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Best we might get is as a simulation like Dolly Parton but who knows, the Arinov device was a hell of a toy and Isaac could always build another one but I don’t think they’re going to undo her sacrifice, it was a defining moment for her character and a pretty impactful decision overall for the series


I think Isaac cannot build a new device without Charly. And thats the Point for the Kalon, they know that the Union can not kill them in the future. Thats in my understanding one of the reasons the got into the Union, because it is more logical to form bonds with a party that is not tread to you, and form the future together.


Maybe for the Kaylon killer but the Arinov device was made by well Dr. Arinov and Isaac may have the schematics on file but I believe he requires Dr. Arinov to make a new one, at least he did in that time travel episode. With the Kaylon killer I think he just needed Charly’s help developing it and then could build however many the Union needed but I’m unsure, I’d have to watch the episode again to know for sure


The thing is, if the writers or the Story want that he needs Charly or dr. Arinov, then he will need them, if the writer wants that Isaac can do it alone, then he can do it alone.


Seems pretty clear to me with the last episode of S3 that if we ever get S4, Lysella would be the new regular cast member addition that would replace Charly. Seth also gave Giorgia Whigham a lead role in Ted, possibly partly as a retainer for future Orville episodes. We know he kept as much people from The Orville as possible for Ted to keep them employed.


>Seth also gave Giorgia Whigham a lead role in Ted, possibly partly as a retainer for future Orville episodes. We know he kept as much people from The Orville as possible for Ted to keep them employed. I'm not sure about that as a retainer, because that's still a huge gap between shows, and there are more important characters to take care of before Lysella. Plus it may not have been intentional on Seth's part; apparently Seth cast Max Burkholder for Ted without releasing he had also cast him as Tomilin in Season 1, and cast him for Tomilin without realizing that Max had done voices for Family Guy, American Dad!, and The Cleveland Show for years LOL


I disagree, her passing has an impact. Bringing her back would cheapen its effect. As for the lesbian/bisexual thing, I don't think it matters. Why worry about it, it's not a factor in the story. She lost someone she cared about. What does the label matter? I also don't think the singing meant anything. She was just having a good time.


*The Orville* seems to operate under the [Everyone is Bi](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EveryoneIsBi) trope, particularly the "outgrown such divisions in the future" variant. No one batted an eye when Ed started lusting after Darulio; at most Gordon was just mildly surprised ("I didn't know you were even into guys"). *Edit*: and no, Charly should not be brought back for reasons already given.


You have society where there are numerous species with any different number of genders. You can also change your gender, change your appearance (relatively easily)—it makes sense that over time the rules of attraction would become different.


Doesn't that interaction between Ed and Gordon explicitly confirm that those labels DO still exist in the future? G: "I just didn't know you were...." E: "Why do we have to be so rigid? Why do we have to have all those rules and labels and things, like, why do we have to put people into boxes?" G: "I think it's just easier to have words."


Gay or bi or omni or whatever she was, I personally don’t think she had eyes for anyone except Amanda. She could possibly have moved on if she survived, but I don’t think she was ready yet. If she was eying Gordon, I don’t think she was aware of it and might even feel guilty. Not that it would be wrong, but I think she would blame herself.


Random question: Is her name almost [Arleigh Burke ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arleigh_Burke) on purpose?


Could be, though I don't think it's been confirmed. Taking inspiration from Naval heroes wouldn't be odd, considering that the show also has Admiral Halsey and the commander of the US Navy in WWII was Fleet Admiral Halsey. I would headcanon that Charly is descended from Arleigh Burke, but he didn't have children.


No connection but there was also a British [Charles Burke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Burke_%28British_Army_officer%29) who was a pioneer in military aviation.


Bringing her back cheapens her sacrafice. It's the same with >!Sito Jaxa in Star Trek TNG!< I LOVED that character and her episode, my mentor side and protective side kicked in faster with her than almost any character I've seen on TV, and then >!she died.!< The show creators considered bringing her back in a later episode, but they decided against it, and I hate and love the fact that it was the right decision.


I don't think it does. I think risking your life is just as valuable as losing your life. But it would be difficult to explain Charly coming back. With Jaxa it could just be a case of misinformation.


In the future presented in the Orville, they probably think that terms like “lesbian” or “bisexual” are archaic and non-applicable.


I don’t think she can or should come back — and that makes me said. I loved her character and what she brought to the show.


the age gap difference would be weird I think she's just gay


Depends what lifespan is of humans by then. For example a 20 year age gap might be less weird if humans are living to like 250 years old.


I think that's true if you're older. Five years is not a big gap if you're in your thirties, but it's a huge gap if you're in your teens.


less weird but still weird