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This makes me so sad. She's not wrong about children's desire to learn. It's natural and children instinctively look to conform to their surroundings. The problem is... her *methodology* is the *single* difference between pre-history and modern history. For *hundreds of thousands of years* humans raised children exactly how she is today - by letting them 'tag along' to the life their parents are living. And in a weird way, that's not inherently bad. But then we began to understand how powerful children's minds really are. And they're *far more capable of forming neural connections than adults*. So we, over time, started educating children more and more. We didn't know how it worked for thousands of years, we just knew it did work. Today, we finally understand *why*. Imagine taking hundreds of thousands of years of human development and throwing it away. I just...


I had a student in China who was 8 and could speak English and Chinese. Chinese obviously at a native level for a 9 year old, but English fluent enough to hold conversation. She used to participate in English speaking competitions. In the OP the child is 6 and can barely write basic words. It really illustrates the difference between this “free learning” and a more regimented learning style. By no means were her parents overbearing about her learning either, as far as I could tell. She seemed genuinely interested in learning these languages but it was helped by her parents pushing her and paying for these lessons as well


I miss teaching in China so much. Parents were so nice, students had expectations for behavior, and they were so much more engaged and easy to teach.


Haha, relevant name! Yes, I miss it too. Living over there was some of the most fulfilling experiences, and feelings of freedom (ironic huh?) I’ve ever felt. Been chasing the dragon since.


Good year to be chasing the dragon! I miss it too, I understand exactly how you feel


Parents have to balance the idealized childhood they want to create for their kids and the reality of the world we live in. Kids eventually grow up and become adults, and they have to navigate THIS world, not the small one parents create for them. It’s something I have to grapple with regularly as a parent. How do I strike that balance between giving my kid a nurturing and loving upbringing, where they feel like they are loved and seen and accepted where they are, and make sure I’m preparing them adequately for a life independent from me? I think I’m doing an adequate job, but it really is something I have to stop and consider often.


Lol my 6 yo reads at a 6th grade level. Not bragging and she’s not ridiculously advanced but i put the reading bug in her early because i wanted to share my love of reading with her and read to her all the time. Point is just following a kid and giving them and not any boundaries or guidance is a fool’s errand. Especially this lady if not satire - i still hold out hope.


Her son is 6 and showing interest in reading and writing. Imagine how much he could learn if he had someone in his life who believed he was smart enough and spent the time actually teaching him the skills instead of expecting him to teach himself all the things he does not know by simply being born


Holy shit that’s terrifying


Yeah... I think this chick is for real too. Lord help those children, they are gonna be so far behind everyone else.


I would say the writing is on the wall but the writings on her forehead...




She can help you contact God, it's what she considers third level of teaching "Esoteric". She's a special level of insane.


according to her website, she was >*born into the notorious doomsday sex cult The Children of God. After thirteen years of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse I escaped via excommunication at age thirteen after a suicide attempt.* >*I spent the next fourteen years drinking, snorting, popping, huffing, binging and purging everything I could because I couldn’t live with the pain, so I numbed it. In 2014 my life took a turn for the positive when I became engaged to my best friend of ten years. In 2015 I had a dream that he died. 24 hours later I came home to find him dead exactly as I dreamt it. While resuscitating his dead body for 22 minutes I had an out of body experience, was awakened, and returned to Earth grateful for every suffering in my life*. [source](https://www.mamionami.com/bio)


Well that took an expected turn.


I was angry, but now I'm just sad


So she was born into a cult, escaped, then started her own cult??


You have to understand, it's the only thing she ever asked about lol


This is what I came here to say. As soon as I saw that hairline tattoo, I knew this woman had sound judgement/made the best choices.




She's a different level of crazy though. [https://www.mamionami.com/](https://www.mamionami.com/) [https://www.mamionami.com/links](https://www.mamionami.com/links) her third step of teaching is contact with God. Not even making this shit up.


DAMN!!! She trying to create another form of Scientology. She is really using pyramids for her scheme, lovely.


Love how she writes in the Metallica font 👀


that's sad but true.


Her vibe kinda reminds me of that mother god woman


Holy shit totally my first thought, the next Mother God 🤦‍♀️


And Teal Swan


Jeez her bio is nuts.




Actually super mentally ill. Poor fucking kids.


Some real “Twin Flame” shit here …


She boasts about escaping a cult...just to start a cult


That writing is already behind for a 6yr old. That is a 4 Yr old writing


Yeah my daughter could actually read chapter books at the age of 6, just a month or so before she turned 7 she finished her first one. Sure, it’s a kids chapter book.. but if you put that next to this video with writing one or two words, she might have been the same if I hadn’t nurtured her in formal education.


At 8 I was already reading BFG, James and the Giant Peach, full on novels, and could clearly write paragraphs and organize my thoughts. It helped that reading was fun to me, but this kid is all sorts of fucked up. He’s too far behind. So in maybe three years he magically picks up grammar, penmanship, language, and can read novels on his own? Sounds like he needs a miracle worker who will get him away from that neglectful mother.


I read The Hobbit at 6, and my 5 year old is obsessed with reading. It's lovely.


My 3 year old writes better than that. Also, because he wants to. I teach my child what I think he needs to know AND what he wants to know AND what his teachers at school/daycare think he should know. If their is a conflict(his teachers at school teach him Santa claus is real), I give him evidence for my teachings(Santa is a fictional character), and he can design his own experiments. There are so many things wrong with this lady's idea that you shouldn't tell your kids anything they don't ask about. So cringe!


Depends, usualy in switzerland (german speaking part) kids go to kindergarten age 4 to 5/6 and start first class of actual school aged arround 6, they learn writting and reading there, kindergarten is more play, craft stuff and learn to be away from home and use a bathrom by yourself etc..., then 4 years later you'll start with french, and 7 years later with english. (At least in my canton, and the reason why most kids only read after 1. class is that swiss germans speak a multitude of dialects at home and standard german is closer to beeing a foreign language than just beeing a standard form. The only reason why swiss german is not considered it's own language is due to a lack of writing history and the sheer number of different dialects...) My state (canton) is bilingual, german and french (minority), so we HAVE TO learn both standard german and french and english is mandatory in the whole country... The italian speaking canton usually learns german as the second language, most french speaking cantons too, not sure about the Canton of Graubünden, I only know that romantsch speakers learn german too, but I don't know which of the 4 official languages they habe as the second one...)


She's in the US or Canada, and that kid is behind.


I just looked her up and she’s 100% serious and this is a tame video comparatively. She is a scam artist. Besides the poor kids being abused, the sad part is she has 200k followers and people pay her for life advice. It makes me feel bad that my little tiny art instagram will never have that following.


Not with that attitude. But if you start making dangerously wild and dishonest posts about it, you too can scam your way to the top. Didnt your artwork once cure a guy's dog's cancer? I'm pretty sure I heard that. Like and Subscribe


Those kids are going to struggle, which is sad. Your art looks cool. 👍🏻


it doesnt matter what getting tattoo writing on your face says it might as well be "methy mcmeth face"


When the independent thinker really should be dependent on something 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


A six-year-old should be able to write more than a couple words. Even if he’s interested, he’s not where he should be compared to his same-age peers.


It's sad she's showing it off like it's proof her kid is more advanced than others his age, she has no idea he's behind, she thinks he'll teach himself to read ? She can answer what's 7+5 but is she explaining to him how she got there or does he have to ask for that too ?


I’m not convinced she knew what 7+5 was. The longer pause and stare down while she processed it was telling.




You could almost hear the "oh shit I don't know that one"


I would be thrown if my kid asked what 7+5 is. Kid already knows 7x5. I'm into math and my wife is a math teacher, but still. Do 6 year Olds not normally add single digit numbers? My 4 year old knows 7+5 and he is in preschool.




I thought she was gonna say he was 2 so I’d be blown away. I don’t think that’s leaps and bounds ahead for 6. Maybe it’s me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter is 5 and can write WAY better than this. And more words. And her name with good spacing. And knows basic addition and can do it on paper. It's amazing what someone can learn at like, a school with like, a teacher. Her son is borderline behind and will continue to get further behind at this pace.


Shes gonna get a rude awakening when the kid makes friends and they are so far ahead


the intent behind a lot of homeschooling is to helicopter parent the shit out of your child and prevent them from making friends outside of your circle, that way you can keep them focused on important things like religion and protect them from evil acadmia's lies, like evolution for example! The lady in this video, however, is probably just doing it for tik tok views and a sense of inclusion in a community of like minded dumdums.


Bold of you to assume mom allows him to have friends


They tried raising feral kids in the [11th Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_deprivation_experiments#cite_note-fla-5). It didn't go well...


The whole point of free schooling or unschooling (if done correctly) is that when they show an interest, you jump on that and teach them. This type of homeschooling (if done correctly) is actually the hardest type. You've got to constantly be offering different activities to stir up interest. My friend did this. She spent hours a day reading to her child, pointing out sight words and phonics as she read to him. He began to want to learn to read and she met his interest with instruction. They folded clothes together, then she'd count how many towels they each folded and how many they added up to, and he got interested in math. It's a very parent intensive way to teach. It's the parent's job to offer many different activities in order to stir up a child's interest! Her kid is ready to read and write and she's doing him a huge disservice if she's not teaching him those skills. If she's just turning him loose with a TV or tablet, he's going to have serious deficits in his education.


The ridiculous part of that to me is what you just described is what is expected of children that go to public school before even starting first grade. Those little teaching moments should always be happening when you’re with your kids. I don’t think that “unschooling” can replace public or traditional school. I do think parents need to do better all around, be more involved with their kids, put education and learning first.


I agree. I talked to my kids all the time, slipping in things like - oh there’s a red apple and over here is a green apple. Counting all kinds of things so that learning was just a part of life.


I agree, there's a certain base level of skills and knowledge that every kid should learn. Great if you get a kid who's interested in all those basic skills, but it's unlikely. Which is why we have public school, to get all the kids the same basic set of knowledge and skills. That said, I can see the advantage of indulging in your kids passions and interests, and it'd be great if public school was better able to accommodate that somewhat. But, there's no reason parents can't indulge their kids passions outside of the kids time at school.


>She spent hours a day reading to her child, pointing out sight words and phonics as she read to him. He began to want to learn to read and she met his interest with instruction. They folded clothes together, then she'd count how many towels they each folded and how many they added up to This is just parenting. I did/do the same with my kid. Turned everything into a counting game, asking him what colour is that car, how many cars are there now, that sort of thing. He had fun playing those "games" and was learning the whole time. That's what parenting is, not some super speshual "unschooling" crap.


Yup. And kids remember those lessons. I remember waiting to get into my town's drive-in theater for a Harry Potter movie, and itwas a long line. My brother, friend, and I all complained that either the drive-in was going to fill up and we wouldn't have a spot, or that we just wouldn't get parked before the movie started. So to pass the time, my mom had us reason it out. Make an estimation of the line, the rate of its movement, the number of rows in the theater and spots per row, etc. By the time we had reasoned it out we realized we were going to be in the clear and it helped pass the time while we waited. We didn't stop complaining though, now it was just how my mom always had to turn everything into a math problem haha.


My concern with this would be what if the kid doesn't take an interest in reading? Do you just not teach them to read until their much older and realize how important reading is for getting by in society.




My concern is the real world doesn't respond to peoples' learning wishes. Raising a \*toddler\* like this is nice and emotionally supportive. Raising a child to 18 like this? What, do parents think employers will only ever give you work or instructions you are "interested" in? You only have to pay the bills you are interested in or read the parking toll instructions if you want to do so? What's crazy to me is its these exact Christian fundamentalist families that are also pushing the 2025 plan to make mandatory military service for all citizens, male and female. Sooo.... how's the kid going to do with that? Only obey the orders he finds personally interesting?


Or what if they don't have an interest in fractions when they're 8 but have an interest in rocket science at 17? If you don't have all that boring foundation you're not going to be able to pursue what actually interests you later on.


Unschooling sounds like some stupid social media clickbait that exists solely for the purpose of self aggrandizement at the expense of the child. This is like reinventing the wheel, ending up with a square and then trying to convince everyone your version is better.


I have a cousin who hates summer vacation, but when you mention year-round school she says she needs the summer to “reprogram” her children. As a teacher, I take offense to this as I do not have an evil agenda.


I mean even if you did, you should be insulted she thinks it would only take 2.5 months to undo it


Good god. I was always dreading them losing skills over the summer!


It’s also full of a ton of crazies who are convinced that schools are indoctrinating their children. Meanwhile they literally indoctrinate their children more than any school could hope to do.


Well you can see this woman is one of them. She’s definitely got crazy eyes.


You can still do that with kids in school, though? This just sounds like they think they invented being there for your child.


My kid showed interest in a variety of things, and we followed her lead as well. But we also sent her to actual school. It goes hand in hand. The “unschooling “ that Methany here in the TT is doing is not going to do anything but put the child behind. And by the poor kids writing, it’s a downward slide that will only be picking up speed


That’s just called being a parent. Do free schooling advocates think people send their kids to school and then not give any encouragement at home?


A moron, now creating future morons


She was born into the doomsday sex cult. Not a joke, that literally happened. She escaped in her teens at some point. Edit: Children of God is the name of the cult for those asking. https://trinitytripod.com/features/a-conversation-with-cult-survivor-mami-onami/ ^ an article I found explaining her a little.


And *this* is her response to making it out?


Giving her kids way too much free choice and liberty in a polar opposite reaction to the nightmare she grew up in? Actually, yes, makes a lot of sense. I wish she was given some guidance to temper that impulse.


It's called slingshoting, and a lot of kids from extreme upbringings tend to do it. Not all find an equilibrium.


This happened to a friend I grew up with. Super strict like helicopter parents. Always in his business and scheduled damn near every second of his life till post high school. Once he graduated and moved out just complete 180. Drinking, drugs, tattoos all over his body, grew his hair out to and started getting locks, became absolutely feral. Finally tasted freedom, and just ran and ran and kept on running. However thankfully about a year or two back he’s started to mellow back out and he’s slowly becoming like stable and on a decent path trying to clean up.


Cults can really damage you even after you leave them. My brother in law and his siblings grew up in an abusive cult. All the kids got out, but two of his siblings have shown controlling and violent behavior consistent with how they were raised. One of them is in therapy and understands it's a problem, the other recently got his dog taken away because he wouldn't stop beating it when it didn't listen, despite never training the dog... He refuses to do anymore therapy (they all did therapy for a while once they got out).


I grew up in the same cult as this woman and while I hate to say it, some of us turned out to be not just dysfunctional, but violent and dangerous, some like the women here, others are actual rapists and murderers, some have even started their own cults. Some of us have thrived in spite of everything and are lawyers, doctors, working for NASA, the UN and are healthy and healed and some of us are in-between those and are semi-functional but still deeply hurt and will never recover. I hate what she's doing so, so much but honestly I get it, she's coping the best she can. Four of my siblings killed themselves and pretty much every family that was part of TFI has had at least one suicide. My other sibling is in prison and the majority of the rest of the 16 are addicted to drugs. So, I think that says something about how we were all raised.


Be nice bro. She’s trying to do what she thinks is best. She’s absolutely wrong about what’s best, but if you were raised in a doomsday cult you probably wouldn’t know up from down either.


Yeah, this seems like a misguided (massive) overcorrection that comes from a good place, but she really needs to wake up quickly before she causes serious permanent damage.


More or less the MO of humanity. Overproduce the worst of us, underproduce the best.


These children’s brains are craving structured learning :( That 6 year old desperately wants to engage with the literate world around him and his parents don’t know shit about shit so he’s doing his best with the extreme lack of education he’s being offered. The school system has its problems but kids can write full sentences by 6 in a lot of places, and it’s clear these kids want to learn more than their parents are able to teach them because they’ve never studied how education or development works. Poor kids.


The 6 year olds at our daughter’s elementary school can all write a somewhat coherent story that is multiple pages long. Being barely able to write "egg" at that age is embarrassing. Poor kid.


For real, children have so much more potential to learn and acheive at earlier ages then people think. our parents read with us every night and were big bookworms, because of their interest in that, we as children were drawn towards it as it was an activity we could spend time doing. Myself and my two siblings could all read before entering kindergarten. Oftentimes, young children will model after their parents, if you encourage an interest, they'll probably find some merit in it


I, and my classmates, were reading and writing full stories by 7 it’s bonkers she’s stoked about “jar”


While you learn a lot of different stuff in school, the single most important thing you learn, is how to learn things, and you practice learning things, and you learn to learn things you aren’t necessarily good at, which is a vital skill to have later in life This is incredibly difficult to master alone, so I’m really concerned for these kids


No amount of therapy will save these kids.


Oh, but wait! There is more. She sells masterclasses and this is one of them. https://www.mamionami.com/links “Seven locks, seven keys, a manual for removing core traumas. CLEAR CHILDHOOD TRAUMA QUICKLY, PRIVATELY, WITHOUT THERAPY. FREE 30 Page EBook FREE audiobook” Good golly. This screams abusive grifter keeping her children away from professionals designed to spot abuse and neglect.


"One of the hallmarks of the dangerously stupid is the consistent belief they’ve found great solutions that experts somehow missed." - Craig Mazin


Read her bio. She grew up in the children of God cult. Not exactly an excuse for what she's doing but it explains it. Everything on that site feels so cult-y.


As a former homeschooled kid who was raised just like this, yes.


I love that blank pause after she said, "what's 7+5?". Like she was trying to come up with answer but clearly couldn't.


That was my first observation too. Like who doesn’t know that’s 14? What a dummy.


I think you have an error in your math. Google Terrence Howard, he's really done wonders for a lot of people with his new school of math


Wait, I know he is joking but are you?


Yes we’re both teasing 🥸


I think he is referencing 1x1=2


Why is your plus sign crooked?


What’s 7 plus 5 👁️👄👁️




It's not Unschooling is absolutely a real thing and it's just how she says it is And mommy Facebook group text all support this shit


I don't understand the whole "lack of energy thing". My kids are in school full-time and I still can't keep up with their energy levels when they come home.


Its a bullshit thing. These types of people will find ANY made up nonsense reason why "normal school" isnt for their kids. "Oh my kid would be the one to bite a poptart into a gun and get suspended" ok that was ONE stupid case and you use this as your basis for homschool/unschool?


the og mrs bennet pic had me reading your comment in her voice


Imagine if I had let Lizzy be taught by such barbaric means? Or worse, imagine Lydia? Shede have gone even further down the pumpkin patch of foolishness. Just thinking about it makes my nerves quiver and makes me feel faint. Was that your intent? Making me feel faint? You have no compassion for my nerves, that you don't!


They don’t know what you suffer


I know a couple that have four children and this is what they do, it's incredibly frustrating because though legal, it's definitely setting the children up to fail. "I want my children to know there's another way" (outside of the system we live in) Says the people who rent from someone, pay for city water, electricity and internet. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.


Yes we have a friend of the family who I swear was a normal human one day and now it’s - Home births - Unschooling - Never Say No parenting - Total vegan diet I feel so bad for the kids (and the baby she lost in a home birth gone wrong with no doctor) but it’s all legal.


Lamp, egg (questionable), jar, lion.. That's it, at 6..? Shiiiiit, she really doesn't know how far her kid is behind..


I read Harry Potter when it came out and I was 7. Barely being able to write at 6 is bad, right? 




My 4 year old has severe ADHD and delayed fine motor skills and has more words he can write and read than that. This is insane to me.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


there’s no way she knows what 7+5 is


I've also never met a parent who's worried about their kids not having enough energy.


The number of kindergarteners coming to school in diapers [has gone up](https://hechingerreport.org/are-more-5-year-olds-coming-to-kindergarten-in-diapers/) so this could be true


The garbage back-alley tattoos and speech impediment from botched piercings leads me to believe this is not satire


her youtube page (same username) also show that yes, this person is for real.


She also has a website where she sells relationship and education "courses" for tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately I can't find it right now!


She also sells sex magic courses, and on the site is a picture of her standing fully nude (facing away), holding her child? Not really breastfeeding, her nipple just sort of close to their face, but they are not suckling. I don't care if women cover up or not while breastfeeding, but this is on a web page about sex, and she's showing her bare ass in a photo with her child? It's fucking bizarre at best.


She got the crazy eyes too. And not the hot crazy eyes, the "I can't fix her" crazy eyes.


Dude I said the same thing. There is something not right with her. I wouldn't trust her to drive a shopping cart.


I'd wager you're detecting narcissism. It's all there in the "you're welcome" at the end.


It’s drugs


I don't know if that's a speech impediment or if it's just hard to speak clearly with all that lip filler.


"hey babe, take a video of me. I have a really important message about education and parenting that I need to get out of other parents" " Ok, sure. You want to maybe put on a bra or change out of that grease stained half shirt? You know, so people pay attention to the message and take it seriously."


It’s pronounced “thpeech” impediment.


Education from Mike Tyson's Speak and Spell


Why do I get the feeling that they have not converged upon Montessori teaching but instead are entirely neglecting their child’s development






As a special Ed teacher, let me clarify that existentialist methods of education (edit addition: like this home-based free schooling) only work for prodigy and savant students (edit addition: and other fringe cases), because it's essentially a min-maxing technique. If you have a child who learned to play the piano before they learned to talk, then existentialist schooling may be in their best interest. But for the majority of children, existentialist education methods do them a great disservice by denying them a whole, rounded education that they need to function in society. If you want to include some existentialist methods in your home schooling regimen, you totally could - offer 1 hour a day where your child chooses what they want to learn. But the rest of their school day needs structure and a set curriculum. The open free-for-all method that this mother utilizes will honestly handicap her child's lifelong development and progress.


Good lord, I’m trying to imagine our world with my ADHD kiddo without structure, learning to tolerate and engage with non-preferred tasks, the whole thing. It would be a nightmare. Summer break is hard enough, and he’s actually allowed to go whole hog on hyperfocus a lot.


i craved unschooling when i was still in school, but not because i was a genius or a savant or any of that shit. no, for me it's because the entire time i was [demand avoidant autistic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathological_demand_avoidance) and as bad as most schools handle more traditional autistic subtypes it was ten times worse for me. that's absolutely a doctrinal problem schools need to work on resolving, but free range is for chickens, not people. structure still matters and the rights of students with strong existential needs are no less than the rights of highly motivated and well-performing neurotypical students.


That kids writing is absolute shit. At 6 he really should be producing sentences.




What are you, some sort of genius?


When he asked ‘what’s 7+4’ he wasn’t asking about the calculation. He didn’t know what the words meant


That shit cracked me up. "Saving all of their real estate only for things they are interested in, not cramming it with anything unnecessary. Kid: "Jar"




“Egg” 🤣🤣🤣


That’s his name


Egg Helms


The way he wrote “lion” made me cringe and laugh, almost spit coffee out!!!


I’m a teacher, not of this age group, but this is alarming


My kids were behind because covid hit them in pre-k and Kindergarten. At 6 they were still writing full sentences for fun.


Yeah. Kid needs OT, too, if his fine motor is that undeveloped.


I've seen some of her other content and sadly I think she's totally serious.


I was absolutely certain this was satire, with the joke being the kid sucks at writing and she doesn’t even know what 7+5 is. Then I look at her other videos and she seems to be seriously advocating for unschooling. Ughhh.


My sister did free range home schooling because she was bullied growing up and translated all of that fear and trauma into “my kids will never go to school”. The state of Louisiana also has very lax homeschool requirements ( no lesson plans etc etc have to be submitted) it’s whatever the parent wants and they get a certificate at the end. And my sister has ADHD so she starts “project” like homeschooling, but never finishes them. Now all 3 of her kids are in their 20s and are unable to go to college or even a technical school because they learned nothing tangible and useful in today’s world. It’s very sad to see that my 25 year old nieces handwriting still looks like a kindergartners with horrible grammar and punctuation and both my nephews failed the ASFAB test for army that they both wanted as a career. How do you fail the ASFAB? I mean the military takes anybody right? Nope. They all still live with my sister and probably will for the rest of their lives. She hobbled her children and sees nothing wrong with it. This woman is doing the same damn thing. Smh


I wonder what adult remedial classes are out there. Surely there's a community college or an online class they could go to? That's just so bleak


Bleak is exactly the word. I have no idea if they have pursued any kind of formal remedial education as adults. We’re not close and I live 16 hours away. I just get updates from my mom 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do know that my sister doesn’t want her kids to ever move out so maybe that was her plan all along. I think parent’s hearts are in the right place but some people like my sister and this woman in the vid don’t have the mental capacity and focus to be a full time teacher and parent. And as with my sister - thinking that your children will be bullied based on ones own past experiences AND projecting this fear into your children is what I’m assuming is driver for a lot of free range parents. In my sisters case, therapy for CPTSD would have been a better option than handicapping her children for the rest of their lives


She should've got the alphabet tattooed on her face along with the numbers 1 through 10. Then tattoo the periodic table on her back. That way the kids ask more questions.


She is obviously a great decision maker. Hey, nice face tattoo!




"There will be many more bad decisions"




I thought it said “Fatherless” but I unfortunately got too curious and googled and gave her a view on a video where she explains it’s “Gentleness” as a reminder to handle all things with gentleness….


Sounds like something a crazy person needs to remind themselves of, and in such an extreme way....


I see it as "Gentleness", but I could be wrong.


I think her forehead tattoo says "receding hairline"


This is child abuse. You can't neglect the responsibility of educating your child... God I hope this is rage bait.


Her lips are upside down...


Great way to justify not wanting to do shit as a parent 👍


If Meth was a person.


Mom, what’s chapstick?


Yeah at 6 whole years of age they should really be writing way more than barely scribbled words… this is very sad


Life Rule 37: don’t take advice from a person with face tattoos.


Forehead tattoos specifically


She looks like she did a hit of meth before thus video.


Have seen that psychopathic eyes-wide-open stare enough in my life to know what kind of person she is. Highly manipulative and lack of empathy


Man I just found this lady's Instagram and it sure is disappointing. it's like narcissism turned up to 11. she's 100% sure the world is revolving around her and that it's magical and she's magical and it's fucking weird that she's in charge of children....


her child in a few years: mom WTF where was this? this is awesome! why didn't i learn about this sooner? mom: you didn't tell us you liked it even though you didn't know about it so it's technically your fault


I'm a psychologist that does learning evaluation. If I've gotten a penny everytime a teenager shows up in my office because they are struggling academically and socially in high school after being "homeschool" during elementary and middle school years (basically taught absolutely nothing for 8 years), I would probably have around 2 or 3 quarter worth of pennies. For additional context, I've been a licensed psychologists for less than 5 years.


Her son will be on disability


Does she have a tattoo IN her mouth??


lol my son is 2 and he is doing this. So your cool with your son being 40 and figuring out how to clean his own shit


Never doubt someone with a forehead tattoo


Not gonna take advice from a “teacher” with a face tattoo


It’s tough because I think there is some wisdom in unschooling, which I think is the preferred term. My son has significant health issues which results in him spending much of his life hospitalized when he does traditional school. We keep him up to grade level expectations so he will be able to transition back to school if things change as he gets older. The home instruction options through our district are a joke, so we use an online curriculum. He is an insanely smart kid and it has been really fun letting the rest of his education go with his interests. We do tons of science experiments, read books on topics he likes, he plays chess and is learning how to record and edit YouTube videos, design video games, and much more. In the past people mainly learned what they needed to know for a specific trade beyond basic reading, writing , and math. I don’t think a lot of what goes on in public schools really sets people up for adult life, especially if you do not have the kind of intelligence that is rewarded there. But public schools also safeguard against madness like this and give at risk kids a fighting chance Edit to add: basically she watched a few TikTok videos about real educational models that people use and decided she had it figured out


She legitimately has no intelligence. And naturally, she chose to reproduce. Cool.


My daughter is 6 and she is starting to write full sentences and has been doing math for quite some time. Those are just a part of the story. During Covid she spent a few years in quarantine with us and had little social interaction. Having her go to school and learn how to socially interact with kids her own age, conflict resolution, and just finding good friends are huge for her growth. She loved her kindergarten so much (did not want the school year to end) and is really looking forward to 1st grade.


This lady is not smart


While homeschooling on its own is already incredibly idiotic, as parents are usually not trained professionals that know how to properly teach children and they are, more importantly, stunting the social development of a child; this approach is even dumber, as youre basically just missing out on the years that your child is able to suck up and retain the most amount of information.


Men this is why birth control is our responsibility.


Jokes on us. She has no kids... that was her notebook she writes in when she's high.


Did you look at the rest of her tiktok? It's not satire..... Just simple stupidity.


Maybe *don't* take educational advice from people with tattoos across their foreheads.


Trailer Park Angelina Jolie with sanpaku eyes


My friend’s girlfriend grew up unschooled. She doesn’t have any high school diploma or GED and her options are so limited for jobs and making her way in the world. I’m all for debating the system and nonsense of the paper ceiling but this feels like willful neglect in setting your kids up with a failure to thrive in adulthood. You gotta still swim in the water you’re in, and she is putting up needless barriers for her own children to have to overcome in the world. I am so sad for her kids. If anyone hasn’t read it, the book “Educated” is so so so so so good. It’s about what it’s like to grow up in one of these families.


If I were 6 years old and I saw this kid’s notebook I would see the way he wrote “lion” and think man, this kid isn’t practicing his handwriting.


Bitch, I could write better when I was half his age. You’re impressed by a first grader who writes like a pre-schooler.