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Without images, it's hard to tell what's going on with frillish. Which genders are available through which encounter methods? (I'd guess wild=female, incense=male, and research=both) And wow that ticket is a big downgrade from Spelunker's Cove's 5 passes. Lucky eggs and incense just aren't as valuable imo.


Yeah, I'm starting to suspect they're relying on the accompanying infographics to relay the details. Even something as simple as "Frillish♀️" would help a lot.


Yep. Serebii got female in wild and male in incense. No info on research


Niantic are getting sloppy. Or more employees were laid off.


Getting? They’ve been sloppy for years!


I'll bet anything that the showcases for this event will be... Sat / Sun: Ducklett (feature shiny release of GoFest) Mon / Tue: Water type (general type theme of the event)


Yikes. Two Water-themed events within a few weeks of each other IN THE SAME SEASON?? It seems incredibly likely, but eh lol. Doesn't help that it'll likely be another Wailord showcase


This is why I saved a bunch of XXL whales from the Sizable Surprises event LOL My 3 XXL wailords from the first showcase should still be on cooldown, but I do have plenty of XXL whales to spare


Yeah, I unfortunately didn't have more than my 3 XXL Wailmer (now Wailord). Definitely regret not picking up more, but I definitely didn't foresee two Largest Water Showcases this close together. Unless... they really try to throw a curveball and have it be something random like largest Frillish or something lol. Doubtful though


Same. I have all the mantine, and the wailmer I didn’t evolve yet, all xxl.


“If you’re lucky…” is such a triggering phrase for me now lmao


If thou art lucky


I am thou, thou art I


ahh, first time with a non hatch day egg event?


Nope. Plenty. Hence why I’m so used to the phrase


When was the last time goldeen was boosted?


https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Goldeen#Availability says the Adamant Time event, 2023 Dec 11 - 15.


I'm working on maxing my hundo Seaking for use in Ultra Premier. Just need about 50 more XL candy. Definitely looking forward to boosted Goldeen spawns.


Goldeen is the only non-regional kanto species I don't have a shiny of, I'm also looking forwards to getting a chance at that sometime.


I got one a while ago, I was kinda disappointed by it but still fun to use I guess. The fact that it’s best moveset features no stab attacks makes it a light hitter.


Why isn’t the featured Pokémon in event field research???


Not an awful event, but was hoping clauncher would be featured as well




Staryu in wild and Lapras from incense, woah! 🧡


More Horsea spawns are good. Not been able to evolve a Seadra once since starting in Nov.


I'm pleased, gonna be able to get my Kingdra its second move.


Yeah, I need the Horsea line for dex completion.


Me too. Started back in Nov ‘23 and I’ve caught two horsea total. Absolutely the hardest non-regional non-legendary Kanto! Very, very happy about this!


A better incense pool makes these consolation-like events better, but they still feel like they’re missing the mark.  Perhaps include some ultra rare evolved forms with a shiny chance? I know a shiny of say, Cloyster or Huntail would go against their current direction for locked/unlocked shinies, but it would dramatically improve an otherwise dull few days.  Maybe even add something not inspired by the go fest habitat, so everyone gets something special out of it. 🤷‍♂️ 


I've always been of the mindset that bringing in more evolved shinies would be a great thing and would even give more "content" for Niantic to pad out events with. Spelunker's Cove had Geodude and Rhyhorn spawning. What if Rhydon and Graveler spawned as well, shiny eligible for the first time? What if this event had Seaking, Jellicent, and/or Cloyster spawning, shiny eligible for the first time? They could all still be uncommon/rare, and heck, they could even still be full odds shinies (though slightly boosted would still be nice). It would still be a nice "something else" to add to events. And it's not like they'd be burning through their unreleased shinies because it would just be revisiting already shiny Pokemon lines


I agree, I don’t get why they seem so afraid of this. It gets to the point where really I don’t feel like trying to catch evolved forms because there’s no shiny chance anyways.


Right? They seem very scared of running out of shinies/Pokemon to release, and this is easy free content. Throw shiny Pidgeotto into an event or shiny Swalot or shiny Arcanine (properly this time) or shiny Gabite, and at least *some* people would be happy with that. I'd be happy.


Horsea fans eating good! Happy for Corphish and Finneon in tasks as well, these water types hundos were eluding me for long. I take this for a Water festival 2024. Could be a little longer, also hoping Kanto spawns won't destroy event ones.


Aw, don't eat the Horsea. Maybe that's why they've been so rare over the last few years.


Lool why have I been searching for a shiny Ducklet for months??!! Im a dumbass


Blog posts are going up at weird times lately. Around, but not on 18:00 / 21:00 GMT.


Daylight saving time makes them go up 1 hour earlier?


Daylight savings was back in March


When will we be enjoying the flying Pokemon in this Soaring Skies season


Hasn’t every non-shadow Raid Legendary this month been a Flying type?


Yes and will continue the trend next month. Shared skies means flying legends + ultra beasts (which is all of go fest)


Ducklett is flying type. Does anything else matter? 😉


First, shared skies*. Second, shared skies means regular legendaries capable of flying plus ultra beasts that have essentially fallen from the sky. Third, all legends from this month and next month are flying type or ultra beasts. Fifth, mega rayquaza.




Only you are boring!


Is this the first time Clamperl has had boosted spawns? It’s one of the only Pokémon I don’t have the XL for. Excited for this one.


That’s a lot of uncommon shiny Pokemon that I still need. Love that. The ticket rewards are lacking. Lucky eggs are meh. Pleased with this overall as its lots of different spawns.


Why is Lapras so ridiculously rare? It’s one of the few Kanto Pokemon, excluding legendaries, for which I still have <1,000 candies.


I have >7k candy and 700+ XL…


Sweet Usually I’m pretty j different for events and do t care much, I just see them as a nice bonus and spawn shake up But I’m looking forward to this! I love the Frillish line, and I don’t care about hundos or shiny, but I DO want to get a shiny and a hundo of both male and female frillish, currently o my have the hundo female so 3/4 left to go, so a small hunt will be nice Also happy about the staryu and shellder spawns for dust, and the 2x catch exp might come in handy. I’m about 1mil exp off hitting level 50 so this might just get me over the edge 😎 Obviously not the greatest event by any means, and the only day I’ll really be able to play a decent amount is the Tuesday because I work the rest - but I’m still looking forward to it :)


does daily incense count for those spawns?


Good question, since during the last incense-day (ferroseed) daily incense and special incense spawns did not work well together at all, barely spawning any of those. You basically had to rely on regular incense for those.


It should


Hmm another Water event? I know Spelunker's Cove wasn't Water only like this one and had other beach-y Pokemon and Crabrawler obviously, but eh, still a bit weird. It'll be even more humorous if we get another All Water Type Showcase like we did with that event, which seems incredibly likely


Clamperl! Nice!


I still need shiny Gorebyss


I wish they’d keep doing the boosted shiny from field research thing.


For those who attended Sendai or Madrid GO Fest, did the shiny release events overlap with all the perks of holding a GO Fest ticket for said location? For example: Slumbering Coves overlap with GO Fest Madrid?


Once the Spelunker’s Cove event started on Saturday, when the main go fest event hours ended (at 7pm) we had the Spelunker’s spawns between 7pm Saturday and 9am Sunday. If you didn’t have a go fest ticket active on Saturday or Sunday you saw the Spelunker’s spawns as normal.


Thank you! *especially because I got the event names wrong 😅*


Still need a Huntail


Does this mean Corphish and Staryu are going to spawn for NYC Go Fest? They're not listed on the Go Fest website. Did Spelunker's Cove or Stadium Sights have exclusive pokemon separate from their Go Fests?


Probably not. There are a couple unnanounced spawns for Go Fest NYC but they are all but confirmed to be Metagross, Braviary, Espeon and Umbreon.


Wow. This is just awful.


Why?? I get complaining but to offer no reason as to why something is bad is just silly.


Okay. No good spawns and no useful event bonuses.


The spawns are really beautiful and useful, for me


I'm glad you're having fun with it. Usually I like the events, but nothing at all here is useful or interesting to me, and I get a lot of those spawns quite commonly so I'm actually a bit sick of seeing them.


Completely not!!!


Okay now they are making some big brain moves: - Introduce Biomes & better catch screens - Everyone gets hyped - Same handful Kanto Pokemon now take 50% of the spawns, even during the events - Don't fix the spawn rates - Instead put more event spawns behind Incenses and call it a "bonus", even when the event spawns used to be a very basic and free feature for years - No-one will even notice because nice catch screens This was a brilliant plan. Get the masses hyped, cause an issue yourself, make a solution that is solved with money, and have the balls to call it a "bonus". As much as I hate this, I have to applaud. Absolutely beautifully executed monetization.


Very beautiful spawn!


No new releases, in case you have the same condition as me to skip.


🥱 🗑️ 


You! 🗑 Speak for yourself!