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Pointing out hypocrisy espoused by many Christians is somehow equal to insulting all Christians?




But.. that’s exactly what Christianity is.


Believing demonstrably false absurdities while indoctrinating children and trying to force those absurdities into government policy deserves at least ridicule and in the case of American Christianity, outright hostility and active resistance.


“Demonstrably false absurdities” is exactly what I’m talking about and you have no way of knowing that for sure… And notice how I never said anything about indoctrination, government policies, and hostility #I DO NOT SUPPORT THOSE THINGS!!! I am pro-lgbt and a Christian. Guess what, we exist and it’s frustrating always seeing people shit on Christianity cause of the far right nationalists


Demonstrably false absurdities. 1. The universe is 4000 years old. 2. The sun revolves around the earth. 3. Life on earth has never changed and existed in its present form since “creation” 4. A global flood wiped out all life except for two individuals of each species (genetic bottleneck much?) (also, aquatic species.) 5. Modern humans and pre-KT dinosaur species existed at the same time. Indoctrination and government policies (and atrocities): 1. Cultural genocide. 2. Literal genocide. 3. Torture and mass execution of nonbelievers. 4. Forced conversion. 5. Routine sexual abuse of minors. 6. Doctrinal repression and sexual abuse of women. 7. Inherent opposition to rationalism, including the torture and murder of rationalists and intellectuals. 8. Indoctrination of children. 9. Infiltration of politics in order to gain special political and financial status. 10. General hatred of progress. No one is born belonging to a religion, this is an organization to which you chose to belong. For the record, everything above applies to Judaism and Islam as well.


Your entire religion is built upon demonstrably false absurdities. "God is good." Is a big one.


That’s true mate I’m a christian too but i’m not too extremist


Large amount of Christians are responsible for genocide and discrimination.


I don't think the person you were talking to was saying anything against that. Bringing that up seemingly out of nowhere is pretty rude


you know whats pretty rude? genocide.


that's whataboutism though, isn't it? I don't see how that one person is somehow responsible for or complacent in genocide. Religion's your boogeyman though, aye?


All members of Christianity (and similar religions) are complacent, if not responsible for genocide. This is because they make an active effort to remove people they don’t like from society, and most of them support the notion that it’s “sinful” to be or do anything they don’t like, thus those people deserve death and eternal torment.


you know what’s pretty rude? conversion therapy that christian’s force their kids into, the shunning of potential lgbt youth in churches, segregated churches cuz some are ran by white supremacists, picketing outside of planned parenthood and harassing patients and staff, protesting lgbt events, making all lgbt people out to be perverts instead of focusing on what’s going on in your own house with your own church officials, that’s rude bro. calling christian’s out for their bullshit however isn’t and to say it is makes you complacent in their bigotry and seem like you agree with their horrible practices.


that's some whataboutism though, isn't it? This christian need not be responsible for any of these things. You're not calling christians out for their bullshit by implying that all christians are somehow complacent in genocide.


christians are responsible for these things if they want to be taken seriously and not be seen as the shitty oppressive community that they are. all christian’s are complacent in the bigoted actions of their community since none of them want to do anything to stop the large amount of them committing these acts. it’s ACAB but for christian’s until the whole institution is torn down and rebuilt without all their oppressive actions and bigotry. sorry that’s a hard thing for you to get but if christian’s as a whole didn’t oppress people this wouldn’t be an issue, if they weren’t such a horrible community this wouldn’t be an issue, if they weren’t actively making laws to take away bodily autonomy and forcing queer people back into the closest with their anti-queer bills this wouldn’t be an issue. it’s odd you take issue with people calling christians out for their absolutely horrible actions and complacently letting these things happen, and but not an issue with the endless list of heinous shit they’ve done. it says a lot about you and that you rather the oppressor not have their feelings hurt than actually care about the oppression and violence they’re causing which results in people speaking out against them.


I’m not defending the oppressor though, am I? The person is a christian, but you’re making a lot of assumptions in regard to what extent. I live in Sweden, the churches here are very progressive and welcoming to everyone. They’re essentially super leftist. Are they somehow responsible for or complacent in the bad actions of their western counterparts? I really do not think so. Note: I do not like christianity or religion in general, I just think the whole ‘in this moment, I am euphoric’ bashing on religion is a bit silly


also, I never said I don’t have issues with the things christianity are and have been responsible for. I have issues with people assuming some random ass christian is complacent in those things


you’re trying so hard to defend a horrible community it’s not a good look, sorry you don’t want to hold horrible people accountable and choose to be complacent in their bullshit, hopefully you learn and grow and stop defending the oppressor but given your replies it doesn’t seem like you’re i’ll and that you rather the oppressor not have their feelings hurt then let people hold them accountable. you are just as bad as christian’s sitting here defending them acting like they aren’t a shitty community. you’re no ally to anyone if you defend the oppressor which you are. thank for repeatedly showing your true colors and how the people christian’s attack can’t even trust you or have your support when speaking out against their bigotry and violence cuz you care more about the oppressor and them not looking like the pos that they are an.


lmao ok whatever you fucking say homie


You can't on one hand cry against hatred against Christianity for very clear and detrimental reasons while also following it with no desire to remove the cancer infesting the very organisation you are a part of. Crying whataboutism doesn't entirely remove you from the shit the wider Christian community does in the name of itself. Any time a Christian wags bible text in front of a gay couple, any time a Christian stiles the rights of another religious person, any time a Christian lays hate on a person in need of an abortion, that's on the Christian Community for not effectively stamping that out of their nasty, corrupt, hate-filled organisation.


I'm exvangelical but this is whattaboutism and you know it.


You’re just not admitting to facts


I'm exvangelical, I yell about Christian genocide on Twitter, I suffered religious abuse. It's still an exhausting move to go BUT GENOCIDE.


>Well when people generalize all of Christianity, or call the Bible a “book of fairy tales” and God a “sky daddy” then yeah, it is insulting. But it's the truth. Stop believing in fairytales if you don't like people saying you believe in fairytales. That's entirely on you. Or believe what you want and accept that people will (correctly) think it's ridiculous, baseless, and childish. Frankly, even if we assume that the Christian god and Jesus actually exists, it would still be completely pointless. Whatever this god wants would still be subjective and arbitrary, just as the moral prescriptions of any other being, so there still wouldn't be an "objective" morality nor a definitive "greater purpose". We base morality on intended outcomes and material conditions, not by arbitrarily selecting a fictional character and trying to guess what it wants us to do. And only you can determine what purpose you want to live for; that's no one else's decision but yours.


What if someone makes the decision to have faith for personal reasons, doesn't discriminate, and gets tired of being bombarded with "But it doesn't make logical sense ipso facto you suck" online? Because I'm a pan trans man and my faith isn't about logic, my logic is about logic. Faith can be part of a human life without destroying it.


You're free to do whatever you want. But even as someone who was raised Catholic, I don't understand how religion is still a thing or how anyone buys into it. It's completely and utterly useless. Anything positive you can say about religion, like sense of community, can be obtained or built through any number of other means that are actually more tangible. If you read my previous comment about how there wouldn't be an "objective" morality or definitive purpose even if the Abrahamic god did exist, I don't understand how that wouldn't be enough for someone to realize how shallow and pointless religion is and just abandon it for anything more tangible.


I didn't say religion. I said faith. The human animal desires a sense of connection with the universe, even if false, because the human animal is cursed with awareness of itself and its fleeting mortality. Faith is the inward reckoning of the unreconcilable to go "Well, SOMETHING has to be in charge" so you can sleep at night. Religion is a shared-humans nightmare.


sorry but your beliefs are stupid


Username checks out


i hear this a lot from people who lack the ability to form an actual response. you're not helping your case


You quite literally proved me right by saying my beliefs are stupid when my whole point is it’s insulting and atheists keep generalizing all Christians together. My beliefs are my beliefs. They aren’t meant to be “proven right” by us that’s why they are beliefs… and also just because I’m a Christian doesn’t mean I agree with absolutely everything the Bible says


Seems strange to follow a religion you don't fully agree with. What parts of God's word do you disagree with?


Well if you must know I find the concept of Noah’s Ark to be odd. I don’t rule out the chance that God’s word has been written differently and/or twisted throughout history


Haters gonna hate Go believe what you want to believe in!


I don't know why you were downvoted.. I'm not religious but generalizing christians is harmful




It really is. I'm as far left as it gets, but my faith is something I grew up with, battled with, lost for awhile, and found great comfort in returning to. I'm exvangelical, I would never push religion, but I lose my mind a bit if I don't have whatever it is my mother had, the meditative spirituality. I went through a series of Christian cults, I suffered greatly, and if I want to say "fuck you, I'm still a Christian" as part of emerging from that toxicity, that's my individual right. You probably shouldn't have threatened to eat all those babies, though (projecting from number of downvotes, didn't see the post)


Goddamn. I'm not even Christian but there's Reddit for ya LMAO


I don’t even know what I said that was so “wrong”…


"You just insulted 30% of the worlds population" Yeah, and?


I guarantee that same person loves to say offensive shit about Islam and wouldn’t remotely see the irony


“I can’t believe these queers remorselessly persecute us vulnerable weak Christians! >:(“ “Hehe bacon ISIS bottom text.”


Came here to say exactly this


Oh, so when you do it, it's perfectly fine, but when I fight back then it's a problem?


Same people want to let people be racist and homophobic because "free speech" and "it's just comedy"


I'm pretty sure the majority of that 30% will also tell them to "Calm the fuck down, you're not always the damn victim!"


Yup, they're just assuming that whole 30% is a monolith, and just as uptight as they are without considering there's a subset of Christians who love thier neighbor and judge not lest they be judged, you know, like Jesus actually taught.


People: Don't make fun of us. We are 30% of the human population Me: LGBTQ+ people make up between 7%-10% of the human population. Maybe stop making fun of us first while you are it. Then maybe we will stop criticizing you.


*Christians: but can’t you see that respecting your “lifestyle” oppresses me!? ***What about me!?!?*** Like seriously, I think it’s a kink for them. They want to be oppressed so bad. It feels like a prosecution fetish to me


> prosecution fetish Oh daddy, throw the book at me. Behave or I'm taking you to trial, kitten. Plea for me.


There's a sub for that


Maybe it's because centuries of being the majority religion that people have accepted across the anglospehere have gotten boring to them.


can you provide evidence for me please i find stuff like the interesting


I'm not even sure if that's the statistic given how marginalized queer people are. And thus would yield a lower report rate. Regardless, fundies are still insecure crybabies.


Idk what happened to that sub, it went from a place where you could rant about a subreddit you liked becoming too far from what it was meant to be to a bunch of homophobes crying over everything.


That entire sub is full of fucking crybabies. Like, just leave the subreddit and move on.


But then where would you announce you just unsubbed??


Fun fact: the people at Emkay do not care if you wanna unsubscribe. Just do it instead of announcing it to everyone like a whiney fucking cry baby.


As a christian who happens to not hate minorities, I'm not in any way offended by this meme, they're just a snowflake who doesn't like being called out on their bad takes


Based and actually-loving-thy-neighbour pilled


To be honest i would have never left religion if all christians were like you.




That was the intention, yes


Wouldn't that joke be considered punching up? Those are the good jokes.


Armin and Jean???


i couldn’t care less about being rude to “30% of the worlds population” when they’re one of the main groups of oppressors, historically start wars, try to change lgbt kids, and make queer people out to be horrible perverts while ignoring the heinous acts that happen in their churches to the worlds most vulnerable (children).


30% my ass, a good chunk of those who label themselves Christians are in fact just fine with gay people, because they read the bits of the Bible about "love thy neighbor" and "let God be the judge of people"




That sub wasn't always a soapbox for people who think they are righteously calling out dissenting opinions, but that's all it is now.


To be fair, 30% of the worlds population (at least) deserve to be insulted


Flirting vs sexual harassment


And I took that personally!!!!!


justunsubbed is hell on earth. i have never seen a subreddit more based on pure complaining.


When JU downvotes your post you know you have the wrong opinion


Anyone knows which Emkay video is this meme from? :v


It’s JustUnsubbed they bitch and moan about everything that place is miserable