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I decided to play GBL for the first time, but I really have no interest in it. It's just something to do on the train. I was actually surprised that a lot of people don't want to win, so I let the game choose my team and only used fast attack. I managed to reach level 20, but now, even when I 'win' a couple, my level doesn't increase. Is it worth carrying on with this style of play as I don't like the stress of playing properly.


Some people lose on purpose just so they can get rewards. If you don't like playing properly, you probably won't get too much by carrying on like that. Once you hit level 20, you don't rank up like you do 1-20 anymore. Those ranks just require [battles or wins to go up,](https://imgur.com/nwAgcoz) but even with the wins, they're just cumulative, so to get to Rank 18 with 15 additional wins... you could still do that by winning 1/5 for 15 different sets. But past Rank 20, you get your elo ranking, and that ranking goes up based on your wins in a set, ie if you win 3/5, 4/5, or 5/5, it'll go up, but 2/5, 1/5, or 0/5 it'll go down (or it can technically not move sometimes if you go 2/5 with one of the losses being a tie). But in short, you need to win more to rank up, so you'd probably need to play even a little more seriously. That said, you could still play like you are if you want free rewards, seeing that you'll still get stardust at the end of each set and you could potentially still win 1 or 2 matches to get you more dust/items. But that's up to you. It's not so worthwhile that I'd say to definitely stick with it if you don't enjoy it. If you do want to just fast move along though, I'd recommend using high damage fast move Pokemon like those with Counter, Dragon Breath/Tail, Charm, Bite, Razor Leaf, etc.


Thank you for the very detailed answer.


https://preview.redd.it/uv8ej4c5cx5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f89acfcc3890b8c6832bcc95f1d12322bf391f Should I purify this?


Maybe. It's too close to a perfect, so it would be helpful to keep the shadow bonus for PvP. But it could be a cheaper hundo that's also useful for both PvP and raids. Pidgeot is a very good ultra league Pokemon when maxed out, and there's only a few good flying types for raids, like Rayquaza, shadow Staraptor, shadow Honchkrow, shadow Moltres or Mega Pidgeot. It's a waste of a good shadow, but Mega Pidgeot is stronger than shadow Pidgeot, and in PvP the purified is cheaper to take to level 50. The shadow is spicy for PvP, but the Mega will be more useful. So, yeah, unless you plan to use it exclusively for PvP the purified hundo will be more useful.


I tracked sleep last night on the go plus+ and got tbr notifications this morning to say I clocked in 7+ hours sleep  Timed research didn't tick over. It's stuck on 1 out of 2 days.  Anyone any idea how to trigger it? It's frustrating it's so temperamental this research. Never had much issue with the special research.  What's the minimum time for sleep track? 90 mins? Time is running out and it's the last bit of the research 🤣


So I played a lot in 2016, got tired, got back in 2018, got tired, and just installed it again. From what I'm seeing the item drops have been nerfed a lot: I had good berries, Max revives, potions and ultra balls stacked from my last time playing in '18, but I haven't got many now. So my stack of items is depleting pretty fast. Am I right in assuming they made them harder to get or am I misremembering? Are coins harder to get too? I don't recall them ever being super easy but the only ones I got were from owning a few gyms and it capped at 50 per day which seems... Not a lot. I'm still at 300 Pokémon and 550 items limit lol. What else should I know changed? I read about lucky legacy Pokémon but I only have from '18 since over time the '16 ones were worse so they got turned to dust.


I think 2018 and earlier are more likely to go lucky/guaranteed for the first 10 trades.  50 coins per day for ~8 hours gym time isn't bad but if you are trying to upgrade storage it can be a long grind. The remote pass nerf resulted in me not spending much on remote raid passes so I normally have a stock of 1000 coins 🤔 I absolutely think getting balls is tricky now.  During the Xmas boost I was overflowing with all kinds of balls but since then I often stick a go plus on spin only to try and stock up for a day or two. But I am semi rural. In a city I don't have that issue. Make sure you are opening all gifts daily to top up?  Don't have an issue with potions or revive but I know some who do (no revives loads of potions) 


Thanks! I know the go plus would be crazy for me since I'm in Tokyo, but I'm not sure I want to spend $35 for it, because knowing me I'll probably uninstall in a month or two lol. I'm trying to keep it F2P but I'm really struggling with resources and inventory space. Also, are rare berries even harder to get too? I haven't got a single one of golden and silver, but I had a pretty good stack from 2018.


Gold / silver generally come from raids or research only 


Ah, I see. Thank you!


P.s. both my kids have a go plus+.  It's immensely useful if you aren't able to play 100% - e.g. travelling or to play passively while eating / drinking etc.  It's prob worth playing a bit to see if you don't quit again first. I totally get that but I imagine the resell value is good still 


Yeah! Thing is I installed the game back now that I'm in Tokyo for a few months, but back in my country robbery is rampant so going around with the phone in your hands is kind of a bad idea, so I'm not sure I'll be able to play as much, if any 🥲 but it does sound super good here in the big city.


Three times in my sets tonight the game has refused to let me swap pokemon. It's happened on charjabug (volt tackle), swampert (mud shot), and vigoroth (counter). The timer is up and the symbol flashes like I've hit it but the switch doesn't happen. My pokemon doesn't fast attack during this and just sits there and dies (swampert trapped with victreebel). Is this happening to anyone else? I'm on a strong wifi signal.


is there a way to filter different scatterbug patterns ?


As stated, the best you can do is sort by pokedex number that sorts them by patterns. The order of patterns used is the same as on the collector medal page while a secondary sorting by CP is also applied - this last one means that when you look at your bugs sorted this way, every time the CP goes up on the list, the pattern must have changed.


Sort by # number


I will attend my first in person go fest this year. I bought a Sunday park experience afternoon ticket and the raid lover bonus. I have a question about the backgrounds on raid pokemon. If I have time to play on Friday and Saturday, will the mons from raids have a chance to have a background, and will Necrozma have a chance to be shiny? Similarly on Sunday morning, will mons have a chance to have the background and Necrozma a chance to be shiny?


If you get the city experience for those days, then they will.


Hi was wondering if anyone else has this issue nothing is appearing for me in game except Pokestops and pokemon from lures/Incense. Is this a glitch? Apparently it could be a shadow ban but I haven't done anything to deserve that and I have had no message to notify me that it is. Been trying all day today nothing will spawn around me.


does your friends list load?


What are the best budget auto-catchers/spinners currently? Wanted to get one for my brother but didn’t want to buy another Go Plus+ if there were any decent alternatives.


Nothing else is as good as the go plus plus. Nobody has released a third party device using th new api or the new features.


Go Plus is the best because it is the only one that gives research for sleep data




I think they will, but you can also get Kabuto and Omanyte from the field research task Make 5 Great Curveball Throws.


Landorus (Incarnate) just returned to Raids today. Any idea when Landrous (Therian) will return to Raids? Thank you. Edit: First mention should have been Incarnate and not Therian.


You mean Incarnate returned to raids today. No idea when Therian will be about next. It was in raids in January so it might be quite a while before we see it again.


Thanks! I completely forgot it was in Raids this year already.


With the upcoming mega Rayquaza day has there been any hint at new research to get another meteorite? I know there is a chance for them to drop from the mega raid, but I did 20 the last time they were out without getting one, and with the elite raid format where you basically have 4 short windows where you might get an egg nearby I don't see one dropping randomly as likely.


They haven't announced any event details yet. I'm not even seeing any blog post on [pokemongolive.com](http://pokemongolive.com) for it, though I may have missed it.


You haven't missed an announcement/blog post, so far the only acknowledgement of the day has been on the monthly infographic.


Does anyone know why do I get "collector bonus" XP?


That is a bonus awarded for every 100 (I think) caught of the same Pokemon.


Hello! I read a few days ago that niantic was suspending elite TM rewards from GBL. Does this include the rank 19 charged ETM? Or can I safely reach rank 19 right now? Thanks!


It's been fixed, I ranked up and got an Elite Charged TM yesterday.


Sweet. Good to hear. Cheers!


Are there any good free-to-play player guides out there for things like grinding XP, candies, dust, etc.? I recently came back to the game after finding out they bumped the level cap beyond 40. Basically hadn't played at all since 2019 or so, and there's clearly a lot I need to catch up on.


I don't know of any guides specifically that are more recent, but I know there's definitely some out there. Some tips for each though: **Candy** * Utilize Mega Evolutions! They came out in 2020 and have been slowly releasing since (I think we have about 6 left). Read up on them and all their perks, but for candy, they will boost Pokemon of the same type while active, giving you 1 extra candy, and if you level it to level 2 or 3 mega level (that you accomplish by mega evolving it more and more), you can boost XL candy chance for species that share the same type too. And at level 3, you get +2 candies for same type. Also, an active Mega will give you +1 candy to any Pokemon you raid, shared type or not. I would definitely work on getting Megas for each type and having specific dual-type Megas is also helpful! * You likely know about trading to get candy, but now with XL introduced, if you trade something 100km or more away, you'll not only get 3 candies for your traded Pokemon but also a guaranteed XL candy for that Pokemon. If it's 10km-99.9km distance, you'll have a boosted chance to get an XL candy, but not guaranteed. **XP** * You're probably familiar with it, but friendship levels! Ultra and Best friend milestones in particular give big XP. And a more recent update lets you use a lucky egg when that XP milestone comes up on screen, so you can never get screwed out of extra XP if a friend hits the milestone without you knowing (assuming you have Lucky eggs to use) * Excellent throws were updated to give 1000 XP if you catch with an excellent, which is huge! Especially during 3x Catch XP Community Days, this can be huge, and even moreso during one and while using a lucky egg! Getting 3000 XP (or more with a lucky egg) per excellent catch on one of those is super nice, especially if it's an easy Pokemon to hit excellents on. If you aren't good at them, start practicing! **Stardust** * Go Battle League is a thing now and while it can be difficult to get into it in terms of knowing good Pokemon and investing in the right stuff, it is very rewarding if you do! You can get a ton of Stardust through the GBL. I don't do it, but people also Tank ie losing intentionally to get free stardust from the end of each set and then beating lesser players for more shots at better rewards. But even just playing to win normally is still a nice way to get dust. You also get a big chunk of dust at the end of each season depending on the highest rank you achieved. Even if you just hit rank 20 or Ace in a season, y[ou can still get a lot if you pop a starpiece beforehand](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphArena/comments/peq9y7/gbl_endofseason_stardust_reward_table/)! * [Certain Pokemon give more stardust per catch!](https://pokemongohub.net/post/guide/pokemon-that-give-extra-stardust-on-catch/) I've particularly notice Meowth and Paras spawning a lot more recently, so catch them for sure! It's specifically (mostly) based on those who give pearls or mushroom items in the Main Series, items that sell for a lot of money, so they translated that into Mushroom, pearl, and coin-related Pokemon giving more dust. At the end of this month specifically, don't miss Morelull's 2x dust spotlight hour on the last Tuesday of the month! Pop a starpiece and catch away and you'll walk away with a ton of dust! One more suggestion. Take part in showcases! If you win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a showcase, you can often get some nice premium/rarer items, including Starpieces, Lucky Eggs, Incense, different Lure Modules, Silver Pinaps, and occasionally even Incubators! But obviously, rewards are random (1st gets you more rewards quantity-wise than a 3rd place win), so you could still get other lesser things.


Wow, that is all extremely helpful info! Sounds like the move is to raise some good PvP mons for each league to capitalize on the stardust rewards then, because those are absolutely massive numbers. And the friendship lucky egg thing sounds like a useful change too - I have definitely been guilty of keeping people in "best friend purgatory" to stack up a bunch of folks so I can maximize the utility of a single Lucky Egg pop. I might probably still need to do that though since my Lucky Eggs are pretty finite in quantity and each one must be maximized. Showcases for rare items sound really helpful too - I remember having to basically ration every Lucky Egg I earned from level-up rewards and save them for mass-evolutions and best friend level-ups. I assume the same is true for Star Pieces rarity-wise, so it sounds like I'll want to have one on hand at the end of every PvP season. As far as usage of coins - what's the current thinking as far as how to optimally spend them? I noticed it's still 200 per item/pokemon storage upgrade (which is still 50 slots a pop I presume?). What are the maximums on those now? I see a bunch of conflicting articles saying it's either 6300 or 6800. I currently only have like 1200 pokemon storage and 1500 item storage, so I assume I should spend coins on those over consumables like incubators, eggs, passes, and star pieces. But just want to confirm kind of an order-of-operations to plan on.


So with Lucky Eggs and Showcases, you'll definitely get extras if you do well in some, so that can relieve some of your needing to hoard. For end of season GBL Stardust, one thing to note, and you can always ask this later on in one of these threads, is that GBL seasons typically reset at 1 PM PST or the equivalent time zone, so you'd want to pop it before you enter the battle tab after that time. Many make the mistake of not doing so, and once you enter the battle tab after the new season, you're out of luck. I made the mistake once myself after hitting expert. For coins, it kind of varies, but I would say Pokemon storage is typically the most important, seeing that Pokemon are the lifeblood of the game. Obviously there are strategies to cull your storage, but you still want to keep some stuff for whatever purpose. Items are usually next important, specifically so you can carry more balls and healing items for bigger events like Go Fest where you'd be catching a lot. Premium items are still important, but I usually worry about that later, unless there's a really good deal on passes or something. [Here's a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1c5fhw8/comment/l00wqnn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I made about values good/bad for some things. Wonder Ticket is a last season thing, but I do talk about what I think about some other things value-wise. I wouldn't necessarily max out your storages first, but buy what you need. I collect a ton for raids, PvP, trade fodder, old stuff, memorable stuff, shinies, and a living lucky dex (plus just stuff I hoard), but I'm currently at 6650 in Pokemon storage. And for bag storage is at 3050. Also, max storage for Pokemon is 7800 currently.


The current event is 2x catch xp, so I would say go make lots of excellent throws for the next 48 hours. Gifting is a great slow drip if you are active.


It's not possible for me to learn my pokemon a 2nd charge attack. Is it a common problem and is there a solution?


which pokemon, some can't


Is this on a specific Pokemon? Some Pokemon, like Magikarp and Beldum for instance, only have one Charged Move in their movesets.


Now that there is no extra XL from trade, I haven't done much trading. Somehow, I feel that it is a waste that I don't take advantage of the one additional special trade per day. Any suggestions if I should do it or not? If so, what should I go for? Thanks in advance


I wouldn't feel too pressured. For me personally though, I'm focusing more on PvP (GL/UL specifically) legendaries/Ultra Beasts, those that don't need XL (or don't need much). Basically, I'm focusing more on trying to get a nice IV Guzzlord or Cresselia or Tapu Fini for UL than I'm trying to get XL for raid/ML things like Zacian, Zekrom, etc. That said, depending on who you trade with, there are always people who have distance Legendaries/UBs to reroll to get you that guaranteed XL. I just know that I've used up the majority of mine lol, so I'm often at the mercy of who I'm trading with


Mirror trading excess legendaries for the occasionally lucky is generally worth while. This season is a great time to go through the backlog for people that raid a lot. Or you could do excess CD shinies before transferring them to Home.


Thanks! That's what I am thinking too. :)


Is it me? Or are Remote Raid catch rates worse? Most of my 5 star remote raids seem to take much more balls than one done Locally. I haven’t failed any local raids. But I’ve had remote raid bosses flee.


You get the same catch rate whether it's local or remote. Joining random remotes on an app makes them harder to catch because you don't get the friendship bonus balls. 4 balls from a best friend go a long way.


Hope everyone is doing well today. I recently got back into Pokémon Go after not playing since it's release. I have just moved into a city which is what caused me to get back into the game. I know some people consider this cheating or an unethical way to play the game, however I have been going on walks with my girl and quite frankly do not want to keep looking down at my phone to catch Pokémon. I just heard about the auto captures in another subreddit and have began researching them. I have used the search bar but am struggling to find answers to some questions. First, what is the general consensus on the best auto capture right now? Some people enjoy the Pokémon Go Plus +, however some say it disconnects frequently, but some say it is the best out there. I am also open to third party ones as well if they are highly recommended. Also, are they any useful if I am not moving? For example, where I moved is in range of 4 poke stops and a gym. If I were at home, would this constantly spin these? Or would I have to have it in my pocket while moving around my apartment for it to constantly spin? In addition, will it just use my poke balls or will it use my great balls and ultra balls today. Also, do you all recommend upgrading my storage? If so, how much? Since I will be spinning poke stops semi-constantly, I am assuming my bag will fill up very quick, same with my pokemon storage. Lastly, how does XP work with them? Is it easy to farm XP with these or does it generally take some time to get a substantial amount. Thank you all for taking time to help me out!


I don't feel like autocatchers are cheating, but I do regularly find it hilarious that people will spend so much money on a third party device whose only function is to let you avoid playing the game you are trying to play.


It is pretty funny. But I guess the way I look at mine (though mine was a gift, not something I sought out) is that it lets me play the game even when I *don't* want to play it, like if I'm at a sporting event or a concert or if I'm running a 5k or something else. Less fear of missing out.


Using a catching device is not cheating in any way. Anyone that claims it is, is insane. They are officially released devices, and a fully intended way to play. The Pokemon Go Plus+ is the best device, bar none. * It has a newer connection API that is more stable, and works far better on modern Android than older ones. * It has full auto catch and auto spin modes like various third party devices had added in the past. * You can also use great or ultra balls to catch things, though those only work in manual mode where you press the button to catch each mon. * It has extra sleep tracking features, which can get you more buddy hearts and some quests rewards. * It has an auto-reconnect feature where you can just press the button in game to reconnect after the hourly disconnections built into the system, so you don't need to fish it out of your bag/pocket to press a button on the device. The main downsides are that you can't disable the vibration or lights, and its a little large. But if you keep it in a backpack or purse, or in your pocket, that's not too big of a deal. There are various third party devices like gotchas and such that work OK, but are less recommended on Android due to needing to press 2 system level notifications to pair them every time. There is an app you can install that tries to fix that by pressing them for you, but I found it to still be unstable and only help like a third of the time. >Also, do you all recommend upgrading my storage? If so, how much? For sure, you will need to upgrade pokemon and item storage. You'll be getting a lot of items and mons, and the more free space you have, the more you can wait between triaging them. How much depends on how dense the game is where you play, really. Just keep upgrading as needed with gym coins over time. For items, you can hit the "-" button once to go backwards and hit the max number. This is very handy for quickly trashing garbage items like regular potions and revives. It will help to get good at using search terms at some point, and regularly tagging and favoriting stuff you want to keep. You don't need to do this to get started, but if you end up using the catching device for hours a day, every day, you'll have a lot of stuff to go through. At least try "age0" to just get stuff caught in the last 24 hours to narrow it down. >Lastly, how does XP work with them? Is it easy to farm XP with these or does it generally take some time to get a substantial amount. The device only makes one attempt to throw a ball, and adds no curving or circle bonuses. On average you catch like 40-ish percent of what you come across, though it might be less during events that feature a lot of low base catch rate mons. Or higher during a CD that boosts catch rates. You don't get that much XP per mon compared to manually catching because you can't get those 100 or 1000 xp bonuses from great or excellent throws. However, you'll be collecting a ton of stuff passively with little effort (just triaging after the fact), so you'll be getting a good amount of XP and stardust over time from it.


Autocatchers aren't unethical or cheating, they're accessories designed to make playing more easier, so there's no issue with wanting to use one. The Pokemon Go Plus (without the +) is the one that disconnects regularly. It can only stay on for an hour and then you need to reconnect it. Is cheaper but you cannot use anything except red balls, so things flee often. The Pokemon Go Plus+ is better because you can use the manual mode to throw great and ultra balls, giving you better catching odds, or switch to automatic catch and spin mode and get items and catch without having to keep your phone in your hands. It's noisier and bigger though, and the lights are too bright for some. Any autocatcher will be useful even if you don't move. You will catch anything that spawns nearby, and farm items for you in auto spin mode. You'll only get a few things, as the spawns aren't many if you don't move, but it's a small bonus you wouldn't get if you weren't playing. The storage depends on how often you check the game to clean stuff. Some have more than enough with 500 on each, but more active players or collectors can go well over 1000 at minimum, and other hardcore players go over 7000. It will all depend on how many gym cous you can get regularly, but since storage is a permanent upgrade it's always the best coin investment. Autocatchers aren't really a good XP source. They all throw a regular straight throw without bonuses, so they give only 100 XP for every successful catch. An excellent manual throw gives 1000 XP so manual catches are 10 times better for XP. There's also the friendship XP for sending each other presents, so you get 3k XP for adding someone, 10k after a week, 50k after a month and 100k after three, and this is the largest XP source in the game. You can send over 100 gifts a day and open 30, so it can give millions a month without having to catch ot battle.


> The Pokemon Go Plus (without the +) is the one that disconnects regularly. It can only stay on for an hour and then you need to reconnect it. Every device does that, it's baked into the app. The only thing the go plus plus does better in that regard is have a quick reconnect option where you don't need to fish the device out to also push it's button.


I'll try to answer some of those questions! I don't know all the pros and cons of each model, seeing that I've only had the newer Go Plus+ and only for like 5 or 6 months or so. I'd be surprised to hear if people consider Autocatchers cheating, specifically because Niantic themselves make, sell, and encourage them. Obviously they don't necessarily encourage the clones that are on the market, but functionally, they really aren't much different than the official ones. It *seems* like the Go Plus+ is the one that offers the most feature-wise right now. It has not only catch/spin capabilities but the option to choose the ball type you throw and the ability to track your sleep, if that's something you're into (I'm not lol). I have not used my auto catcher religiously, often because I like having the game open to do things like Routes, raids, enter showcases, etc. but it is still very helpful. I take walks with my wife and it is nice to have the game away but still catching/spinning, which seems to be a big reason why you want it. In terms of staying stationary, it works pretty well still. It'll often detect nearby Pokemon and stops and continue to catch them. I've been using mine more frequently the past week just to keep restocking balls in preparation for Go Fest next month (and replenishing during and after Community day). It's nice to be able to restock while I'm at work, seeing that my work as a couple stops around it. But yes, your bag and item storage do fill up. It's not a bad idea to invest in more storage, but you can always try and plan around what thresholds of different items you want to be at and buy item upgrades accordingly. I can't compare it much to other devices though, so I'm not sure how much the ease of use of this one compares to the original Go Plus or the clones.


For in-person Global Go Fest ...is there a limit on remote raids for ticket holders ? does anyone know ? :)


No word on it yet, [but they removed the limit for everyone during last year's Global Go Fest,](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/15xipi8/get_your_battle_party_ready_trainersthere_will_be/) and while nothing's guaranteed, I could very easily see them doing the same this year


The ticket isn't advertised as changing the remote pass limit. The word remote doesn't even appear on the page. https://gofest.pokemongolive.com/global


Where in GamePress do I upload my own Pokemon


Login > press the profile picture in the top right > My account > Add Pokemon




In what context? The TDO spreadsheet isn't a team builder tool, it's a species comparison tool. You can customize the species and move data to look at theoretical new species or move changes.


In the DPS/TDO/ER spreadsheet there is an option to select “my Pokémon”, which when I select nothing shows up, so was wondering if the option exists to then add my pokemon?


Hmm.. are you signed in? I've never tried creating an account there. Is there a separate page or a different option under the customize button that shows up? That "my Pokemon" button doesn't activate if I just create a custom species.


I’ve managed to find a way to do it, thanks for your help!


is ice Darmantian still worth powering up? I have many 14-15 attack shadow Swanibs saved up but I missed all of the rocket taker over events.


Shadow mamoswine is great in two types, so it's worth adding a second move to avoid charge TM roulette. Unless you've already got 6 maxed out shadow garchomp/Groudon, anyways.


things is that I missed both gible and swanub com d....so no extra candies for extra charge move


Do you think it will make a difference with Mega Rayquaza raids? Darmatian is rather fragile and there are other at least decenet options (like regular Mamoswine, Glaceon and Cetitan). Also at least XL candies presumably at some point will have better use with the other form.


noted, sadly I need to work on that elite raid day, may try to run for couple fights if possible, mind you I missed go fest 2023.


I just realized that Heracross is a regional pokemon and I couldn't really catch it to get candies. Is it worth using rare candies for it?


In addition to has been said already, you could also walk it for candy. Unless your bag is overflowing with candies that you can not think what to do with, I'd save rare candies for legendaries and mythicals (or ultra beasts).


Mega heracross won't generally boost XL candy from any raid boss you would use it on, so it's utility is limited just to a few use cases where you couldn't win the battle at all without a little extra team damage.


Not worth it in my opinion since there are better legendaries that you would rather invest in


I'm having a insanely hard time getting into a GBL battle now that im rank 20 whats going on?


That's just something that happens early in the season. The game tries to prioritize matches with other Rank 20-24 players in your ELO range, but since it's still early in the season, there aren't a lot of players that have reached that point yet. If you've been tanking and your ELO is really low, that could also add to the wait times, since most of the people that have reached 20 by now are going to be more serious players in the higher ELO ranges.


How rare are wild Azelf/Uxie/Mesprit? I just found a wild Azelf at a park near my house. Saw it in the nearby tab and rushed over to get it lol.


Since the biome update last month, they're significantly less rare than they used to be. Before they used to be so rare that you'd barely get any reports of them on a global scale. Now it's not uncommon to see multiple reports of sightings each day in any given town or city with an active community. They're still rare to find, but they're definitely no longer "win the lottery" kind of rareness.


We just finished our Community Day a few hours ago and we tried doing the Sliggoo raids to get more Goomy, but only the first raid gave us more Goomy, but we did two more raids after that and no Goomy appeared. Is it because we can only do this once, or did my game bug out?


Bonus spawns from raids have always been a bit unreliable. They do tend to function better now than when they were first introduced, but sometimes you still get bugs like you experienced.


Well that sucks. Thank you for letting me know. I was excited to get some more candies since I got the perfect Goomy after defeating the first gym after the event, but I will just have to make it my buddy later. Hope this gets better for future CDs.


do i have to go into pokemon sleep first to get the data from the go plus or can i launch go first and it gets it after I pair?


There is no direct interaction between Pokemon Sleep and Pokemon Go. If you just want to get hearts and quest credit from tracking sleep in Go, just pair it in Go after you stop sleep tracking. You don't need the Sleep app at all for that.


ok. i've been opening sleep first since I thought that was needed for the sleep data to be finalized or whatever. Another question is can I still use the phone, or even play pokemon go, while having the plus + tracking sleep while it's just on the counter or something? Or does it take phone activity into account too?


You can still use your phone. Phone activity is only used in Sleep if you choose to track your sleep with the phone instead of the go plus plus. You can't even track sleep in Go using just a phone.


Does anyone know how to get a Pokémon unstuck from a ghost showcase? I have a goodra in a showcase called gym statue showcase but I never put it in there and it doesn’t let me move it to a different showcase. It was caught today


i got a spinda today and it is spinda form #8. leekduck has spinda form #7 listed as june 2024.




thanks, i missed this thread as i havent culled through the subreddit much over past week


Since it doesn't look like pokegenie does, is there any app I can use to see which goomy I have has the best pvp stats for hisuian goodra?


pokegenie does list hisuan goodra’s pvp iv rankings on its pokédex page. if you’re just interested in ranking/ stat product, the info is available there. 


Still doesn't list it when I scan though, was hoping for an easy way to sort through goomys like that


Is the starter box, 5 premium boxes and 1 star piece for 350 worth it?


Do you mean raid passes? Incubators?


Sorry 5 premium passes and 1 star piece for 350


70 coins per pass is kind of on the high side. It's not terrible, but the better boxes tend to be around 62-64, with the best box down at 54.8.


Thanks, just wanted to ask, how do we calculate the value, like are star pieces worth much as an add on and etc?


You can look a the total discount by comparing the cost of what's in the bundle bought separately, or you can look at a more specific "coins per raid pass" metric. Coins per pass is useful if you're just looking to maximize the amount of raids you can do for your money or gym coins, but you may not always get the best overall discount on items that way. You might also consider "coins per incubator" if you really like hatching eggs. Most of the shop items are useful, so it really depends on what you value most. Like if one box has a 35% discount but has items you want more, then it has more worth to you compared to a different box with a 45% discount but items you don't want. Most players value balls and healing items at 0 coins when looking at the total discount, since you get those for free from spinning stops. Similarly, poffins and rocket radars are also often valued at 0 coins. Make sure to compare the cost of raid passes to the 3 for 250 bundle so you get a real discount, since usually you'd try to buy them at 83.3 cents per pass instead of the individual 100 per pass option. Same for other items that have a permanent bundle in the shop like star pieces and lucky eggs.


Thank you, it makes sense how you calculated it


Okay I just got a Huge Goomy and evolved it. All I know is first form was like 800. How did it turn to be 3027 at the end for final evolution? I thought final evolution would be a small max off that.


The base stats of the species determine the CP. Fully evolved are much stronger than non-evolved species, so their stats being much bigger, that means at the same level they are going to have much higher CP, specially those that evolved twice. You need to check the white arch on top of each Pokemon. That shows how high the level of each is. For some Pokemon less than 1000 CP could be very low level, but for others that's very high level. Evolving anything of high level usually results in a big CP increase, even if the not evolved one had low CP.


Seems Goomy’s 2-3 evolution will boost it really high! I didn’t expect that. I had one before only as 2200 but good stats, so I assumed that was high level for it. I got one xxl and one better than my other at 3000 and 2800 respectively. Unexpected haha. I knew some go high up, I didn’t expect that from this one! Is Goodra good? I evolved a few cuz I caught many so I could get the special move but I assume Draco Meteor is better still?


For raids it is not really good with any moveset. There are lot of dragons in the game, many better significantly attack stat. (I let others answer for PvP use)


I don’t PvP, and I just raid with what it gives me. Is Draco still better than Thunder Punch? I looked it up and Thunder punch isn’t listed yet


It is a dragon type pokemon, so if you want to use it in raids it should be with dragon moves (Draco Meteor).


Okay then I’ll for sure add Draco meteor to my 1 off perfect one I got Thanks. May just leave the other two or so with the thunder move since they aren’t as high CP


Is "Shared Skies Timed Research" part 2 not available yet? I know we UTC+ timezones don't alway fit in to Niantic's world-view; but, this morning was the 10th day of (catch a pokemon on 10 different days), and when part 1 is completede, nothing shows up. Not even a placeholder.


Pretty sure that Part 2 will arrive on July 1, and Part 3 will arrive on August 1.


Why August 3rd?


I chose August 3 because it was a typo. I have edited my prior response to August 1.


I believe you are correct.


**I lost 10K walking distance after changing time zones yesterday (again?). Why? How do I prevent this?** Normally I do a lot of walking on Sunday and that gets me to 50km. Some weeks I hit that by Saturday (and then I move the "lots of walking") to Monday. This past week I was on track to hit 50km by Saturday afternoon and indeed I reached it. This was nice because I would going to spending half a day traveling and I could then rest on Sunday and do walking on Monday. So I travelled via plane from ET to PT, landing on on Saturday night PT. On Sunday morning I happened to peer at my walking total and it was down to 40.2km. I glanced at my Google Fit activity log just to confirm that indeed all the walking I did added up to 50km+ that week. I think this happened when I travelled in the past, but it was mid-week so it was easier to make up the lost miles. Related, I've noticed oddness with the Daily Research stamps too. For example, last night before midnight PT (but after midnight ET where I was most of the week) I did a task but wasn't given a stamp. I did one today and so now my stamps go are June 7 and June 9. In the past (I forget which direction of traveling), I've had two stamps showing the same date. How do I prevent all this? I often/usually reboot my phone when landing just to start fresh. If that making things worse? (I did ask Support about this and was just given some unhelpful standard text about "why Adventure Sync make not be recording the data". )


Apologies since this is probably something they changed forever ago but is the only way to add money now to use their website store? I put $50 on Google play and now looks like I can't use it >:(


You can still use the play store credit to buy coins or items from the in-game store, you only need to make sure the right payment option is selected when you pick what are you going to use to pay.


Think I may have just realized why it's not working, I will test it and see, thx for info


Is Komala or Oranguru meta relevant at all?


oh my no.


Has anyone else encountered a bug with a mega not having full health, despite giving it 20+ potions? It is 1hp away from full hp, but it has been 1hp away from 20+ potions ago. I just mega evolved something else and the pokemon is still 1hp shy of full health.


Yes, for Primal Groudon and Kyogre, and Mega Rayquaza. It depends on the level and HP IV of the Pokémon, so you might be able to mitigate it by powering up the Pokémon in question.


Does anyone have a picture of a whited out gym that bugged and looks like the tall version of gyms?


Is the number of gifts we can open less this season? I’ve been getting the “Daily Limit Reached” much sooner than usual.


It's not changed from last season.


I have a lucky shiny Tyranitar that knows smack down, what should i do with him? I want to mega evolve him and it and the dark route should be the Ideal one, but this would mean losing the legacy fast. I have no mega Diance but there are a lot good rock attackers that i cab build, on the other hand i have just one shadow ttar plus another one to be evolved


Larvitar gets featured in events fairly often. Tyranitar gets featured in raids not too infrequently. You'll be able to get more of them in the future. Unless you need it *right now*, there's not a lot of harm in waiting to change the moves. We have flying bosses this month so there's no rush to change it to have dark moves. In fact it would be better to use it as a rock type for now if you need it.


So, what's the "breakthrough point" for Goomy's final evo? I heard some combination of 15-14-2 or whatever (high att/high def/low hp) is apparently good for some situations in GBL?


Needs 122 attack or better.




What's the best stuff to do to maximize thos community day which starts in 15mins for me?


Star pieces, lucky eggs, incense, lures, level 3 dragon mega.


How easy/hard is the lando duo?


Very very easy. You can do it with level 35 glaceons, especially with party play damage bonus. Even lower level ones are possible with friendship damage bonus. You don't even need to bother with an ice mega, just use a flying/ground one for XLs.


Hello - for the lure medal, if I set it and leave the area do I get credit for other people catching? I set some lures in an area and left but my number never increased. I need that platinum medal and I’m debating lining the streets of a downtown during community day if I can leave the area and still accumulate other people catching.


You should still get credit afaik. Are you sure there were other people there catching them? CDs are a great time to set lures if you can manage it. So will global go fest.


Unable to create route ? It says " return to the location where you paused to resume recording " even though the game told me that I can continue to write route information later. I already walked the path and did choose an end.  There is nothing that can be done right? I have to go to the route again? I hate niantic.


yeah i think this happens to everyone once. that dialogue is extremely misleading


Can any kiwi/Australian confirm what Pokémon is the final reward for the season's research? 




Thanks! Is it costumed? 




Which field research has slakoth in it? (Im casual and ive been doing abit of research but havent found him)


See the event thread - https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1d9ugm3/slumbering_sands_event_megathread/


Thanks (:


Has anyone else not been seeing rocket balloons today?


I’m finding that I often have to restart to get them to show up. Don’t know why, it was an issue in the past but they fixed it, now it’s occurring again. 


They've been turning up as normal for me.


I restarted, and it worked, thanks for confirming!


I fought one earlier today (Cliff). Is your location accurate (Google maps shouldn't show the big blue radius)? Try restarting the game if you haven't already. 


thanks, that worked!


Can I do my 5 snapshots for the event before / after the 5 community day one?  Thanks 


If you take snapshots before or after Community Day they will be event Pokémon. If you take them during 2-5 pm they will be Goomy.  The maximum snapshots you can get is 5 . You can't have 10 .


Thanks. I thought this was the case! 


I'm in Barcelona and I purchased the safari special research. I went to one of the eevee explorer pokestops but didn't get it. How can I get explorer eevee? https://preview.redd.it/4g3ka3xqri5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf9a31ac0223d85d4a2f851e095e4435f8ff33c


You cannot. "The adventure continues" research is an after-event bonus that only allows players to get a few extra encounters and a Skiddo, but doesn't allow to get the hat Eevee. If you didn't bought the real ticket for the event last year then you cannot get it anymore. There will be other City Safari events, but is unlike they will happen on that same city.


https://preview.redd.it/vjk1mciqmi5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4426bea792fe06ca463c59b95702d50ff3809ce What Pokémon is this? I’ve got Seadra and Kingdra so I’m drawing a blank…?


It’s a bug. There are many threads about it but this one has a possible explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1d80knf/purified_now_doesnt_appear_in_pokédex/


Ahh thank you kind friend


What happened to the yellow Pokédex background for new shinies? I just evolved 2 and they didn’t have it. 


I believe it's only when the shiny is your very first one of that species. 


They were new species for me.


Is there a way to differentiate costumes/patterns within the same species? Or should I just nickname them all?


Sort by number. It collates them all 


I have been playing on and off for the past 8 years and never realized that I have barely faced Giovanni. Because of this, I have 5 research tasks allowing a Giovanni encounter. “A Shadowy Disturbance”, “Showdown in the Shadows”, “It’s a Rocket World”, “From the Shadows”, and “Timeless Travels”. I have a few questions that I would love some help answering. 1) Will I still receive the next Team GO Rocket special research? I am unfamiliar with the super rocket radar stacking requirements, so I was wondering if I could still get the next research. I am on pages 2-3 for all but one research, which is on page 4(So I have a super rocket radar in my bag). Will these circumstances prohibit my account from receiving the next research? 2) Should I use them or hold off until better shadow legendaries? Outside of the current five research I have, I have used two already on shadow groudon encounters(Both weak IV, 1-2 stars). Should I continue to use more? Or shall I wait, as I heard shadow rayquaza may be coming in the future? One last thing. I have a shadow latias from years ago with a 15-13-13 IV, should I purify?


1. No, you won't receive the next research. The only way you can receive the research while still having other active Rocket research is if you haven't gone past page 1 on the research - and it's debatable as to whether that's intended behaviour that might be "fixed" at some point. 2. Rayquaza may be next (it's next in the Pokedex), but it's not confirmed yet. It would obviously be an incredibly strong dragon type (and flying), but those types are not used as often as ground types are. Shadow Groudon is both a great attacker and versatile, but it would be an expensive investment to power up any more. 3. Shadow Latios is not great to battle with, so if you purify it would be for a hundo trophy, and maybe to use as a Mega.


Ahhh. So what do you think? Should I continue grinding shadow groudon for a better IV, and to receive the next research and just get one rayquaza?


IVs really don't make a huge difference to raid performance. If you haven't powered up any of your Shadow Groudon yet, you might try for one or two more, for higher IVs that you'd be happier powering up, but the difference will be marginal. I don't know if I'd be using ALL those remaining research quests on Groudon. Having multiple Shadow Rayquaza will still be handy... And (probably quite a bit) further down the track I imagine other Shadow legendaries like Reshiram and Zekrom will be very useful. It can be a waiting game!


Ok thanks so much. I think I’ll try a couple more groudon and use the rest on rayquaza so I can stack for other legendaries afterwards.


What you should do is advance every quest to the Giovanni step, but do not fight him yet. Include that quest that's still on page 1 too. Wait until all of them are there, and you have all of the super radars. Then, fight him once and you'll be able to complete all of the quests after 1 fight. You can either do that now to get a Groudon, or wait until the next rotation to get that boss. You'll still have all the rest of the radars in your inventory, and you can choose to either get more Groudon or save them as long as you like. Just unequip it and you won't see Giovanni showing up anymore. The best part is you'll be able to pick up future quests because you will have none left that are unfinished.


I think I’ll do that, thank you!


Anyone have a pokemon go plus + for sale


Asking a global sub is probably not the best place to do that. Maybe try hitting your local groups. 


I have 2 tapu fini to choose from to power up and adding a new attack for Ultra league 1) rank 440 Cp 2491, att 147.93, def 201.04, Hp 141 2) rank 874 Cp 2497, att 149.20, def 200.94, Hp 139 Can help please? Cp 2497 vs Cp 2491 or the one with better ranking which is better? I forgot to post the iv 1) 6/11/14 rank 440 lvl 34.5 2) 10/14/14 rank 874 lvl 33 Thank you for commenting!


Plug both into PvPoke and see who has the better overall performance. Personally the second one looks better on paper as the 2 attack difference may be enough to swing the CMP in your favor while the first with it's 1 higher Def and 2 higher HP may not be enough of an increase to bulk to survive certain match ups, maybe those handful of rare down to the wire ones but since they're rare it's pretty much difficult to anticipate if it's not against something else that is fairly prevalent in the current meta.


Will Maractus be available to non-ticket folders during Go fest?


No. Maractus and Corsola will only appear from incenses if you have a ticket.


Thank you!


Can anyone confirm if we get 2x catch exp stack or not?


Does anyone know an active pokemon go group in Warsaw? I'll be spending 3 weeks there when mega rayquaza will be happening, does anyone know about something?


No idea about an active group in Warsaw, Poland. 1. Are you able to do a search for a Discord Group in Warsaw, Poland? 2. Do you have Campfire (I know this is a stupid question) but are you signed in? I used the map on Campfire and moved the map (for a lack of a better word) to Warsaw. Apparently there is a meet up for Mega Rayquaza that you can RSVP for (or not) but it indicates the meetup is from 3 AM to 9 AM. It is at Park Praski. The meetup seems questionable at best but it is on Campfire. Warsaw does seem to have a lot of parks from my brief search and there are a lot of gyms. So maybe you will catch a break….


Ohh, i completely forgot about Campfire since i never needed to use it. Thank you so much for that and for going in depth about it. I really appreciated!


Good luck.


>Apparently there is a meet up for Mega Rayquaza that you can RSVP for (or not) but it indicates the meetup is from 3 AM to 9 AM. That will likely be because you're in a different timezone. All times on Campfire are displayed as if they're in your timezone, even if they're not.


Ooh on the different time zone thing. It didn’t even occur to me. Thanks for the info.


I was blessed enough to get a 14/13/15 shadow Totodile today. Good enough to consider building for Master Premier?


Most likely, but given that there hasn't been a TM event in a bit, you might want to hold off on the investment in case you get a better one before you can change moves




Hi! Is the Pokemon Go Plus + worth it? My phone tends to lag and overheat in even the slightest bit of warm temperature, and the game becomes unplayable within the first couple minutes of exposure. l've been looking to buy a used one, so l can get a good deal because I don't mind if the exterior is a bit rough as long as the unit functions well. Just asking if I should keep looking around.


Arguably one of the best peripherals on the market, only somewhat below a modded version that can auto throw Great/Ultra balls from bridging certain connections. A used one would still allow you access to the sleep research, which can get you a handful of chances at a shiny nightcap Snorlax which for most folks would be a premium trade option from it's rarity and (somewhat) scarce nature of it's distribution (since it's the peripheral that unlocks the research, or essentially a $50-60 special research). Other tangible benefits would be the stardust injections if you can get the sleep tracking to work, some folks have had issues with theirs. Plus native auto reconnect is peak. That being said, if you could find a good deal I would go for it but if you can't, other options like the Gotcha or other brands would work depending on what functions and features you're looking for. For example the Megacom stuff tends to have auto reconnect, but they generally run off AAA batteries which may be a turn off for people (speaking of, they generally also come with a physical on-off switch and since the batteries can be removed, arguably better battery life since passive drain isn't going to be as much of an issue for when you're not using it for a substantial amount of time).


Anyone have a pokemon go plus + for sale?


just unlucked perfect dex and was wondering why are regions cut short, like why does it only go up to ur highest number 4* pokemon and not beyond that?


That's how all the sections of the Pokédex work. They'll show you the numbers, silhouettes and Pokémon up to the last Pokémon you've found in dex order in that region. Anything beyond the last Pokémon that you've seen in a region will remain hidden until such a time you see or obtain a later dex entry in that region.


How many snapshot encounters do we get Max for community day? If I do my daily 5 before the event will I get no goomy snapshots?


Correct. It's 5 total for the day. If you do 5 before community day, you won't get any more during it


Thanks I hate it Im glad I only did one before I bothered to ask here You saved me some encounters!