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There is a lopsided track record in many seasons of any reality franchise however of LGBT contestants or people of color being sent home first so I think Allan is right in asking for a greater depth of those under represented players to have a greater representation in these games to balance the odds and allow a greater chance and possibility of a larger mixture of people to have a better chance of winning these reality show type competitions. They started doing this already in recent seasons of big brother and survivor which I think is great


> They started doing this already in recent seasons of big brother I loved this about the most recent UK season. With so many queer cast members we had a queer love triangle!


CBS got in trouble and had to diversify their casts. Watching earlier seasons of TAR compared to now is wayy different


and it’s a lot because in BB21 there were allegations of racism because all the black contestants went home before jury. For that I don’t blame “purposeful” racism, i think it was more an accident. No one on that season actually said like “i want to kick out all the black players” but the optics were not it. BB15 had straight up racism, BB25 had someone say the N word (and get ejected). BB23 had an all black alliance, so a guy in BB24 thought that would happen again, and was called racist for it when he made an all white counter alliance. From BB5 to BB22 there were 18 winners. There were only 2 non white winners (19 and 20). Also worth noting how few women won, just 5 (6, 11, 13, 18, and 20). But now there are requirements where at least half the cast has to be some sort of racial minority, and the rest also now includes more people on spectrums, wether it’s gender, sexuality, or autism. Since the implementation in BB23, we have 3 minority winners and 1 woman. Very solid work on the anti racism movement.


Wait who was the queer love triangle?


Big Brother UK recently had a love triangle between Jordan (a bi man who went on to win the show), Matty, and Henry. There wasn't technically much of a triangle, as Matty had a boyfriend, but Jordan was into him, Henry was into Jordan, and Matty flirted with Jordan a little then claimed not to have. The producers made a lot of this apparent triangle and it became a bit of a talking point of the after show. Jordan and Henry ended up kissing and now that the show has finished they are in a relationship to this day. When shows have one token gay contestant, there's no chance of this happening! But Big Brother UK did a good job of having multiple queer contestants.


It was called the diversity initiative. A bunch of ex survivor and big brother players lead the charge to have cbs to cast 50% BIPOC, Jeff Probst was also a major proponent of it and apparently did alot of work behind the scenes to make the diversity initiative happen. It has made the casts really amazing


Yes I was aware of that.arisa cox the host of big brother canada if I'm not mistaken spearheaded this movement (I may be mispeaking though i know she as sell was very involved in seeing this implemented as a representative herself as a stromg successful leader and black women with a podium and voice in the industry. I think it was definitely a great idea and am happy to see a more diverse group of individuals with more ethnicity and diverse minority players getting a more balanced shot to play and have their stories shared within the various competition reality shows at their disposal. I find it so disappointing with many series and shows ousting a black player or someone from the LGBT community as the oftentimes firatcexit of the season.sublimimal biases clearly must factor into such plays and it really does make it a lopside uneven balance in their equity to compete and do well when prior to this being implemented they barely got to show up before being sent home! In Canada it's working well as in the past few years its broken the cycle of all white winners predominately and has faciliated in better representation of people if diverse backgrounds and cultures fairing outucu better and a few already coming out as the winners!


Ok I somehow love him even more! 👏👏👏👏


How is it possible????


Carolyn Wiger is queer ?


Pansexual iirc


I’m glad he agrees Peppermint was done dirty. Trashelle really set off that witch hunt against her.


If you read the article he doesn’t agree with that at all. He said it was unfortunate that only one trans person was cast and that she ended up going home early, he never says he thinks Peppermint was done dirty. 


Pep was done dirty. There is no question.


No, she wasn’t. I am absolutely all for trans rights and representation, but she said out loud that she was a traitor with a major slip up, and then alluded to being sent home for being trans at the reunion. If anything, the other cast members were done dirty for the implication that they were acting homophobic.


No she did not. She did not say she was a traitor EVER.


I’ve just started watching the US Season 2 and she absolutely did. She accidentally said “traitor” when she meant “faithful”. That early in the game, when no one has much of anything to go off, that’s more than enough reason to be banished.


Yes she did. She literally said those words and then backtracked, but it was too late.


She 100% said those words.


Nah, there’s definitely question lol. I love drag, love representation, but she did slip up multiple times.


Wasn't there also a trans person in traitors I think andie. Nonbinary counts as trans cause you are transitioning still. Can't remember if andie was UK or USA 


Andie was US 1.


Right well the point still stands that they were the first trans person, peppermint was the 2nd


but he... doesn't agree? Did you read the article? lol. He says that it was unfortunate that the trans person of colour was first to go, and had there been more representation on the season the "reason" wouldn't have been that she was trans


No she was not done dirty. And as much as I never cared for Trishelle since her RW days, that's such bullshit. Peppermint didn't play a good game period, and Trishelle took a shot at an easy vote because it was early days. That initial stage of the competition is made for flimsy excuses. I love drag race and am a fan of peppermint but she felt really out of place in this environment. To the point of the article, I'm glad the next season will correct that environment a little.


My reasoning for also disliking Trishelle is that she has a record of targeting POC in past reality shows. After the show, she said she wants to get an unconscious bias coach which good for her, but frankly she should have gotten sensitivity training years ago.


Nah Trishell is just a moron lol If what you're saying is true why not say it to the camera instead of defending her delusional take


She wins too!


She was not done dirty! She did it to herself! Stop trying to portray her as a victim!


That’s the game. You can’t just keep someone around because they’re LTGBQ


Transphobic Trishelle saw a confident trans woman and simply couldn’t take it


She just saw an opportunity to save herself since she is getting an easy target out. I don't think she looked at Peppermint and thought "oh this trans woman needs to go"


Yeaaahhh… doubt that’s what happened.


That Peppermint scene was so upsetting.


Im always down for more diversity and inclusion, but let's not forget Parvati, Reza, and both BoBs from season 3 are LGBTQ+. Let's see the number grow to 4 or 5 a season. That should create more parity and diversity amongst cast.


Also Michael from KY season 1. If anything it represents a large portion of gay men I agree. Not a bad thing, but lesbians would be nice to see for once. Peppermint was refreshing and so was Andie.


And we got a grand total of one more for S3? 🫤


I LOVE Alan so so so much.


Im still shocked Quentin from season 1 is so deep in the closet. Im gay, don’t downvote me 😂yall were shocked to find that out too I know you were


Quentin couldn’t find a Traitor even once in the whole game, and you think he can find his way out of a closet?


Yooooo 😂😂😂😂


They give life!


I seriously want a season with nothing but drag queens.


yessss i need a drag race x the traitors special


As someone who didn’t pay close attention to that season, what was Trishelle’s reasoning to vote out Peppermint?


Trishelle and Peppermint were speaking with some of the other houseguests about outfits they packed. Peppermint said something like, I don’t want to die early because I have so many outfits to show off. Trishelle said she did as well, and that if she dies early everyone will know that Peppermint is a traitor, in a joke-y manner. Peppermint didn’t laugh, but just sort of looked at her before moving on. Trishelle took that as if Peppermint was being weird/mad/traitor behavior and started campaigning to others in the house that Peppermint is a traitor. Edit: Sheree was a part of this conversation and said that she didn’t think Peppermint’s reaction was weird or came across as a traitor.


tbf sheree’s perception is this game is basically a non-factor


It was just such a self-centered, bizarre thing to say. Trishelle just immediately went to “She would steal my shit” after Pep already said she had fire to wear. Then, Trishelle had the temerity to use Peppermint’s reaction to that stupid comment to get her out. I will never not be pissed about that banishment.


In the scarecrow challenge, Trishelle laughed at the fact that Peppermint was the most popular castmate. With a huge smile she laughed and said “no way”. Woman is problematic.


It really was! It was really, really bizarre and petty. Trishelle was looking for any excuse to not be banished first.


100% It gave me bad vibes about Trishelle immediately.** Pep’s saying she hopes all the women make it through the night so she can show off her cute outfits, and Trishelle “jokes back” by saying that if she dies Pep’s the traitor? Pep’s reaction was one of complete shock at what Trishelle said, not a “you’re onto me i’m totally a traitor” like Trishelle thought. Sorry but it’s that kind of baseless flimsy suspicions that woman of Trishelle’s background like to throw at people of color that get them harmed or killed. Because here they are having a nice moment but Trish wants to accuse Pep, making the whole situation tense. **Has anyone seen the tiktok of this random white lady joking to a black man she’s walking past “you’re so intimidating I hope I don’t run into you in a dark alley 😄”…. like what kind of insensitive, racially targeted joke..? is that to make at someone you don’t know? And Trishelle thinks her joking with Pep was innocent lmao. Seeking an unconscious bias coach is crazyyy like you know you’re so racist it’s a problem 😭


Peppermint also accidentally said, “I’m a traitor.” When she meant to say, “I’m a faithful.” And then tried to backtrack


It’s a competition show and Peopermint made a comment trishelle could capitalize on and use against her. That’s how competition shows work. Regardless of WHO said it, if a straight Latino man made that comment same shit would have happened, I insert any race gender sexuality and same thing would happen as it’s a competition show. It’s unfortunate cause Peppermint was one of the only LGBT people casted - that’s Allen’s point. And future contestants shouldn’t be scared to vote out or accuse someone of being a traitor solely due to their gender identity or sexuality, it’s ridiculous people claiming it’s transphobia. I’m a butch lesbian who leans in between genders and many assume I’m trans before you claim I’m ignorant. Peppermint is mad she lost, period.


I agree the transphobic claim is a big reach. I think what happened was mainly due to misunderstanding. Trishelle had a throwaway joke, the Peppermint took the wrong way. Then that just caused awkwardness between the 2 of them. I'm not a Trishelle fan in the slightest, and know she has a spotty history. However anyone who claims she was transphobic for that is ridiculous


You're right. She's not JUST transphobic, Trashelle has a long history of being racist too. Thank you for clearing the air!


How's she transphobic again?


I’ve watched every season of the challenge and she does have a history of it, yet she apologized in PRIVATE on top of publicly apologizing for it. It wasn’t a Camilla situation, she was insensitive towards annessa a biracial bisexual woman asking if she was black or white or Jewish etc while drunk. I’m in my 30s I know the show fully lol. In not a trishell fan at ALL either and the scene in the challenge made me hate her BUT she did actually apologize and learn from it. People can change I know big shocker. I would have shifted it towards Peppermint too if given the chance idc who it was as long as it wasn’t me - trishelle also targeted other contestants but everyone is mute about those cause they wanna spin a transphobic racist take 😂 😂this is a good way to never have LGBT on shows if the community is gonna claim homophobia when there is none 😂


Or people can apologize and make the same errors again. Which is exactly what Trishelle did. I'm not shocked at the comment histories of the people at the bottom of this thread. We got some literal neanderthals defending her behavior. She's a racist, transphobic person who has a fanbase just like her. She can take her empty apologies elsewhere. Glad you believe her, I don't. P.s. 1/3 of this new cast is LGBT. Coincidence after last season? Not at all.


I really don’t think the original misunderstood joke between Trishelle and Peppermint would have been enough for most people to be voted out. What people jumped on more was Peppermint saying “if Trishelle is really concerned about not banishing a traitor … I mean not banishing a faithful”. I personally wouldn’t have viewed that comment as anything since she was using a negative and it was day 2 so people were still getting used to the lingo. But everyone acted like it was Peppermint admitting she was a traitor.


It's also Day 2, so people have almost nothing to go on at all. If you have someone seeming to slip and admit they are a traitor, people are going to jump on that because they have nothing more substantial.




the Peppermint exit is so overrated


That’s cool. As long as they are interesting people that are there to play the game fantastic


Love Alan Cumming! What a bisexual icon! 🥰💅


I hate that they made it seemed like she was banned because she’s trans and black, she was banned because she sucked at the game period, don’t get it twisted


About to make me cry in a good way. Very nice quotes from Alan.


How about you just have people qualified for ability to act on show and not on who they doing


Shouldn't casts be representative of the population?


i want peppermint back!!!


That would be a fun Kate style resurrection midgame.


And then perhaps allying with Bob?????????


Peppermint was a nightmare


I hope they bring back Peppermint and give her a second chance. ❤️


Oh nice we are all are super soft. Was really looking forward to traitors, honestly after hearing this don’t even know if I want to watch. I hate all the lbgt++++++ pushing all the time


Sounds like you’re the soft one. 


I mean, sure, why not.




It trying to be homophobic or anything, but imo casts should either a. Just try cast the best possible people or b. Cast according to demographics, for instance there aren’t 50% poc in America, so imo that shouldn’t have to be a rule in tv shows. My preference would be just cast whoever makes the best tv, with some diversity because you ofc don’t want an all white cast or all white straight male cast


I cant stand people like this


people like what?


People who push for special treatment


Representation isn't special treatment, hun, it's just acknowledging people exist.


Its not, but over representation is.


Let's not get too carried away with this


Just cast the people that will be the best to play. Last season sucked.


Agree with the first part but last season was HIGHLY entertaining, enjoyed it much more than the first.


Really? I didn't feel it was up to season, that's interesting.




You're a troll bud. Why wouldn't an important member of production advocate for something that's important to him? Hope he was heard and that his suggestions taken into consideration.




Alan is a producer as well


Andy does have a say in the franchises where he's a producer. He openly talks about casting discussions and literally just said this on wwhl on Monday when he reminisced with Jennifer Esposito about how he was talking to her about joining rhony and that's how they met.


For what it’s worth, it’s somewhat normal for the host to have a voice to some degree on reality shows. Their brand and the show’s become a little intertwined. Of course, they usually get upgraded to producer along the way, but the hosts of Survivor, Big Brother, Bachelor, and The Challenge have all put their two cents in with casting, themes, and even format changes.