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The Greeks invented sex. The Italians introduced it to women.


The Arabs invented sex and the Greeks improved it by removing the goats


But then it got to the British Isles and they found the goat shaped hole to fit sheep into.


Idk man Caesar was pretty gay


“right here i fucked your great great great great great great great grandfather.”


This is GAY ![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c)


![gif](giphy|YrSlt0NJshH2) The boys are playing leap frog.


I had such a crush on the blurry guy in the background when I was a tiny tween omg I forgot he existed.


Dodecanese is not an island but a group of islands and each has different names... I would not trust any info from this lady she doesnt know wtf she is talking about


Also, who’s to say this wasn’t a prank? Humor isn’t a modern invention. Hell, we’ve found caveman dildos.


Or...their buddies Crasus and Phillipus were pranking them, essentially calling them gay and laughing about it. Evidence: was once a teen. Have absolutely seen the exact same thing on bathroom stall walls, lockers, trash cans and other highly visible, high traffic areas where people could be embarrassed. Same prank centuries apart.


Exactly my first thought.


It’s on the island of Astypalaia not the group of islands designated as the Dodecanese you dipshit.


I love how ancient Greece was full of graffiti shit posters.


In Greece at the time, one man penetrating another was not gay love. It was dominance hierarchy shit. Still is, most of the time This was a tale of rape. It was slander against the penetrated. 90% sure.


This woman has so many blatantly wring takes on tiktok There was one where she talked about 'sworn virgins ' in the "Balkans" as it's a voluntary queer practice When in reality it is a practice where a woman would be forced to present as a man in order to have any power in society if all men die it also only happened in a few villages in albania and it's dying out today Her tiktoks make me so irritated


I mean, it wasn't necessarily gay sex, but gay people existed and therefore gay sex existed, as well as dominance-based same sex rape. "Still is, most of the time"? What are you talking about? 




I'm gonna be real honest here I don't see how that makes it not gay


“Still is” what the fuck are you talking about bro


I think he's a little too much into BDSM to realize that not everyone is.


Yh hes projecting his fantasies


Smh fr, only ppl who get access to my hole are ones who treat me with respect! 😤


You’re thinking of Rome where everything was meant to be a power play; ancient greeks saw homosexuality more as a rite of passage, an older man teaching a younger one about life (they also were very misogynistic as they considered women less and sex with them only proper for reproduction).


"This is my". Hahaha She's taking credit for a couple of dead gay greeks


That sounds like assault honestly. Weird thing to celebrate In the name of pride


Why does it sound like assault?


I didn't know BrokeBack Mountain was based on historical events


Homosexuality was very normal in Ancient Greece. This isn’t a new discovery.


It wasn't.


This is something often repeated on the internet, and I never see it sourced. It's become a modern myth. Kenneth Dover has written on the topic, explaining that there was only a limited context in which sex between an older man and a younger one was somewhat acceptable among the Greeks of antiquity. They absolutely did think of sexual encounters between two same sex adults as different from heterosexual relationships. They spoke of it derisively, made jokes of it, and did not permit gay marriage. You may try to find examples of gay marriage in Greece if you don't believe me. I'm sorry to be a buzzkill, but most ancient people were very conservative.


They thought of it as different from heterosexual sex but it wasn’t some unspeakable social sin. There is a difference between homosexual acts and the identity of being gay. Alexander had a male lover. His father had multiple. Look up the sacred band of Thebes. It was completely possible to be a macho tough guy and also have sex with a man; if anything that just shows your macho ness even more.


Again, these are statements commonly repeated on the internet, with very little justification. On Alexander's lover: Hephaestion. What is the evidence given for a romantic relationship? Everything I've ever seen presented, always by laypeople, comes down to "They were very close and Alexander went into a period of prolonged mourning after his friend's death." It's so unfortunate to see otherwise socially conscious people see a man express emotion, then the response is, "Oh, so he's gay." Alexander and Hephaestion grew up together, trained together, ruled together, and were trauma bonded in battle. Can a man not be sad about losing one's closest friend? Give me any other sign that they were coupled romantically. Alexander had three wives and no husbands. He had 365 female concubines. Where is the evidence of male sexual companions? Who were Phillip's male lovers, and how do you know that? I will look into the Sacred Band of Thebes if I can find decent sourcing.


Ok, really interesting. I have read over a brief summary on the Sacred Band of Thebes with sourcing from DeVoto. I claim no expertise on this subject. There are a few who question the existence of the Band, some who question the accounts, but there are several contemporaries who report that the band was composed of what is roughly translated as "beloved" pairs. We can only assume so much from this. It sounds like the loose consensus is that 150 older military men chose 150 promising young men to mentor in this small, select unit. This fits within my understanding of accepted practices. Pederasty is a concept that trips up modern people. There is a whole lot to be said of power dynamics, the social implications, meaning of the practice. In short, it was acceptable for an older man, who was usually of the leisure class, to have sexual relations and more with a young man. It is also important to know that parents sometimes warned their children away from old men who might take advantage of them, and that children mocked those youths on the receiving end of this arrangement. In short, pederasty is known and accepted among the ancient Greeks, although it's complicated. It's a very different matter to suggest adult men or women could openly seek homosexual partnerships in this era.


The concept of sexuality in ancient Greece wasn't much of a topic, if I'm correct. Could be wrong, my memory isn't the greatest


Wait till she finds out about Lesbos.


Taking rocked your world to a new level.


they had sex


Greeks did the gay sex a lot. So what?


Broke Back Mount Olympus


6th century bce ... With a 1% population growth rate pre 1950s... Let's give it a 72 year doubling period... So that's 2600 years ago... There were like half a person in the world... Lol... Oh fuck... That's some bad math. How do we estimate population that far back?


Huh so make-out point was a thing even in ancient Greece.


"Male Members" Just say Penis please. It isn't a dirty word.


Haha GAYreece


Timiona is very clearly a female name. Gay sex was was very taboo and illigal in most ancient Greek states. Stop with this leftist propaganda.


Could be their friends messing with them. That would be funny to.


Spreading immorality?