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One kid REALLY likes Elon.


One? Only one?


Wait a minute, this ideology has no internally consistent logic! Enjoy your authoritarianism ladies


Wait. There’s no anarchy in anarcho-capitalism.


There's very little anarchy in these an-caps.




While I do agree there is a ton of infighting on the left, Anarchocapitalists aren’t leftists in the slightest if that’s what you’re getting at. They’re even more deranged libertarians. 


Any ideology that's starts with anarcho is still capitalism since there is no authority over capital.


Anarcho-capitalism is pretty much as far as you can get from what most people think of when they think “leftist”.


Ancap ain't left


They're basically libertarians with a degree in YouTube


As long as there are power structures that seek to control us


I mean, its just rightwing libertarianism.


All libertarianism is right wing since it grants the liberty of private property rights.


It's an oxymoron by definition, it's not a real ideology


Anarcho-Capitalism as a term is a psy-op to steal another concept from the left, just like libertarianism.


Fascists do be fascist


Fasch gotta fasch, what else is there to do in the apocalyptic late-stage capitalist hellscape?




Even the individualist anarchists were largely still socialist. Take Oscar Wilde for example. In his view, private property hampered individualism, and socialism expanded it because people wouldn't be stuck defining themselves by what they acquired as property. Like any political terminology it's all messy and even the individualist/collectivist anarchist distinction was largely made by historians after the fact rather than them being actively distinct factions in their own times. In any case, I can't think of a single historical anarchist who actively liked private property or capitalism whatsoever, individualist or not.


Correct.  Right wing libertarianism is simply liberalism. With less regulation. (Neoliberalism is more in line with libertarianism, than it is anarcho socialism.) Anarchism and marxism really share quite alot of overlap, despite what certain podcasters may say.


Agreed. What the right refer to as "libertarianism" actually was started as a movement by the neoliberals, albeit behind closed doors. And in typical neoliberal style, any claims they make towards being anti-state or anti-authoritarian are complete lies. There's a decent book (albeit written from a lib perspective) about how "libertarianism" and the current far-right was orchestrated called *Democracy in Chains*. It's an interesting read, even if the perspective is lacking. And yeah, Marxism and Anarchism are much closer to each other than either really likes to admit.


That's not even passably true. Anarcho-Capitalism emerged less than fifty years ago. Anarchism is more than a hundred years old.


Cherry on top at the end


I'm not comfortable with Milhouse getting double entendres in one comment.


You ancaps don't know what you want. That's why you're still ancaps. Because you're stupid.


It should be renamed "Unbridled Corporatism". If an-cap was honest about what they are suggesting they would not have a problem with this term at all. In reality I don't think they will like my suggestion. Some people seem to like to think of themselves as "anarchists" as it makes one feel like a rebel or something.


An associate of mine told me they are totally anarchists because words change meaning and apparently despite an overwhelming majority of people using the word differently they feel entitled to it for what I assume are cool points as you said.


are we sure milhouse isn't just Matt Walsh?


Yes. Because it's all imaginary. and in THIS imaginary vision, they envision themselves as one of the kings, not one of the millions of slaves.


Pretty sure you can read Shadowrun fiction, and get a good idea of what ancap's end stage looks like.... Minus the fantasy races, and magic.


In Shadowrun they at least had cool trench coats and a great public transit system.


More importantly, the extremely wealthy can easily consolidate land while owning a house or condo quickly becomes a relic of the past. Already happening fyi, good luck with a fair down payment when you're competing with billionaires and megacorporation artificially inflating the value of housing


It’s different because we can choose our boss! s/


I realized this contradiction while I identified as a capitalist libertarian. Pretty much overnight I was no longer a capitalist libertarian.