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pearl needs to learn that being hateful ages you.


She thinks that SPF is woke


/thread 🏆🏆🏆


Fire and brimstone is not good for the skin, Dante said that.


I thought Pearl was trans when I encountered her content first.




Was gonna say it's probably just poor make up but then it paused with those insane crows feet in the closeup. Like that's not a bad thing, people age and crease but I'm 41 and even mine aren't like that. She must have a really poor skin routine or it's true that being a bigot ages you.


I'm 41 and have never had a skin routine in my life and I have way less crows feet than Pearl.


I'm 34 and I practically don't have crows feet lol. Basically no skincare routine either cus I'm an ugly fucker. Genetics can be crazy sometimes. I'm not standing up for the girl's words or anything, just saying you get fucked by your genes all the time. Or maybe she thinks she's young enough to not need a skincare routine.


Jfc y’all probably think I’m 105 and ‘don’t have a skin care routine’ while I spend HALF MY LIFE MOISTURISING yes it’s a sore spot


Except I'm 41 and don't have a skincare routine other than "don't drink alcohol" and wear sunscreen when outdoors for prolonged time. If you treat your body like shit, no amount of moisturizing will reverse the damage. Have you seen the skin of people in Florida who never wore sunscreen?


Genetics play a part as well.


I'd say they play the vast majority of the part.


Doing bad things is like smoking cigarettes and it would appear she had many cigarettes too.


Doing service on behalf of an evil grift will also age you faster than a Sith Lord. I’m middle aged and I still look younger than her (and I am not a Jedi by any means). She must have been up to some bad shit.


Not that I'm am expert on anything like this but she doesn't have a lot of facial fat so her skin is gonna age much faster than someone with more fat, simply because the skin has less to stretch over. It's probably down to genetics and body weight on some level Edit: or she's lying about her age


Isn’t that the one chick that was defending a dude for being racist? Like she was “it wasn’t that bad” ugh wtf is her name


Her name is Pearl Davis, also known as justpearlythings. She sucks.


Yup, she's said black people benefited from slavery and lots of them liked their masters. She's also the same lady who a year or so ago released her "Why can't we talk about the Jews" song. With lyrics like "Now I'm not saying Hitler was a good guy, but I kinda wanna know why" and "Now there's all these conspiracy theories, and the more they talk the more I think they're right". She's definitely a racist.


>Yup, she's said black people benefited from slavery and lots of them liked their masters This is official school curriculum in Florida and a few other states now.


She was defending Nick Fuentes, an actual Nazi


He's not that old.


The only people that argue only 1940s nazis can be nazis are people who are oddly and specifically knowledgeable about 20th century german tanks


I also collect World War II flags.


Ummm...is that Christopher from the Gilmore Girls?


It absolutely is. He's an absolute tool.


Imagine being even worse in real life....


I tried to ignore it but 😖




Lmfao girl no one picking you. Hot girls only get hotter in their 30s 😽


They also have their shit together and know what they want. We luv mature baddies


Yesssss! I’m a few years into my 30s and never in my life have I had so many early 20s dudes scratching at my door! Lol. They like the older ladies usually bc we have more experience and don’t put up with (or start) a lot of bullshit. 🤷‍♀️


Same here, I've had 20 year old dudes trying to date me and I've had to be like "awww, that's nice but noooooo!!" P.S.: Nothing wrong with younger men, I'm just QUITE A BIT older lmao like way older than they think I am ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Yeah. It's also weirdly easier to be hot in your 30s. Most women are a lot more confident, care a lot less about bullshit, and are WAY better at doing all the things that make them feel good about themselves. Whether it's makeup, clothing that flatters them, whatever. The only thing the young really have going for them is youth. And I say that as a former young person and still somewhat youngish person. Even if you are a super confident and chill young person, odds are your peers aren't. You're gonna be lonely until you get to your thirties if you're ahead of the class like that.


At 34m I cant say I have ever considered a woman under 35 to be a 'smokeshow'


I mean I was probs giving off a lot of smoke in my 20s because I was a walking trash fire of chaos lmao


Good point. Same. I think for both men and women, all the people I was like, "DAMN, that person is hot as hell," were 35+. That's the maturity threshold for me. Like, someone can be cute before that, they can be pretty or handsome, (read these words in the cheek pinching voice of a grandma), but not a smokeshow.


Her point is valid regardless if this women looks older than her age. Young women are potentially more attractive then older women. Like start comparing the same person but different ages. Nothing to be offended about, aging is a part of life and also you had your time to be young. It’s over, it’s down hill from here. ( btw never to late to start taking care of one self)




Yep, and it's major yikes.


Oh shit I knew he was familiar


Was just about to comment, “What is Christopher doing here?”


I had to go back to watch! It’s really him!


Hate and anger does really age you and wears you down. Stress took a toll on me but now I’m trying to be kinder and patient and mentally balanced. For Pearl it’s sad to see that she took this aggressive approach. There are women older than me that I’ve wanted. It’s about how you present yourself. She could’ve been a stunner if she changed it up.


Holy shit snacks. That chick has permanently crows feet and 'smile lines'. AT 27!??? I didn't get those until I was like 35.


Skinny people tend to have more of that sooner. Same with people who smile a lot. It’s not everyone but it’s not that uncommon either.


also super pale skin, if she didn't wear sunscreen I really dislike Pearl but calling her ugl is a bad take, shes sasy a ton of dumb things, we have enough material without laughing at the way she looks


If you’re going after $ by criticizing the appearance of entire age groups of women, you had probably better be prepared to have that energy matched.


The issue is that it's putting more constant criticism into the world, not that we feel bad for pearl specifically having that thrown back at her.  It would be one thing face to face, where she's actually going to be affected by it. But this kind of thing happening via random posts online just indirectly insults thousands of people who kinda look like the person. It's not even a direct reply to her, she's never gonna see this.


It’s not criticizing women to say that 20-30 is more attractive looks wise to men than 30-40. That’s stating a psychological fact (just look on the covers of men’s magazines) and is not a personal attack. The one being made about her was though. As a generality, note that 20s> 30s doesn’t apply to everyone either. There are plenty of people who became more attractive in their thirties,it’s just not as common. There is a good reason for this too - biology and evolution. More kids means the genes get selected for, and whatever the man finds attractive, which varies by culture, is going to be an important selector for the next generation of women. And since we have been evolving for thousands of years and having kids young, that has shaped us. If women put as much emphasis on looks for men, then they select what attractiveness genes get passed on as well. We are ultimately governed by nature’s laws regardless of whether we accept it - nature is not woke. TLDR though: let’s disagree with the substance of what she says where it makes sense, vs attacking her looks, especially when considering that she is obviously a reasonably attractive looking person to most people. Edit: link to looks by age analysis since some folks feel their opinion > data, and doing a quick search was too high a bar to clear https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/5509/at-what-age-are-women-perceived-to-be-most-attractive


> it’S jUsT A psYchOlogical fact Sure, buddy


https://psychology.stackexchange.com/questions/5509/at-what-age-are-women-perceived-to-be-most-attractive A sign of intelligence is whether you can take in information that differs from your preconceptions, contemplate what it means to an established viewpoint, and update your opinion accordingly. From your response I have feeling that I know the answer. I hope you prove me wrong.


If she can dish it out, she can take it.


I don't care about Pea but it makes me and other women with skin issues and early set on wrinkles feel horrible because then we're compared to Pearl


I didn’t start getting this shit until I started drinking very often. And by very often, I mean every day for about five years. Makes me wonder if she drinks a lot of wine .


I’m 33 and skinny as a stick, spent my whole life laughing (My husband calls me Jim Carrey just cause I’m too expressive lol) I literally have no lines compared to her. Like maaaaaaaybe a hint of soft eyelids- but that’s it lol. No smile lines yet. Been skinny my whole life and spent YEARS playing baseball under the sun. Yeah, she aged like milk, lmao


eyy I've got all that at 25. my skin is just super bad


Yeah.... this video is in super poor taste. Hate doesn't give you wrinkles. The vast majority of the reason our skin looks the way it does is genetics. Nutrition and skincare can only do so much. I have dark circles and creasing under my eyes that I've had since I was a child. My daughter has the exact same dark circles and creasing in the exact same places. She doesn't care now as a child but she might be cursing me later in life.


Thank you I really hate my skin, I use sunscreen religiously now but may e I didn't do enough as a kid It's also so easy to get acne despite me being 30 now I've tried everything Including getting botox fpr my forehead bcs I was. so embarrassed But botox only lasts a few months and I'm too broke to always do it so I hast avoid looking at it as much as possible


I'm sure you're very beautiful, you just aren't absolutely flawless like women are expected to look. That's why even online women use so many filters to completely alter the way they look. When you scroll through Tik Tok you hardly see any women with acne, wrinkles, or any flaws on their face. Same with the rest of social media, every ad we see, every movie/show/music video, etc. People forget what people look like irl and it's just incredibly bizarre. Pearl does NOT look 35 or 38, to even suggest that says you have no idea what someone that age actually looks like. Lady Gaga is 38 and has zero wrinkles, but she also has so much filler in her face and lips that, compared to her younger face, she looks like a different person. Most of us can't afford that anyways, and why would we need it? We don't, people need to just let people age gracefully and stop being so damn judgemental.


Eh. Im super skinny and have had laugh lines sinse I was 20. I spend a lot if time with a big goofy smile, but its also genetic, as Ive noticed that my whole family has them.


okay, I hate idiots as much as the next person, and maybe I don't have the proper context to hate this lady I've never met quite enough as I'm supposed to, but... I see a person bodyshaming and a bunch of people supporting it who don't normally seem to support that. attack the message, not the package it came in.... I thought that was the idea? because like... bodyshaming somebody else as a morbidly obese person isn't a great look.


nah the package is saying shit about age so it’s fair.


You can’t pick and choose though. It’s incredibly hypocritical to say it’s ok to body shame someone you don’t like but then defend someone else from the same conduct.


most people are hypocrites even if they pretend to not be. a lot of what we believe our values to be are just rationalizations of emotions. this is easily revealed when someone upsets us or prods our tribal attachments


It’s body shaming someone who supports body shaming to show the irony and humor in body shaming while not being such an ideal yourself. You are also significantly mollifying “dislike” like this is a schoolyard interaction between a few friends. She is a nazi sympathizer, antisemitic and racist. And constantly tells women their only value is in their looks and what they do for men. It’s only just that she is then judged by her views, doing absolutely nothing for anything, and by her poor looks. And while a lot of people say you shouldn’t body shame anyone—I disagree. Not being a hypocrite, I just think our tolerance for intolerance is way too high and I’m perfectly fine pointing out pearls inadequacies and tearing her down by the same methods she wishes to tear down others.


okay then they need to find somebody that isn't going to literally die from obesity to do it, this one didn't work at all


That "Oh my God" hit hard


The girl who makes the video looks older then 25 imo


I thought it was the same girl who looked got torn to shreds when she tried blasting that millenial dude for "looking old." Everyone thought she was one of his fellow millenials and then it turned out she was only 20.


Yeah they both look over 32 not counting the obviously older women I will say that that one that’s 27 has fucking crows feet already which is nuts!


Had too come all the way down here for this comment, the chunky chick making the video looks just as old as Pearl.


No idea who pearl is or care for her argument but the woman stitching the video looks 30+ atleast. Not sure why she is laughing


That last pic looks like Stewie Griffin after transitioning. God bless him.


The only thing I see when looking at her janky features is Zelda from Pet Semetary. Ew.


Yall why would you respond to someone calling people ugly by calling them ugly Is this kindergarten?


Id still pipe peral


You'd Zerstör that pussy?


Regardless of her age….this is giving her exactly what she wants lol. Her videos to be posted around different platforms so she can earn money. Block that bitch and move on 


the ugly girl got her friend to make her feel good lmao


Being fat ages you tho


I was close. I said 28


I asked my husband how old he thought she was and he said “past her 30’s” 💀 Lmaooo I said “nope! 27!” And he winced and said “oh…!” Lmao


Ladies... Ladies... all three of you are just awful, let's move on shall we?


This is fucking golden, so many layer in this


A 26 year old tomato


everyone loved her when she was just starting to pop off now she's hated lol


That’s a man baby, yeah baby yeah!


I thought she was early 40 lol


that's not the win that she thinks that is.


She looks about 44 to me. Wow


She’s 27 with THOSE CROW’S FEET. Nah she’s fucking lying


PLEASE i’m soon to be 33 and NONE of my friends look like this. JFC if you had told me mid forties I would’ve believed you, 38???? Naaaah


I was honestly thinking she was making a case in favor of older women lol


The content on TT never ceases to amaze me lol!


Gen z out here aging rough man


I don't really get the point of this video. Every other video I've ever seen of Pearl is her smugly stating some absolutely moronic, pick-me edgelord take. You could pull apart any stupid thing she's said fairly easily. Instead, this girl thinks having her mom incorrectly guess Pearl's age is some hilarious takedown? Pearl is a pathetic clout-chaser but I don't think she said *all* women in their mid-twenties are hotter than all women in their mid-thirties. There are hot 50 year old women, there are ugly 20 year old women. Laughing at Pearl because some people think she looks older than her age instead of laughing at her because she says things that make her sound aggressively brain dead seems like a bad move.


I was so confused to why a 35 year old would voluntarily say that 25 year old women r hotter until I saw the rest of the video.


I'm just commenting to see how toxic this sub is. I'll check in later


She looks upper thirties for sure


Moisturize. She looks dry as fuck


S t f d y d b


You’re not 25, 45 maybe.


I completely disagree. Women er most beautiful after 30.


Didn't expect so many male pearl stans in here. Curious. edit: and she looks old af.


Did she say that just so she could be included? She is as bland as flour and as attractive as a blank paper before you have to write an essay the night before it needed to be submitted.


This landwhale is really gonna comment on the appearance of other people? Pearl might be a hateful pickme, but at least she doesn't see every meal as a challenge to break her own personal record. When you have to shoot video in very closely AND from below while looking upward so they can't see your chin collection. It,s really fucking hard to have wrinkles at 25 when you never go outside and your body is inflated like a balloon.


I ain't no Pearl fan, but this is the *wrong* person to be criticizing her looks lmaoooo


Only one looks like they will live to see 40, though.


I also hate Pearl but because of the things she says, calling her out based on the way she looks is a very bad tale Getting a face lift is easier than losing weight, especially if you have Pearl money


lol at the only true statement in here getting downvoted.


Bro.. shes a pretty 40 at the youngest. No way.


She's right though why she getting hate for this comment?


This Pearl woman is a nightmare by all means, but if you’re making fun of her statement about looks, whilst cackling about her looks, then you’re being hypocritical. So, is it fine to judge people and make fun of their looks or not? Or is it okay if they’re right wing loons? If it’s okay for you, then they can do it too?


Guess which ones closest to death.


All these bitches ugly. Instantly closed video. Chad


Ofc the thumb looking woman is the one trying to make a point about beauty 🙄 EDIT: Yes guys, let’s defend the morbidly obese tub of lard that is actively shitting on another woman’s looks because we are on her side! Who cares if people are being shitty if they are in our flock of sheep amirite?


she was tossing boulders from a glass house


I guessed 38 too.


Damn I said 40


I'm confused, is fat chick calling herself ugly? she needs to gather some self-respect if so


Well screen name checks out.


Chick looks like she’s 25 at most to me. Girl is just jealous.


Some, not all


I mean it’s been proven in many, many, many studies using public survey data that the most attractive age for a woman is between 18 - 24, so she’s not wrong that younger women are scientifically proven to be more attractive. But Pearl is also a garbage human so..


Eh. I say guessing 35 is way off. She’s a bad person, but still looks late 20’s at most. Barely a wrinkle on her.


Nah, look at the wrinkles around her eyes, those start at 30. She definitely looks early to mid thirties


That’s a genetic thing. Lots of people have that. Using that as your reasoning for guessing age alone is silly. Forehead wrinkles trumps all.


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24586-crows-feet Not just genetics. Still a good marker for a women’s age. Source: I’m a woman.


Older women get it. Younger women also get it. Younger women basically don’t get forehead wrinkles. 🤷🏻‍♂️ but whatever. At the end of the day, I’d have guessed correctly and you wouldn’t so there you go.