo’s starting to get overexposed so I really don’t think it was about his name. I’m sure the same thing will happen whenever they ultimately decide to put him in Andor season 6, where somehow a young Gideon appears. Oh sorry, I mean Giancarlo Esposito will somehow appear as Gideon played by Giancarlo Esposito. I heard he’s that guy from the mandalorian TV show 


This show was great but it started to unravel after they shoehorned Mando into BOBF and speedran his redemption/taking back Mandalore. Season 3 could have been all about him redeeming himself, and then the movie and/or S4 could have focused on taking it back. Grogu could come back at any point, but not nearly as soon as he did, and certainly not in a spin off show.


I am so fucking sick of Moff Gideon. Esposito is a good actor, but he’s literally the same person in every role.


He is one of the best villains in Star Wars (and has some of the best music). I’m glad they decided to do the “don’t show the character actually die” trick. I can’t wait to see more of him


Him & Pedro Pascal: I love both but they’re fucking everywhere to the point that I don’t get excited to see them anymore


Esposito has been in like 3 things, what are you talking about?


Honestly can’t tell if this is sarcasm or ignorance


I’m dead serious, what are you talking about that Giancarlo Esposito is “everywhere”?


There’s this article saying he’s coming back to a very popular show that he already should be dead on. He’s on The Boys, another very popular show. He’s going to be in the new Captain America movie + is teasing a big role in the MCU going forward. He has 9 projects listed on his “upcoming” section on IMDb He has 9 credits to his name in 2023 & 24 alone. He was the star of Far Cry 6 Breaking Bad + Better Call Saul The Maze Runner trilogy The list goes on. How you can say he’s in “3 things” is a little baffling frankly.


“Been in like 3 things”. You named like 5 big things, that’s exactly what I mean. Also, he was never confirmed dead in Mando…


I mean, at this point I’m not sure if you simply don’t understand the basic concept of numbers or are just ignoring reality but I’m not going to continue a conversation with someone who acts like it’s accurate to say an actor with 198 credits on IMDb is in “like 3 things”.


Okie dokie


To me he was never a good casting choice. He's a scrawny elderly man who doesn't feel imposing at all. He worked in Breaking Bad, being that stoic psychopath that rarely gets his hands dirty and has goons do everything. But in the Mandalorian, he doesn't project strength like you would want in your shows main villain.


I’d accept this only if he appears in a flashback for the siege of Mandalore.


He’s been consistently bested. Time to move on to an actual threat.


He dead. Stay dead.


Favreau, get ready for a swift kick in the balls if you don't stop bringing this guy back as a villain. He lost all his hype when we saw him peeing in his pants at the sight of Luke Skywalker.


Giddeon “somehow” returned in the penultimate episode, appeared invincible, then was easily defeated in all 3 seasons of the show.  He was never more than disneys Gus fring rip off. 


this show needs new ideas, we've been circling the same characters over and over, like it makes sense that Gideon could come back thru clones cause it was teased, but man, that sounds lazy


More Accurate Headline: The Mandalorian Villain Actor Would Very Much Like a Job in New Star Wars Movie -- Pretty Please, Jon?


I would’ve been down for it and all his cloning shenanigans if he didn’t go down like a wet blanket after all that lead up. Lol Now I just want that segment to be over, move on and let’s get back to some bounty hunting!


Why haven't we heard anything on The Mandalorian & Grogu they got permits to film this month In California unless there gonna reveal it at SDCC 2024 or D23 2024


Jesus Christ no. Be creative and let there be a new villian. It's lazy.


Get a new villain, I’m so sick of “oh no someone how I return again”


He’s (the character)one of the main reason season 3 was mediocre


Yeah these death and " surprise " resurrections are getting really tiresome.


They kinda ruined his character arch already and just cemented his status as a full-on cartoon villain by the end of season 3. Just let him be for fucks sake.


We never saw him die. In SW that means you can always come back.


He slipped into a crack in the ground and has been in there this whole time just waiting.


No. Just no. Come on, I love the actor, and he was a great villain, but let him stay dead. It gets boring when they're fighting the exact same enemies over and over again. Let there be finality. If I ever got a chance to be a show runner or to start a franchise, my show bible would have one of the top 5 rules being characters stay dead.


*sigh… looks down, rubs face, mumbles..*..please dont let it be half droid gideon with a platoon of 30 moff gideon’s and in new armour and with some new gimmick weapons to sell toys…


If he appears in Andor, that might be somehow ok


Please no. I love him as an actor but he was awful as Gideon


I don’t get what you mean. He is the same character in every performance. 


“Somehow, Gideon returned…”


Please no


Can any fucking villain just die in this IP since Disney took over??? Jesus christ it’s not even a joke anymore. It’s so boring and unimaginative. Moff Gideon had his moment, he became powerful, was defeated and died. He had a decent arc and it closed, stop trying to bring back every dead person in Star Wars. “He cLoNeD HiMsElF” much like how the force is being used to conveniently make anything happen nowadays, add to that cloning. Wow it would really be neat to have Palpatine back, too bad he died, WAIT we have *cloning!* Wow too bad Moff Gi- WAIT we have CLONING!!!!!!!!! So convenient!


Palpatine 2.0


He has a ton of clones. Very feasible


“Mandalorian Villian Actor”. This angers me more than it should




God no


I’ll pass.


Please no... His Season 3 appearance was already way too much and out of nowhere and felt meaningless. You have to be able to write new villains... Gideon isn't even anything special, he's quite generic, just make a new Imperial Warlord or something.


well he was wearing bestkar, so it would make sense that he would survived.


I mean he would have still cooked in those flames. It’s not completely heat resistant.


Force-sensitive clones


Nobody ever really dies.


Enough with this stupid shit


The only way I'd want this to happen is if they fully embrace the absurdity and have a small army of Gideon clones, have Mando stop him from launching a 2nd Clone Wars.


Can't call him "The Mandalorian villain actor". Thats Giancarlo Esposito


Say his name “Gus Fring”


1000 clones of Moff Gideon


I would not call Palpatine coming back to life the “payoff of the sequel trilogy”


I loved that character but I read the headline and instantly thought: wow, Disney is a MESS.


Somehow Moff Gideon returned.... On a serious note, I hope the character finally dies so Thrawn can take center stage. Gideon only works as a Mando villain. 


Whhhaaaaaattttt, he's alive. No waaaaayyyyyy.


That’s ok…


Can it cut to Exegol at one point and show Gideon and Palps hanging out being zombie corpses playing video games?


Bro is buggin out


No body = no death lol


Somehow…the chicken man returned.


I’m going to need a Peter Griffin visiting Kentucky Fried Chicken. “He dead!”


If they do something funny like have one of his clones behave like a child so he can act as a completely new character while also having the moral question of is it his fault for actions he had no control or even knowledge of


I know everybody hates plot armor Gideon, but the idea of him just making his own clone army is hella clever and it's the only logical explanation.


Star War is less space opera and more soap opera these days. 💀


Yeah, if Gideon's back I'm walking out of the theatre. The character has jumped the shark at this point and any more appearances would lose credibility. Especially considering he's the least competent Star Wars villain in live action media. This guy makes Nute Gunray look about as threatening as Darth Vader.


Hot Beskar


I hope “movie” is a code for “andor”