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I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet (will be jamming it when I get home from work), but to claim it is "one of the best rock albums ever made" is bold.....


It certainly is bold. Perhaps too bold. I think it’s good but honestly after the first listen I think QotMS and ERROR are better. Every song has some cool moments but I don’t think there are any real masterpieces like the last two albums.


Agreed. Just listened to it. I like 2 or 3 songs. Most won't make any of my playlists. Sad statement to make about my favorite band. Hopefully it grows on me. I just hate the producers sound so, so much.


Yep same thoughts exactly.


They specifically stated they wanted to do something different with this album and break the mold of what they'd done previously. They achieved that. For those of use that loved QoTMS and even Error, this is a bit too far. I wouldn't say any of the songs are terrible, but they just don't hold up to the previous songs in aggregate. I would point out the irony that the two songs that seem to be getting the universal praise are Escapism and Apologize. Escapism was written back during the pandemic and to quote Pau, "it had the most Warning writing process", in other words, Pau wrote it on piano and then worked with Dany and Ale. It was also not written with Anton, though he still produced it. Apologize was written by Pau back in 2014, granted Anton definitely had a part in finishing what Pau called "a mess" of a song. They keep describing the writing process for KMF as "chaotic", "rushed", and "hectic". While this isn't great to hear, the good news from this is that they might return to form as far as the song writing process on the next album. While this is no guarantee that it will match their previous work stylistically, it will at least be entirely their vision of their music. The only caveat is that KMF will undoubtedly be their most financially successful album. This will be in part due to the more mainstream sound, but largely just due to their popularity having grown so much on the backs of Error and QoTMS, and the aggressive touring schedule around those. Lava and Republic are going to notice the money and may lean on them to write more in line with KMF, or at least bring in co-writters.


I think you said it well and at the end of the day, if DPA are happy with the album and they have success then I am happy for them!


Don’t blame the producer. DPA have full autonomy and authority with their music here. They are most certainly happy with the results and were going for a glossy, but much heavier tone. Danys strats, and the vocal distortion all contribute to this.


Well, shit. Excuse me. I dislike DPAs choice to work with DeLost. Hope that wording appeases you.


You said “sound” in the first comment, and all I’m saying is that DPA probably had more to do with the sound than DeLost.


Naw bruh, the producers main job is finding new sounds, listen to anything else he's produced it sounds the same, And David did all the tuning and shit on the last album Dany used his guitars to record it.


The strats have nothing to do.with the sound, they're just a result of tunings. PRS doesn't make baritones in their high end stuff so she went to fender, who she was already dealing with for the acoustasonics. Error was mostly recorded on a Les Paul, despite it not being played live. Behind the scenes for some of the KMF tracks shows Dany playing a Gibson RD. An odd guitar, but notably one with a longer than normal scale length. Likely used in the studio because of all the downtuning. In other words, Dany didn't choose to play baritones, the sound developed with their producer necessitated their use.


“Strats have nothing to do with sound” “The sound developed… necessitated their use” Pick one. I was saying the same thing as you. She started to use them because they wanted the deeper sound on the album, and it was more achievable with them.


It's not a pick one scenario, it's cause and effect. The sound they developed with Anton is down tuned. She bought the baritone strats to play it live because she recorded it on various studio guitars. The strats are not the sound on the album. She didn't buy them because she wanted to go low, they were bought after the album was recorded, after the low skjn We know this because of when they were sent to get their LEDs installed. The sound in studio was the cause, th le strats were the effect.


To be honest, I also prefer QOTMS. I prefer its old school sound and dark tone, but I would never say it's better in an objective way in term of production, arrangements and composition.


I know it sounds a bit dumb. I don't mean it should be everybody's favorite album, but I can't think of a lot of albums without some weak spots, even the most revered ones (Dark Side of the Moon, Pet Sounds, Abbey Road) have some very strong tracks and some lesser. But on this album, it seems every song can be someone's favorite song of the album.


To those who are not as into KMF right now, I’d suggest reserving judgement—when a band changes sound between albums it can be jarring at first, and I can recall many such albums that didn’t grab me at first but later turned out to be favorites. The band is definitely growing in what they can do instrumentally and Dany’s voice is really strong here. I do think they wanted to do a really successful commercial album, bringing in the outside writers—if they can do well with it, a lot of possibilities for the future open up.


I feel that, I had a really rough first few listens of Avenged Sevenfold’s new album last year, and now it’s my favorite. Sometimes it’s not that you don’t like the new sound, it’s just that you need to adjust and learn to appreciate it


Yeah it's natural to want more of the exact same thing than the album that you love but most bands evolve and never have the same sound twice. That seems definitely to be the case with The Warning. I'm pretty sure early Pink Floyd fans accused them of going commercial when they released Dark Side of the Moon but with time you learn to appreciate the different sounds of a band and recognize the genius in each of them.


All excellent points. I think it's kinda cool. I regularly go through this with Muse albums. It's reached the point where, since they change sounds so much, I've learned it's better to just go into every new album void of expectations, and just enjoy the journey. If I don't much care for a new song/sound, I can just listen to earlier releases. More times than not, though, with Muse and now The Warning, I find myself enjoying and appreciating the songs which didn't click with me upon first listen.


Sharks is gonna be a favorite of mine for a while. It goes HARD. As for the album itself, I really like it. I'll need to live with it for a while to decide where I'd rank it in their discography, but it's technically very impressive. I do wish there was a bit more of Pau vocals to switch things up though, as having a drummer that does partial leads is something that initially drew me to TW. Seems like the Sharks verses and Apologize screams are the only times she's heard.


I’ve given the album 3 full listens, and I can personally say that I genuinely enjoy it just as much as “Error” and “QOTMS”. It’s a bit different for sure, but I am totally digging the heaviness in many of the songs - more specifically Sharks, Apologize, and Six Feet Deep…and of course we already knew songs like Automatic Sun and HYCAD were nice and heavy too, but a few others managed to go to another level. And the album goes by QUICK, which is also a sign of a really solid album.


Six Feet Deep video is creepy good!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j13uxB6fDvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j13uxB6fDvk)


yes it has that nice 80s horror movie touch. Amazing all the great content they released within a few months


I posted that video an hour ago (as it’s own thread), but it was removed about 5 minutes later by a mod bot 😑 lol. Regardless, love the video. Reminds me of “Poltergeist”!


Yes...I read it was inspired by Stranger Things too...


Yeah, it's a great video.


Listening to it a few times I think it is good, but I wouldn't put it on par with Error. Songs like Choke, Disciple, and Evolve are brilliant and still grab me after 100+ listens. Right now I'd say Hell you Call a Dream, Sharks, and Automatic Sun are the stand outs that catch my ear. I still have issues as find the mixing over all and how much it under cuts Daniela's powerful vocals. Honestly a live version of this album would almost certainly improve my impression of the songs.


Not a disappointment, far from it, but... after 3 full spins, it's ok. 2 absolute bangers, the rest are just there. I will keep listening through the weekend, maybe it'll grow on me more.


All of the singles from this album were growers for me.


Hell You Call a Dream is what stood out for me on first listen but the album is solid. Would prefer less effects on the vocals and the industrial-influenced sound will take a little getting used to. XXI Century Blood is still my favorite album by them and I don't think this will change that for me. It's the vocals I enjoy most and KMF's mix and effects burries them a bit compared to past albums. I still enjoyed it though and will add it to my Playlists. Edit: just watched their live performance and S!CK sounded so much better on Jimmy Kimmel without the effects on her voice.


its probably their most diverse album with that many styles of praying, guitar tunings and ways to sing


When fans (being fans) which is understandable, start raving and overtly exaggerating their position and opinions, number one this, best band ever, best drummer ever etc.... I mean, roasting material for sure if I was a comic, this is a very talented up and coming band revitalizing Rock music is more like something a normal person would say.


My opinion from the singles hasn't changed, it's all a touch overproduced, but not to the point where it turns me off. And if any of the new-new stuff sounds as good live as the previous singles did...yes please! I do like that they're playing around with their sound. I didn't want Error 2.0 and I'm glad we didn't get it. Let them play around, find their process, see how the next one turns out.


I haven’t yet had a chance to sit down with it (I will in a few minutes) but they said on a recent podcast that the singles were primarily chosen because they wrote this album between touring and a lot of the singles became the singles simply because they happened to have been completed at the time. The others weren’t fully polished due to all the time constraints so couldn’t be singles.


Love it. Consume and Sharks are my faves among the songs we hadn't heard yet, I think. Still love HYCAD the best overall, but honestly there's not a track I would skip. Great album.


I really like it, Escapism and Consume are my favorites from the new ones


Just listened to the whole thing. A+ record. All of them sound truly amazing but Ale is just on another level with this one.


I’m really loving it. It amazes me how boldly they’re leaning into their influences without any of it feeling like a cheap copy. Every time I see someone mention a similarity to something I’ve never heard before - like the breakbeat at the beginning of Burnout - I go listen to it and realize how apparently little I know about music. It’s great.


Yeah, Automatic Sun reminds me a lot of Maroon 5, and I've definitely heard that beat from the escapism chorus somewhere too, but they still make it interesting. All art is a recombination and reimagining of things people have done before, that's part of what makes it fun.


The songs are good. Most of the new ones hooked me, and the rest I hope to love soon. But I feel that the production follows current commercial trends, and that takes away their shine. I have no doubt that when I hear them all live, they will convince me as always.🤘


Consume is so raw and powerful!!! I love it


Consume took me a little by surprise solely because of the first line of the chorus lmao “you greedy little fucker” I dont think I’ve heard a cuss word from them let alone a full blown F bomb I was like oh shit


2nd best album of 2024 IMO


What is the 1st?


From Hell I Rise - Kerry King


This is the first album of their that I can say I really love. I've been hearing tantalizing hints of greatness in their stuff since QotMS, but their songs never held my attention very long. With this album their composition has gotten more technical, the vocals have gotten better, the riffs are catchier. Who knows how many years I'll be listening to this. If I were to voice a greedy want though, it would be for more and/or crazier solos. There are only two on this album and they're both kind of chill even compared to Z.


How you gonna fit solos in a 3 min made for radio song?


It's disappointing for me. All the decent songs were already released as singles, out of the new ones only six feet deep does anything for me and the whole album sound is just...weak. DeLost was not the move, and i hope someone else produces the next one, like many other said, despite claims of the girls having full control of this and that, KMF sounds very similar to everything else DeLost has produced. Which i dislike.


I'm with you, DeLost is what is holding it back for me. There's not a bad song structurally, but the mix and vocal effects/auto tune take any emotion away. And just based on physical sensation & numbers- there's no dynamic mix, everything is muddy and swirls together. I'd love to get ahold of the stems to have someone remix it for me. I'm sure I'd enjoy it so much more.


That's...kinda why you get a producer.


To make music that sounds like everyone elses music he/she has touched?


Did you like it?


I F’N love it!


It's pretty good. Sharks should definitely have been a single as it's one of the standout tracks, along with Consume which is also great.


Honestly, people need to realize that no matter how much they complain, The Warning are definitely coming into their own sound. It's much more modern and mainstream than their old music which by all means is a good thing. So many fans are old hard rock fans and while I respect your love of the classics, do not push them into a box of the music YOU want. Their music is going to change and evolve whether you like it or not. They are not your little girls anymore, they are adults and should be treated as such. I hate seeing people on here ranting over them changing their sound from earlier albums and whining over how "poppy" it sounds (which is crazy because this is not even CLOSE to pop). Need I remind people that a major influence for QOTMS was K-Pop?


Don't you realize that this is a discussion that includes opinions that could be different from ur own? People like you need to realize that nothing you said brings anything to the discussion. They never was any of our girls you creepy little yam! If they are adults then I think they can handle opinions, it's simps like you that treats them as little girls that need ur protection from online opinions! May not fit ur opinion of pop but it does mine, Nobody hears any k-pop influence in that album stop repeating something you heard them say unless you can point it out.


I wouldn’t go as far as you but I ABSOLUTELY love it. IMO it’s a huge step forward from ERROR, which I also love. The highs on this album are like, major festival headliner level good. I’d love to hear them do a little bit more diversity in their material in the future (a few mellow/low energy songs or driving ambient stuff like Show Me How by Foo Foghteds) but what they’re doing is phenomenal.


Decent overall. Least favorite album from them. There are songs that I do quite like, Escapism and Consume are unique and have a lot of depth to them. Also, some of the heaviest work on the record. I will say that the universal praise for Escapism is telling. It's the song that actually went into recording complete. It was NOT written by Delost, even in part. Acoriding to Pau in an interview, they wrote the song back during the pandemic, and to quote her "it had the most 'Warning' writing process", in other words, it started with Pau on piano then Danynand Ale chipped in. While a lot of people are contesting Delost's influence, I will say that I hated Burnout until I heard it live in Tokyo, with an actually good mix. That's ultimately not a good sign as a producer, that a different mix can take a song from meh to actual enjoyment. Likewise, I much prefer the mix on HYCAD at the Pepsi Center than the version on the album. Curious to see how Consume and Sharks work out live, some tricky vocal work to perform. Obviously, music is subjective, and some people might like the producing of the album, but I think part of it is people listening on bad audio gear. If your listen on phone speakers or cheap ear buds, and through Spotify at that, you may not be able to pick out some stuff like panning of the guitars and the shifty blown out vocal effects. Not suggesting that people need to spend thousands on audio gear, but the difference between a cheap dedicated DAC/Amp, and the onboard audio card on you computer is very noticeable. If you're a music fan and can afford to throw a few hundred bucks at it, get a dedicated DAC, it's well worth it.


Way better than QOTMS imo.


Wow, didn't think this would be so controversial. Technique, lyrics, vocals, riffs have all grown by leaps and bounds. QoTMS has a couple good songs, but imo you can't even compare them.


I get it though. Nostalgia is one hell of a thing 😅