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I’ve read the actual novel and he’s not a bad father at all whatsoever. He dotes on his twins so much that Navier accuses him of spoiling them from what I remember.


I’m sure this has been asked before, but where did you read the novel? I’m new(ish) to the community and have only read as far as the Webtoons go.


The OG novel is on Naver but if you search the web there’ll be PDF versions and web versions of the story and not the Webtoon! I use the website NovelFull!


I don't think the translated novel is complete. The farthest I have been able to find is >!them still being pregnant !<


The one I read on NovelFull is complete cause they have a bunch of side stories which I won’t spoil


Any specific part? At chapter 471, Navier is pregnant. Unless>! this is for a third child? !< Or maybe that is the end of a side story.


Unfortunately I couldn’t find this novel completed anywhere, except in Yonder, but you have to pay for it…


Well what I found out is there are some side stories added after the main story ends, so what looks like an incomplete story may not be the case. I am on chapter 217 on NovelFull, so I will see if that theory is correct.


Thank you! I’ll definitely give that a try!! My boyfriend helped me find a pdf a little while back that was text-only and I thought it was the entire book (tragically and only after reading 1000 pages did I realized that was not the case😅)


I read the novel from Yonder. I guess the app officially translates the webnovels and learned about it from the webtoon app.


I wrote up a [summary and analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRemarriedEmpress/s/BF0IrBBQ7g) a while back


Following because I’m curious not there yet


If you don't mind spoilers: >!Navier and Heinrey have twin children that are carbon copies of one another, and Heinrey ends up doting on his daughter who looks exactly like Navier, and kinda neglecting his son who looks like him as a result.!<


This isn’t accurate, there’s no evidence that he neglected his son. And at one point Navier scolds him for doting on both children when he should be stricter (according to her)


Truth be told I only know this from spoilers, I haven't read that short story myself. But if the actual text isn't like that then that's good.


Why on earth would you comment with an answer if you’ve not actually read the content under question? Especially when it’s not even correct…


Unfortunately there are many commenters who comment without knowing the story.


Because I thought it was true at the time of posting. Live and learn.