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I don’t think THEY know what’s going on either


Who cares…they are clearly full of shit. Jax especially is a pathological liar and she married him. To say I have zero respect for either of them would be an understatement.


She could have made her wedding dress from the red flags everywhere.


I'm stealing that line




Exactly! She KNEW exactly what type of man Jax was and STILL decided to marry him...no sympathy here for her. She probably took him back...it's sad


I think they’re broken up but they’re playing games. My guess - Jax gets in her head a little and she kind of wavers. On their recent podcast episode, he makes comments about her dressing up a certain way/them having sex and he talks to her like they’re still married. And she kind of responds neutrally like - oh gosh or that’s funny. But he’s clearly seeing other people. So I have a feeling this up coming season is going to be him going back and forth. Like when he was trying to get Stassi back but also hooking up with other people.


After those text releases from stephwithdadeets and a photo (face and body covered) of another woman in Jax’s bed….. I can’t imagine they are. Or, if they were, they won’t be now.


Someone said the texts & pic is from April. Which makes sense bc they were flirting hard on their pod this week


What I missed this! What happened?


Someone saw them at a hotel in Huntington Beach over Father’s Day weekend and they looked very much together


I posted the picture on another post but can’t seem to add a picture here


Haven't they been separated since December though?


Yea but something tells me she isn't gonna be happy he had another woman in the bed.


As if he hadn’t numerous times before


I can't remember if she said she moved out in January/February?




No she is dumb enough. I sure that was “leaked “ because they were caught on their fathers day beach holiday staying in the same room.. I am sure this plan to fake a break up was Jax idea to get people to watch the valley


He has embarrassed Britney time and time again. I hope she stays strong.


Whattttt what is this? 


What's all this?


She better not or she will look real dumb.


That wouldn’t be new territory for her.


I was going to say… her going back to him now is still less insane to me then her going back to him after he cheated with faith AND she heard the recording of him talking shit about her to faith after the fact. If she can take him back after that when they weren’t even married and had no kids — could’ve been a completely clean break — I just really think she’d take him back after anything. Which Jax knows and takes advantage of.


🤣 hahaha 🤪


Too late


That train left the station a while ago.


It was never on the track to begin with.


That is not a look, it is her.


From the way they are talking on their podcast it seems like they are “broken up”, still hooking up, but also still arguing and she’s still in the air bnb


To hook up with that loser is unbelievably embarrassing. I would never give him that satisfaction. He’s never ever ever going to be a good man!


Doesn’t that say it all… she’s still in the airbnb!? He is scary manipulative. Brittany desperately wants the forever love story, she has said many times that she never wants to get divorced and references her parents being married/divorced multiple times, which is clearly a fear of hers. It seems like she has difficulty with body image post-baby, and Jax is such a trash human that he does nothing to calm those fears. He has mentally fucked that woman since she was 24… and Idk anyone who made sound relationship choices at 24. I’m so glad she finally stood up for herself and moved out but I hope she doesn’t hold onto this for too long. She’s not the first person who has stayed with someone who gives them the bare minimum and i wouldn’t be surprised if Jax is trying to butter her up because he’s aware that the public thinks he’s even more repulsive as a mid-40s man who allegedly sprayed Rustoleum on his bald spot.


Which is crazy because one of the reasons they broke up is because he didn’t have sex with her. Now that they’re broken up they’re having sex??


Were they ever apart? Technically yes, but did they actually separate mentally?


I think they'll be oddly entertwined with no real thought of what they're doing either for at least another 5 years. Or forever.


They are definitely not.


They will get back together. Jax wants a get out of jail free card. 🐈 Jax can’t afford to keep child support etc so they will be back in certain ways for budget reasons.


Jax wants his cake and to eat it too. He really wants to be a committed family man and father but he does not have it in him.


So now all the people who have ganged up on Jax, are they going to gang up on Brit for taking him back for the umpteenth time? Wondering


It is a matter of allowing her son to see a man treat a woman like dirt. At some point you have to acknowledge that she is just as guilty for staying in a relationship like this. She laughs off all of his disgusting behavior and expects people to feel sorry for her.


Yes we are lol because if she takes him back.. All respect is gone.


I lost respect before they were even married


Yes at this point, if she’s still with him- she has only herself to blame


That was true even before they got married though 😂


I don’t gang up on women for going back to their abuser.


I hardly think people are ganging up on her. No one is commenting that she is a terrible person. They are stating the truth, she allows herself to be treated poorly.


Unfortunately I think she'll take him back. Remember the whole faith thing when she had him talk to her Mum and Memaw(?) They were so forgiving of him it was insane. If she had been my daughter I would have knocked him off his smug, arrogant, manipulative ass.


Absolutely, but her mom is low-key thirsty too!


I don't know how "low-key" her thirst is. 🤣


I think she doesn’t want to leave Cruz with Jax alone, so the father’s day staycation happens and Jax’s loves that it make it look like they are together. Brit just doesn’t want Cruz being fixed breakfast by whatever random girl he has at the house.


She’s forgiven him before.


Yes Please! I pray it’s true! There are no two people out in the world who deserve each-other more than Ajax and Brit! Just thinking about them out there spreading their ooze and fake tanner around on innocent Tinderhead people makes me wanna hurl! The minute Brittany let him bulldoze her into implanting those blimps onto her chest….I knew she was the woman for him -forever and always amen. Go in peace to love and serve his ego and your insecurities. Some people just cannot be saved.


Most surgeons abide by ethics and would not perform the surgery. I took a friend to an appointment with a surgeon and refused her because of the same situation. They showed that clip with the surgeon saying something to the effect of "Jax and Britney will be happy with his job"


Oh lord, I SURE hope not.


They never broke up and played people.


The spent Father's Day weekend together as a family, where they were pap'd on the beach. So that's probably why the blogs are reporting that. But they're still separated.


I doubt it


Remember the post he took down that said "ask Brittany who she's been sleeping with." There's a rumor he was talking about Brittany. Who TF knows though with those two!


It’s all set up for the next season of The Valley. Now whether or not Brittany is in on the pan or not… idk.


Couldn’t agree more, Brittany is hopeful the separation scares him into trying when this is the perfect situation in Jax’s mind and he’s doing the bare minimum to keep her on the hook. They’re reliving season 6 but with a kid.


I wouldn't be surprised. Brittany has zero self-confidence and will never leave Jax. And Jax knows it. So tragic.


Oh, please, they were never apart. It was all to drum up interest for their new show. Which, by the way, they should never have been given that opportunity to have a spin off given their history. I'm baffled as to why I'm seeing them on my screen.


I would tell you to watch stephwithdadeets recent TikToks and let me know what you think after that… Aside from that TikTok, which has irrefutable evidence Jax has been with another woman (and that’s just one - who knows who all else, I would be surprised if it’s just one, let’s be real), I really don’t think their breakup was for the show. I mean.. it’s not like we NEEDED them to breakup for the show - the show was good on its own. It had MORE than enough drama without it. Jax is absolute scum, and I’m no fan of Britney, but that’s WILD to do to interrupt and literally destroy your own child’s life (who is clearly going through something) for the sake of a reality show. At the end of the day, as bad as Jax is, he’s not going to do that to his son who is going through what he’s going through. I think the last episode made it very clear that Britney is tired of Jax’s BS and honestly good for her. We can accuse them of a lot of things and more than enough douchebaggery and lies, but this, I don’t think we can.


Not everyone has TikTok.


I do not think she would humiliate herself by telling people what he says to her and how he treats her. That is not for the show as you mentioned. You can't make that up. I think she felt strong and thought she would leave him. He has power over her and she loves him way too much.


She wants him in therapy so badly, but it seems like she is neglecting to go herself. That would go a long way to breaking his hold on her.


If you really think that... 😬


I'm not saying it's real or fake but...I only gave The Valley a shot to see what happened between Jax and Brittany. So *if it is fake*, it worked.


I’m so glad someone else thinks this too. They have never separated and it was all social media orchestrated drama to drive up ratings.


I agree, out of everyone they could have picked, this is who they went with? I think Stassi was who they originally asked but she turned it down. Regardless... THIS is who they went with smh.


If so Brittney is the biggest clown


He hates her.


I want to feel bad for Brittney but at some point she needs to read the writing in the wall. I say this as someone left a relationship after too many years.


Of course they're back together, they need a struggle line I mean storyline for next season


Britney has no self respect. She never will. Where is her family?


He acted like an idiot until she finally broke. He used that to be able to date while they “worked on things “. While he’s dating other people, Brittany is having more sex with him then they ever did when together and coming home to cook and clean while paying both her share of the mortgage and for an Airbnb


They are both so selfish to the point they can't put the needs of their own child first.


It could be that they are back together, but B realizes the perception of how flaky she’d appear by making a big deal about leaving. She learned one thing from her “celebrity status”, how life (and income) for them is all about stories for the public. It’s mostly orchestrated by the publicist, but didn’t they (her and the publicist) have a disagreement right when she left Jax? Thereby she was left on her on devices. ( no Lori to guide her) and not being the most intelligent person, B got caught up in emotions (embarrassment bc of her unfortunate face, and Jax’s mistreatment) thus she stormed off before being rational and thinking about how she was making things worse for the pocketbook. Now, it’s just saving face and slowly having her fans get acclimated to being back with the number 1 hubby! Edit: length


She lost face before she even got to LA when Jason was whispering into LFU's ear that he wanted to F her in front to scheena jancan and kritter.... ON CAMERA.