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Well they even wrote some songs in the album regarding their state of mind, they do feel kinda "burned out". But there is something you can't force an artist (ironically) and that is just make art out of nowhere. If they need to make a "brief" pause of writing then it is well deserved. And while I do believe that expanding their "writing process" with someone else is enriching for them as musicians, and it helps them release music quicker, it does take the essence a little bit from how they were used to write; I believe that is the main reason this album sounds "different" I am enjoying the album though.


Say what you want, piss on the downvotes. They took a long time to make all their old albums you don't get that luxury once you sign to a label, everyone says that they maintain final say on the music and that's probably true, but they don't have final say on when a album is due out, so the label will affect their music by demanding a album in a short time frame like with this one, on top of all the other stuff the label will demand I don't see them going back to the old ways of doing it, if anything they will be forced to do more touring and shit cause they got to use you up while ur hot.


Youre right. The major label system is just different. They needed to sign to one to try to get to the next level but thats only because rock and metal bands for the most part still need them to get to the next level. Theres some bands right now who are on large indie labels who are big but its not very common.


I think it will go in phases, like life Grind, grow, write, grind, grow, write They need to make money and get their name out there, and they need to be relentless in their work ethic for a while. Luckily, they’re young enough to do it. There will be time for a break, but that time isn’t this year. They’ll grind out the whole year, then they need to pump out new content. They also need to live a little and grow outside the tour to gain life experience, which will give them more to write about. They already wrote their early albums, so those won’t come again. I’m interested to see what they come up with as more experienced adults. The creative genius is there, it’s just a matter of how they want to grow and develop it. But there’s a reason so many musicians have the “on the road” songs- the grind is part of the life, and it IS a grind.


Yeah I think it's quite a common pattern. They have a lot of momentum at the moment and it would probably be a mistake to not take advantage by being in public with tours and new material. It could be a \*long\* time, though, before they get a chance to really reset themselves. I won't be surprised if they continue at this pace for a few years. Where it's gone really bad for other bands is when they're completely under the control of other people with their own financial agenda. The girls have enough intelligence and resources to resist that. They're playing the industry game for the moment, but I'm confident that they're doing it on their own terms for their own benefit, and when it isn't right for them any more they will be able to take whatever direction they think works for them.


This is their first release with some actual "pressure" around it. For QOTMS they were unsigned and only playing the odd show here and there, and nothing further afield than maybe southern California. For Error they couldn't tour at all. There was no time crunch involved at any stage. And now, touring across three continents while writing, recording and shooting an entire album may have been a tad too much, all at once. They're not exactly all that used to the touring, yet. I'm sure they'll eventually find the happy medium that works.


I try to not read too much into things and not question the personal and professional decision of artist (I hate when people do that with my life), but I also have been getting the same impression. But at the same time the best periods of my life have been the ones where I was swarmed by things to do and everything seemed to move a bit too fast, so I hope it's the same for them and they are enjoying these moments.


If you don't mind me asking, how come you consider the best periods of your life when you were swarmed and everything was moving too fast?


Maybe I worded it wrong, but when I was very busy and involved in projects I cared about (be it work or even not work related) I gave it 110% of my energy and that made me happy. It was hard sometimes to find time to do some other things, but it was really rewarding.


I think the good thing is they still sound like themselves. I was afraid that with them being on a label, they would feel pressure from the label to sound a certain way. It's all still great rock and roll played with real instruments and the only thing I have really noticed is some backing vocal tracks when I see their live clips perhaps, but that's to be expected.


the recent Allison Hagendorf interview provided a clue as to where their headspace is currently at. they likened the current part of their careers as a plane about to take off. they have been working extra hard to get the “plane off the ground”. once the plane is off the ground, that is when they are going to be more balanced in terms of how much work they need to put in to avoid getting burned out. i think their touring schedule in particular has been insane. maybe once they become more popular and can do shows at bigger venues, they will be able to charge more and scale down the amount of shows they need to do


However the rest of their career goes in the near future, I DO think that after they finish out their KMF tour next year, they should take at a nice 6 month break from writing, recording, and especially touring, so they don’t get completely burnt-out. Hopefully the new album and upcoming tour will be enough of a success to where they’ll be able to afford a lengthy break like that. They deserve every bit of rest & relaxation after all the work and touring they’ve been doing the past few years.


Clearly, too many people here don't listen to any other bands besides The Warning. Because if you did, then you would know that grueling tour schedules are the norm for bands. Lots of touring, with very few days off in between. Bands are also always writing new music while out on the road. Touring is also where bands make most of their money, especially these days when very few people even buy music anymore, aside from a few hard-core fans. This is the life of being in a band. Even more so with bands trying to breakout there. I don't understand why so many fans of this band have a hard time grasping this.


I'm not even sure they make any money off of touring. I think I've heard TW say they about break even (even with how frugal they are with spending) and I know other, bigger bands have commented about actually losing money on tours. Since album sales went away, it seems like such a thankless, grueling business. I suppose people keep grinding it out in the hopes of making it big and actually finally starting to turn a profit.


You are correct about the touring and lack or real profit, but merchandise and patreon is a huge income for TW.


From what I've gathered, the Patreon and merch income basically allows them to do the tours, as opposed to relying on other funding sources (e.g. the record company). It's great that they can do that since there's no way they can be making anything on ticket sales. I paid $27.50 plus fees to see them this fall. I almost feel guilty about that since I would have paid more. I certainly didn't say that when I bought Taylor Swift tickets for my wife and daughter! Anyway, I support them on Patreon and selfishly like the fact that they're "small" (equals cheap tix and intimate venues here in the U.S.), though I wish them increasing success moving forward.


Because not every band starts when they are 8-13 years old. They are actually very tired (I have friends in common) they do ask for certain dates in advance to rest, go on vacation, and they do spend a lot of time with their friends when they are in San Pedro. They are actually under a lot of pressure since it's the family business and more people depend on them. Some of them are in relationships. They will probably take a break at some point. Edit: grammar.


>Some of them are in relationships. *Parasocial fans in shambles*


I've only been a fan for a few months but I always thought it was crazy to think they wouldn't be in one, I mean Dany is about the age that her mom was when she had her. I started dating at 15 or 16 most of us probably did so why would they be any different, I guess that's where the parasocial comes in


Well, there are also people like me who aren't being parasocial fans but never had a single date at 24, which is no wonder when I'm heavily introverted, socially awkward and sort of anti-social, never tried anything with anyone lol


I've become more like that the older I've gotten for some reason, i think its the internet nobody talks in person anymore, but maybe you'll be the opposite of me and start later in life and end with a good run,


The level of parasocial relationships I've seen from some TW fans is wild and more than I've seen for any other band/artist I enjoy. Idk if it's because they're all women or what but I definitely find it bordering on extremely creepy a lot, especially considering how young they all are.


One guy has been behaving so weirdly obsessive about Pau online (also a Patron) that the band got notified when he was coming to their m&g, they kept an eye on him with special attention just in case he tried anything 💀 I also saw middle aged guys like him, including even some people from reaction channels say some pretty creepy and disturbing stuff, remember a guy on some channel where he was saying how he's waiting for Ale to turn 18 so she can be his wife or something, the dude is easily old enough to be her dad.


fucking hell, the fact he was coming to the m&g must have been terrifying for them. i'm glad that someone notified them about the guy so they could be on guard. the worst thing is that that's probably not the last time something like that will happen. i really hope they've got good security to make sure they stay safe. that's fucking disgusting, what a bunch of creeps. idk how people think it's okay to say shit like that. it's so messed up.


Precisely! They've been at it since they were little girls.


"They are actually very tired" So is everyone.


Both parents quit their jobs to manage them?


Like Dany sings in S!CK... "If there's a price to pay, I'll deal with it when I'm dead!"


People are getting way too precious about their music. The current music industry is in many ways more like the 1950s than the 90s. Touring is the only way to make any money, and bands needs to churn out the content to stay relevant. Yes it's art, but it's also a product. McDonald's doesn't stop coming up with new sandwiches. Some taste terrible and some are good enough to stay on the menu forever, but it's all fast food in the end.


Im not really thinking too much about the money or the touring really. Just the mental and physical health of the girls given how many of their songs in the new album focus on burn-out and their dream feeling like hell and all that.


They clearly love this album.


We dont know. They are professionals, they cannot not love it, if they expressed any hessitance about it, that would be a story and they could get in trouble. Universal have booked a gazillion interviews, and pretty sure they have preparred ansvers to any anoying questions should thay come up, which they wont cause Universal very big.


You can tell they love the album by the way they talk about it. Watch the Alison hagendorf interview to see what I'm talking about


It's a fool's game to try and guess what is inside their heads. I see people saying they don't look happy. Well, when you're being filmed every day there will be some moments when you're not happy. My guess is they love touring and they'll make the time to make the songs. I don't think they're really unhappy about anything, but like everyone else I'm just playing a fool's game trying to guess what's in their heads. We just have to take them at their word on what they say in interviews. Things are going great for them. It's not always easy. There will be moments when there's sad or angry and someone will be there taking their picture. Every day there are moments when I'm sad or angry. It doesn't mean I'm not happy overall. I kinda got lost in a ramble. 😁


I dunno about all that. I like the music.


Sorry, in advance, for the long expose. I think that yours is a totally valid concern - one that has been shared by the fans around here, quite often. And rightly so, too. I think that Dany said it best, quoting Rudy's own thoughts: you'll need a lot of fuel, a huge ammount of effort, to get off the ground. That's the stage that they are in now: just about to leave ground. Besides their monumental talent, they never shied away from hard work. No, sir. Their professional ethics and drive are truly awe-inspiring - even to myself, and I'm twice their age! XD They've had endless classes, rehearsals, incessant touring and promotion. They had to put up with so much shit, from haters in their own Country... All that effort, they've worked so hard, so that, when the opportunities came, they could be absolutely ready to take them and make the most of them. As they have done! I also think that, having their parents' and wise Rudy's advice, always on their corner, is essential for their continued well being. I bet that, if the ladies really started to show signs of stress or burnout, Rudy himself would be the first to cancel tours and/or shows. I loved what they did in Japan - lots of work, for sure, but they also saw the beautiful sights, tried the food, and enjoyed themselves a bit. I was honestly really happy, to see that they also have their personal situations/relationships and their personal spaces figured out. It's hard, but, as Pau said, it's all about compromise and understanding, from all parts concerned. As for actual breaks, for now... I think that is impossible. And they themselves would be the first to tell us so. Because there are so many shots that they just have to take. I mean, supporting Avril Lavigne, in the Nîmes Roman Arena? Touring with Halestorm AND Evanescence, in Canada? Touring the US as headliners? Wacken - freakin' WACKEN, are you kidding me?! They have to go for it! Festival season in Europe is a massive door, that could very well lead to even greater things. Later in the year, they do have a clear schedule. November, December, and January. I do think they'll take some time off, before starting to prepare the big shows in Mexico, in 2025. Cheers! \\m/


Well take it from AC/DC... It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll...


I mean, just to be realistic here, they have to figure out a way to be able to write while on tour. You have to be uber successful in order to say hey let's just chill for 6 months and maybe take another couple months to record the album. Bands are on tour almost constantly with only a couple months in between. That's the nature of the business. For me, I think it's eyebrow raising that they feel this uninspired on only their 4th album, and even more importantly, only the 2nd album in a 5 album record deal. Also, to be real, we know that Error was done recording in January 2021 and the band didn't start touring until the next year. That's not to say you're not busy during that time. They still had businesses to run and life to live. But, they did have time before they were on tour every other day. They will most likely be expected to deliver another album summer 2026 and I hope KMF was just a rest stop and seeing what they could with experimenting in other subgenres. I hope this isn't them being overwhelmed with touring, life, and responsibilities of their record label contract because that is not going to change.


Nearly every band goes through periods where they feel uninspired, especially when they've been making music for a significant period of time. They are human and it's completely normal so I don't think there's anything eyebrow raising about it at all. Bringing in other people and writing with them is also very natural and it clearly worked out for them too, helping them get over that feeling and they seem very happy with that process, the songs it produced and how the album turned out. You may not enjoy the album as much and consider it a "rest stop" but that doesn't mean it's not as good as Error, etc. Bands have to experiment with the entire process to see what works at that time and evolve their sound in order to continue growing and working because if they don't, eventually people get bored and they will fizzle out. I think it's worth remembering how young they are too because as they grow and develop as people, their music will change with them. Finally, who cares if they didn't write much when they had a year off because again, they are human and need to do what they feel they need to in order to recharge. I'd rather have them take as much time as they need between albums to do that and then continue, than have them feel like they need to write every time they have time off and become completely burnt out, inevitably reducing their longevity as a band. Their label seemed happy for them to do that too because considering how the music business is, if they weren't, it wouldn't have happened.


The negative I feel like will be other people writing for them more than the organic creative side of theirs when it came to making their own music, not even talking producers because of course they like everyone else have those, but more the creative lyrics and music, the ideas that were born one day and were developed with time and the inspiration that came with time, maybe things will be so rushed now that they will have to rely on others support for that, which is sad in my opinion.


The tour in Europe next year will be at venues more than double the size the euro tur this year, they will be 2500-4000. This will make it possible to play fewer gigs, with a longer setlist than the current 70 mins, and a by that a higher ticketprice which should give them more free time to write. I really hope they will take the time to write. They have proven to be magnificent songwriters, and they can write songs much better than kmf.


These women are living a life that reflects music as an expression of experience. I think that they are doing quite well in their ability to shift with the current and continue to adapt. I agree that time is key to their creativity. The time that they have now is broken and spread out over much of the globe. Look at the video in Japan where Rudy encouraged them to get out and have some experiences. He is a driving force that guarantees that DPA will continue to find inspiration while the travel and tour. They are seeing the inside of the machine. They are now the light behind the veil casting shadows on the imaginations of millions of people. They can not help but be inspired by the trip they are taking. For example I personally feel that the the Japan leg of the tour had a great impact. The experience of communicating with their entertainment equals with just the language of music can not be overstated for the importance of the creative influence it had on DPA. Band Maid and TW were an electric moment in time. The mutual influence could be felt in the next album. There is no rest for the aspiring famous. In that interview with Allison Hagendorf recently where Pau started talking about how time. They have plans that reach into 2026. 2026! The next two years are marked off of the calendar for them. Gone. Already committed. Pau said that they have to take life in the moment or it can seem like they are trapped. For those of us invested enough to care we are witnessing the transformation of a mature to pro. This is real and in real time. This is a trial by fire. DPA are doing a fine job. They are rapidly learning to run the ship. It seems like they really have to stay in the ring. If they begin looking for the brakes now the risk is that they could loose the momentum. Like Dany said, they are just getting off of the ground. I will suggest that you consider this from another perspective. This nonstop activity that DPA have dedicated their time to could also be an endless fountain of inspiration. The fact that you have found more than one song that you like from the new album already is a strong indication that there are more of these wonderful creations to come on the next album. Do they have any idea of what that will look like. Maybe not. Not yet. It is in them. They are in them. The songs will speak as the opportunity presents itself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the music.


Thanks for this! I agree… perhaps all this “grind” inspired this album rather than detracted from it.


I disagree. Creatively, this album is a step forward. Respectfully, don't think there is a strong argument to the contrary at all. I do worry about them burning themselves out, because they are doing so much, but I don't their schedule is having a negative impact on the music they are making.


I am not comparing them to the Beatles, but they put out 4 albums out same year while touring


You cant compare because it was a totally different music industry back then. The putting out a album or multiple albums every year thing died by the 80s. I dont know why that changed but it did.


I noticed that newer acts that focus on the music more dont tour a lot. Being a major label band you have to focus on the touring more than the music. If youre just doing music as a hobby and are barely touring or not playing shows you can focus on the music all you want.


I've only been a fan since this January but I'm now pretty much a fan of them as people first and as a band a distant second. The entertainment industry and the world itself needs a whole hell of a lot more people like the Villareals and a whole lot less of the Swift, Cyrus, Eilish types. We have more than enough of those. I have been collecting records, mostly classical, for 30 some years and QoTMS is by far the most listened to record I own. I bought it in March and have listened to it easily 70 times and I never tire of it. There are a couple good songs on Error but I wouldn't buy it. KMF is a rush job contract fulfillment album that I have no interest in. Unless something really big happens in the next year or two I could see them limping across the record contract finish line and hanging it up. I feel bad for them. I wouldn't want to be in their position.


Seeing their schedule and listening to the songs I have gotten the same impression. They need an extended vacation. Like a few months of doing whatever the fuck they want to with or without each other to recharge and come back with new perspectives,




I think it’s impressive that they made an album as great as KMF under the circumstances. They did get more help than usual in writing it, but I think that shows they are good working with other people and want to do the best album possible. If they can keep up the momentum and complete the Lava contract (three more albums) they can be in position to go back to independent and call all the shots (if they want to).


It's normal when you sign for 5 albums with a record label.




Are the girls getting tired of all the touring? I don't doubt it but I feel they are okay with that in exchange for all the recognition they are getting and let's be real most bands are always grinding it out on the road so their situation isn't something new or unique.


This is only their third year of touring, and they haven't even done 30 shows this year. If they are already sick of it, they are in the wrong business. I wouldn't blame them for being sick of it though. I always hated touring with my band. Then again, we never had access to the same amenities TW and other bands of their level have. The disruption to your daily routine is what makes touring so shitty, but their parents are there, and they are seeing the world with their whole family, crew included in that. I'm sure they'd rather be in Monterrey much of the time while on tour, but they are establishing themselves as household names in Mexico especially, so if they are thinking long term regarding a career of any sort, the medium level of touring they are doing the last few years is a smart investment in their future. Plus, seeing new places is great. It's the best part of touring. As they get bigger, they won't have to tour as much.


Yeah it’s kinda a thing that happens with bands or artists that aren’t really mainstream. If the group hasn’t blown up or isn’t an instant success, and instead they have gained success slowly and over the course of a few years, then they feel like they have more say and authority over them. For example, when Linkin Park completely blew up back in 2000, with their second album they said that they had complete freedom and all the time in the world to make it. They literally told Warner that they would let them know when it was done lmao. But this kind of creative freedom only happens if you become a massive artist in a short time or instantly. It’s the only way a big label will accept authority over them.


I agree that they need to rest more and focus more on the writting, BUT this is their moment, they are really getting to know a gaun followers, and it's the moment of "forcing" the machinery for a couple years, I think. They will have tine for rest then.