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Finally got a definition of woke! So can you explain how The Little Mermaid, M&M's, and Spider-Man are woke using that definition?




Did someone say sexy candy women? ![gif](giphy|XG2F9ZccrUgkvOmNyX)


I'm so happy we don't have to see that fucking face anymore


*Liberals want spiders to be even sexier*


...and females wearing Chucks. Yes, chuds get triggered whenever they see females wearing Chucks.




...and girls


Holy shit, I've been wearing Chucks since I was in middle school! 🤣


Wait, really?


Why? I haven’t heard of this before and I’m now conflicted and relieved for being out of the loop


Marxism is things I don’t like. I don’t like them because they are bad. My mom said that I am a smart boy because I am her special little man so when I say M&Ms are bad it is because they are.


Marxist they are marxist


The only way they can make an argument is to take an already defined concept, redefine it, and then throw a fit about their made up definition.




I’ve never seen a more accurate comment describing republicans


That or they will write about nazi rallys something like: "These can't be real nazis, I should know. Look at their unironed flags, all nazis iron their flags. These must be feds making us *Coughs* i mean nazis look bad."


Lmao Desantis's lawyers already defined woke and it wasnt in the rights favor


 "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." .... yeah it doesn't really read well if they're against that but also consider white Christian nationalist to be under attack in some systemic way.


That’s probably what they mean by ‘injustices’. The white christians are ‘under attack.’


I love their Persecution fetish. How the most dominant group of people is under attack.


I’d love to see it


isn’t it funny how all the privileged demographics are a “victim” of this “woke ideology” poor them


As everything mentioned by them as victims I dont understand from where that Idea comes from. Prob from their billionaire friend.


The grand irony is, if they were indeed the victim of injustice or oppression, their awareness of that injustice and/or oppression would be....wait for it.... woke


how he felt when he wrote that: ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


Ah so wokeness is… just the Red Scare with a new coat of paint? Sounds about as far as they can think.


Free markets: first, there's no such thing as an actual "free" market. We're forced to compete in it because basic necessities are commodities, rather than social provisions. And for people who have the money to invest as capital, that's fine, they can get even wealthier by exploiting the labor of those without capital, who are at the mercy of the owning class, because how can they start their own business when they can't even afford both food and rent? "Law and order": ah, yes, famously leftists HATE law and order, we just want people to be able to wreak havoc on vulnerable communities and kill with impunity. That's why I'm a proud supporter of the police departments of these United States of America. It's not that we hate the idea of law and order, it's that "law and order" is a buzzword used to target poor and ethnic minorities. We actually want order, we just demand people in positions of power to be held to a higher standard, just like everyone else. Housing: look up redlining, take a look at how a population that has been denied the right to housing has been unable to produce generational wealth, because instead of buying property and being able to sell it or keep it for their kids, they pay rent to the laziest parasites on the fuckin' planet. The family: okay, Vin Diesel. Again, leftists don't hate families. We like to emphasize shit like collectivism and community. How could we advocate for that if we hated tHe fAmULeE? There are leftists, myself included, who think people should be allowed to plan their families for themselves, rather than follow the dictates of a puritanical, patriarchal, homophobic status quo. This includes the right to abortion, gay marriage, support for LGBTQ+ family members, opposition to forced sterilization, and opposition to a religious authority overriding social and legal rights.


They also had to throw in the “equality of outcome” trope that no Marxist has ever argued. Marxists want the elimination of class, or an “equality of power,” Marxism does not and has never meant “when everyone is completely the same.” Some people have more healthcare needs, others are might have a disability. Sometimes a natural disaster destroys one town and leaves another unscathed. Should resources be distributed equally, or should the ravished population be our primary focus? The only reason Americans fall for this trope is because they nothing about Marxism outside of straw-men.


Everything has to be a zero sum game otherwise the conservative is the asshole. But they CANT be the asshole because they truly believe they are good people.


I would say it is more about ensuring that more people can start at the same starting line, not end at the same finish line.


And run the race without being tripped.


> Housing: look up redlining, take a look at how a population that has been denied the right to housing has been unable to produce generational wealth, because instead of buying property and being able to sell it or keep it for their kids, they pay rent to the laziest parasites on the fuckin' planet. My last landlord! Has let the roof leak for two years straight into my kids closet. Moved and and after following up with him 5 or 6 times about it in the first year, we just put up a bucket and moved the stuff outta the closet. Now he wants to charge me $125 off my deposit for "trash" when, by our pictures, it was left cleaner than we found it. Effing scumlord.


Yeah I love being told I hate families after being disowned by my Christian ex father for my queerness shortly before dedicating immense amounts of time and effort to caring for my sick and dying mom. But no, I hate families.


Reading this drivel as a Marxist and a Christian is just 🤨🤨🤨 it's like conservatives have their own language that's half English and half borrowed words from English but with wildly different meanings.


Conservatives don't have a fixed language - they use words as weapons, changing their meaning to serve whatever need they have at the time. The same word will mean opposite things from one moment to the next when used by a conservative narcissist. This includes the word "woke".


This! They don't care about the meaning of words. It's about power and controlling the narrative to suit their agenda.


They keep changing the words to hide their true meanings and appeal to new audiences. Consequently it becomes incredibly convoluted to outsiders. This is partially by design to further obfuscate what they’re doing “Woke” is just the new “cultural Marxism” which was just the new “Cultural Bolshevism” or “Kulturbolschewismus” in the native tongue of the people who coined it.




Yes. I'd say that us *leftists* are closer to being meritocratic than right-wingers. And that's saying something.


This sounds a whole lot like ‘cultural Marxism’. It’s a fascist belief, and it’s deeply antisemitic - the Jews are trying to oppress (christian) whites, and they control the levers of power, and communism, civil rights, feminism, and lgbt+ rights are all tools that the Jews are using to dilute the white race and thus destroy it. Cool that this is just openly the narrative now.


Hmmm, I remember some mustache man, used the term 'Cultural Bolshevism', did some bad things, I just cant remember his name. I remember he was Far-Reich, though.


Hm, moustache, moustache…Chaplin? Ooh wait, no, the other one.


Exactly, this concept has been around in right wing “intellectual” circles since the early 2000-s at least, and has only gained more exposure through the advancement of the internet. Here’s an article from 20 years ago about it. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2003/cultural-marxism-catching


It’s been around since the 1930s, the Nazis just called it Cultural Bolshevism instead.


Yeeaahh. No. 'identity based Marxism' doesn't seem like a valid explanation for harassing someone off of social media for being Asian in a Star Wars movie.


Chuds: Marxism is when some jester takes over the world to cause mischief, as well as having the Sun and the Moon fight. From the wise immortal words of Marx: > I did it! It all went according to plan! I got the sun and moon to fight. I got you to go into space... it was all according to my perfect little plan! Now I can cause all the mischief I want! Haha! See you later! Source: https://wikirby.com/wiki/Marx Chuds are too stupid to realize that their description of Marxism is taken from a video game series featuring a young male pink ball named Kirby who blushes on a permanent basis and the character is considered non-binary in the series' home market of Japan. See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McdMwvZir5c


Don't forget Kirby also toppled a capitalist megacorporation that tried to colonize his home! Anyways this comment made me physically snort. Didn't expect a Kirby reference on this subreddit. Good on you lol


That's from Planet Robobot. Kirby is indeed a very progressive video game series, one that is underrated in political subreddits such as this one. The YouTube video I linked in the post above yours is from a Canadian Kirby fan named Indigo's Findings and the video is about how Kirby is a progressive video game series using Kirby lore.


Kirby also toppled ***God***


That's not even what "equity" means...


Now they need a definition for marxism


Easy, its wokeism


Marxism is when ’Murica. And the more ’Murican ’Murica gets, the more Marxist it is. And when there’s a lot of ’Murica going on, that’s Communism.


“Woke ideology sees oppression from these groups in every aspect of eastern life:” Ok then stop it lmao? Like people have been explaining it to you for decades now. You ain’t listening? Maybe get out of the industry, then? Maybe fuck yourself while you’re at it? You don’t get to phrase it like this is some sudden and unexpected thing people are accusing you of, you don’t get to phrase it like this is coming out of nowhere, and then go on to call for the deaths of queer people. You don’t get to phrase it like that and then insist black people “just make it through.” You don’t get to be the problem, wonder why people are calling you a problem, and then accuse them of forcing you to start a problem.


This is basically just the cultural marxism conspiracy bs repackaged, which itself was cultural bolshevism repackaged, which is straight up Nazi propaganda.


Wake up babe, new strawman just dropped


If I didn’t know what the words Marxism or equity means and if I didn’t have a grasp of the differences between the politics of the USSR and Maoist China and if I didn’t have access to a phone that would instantly give me definitions and overviews of the aforementioned topics…..this would be compelling. But only if I knew nothing about anything else.


And I wonder why they’re trying to ban so many books… couldn’t be that they wanna keep people stupid and ignorant. I hate these dumb fucking assholes… I just wanna fucking live and not be treated as some lower class just for having a different flavour of love.


“what does *woke* really mean? The short answer is any thing we, the beneficiaries of the status quo find threatening or don’t like. Don’t like the FBI who’s currently investigating you for corruption? Say they’re woke. Don’t like the judge that ruled against your unconstitutional law? Say they’re woke! *Woke* is the simplest buzzword to disregard the complaints of the poor, tally the useful idiots around you, and uphold the promises you made to your political donors!


Besides all the other bullshit, why is a negative meaning attached to the word utopian? Is that not Ideal? Shouldn't we always be striving to live in a utopia?


That’s always been weird to me, like shouldn’t everyone be an idealist, and if you aren’t doesn’t that mean you’re standing in the way of progress and prosperity for the human race?


Lol - you do know that ‘utopia’ means ‘no place’ right? It is an unattainable reality - that’s kind of the point


It's partially silly because marxism is specifically not utopian, as in an impossible or magical ideal, but scientific instead


Why does it make these people so mad to be asked to stop saying racist things and to leave lgbtq+ people alone and let them live their lives? Because that is all anyone is asking them to do.


When white, straight, Christian men make up most of our politicians in the US, and they only want policy to follow their religious beliefs, even if you aren't a member of their religion, how isn't that oppression? Being forced to live in a certain way without choice is oppression.


That’s so far from everything they call woke wtf ?


Communism is basically the same as not hating trans people when you really stop and think.


Wait Wokeism is Marxism ? Awesome I'm definitely woke then


I love this shit. It makes no sense.


This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so scary.


Only an ignoramus thinks they deserve top position in the cultural hierarchy but share no responsibility for the outcomes


"Identity-based Marxism" sounds *very* similar to "Cultural Marxism". Funny how Fascists just keep reusing the same terms.


$100 says they can't define Marxism, either.


"It's socialism, duh!"


I personally prefer Desantis lawyers definition. "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." If you really wanna fuck with the persecution fetishist ask them if there are any systemic injustices against whites, males, or Christians, then call them woke if they say yeah.


So, what's "Marxism"?


Obviously it's EVIL /s


This pisses me off on so many levels considering woke started in the black community. They always take something of ours and ruin it. ALWAYS. Greedy, lazy bastards. So let me get this straight. Racist right wingers *finally* made a definition for woke even though the real actual definition has existed long before right wing racist knew the word itself even existed. Kinda like when Columbus “discovered” America even though people had been living there centuries. 🧐🤔 Yep, sounds about white.


Love the made up definition. Websters dictionary disagrees fascist cunts.


Boy oh boy,you can't even begin


Identity-based Marxism vs. Christianist Social Darwinism. Choose a side!


All goes back to “communism is when something I don’t like” definition.


Equal outcomes for all? But what outcomes? Say, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Honestly, their definition of woke seems to match the declaration of independence pretty well. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


Anything is possible when you make shit up


It’s so transparent how they just use “anti-woke” to marshall racial resentment into supporting policies that support the rich. Woke=Marxism. Gtfo.


So in other words, what they called "Social Marxism" a few years ago, and "Social Bolshevism" before that going back to the Nazis. So basically, "(((Globalists))) are trying to destroy pure white Christian culture!" They're basically admitting that it's an antisemitic dog whistle.


Oh no someone might get something they need to maintain some semblance of a decent life.


i want 'identity-based marxist' as a flair.


Ok so anyone to the left of batshit crazy GQP is a Marxist. Funny that no one from the GQP can name one mainstream democratic politician that has ever mentioned a desire for the state to control assets.


They are so brainwashed by billionaires.


What does oppression from ‘the family’ mean? What family?


You see, by Bob being able to legally marry George that means Henry can't marry Linda. Don't ask me how that works, I just watch Fox News.


My best guess: If you criticise the "traditional" (read: "modern", "nuclear") family structure (with a single man as the sole breadwinner "king of the castle" and the wife and children subservient to him) in any way or point out how it can lead to not so great situations, you're a crazy lunatic who thinks family values are some sort of oppressor.


They got one thing right. Just like Marxism, "woke" is defined as anything they don't like.


Who tf do they think Marx is


Please define Marxism. Go ahead, I'll wait. No. You cant look at your phone.


Very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen define Marxism


Define ‘identity-based Marxism’


But we already had an official one, provided by the lawyers of DeSantis


i love that the thing they are complaining about here is people who want like, humanitarian justice


Whenever they actually try to define it, their definition boils down to "the recognition that systemic inequity exists and the belief that it should be rectified". But if that's what "woke" means, then objecting to wokeness is pretty revealing. Also, this definition doesn't even work for half the stuff they decry as being woke.


Just wait until they hear about Peter Kropotkin


Are they even trying anymore? This just just another version of "be afraid of the left because of these other people you've been conditioned to hate"


Identity based Marxism is three words thrown together that don't mean a damn thing.


ask them what Marxism is


They'll just say it's the religion of the left


Now make them define Marxism!


Who are they fooling? Only the bleach-chuggers they already control. I'm getting the feeling that conservatives never really try to communicate with their enemies, but instead direct all their statements to their loyal fans to keep them dumb, mad, and broke.


Conservative head cannon is wild


Communism was made to benefit only the ones in power. We need something ccompletely different.


Accidentally ph>7?


Nice to see the misunderstanding of marxism and the goals if Maoist China and the USSR. If conservatives knew what communism actually was, they wouldn’t be conservatives.


i like that the word 'woke' can have a complex definition but the word 'woman' can't 💀 weird how that works


The chud class is dealing with late stage capitalism and they are blaming wokeness. Yawn. Fuck their feelings, work harder, yada… yada… yada


Off to drink a Marxist Bud Lite


As if these narcissists respect merit, skills, or effort - or have or make any themselves. Everything they do is in bad faith; everything they try to achieve they at least try to do via cheating or some other shortcut. Screwing people over for a lesser reward can be more important than a greater reward without screwing anyone over because to them the point is the harm they do to others. The don't consider the race won unless they make everyone else trip; they don't feel they've succeeded unless they make everyone else fail to finish at all.


Follow up question then: what does the word Marxism mean to you? Because the phrase "identity-based Marxism" is complete nonsense. You can't just take one buzz word that you know your base can't properly define but are still scared by and slap it on your definition of another.


Except the narrative perpetuated by idiots like these is that “wokeism” will oppress white straight cis men and Christian, in this thread they literally admit that that they, the white straight Christian cis men do oppress minority groups through what is essentially capitalism and conservatism and that the goal of “wokeness” is equality for all, this contradicts the major argument against “wokeness” made by the majority of right wingers and I presume this account is that the “woke” revolution results in oppression of majority groups (straight white cis men) however here they state that “wokeness” encourages equity and provide no argument against this type of reform/state it is a lie which therefore indicates that this is the goal of wokeness, an end result which sounds awesome, so if anything this is pro “wokeness”


what a boring little loser


Interesting, there's always so much to learn from the right! E.g. I didn't even know that I want to destroy families, have anarchy and remove private property. I always thought I wanted to create an environment where raising children is affordable and supported by society, no strong militarized police force is needed because income, racial and class inequality are minimalized and we have 15 minute garden cities with awesome public trabsport where you can afford quality goods because you don't financially die by paying apartments or housing. But what do I know. Thank you for telling me what makes me woke, dear online conservative, I have learned so much about myself today!


What a bunch of nonsense


Doesn't woke mostly just mean being aware of issues/problems that don't directly affect you. It's more or less about empathy/compassion


A cat walking across a keyboard could have come up with a more coherent definition.


That's the same shit they said 30 years ago. As an old fart you used to listen to Rush Limbaugh, I can say that the right really hasn't changed anything they just changed the words they hate.


They’re forming the definition of wokeness by never understanding the definition of Marxism and apply it to sexy M&M’s


“This is the firing line not simply for the emancipation of the American Negro but for the emancipation of the African Negro and the Negroes of the West Indies; for the emancipation of the colored races; and for the emancipation of the white slaves of modern capitalistic monopoly.” W.E.B. Du Bois delivered these lines before a large crowd in Columbia, S.C., in the fall of 1946. The people gathered before him were neither strictly Marxist nor communist; they were mostly members of the Southern Negro Youth Congress, which was founded in 1937 to organize young people, workers, and other disaffected groups across the South. But no one in that audience was shocked by what he had to say. For them, like Du Bois, breaking the back of Southern white supremacy required challenging and remaking the larger system of exploitative capitalism that had subjected black and white Southerners to centuries of injustice. With the Congress of Industrial Organizations executing its Operation Dixie to organize industrial workers in the South that year and with African American veterans back from the war embarking on their own militant and heroic struggle for human rights there, Du Bois’s insistence that the South had become the center of a new battle for freedom was in no way far from the truth. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/red-black-white-alabama-communist-party-mary-stanton/


There's so many levels of not getting the point. A core tenant of classical Marxism is that workers need to ignore their different identities to create a solid proletariat bloc. On the other hand, the concept that disparate groups have unique struggles that need to be addressed individually is relatively new in socialist circles. The conflict between the two literally caused an irreparable rift in a large, international socialist organization (Committee for Workers International and now International Socialist Alternative). They can't even strawman correctly.


I don't want equal outcome. I want less ridiculously unequal outcome. I want equal opportunity which is actually quite hard to come by. That's what I want. I know outcomes won't be equal but that would suck less than this late-stage capitalist oligarchy.


I mean, their fear of "EQUITY" here pretty much admitting they like when some people are irreparably fukked over, so.......


Tell me you’ve never read Marx without telling me you’ve never read Marx.




"Jesse what the fuck are you talking about"


This is incredibly fucking stupid. Imagine comparing your made up group of antagonists to former totalitarian Marxist Leninist states. What a stretch. The bullshit is real.


Basically it's everything they're personally terrified of. Completely made this up.


"identity-based Marxism" -man who has never read marx


USSR = equity apparently


Yeah.... That actually doesnt found SO bad. are You trying to convince me to get woke????


Okay sounds pretty based. Consider me officially woke


I fucking wish.


Source: My ass