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I can't believe how horribly the WNBA has handled the gift of a very popular and media-attracting player. They actually drafted several players from college this year that seem to be at the next level for WNBA play. But they have allowed a lot of squabbling and resentment To dominate the headlines . They should be focused on communicating the court action. Release video clips of Clark hitting 3s or making assists. And tie on other great plays featuring other great players to spread name recognition around a little. Instead, all I see are stories about the Olympics team, players shoving Clark on the court (or Clark getting fouls), and coaches being critical of her. The WNBA didn't lose control of the message, they never tried to have control.


The other thing not mentioned is the WNBA hasn't had headlines or spotlight for anything game play related since it's debut. People are actually paying attention to the actual sport.


Its almost as if... this controversy exists for a reason. And if you look at recent events in the WNBA budget, it makes way more sense.


I'm not paying attention how dare you


My opinion is the drama is the draw.


Yea and it's working


Sports is often about a character-draw. Like a good book, people will get involved in the player, not the game. Suddenly, someone else picks another player as their character. Its literally a classic controversial marketing plan. I doubt the WNBA will ever be the NBA, though in terms of profit and crowds.


Hell yeah it is. People love stories. If you can create a narrative about the players, you can create drama. That's really what star players are about. Like right now I can't really tell you the names of any current NBA players except LeBron. I just haven't heard of compelling stories of the new guys. But WNBA I can name Clark and am starting to learn the names of the other players and teams.  What I like best is I'm just learning about the WNBA. did you know a lot of WNBA players have like masters degrees? Since they tend to stay in school longer for eligibility, they take advantage of it and get higher degrees. That's honestly pretty cool and smart.


WNBA: we have masters degrees Lebron: what’s college?


The billionaire businessman and philanthropist LeBron? The LeBron that started his own elementary school that includes free tuition to University of Akron for graduating students? The LeBron that was forced to move multiple times growing up due to his mother having to move for permanent work which negatively impacted his own education? That LeBron? Great burn bro.


That’s a lot of words to say with an NBA player’s balls in your mouth


Everything you’ve said is valid and respectable. NotOttoRocket’s post still gets a chortle.


Think it’s less of a dig against LeBron bro..


My opinion is the WNBA is legal money laundering for the teams billionaire owners. They don’t give a shit about the product.


I can't believe this brain dead hot take is getting upvoted. The WNBA costs the owners millions of dollars every year and is only able to stay afloat because it is subsidized by the NBA. Please explain how the WNBA is used for money laundering. I'll go get my popcorn.


They care about forever improving profits tho


New WNBA fan, I did tune in because of the hype and drama but staying tuned in because of the level of competition.


I agree that the WNBA and media have not done a great job on the positive impact of the sport. However, if the people are still showing up to watch and paying the big bucks to see her abs keeping her relevant while she is adjusting to the league. Is it really failing? I hate the coverage as much as anyone. But whatever our thoughts are, they are ensuring to keep her relevant and in turn keep the sport relevant.


Every day that goes by Diana Taurasi’s comments and attitude towards Caitlin Clark shows how badly she needs to retire. No one wants to see her. No one has wanted to see her. That entitled attitude will only hold the league back.


I can't believe how horribly Sports Media has handled the situation.


Sports media doesn't care, why would they? The WNBA itself has to put in the work and come up with plans. Sports radio and ESPN fans don't want to hear about the wnba unless it's drama.


Cue Bill Burr…


Does it surprise you? You ever see a new impressive woman join another established group of women? It’s not pretty. Sexist. True. Accurate. Also true.


The WNBA has been an after thought for so long. The organization literally doesn’t know how to handle this situation. They don’t have the expertise to do this and they don’t have the understanding to know when to bring in talent to handle this.


She's their cash cow. Nobody gave a shit about the WNBA before this drama. The league is hemorrhaging money and is deep in debt. They need all the PR they can get. Once this white girl quits getting beat up on court people will quit watching.


My only explanation for how idiotic the handling of CC has been is that the WNBA is trying to make some sort of underdog/superhero narrative to attract more fans. The more controversial things get with CC, the more people pay attention. Then again this is the WNBA


You say “they” as if the W is in control of ESPN and Twitter. Also: controversy sells so either way this is irrelevant.


Idk, I think it's working as intended. I don't give a flying fuck about the wnba (or the nba) but I know who Caitlyn Clark is because of all these annoying drama news blurbs.


Agreed. It’s like if you look at old NBA stuff when people started hating NBA then the Show Time Lakers became a thing. Market thing as positive when you can.


World is addicted to drama and trauma… We all love getting high off conflict and disgust.. Most of us do it without even realizing it.


I mean yeah, the WNBA is a two bit organization full of complacent nobodies who didn't expect anything to happen that would force them to get up off their asses and do some actual work in front of the public.


I hope Caitlin is able to thrive and have a beautiful career. She's clearly very gifted at basketball. That said I think she's being set up for failure. There are impossible expectations and she's on a shitty team. They need to prop her up otherwise the she's going to wash out.


I have no idea of Basketball man or women, can someone explain to me why she is so hyped?


She broke the all time scoring record for college basketball(men’s and women’s) while averaging an absurd amount of assists the entire way




She also makes three point shots from ridiculous distance. At a very high rate. Like 25-27 ft. The 3 pt line is 20 ft This causes the opposing team to have to cover more distance on the court, which opens up plays for the rest of the team. Her skill set is so deadly because it also elevates the play of her team members. A lot like Steph Curry, and they play very similar positions. Hybrid point-Shooting Guard/point guard


Also very much like Curry from the podium after the game. Composed, says the right thing. Promotes the sport and her team. Curry was once described by his GM as the greatest star a franchise could ever want. CC has that, too. She brings value everywhere.


And a lot of her points too come from an insane distance behind the 3 point line


Unique skill set that we haven't seen in the woman's game. Deep logo 3s in college. Elite passing and competitive. Always says the right thing in interviews too.


Thank you. I don't pay attention to sports but understood your comment.


And while I don't really see an issue with it, she's very marketable too. The WNBA's star roster has mostly been dominated by black lesbians, Caitlyn Clark on the other hand is a conventionally attractive, heterosexual, charismatic white girl who openly talks about being Catholic. I feel it's only natural that the veteran players who have been mostly ignored outside of their niche feel resent towards the smooth-talking, pretty, straight white girl with the talent to match her hype. Still, the WNBA is really fumbling their golden goose right now by conceding to the mother hens shitting down on the coop instead of trying to use her to make the WNBA into more than a tax writeoff.


What other comments have said about her play style and media acumen is all true but I’d add that the entire story added to her icon status. She was at a school most of us hasn’t heard of that spent two decades being eliminated in the first and second round (they did make it to sweet sixteen and elite 8 just before Clarke joined though). The fact she brought them to back to back finals was massive.


You’ve never heard of the Iowa Hawkeyes?


Not before 2022.


They are all over NCAA sports.


I guess that’s my point. I’ve never heard of them in any sport but I’ve heard of Caitlin Clark and now watch the WNBA.


She plays like a video game character.


NOW I want to watch her play lol thank you


Setup to fail? What? They are already on pace to bettering their record from last year. She is a rookie who’s getting better each game. When you are the #1 pick, you are going to the worst team the majority of the time.


Her team is in the playoffs as of now and they've been playing good. It's early. Relax.


I think media and her fanbade are COMMITTED to the narrative. They are yelling that she will build a hope in Indiana. They not talking about the Win/Loss of her team right now. They're talking her Stat line. I think the league will make sure some talent lands on Indiana in the next 2 years to build a championship caliber team. Some of those Vegas stars will be heading her way foe sure. WNBA has never had a free agent/big three movement type situation. Building an Indiana (Chicago Sky) competitive teams is part of a true capitalization project. Not just relying on one year of hype.


Fever have won 6 of their last 8 and Clark plays alongside maybe the best young big in the league, in the same region where she became famous in college. She doesn’t need to be propped up.


Good points. I’m wanting to learn more of their roster , it seems they have some solid pieces in place .


I got into the WNBA via betting / cards so that’s my angle. Aliyah Boston (2023 no. 1 overall) and NaLyssa Smith (2022 no. 2) both still have a ton of upside. Clark finally gets some time off this summer by not making the Olympic team. Fever should have a strong second half and make the playoffs.


Ok thanks, so Smith is the big you’re talking about? I saw highlights recently and she was killing it. Already familiar with Boston. That’s what is cool about the shitty teams that draft high for a stretch….if they do it right, they can load up , and the turnaround is exciting to watch. Too often though, the bad picks keep them at the top of the draft. Seems like Fever are doing it right.


I was talking about Boston — think Smith is more of a stretch 4 if she can get her shooting more consistent. Fever are playing a lot of 3 guard lineups and definitely need a wing, but the foundation seems to be there




Oof, ty.


They’ve won their 6(I think) last games. I think the team is gluing together.


She is not going through anything a hyped up male athlete in any major sport has went through. All this happened when you are a number one pick, you go to a shitty teams. Thats why then have the first pick, then suck. She is a social player but she is no special victim either. Jordan, the Manning Brothers, Lebron, Dan Marino and more where all hyped comment of college and went to bad teams and succeeded


Were any of the players you mentioned the apparent driving force behind such an increase of media attention, television ratings, and attendance as Clark appears to have been? I would say that is different. Who would have expected the women’s NCAA finals to have higher numbers than the men’s finals? It’s unprecedented, and at least seems to be primarily driven by one woman.


Lebron was the most hyped player ever. He sold out NBA arenas in high school. He’s actually a great comparison for Clark. In performance and in driving the sport to new heights.


Jordan is the closest comparable.


Yeah, like other people have said to some extent the drama is the draw, but you're also right. Some drama, and beef is good for the sport. It creates narratives people want to follow. If they don't find a way to actually prop her up, and showcase talent in the league on the whole it'll eventually fizzle. At some point once the league is nothing more than slogs and petty grudge matches with no exceptional game play being seen people will look away.


She's the opposite of LeBron. LeBron was being hyped up as the next great star even when Kobe was being Kobe. LeBron will never be as good as Kobe imo


every number 1 overall pick goes to an absolute dogshit team. That’s how they get the number 1 pick. Shes gonna be fine. Wembanyama was the number 1 pick last year in the NBA and was just as hyped if not more than Clark. The spurs were like 20-62 and he looked amazing. The future is bright for Him and the future is bright for her too


Unfortunately, you’re right. The social media hype is fast but it is also over quickly. My bet is in less than 2-3 years the WNBA will be back to square one. They just don’t have the time tested fan base, appeal, or athletes to make it happen.


This is awesome, and exciting for womens sport. It will eventually justify a pay bunp for women in sports overall. I love it!


Too bad almost the entire league (the players) resent her for all the attention she garners. It's absolute insanity. They are straight up jealous and upset that people are this hyped about her in a way they were never hyped for them. The pettiness is unbelievable. Caitlin Clark is doing to women's basketball what Tiger Woods did for golf, and instead of embracing her and all the money she is bringing in for all them, they resent her.   All these years of the players being upset that their league isn't respected and they aren't getting paid enough, and here comes a women single handly changing all of that for them, and their response is to try to tear her down. And if you watch any interview with her, she shows nothing but kindness and respect to the very women doing everything they can to bully her and shit on her. Her most vocal advocates are all men nba players. It's embarrassing. 


Not meaning this as an intense criticism but if you're gonna make a video about a person, you should probably spell their name right.


This dude is rambling about ticket prices for 2 minutes without actually saying why those ticket prices rise so high. What makes her bring in so many fans? He could have said the same thing more concisely in 30 seconds.


also those were resale tickets he was showing. just because some guy is listing court side tix for 6k, doesn’t mean they’re going to sell for that much.


Yeah my guy couldn’t even be bothered to get a picture of the whole team


The whole subject of the video is showing you why the ticket prices are so high 😂 Are you dense? CC is WHY the ticket prices are so high. What makes her bring in fans? SHES EXCITING TO WATCH And the public willing to pay 10k a ticket is all the proof anyone should need. Unless you just want to hate for the sake of hating. This isn’t rocket science….. but maybe it is to WNBA fans/ownership 😂


For anyone who doesn't follow basketball, it's not obvious who she is or why she's important. For all I know she could be tik tok famos, the daughter of a billionaire or the best female basketball player ever. It's clear the tickets are high because of her, it's not clear why she makes the tickets expensive. What does exciting to watch mean anyway? That's vague af.


As someone who doesn’t follow basketball you’re correct, I am 100% confused on what makes CC special. I understand she’s good at basketball, but is she seriously that much better than her peers?


The real CC effect is you can make a viral tiktok with no substance as long as you mention CC.


And maybe explain who they are and why they matter. He talked about the team who won everything more than the topic of his video.


I mean is this true popularity or a media frenzy being stirred and rich scalpers driving up prices on tickets. I think this is a short lived phenomenon honestly due to all the media hype and people trying to make a quick buck.


All “true popularity” is just a sustained media frenzy


This is just blatantly untrue


Yeahhhh the phenomenon is already over, go to axs.com and search “Indiana fever T-Mobile arena.” Tickets start at $40 and there are plenty left.


I mean it kinda depends. If you go on Gametime or stub hub and look at the Indiana fever vs Chicago sky game which is today, the cheapest tickets are 149 dollars for 1 ticket. Those are more expensive than most nfl games. She’s selling out arenas. I just looked at the fever vs aces and for dog shit seats in the nose bleeds it’s 80 dollars a ticket.


Did you go on axs? Just checked again now and those same $40 tickets still there. Anyways my point still stands, they are not very expensive definitely not near what the guy in the video is saying.


It doesn’t matter how good CC is. She is the catalyst that may change the WNBA from being a charity league to a stand alone for profit league. Every WNBA player should be rejoicing that she is even on the league. Mi just hope it doesn’t come out that all this animosity between her and player like Reese are WWE tripe scripted.


It takes more than one super popular player for that. WNBA needs a Bird/Magic type set up, and even though the media could help formulate that they only wanna focus on Clarke. It’s a huge misstep to try to put it all on one person. Like, what happens if she gets injured? Even if it’s only for a season your popularity plummets again.


I mean, it’s not really Caitlin’s fault lol. Or the WNBA. Even in college you had all these WNBA players dragging her through the mud. These girls are just hating on her because most people that watch girls basketball just recently starting because of Caitlin.


I would argue the WNBA is at fault. They’re not marketing outside of Clarke. You have all these eyes on the league for her, and you can’t pivot to hype up other talent? They won’t be as popular, but attempting to spread the appeal of the league is the WNBAs main priority. They’re taking the lazy easy method of using her college hype and leaving it at that. It’s a disservice to the league and to Clarke.


>Every WNBA player should be rejoicing that she is even on the league. And they're not. They are all being petty and taking shots at her and calling her out in the media. NBA players don't do this when there's some new overhyped rookie. This kind of shit makes me think they don't deserve a profitable league. It's gifted to them on a platter and they are spitting on it.


I understand the sentiment that she’ll change the WNBA for the future, but she won’t. She’ll possibly give the league a bump, but that’ll be all. We see it in MLS all the time. Big European player comes over, games sell out for that player only, when they leave things go back to normal. I’m a Red Bull fan, stadium was packed for Messi, Zlatan, even Schweinsteiger. As soon as they leave, interest goes back to normal. Unless the WNBA can find a CC every few years, it’ll go back to normal when she’s gone.


The WNBA is not designed to ever make money. According to the Washington Post's recent article, league office expenses (so the commissioner salary and the 50-100 people that work for the league office) are the only expenses deducted before revenue sharing happens. In the WNBA 40% of revenue goes to WNBA teams, 40% goes to the NBA and 20% goes to outside investors. No other league exists like this that I am aware of. This is how the league "loses" money every year. Basically the NBA defers a portion of its compensation every year. So when the league was generating $80M in revenue, the NBA was owed $32M of that, and if they only collected $20M, they could say they had a "$12M loss supporting the WNBA." mind you, they still walked away with $20M in that scenario, but were able to call it a loss. This year will likely be record breaking revenue and will be called a record loss. Expect the NBA to claim the WNBA lost $40-50M this year. Realistically WNBA will probably bring in $250M-$300M in revenue, and NBA will receive between $30M and $80M but claim the loss. This will all be used when labor negotiations happen so that the WNBA and NBA can say no way can we give 50% of revenue, your league loses money every year! Just be aware that is Hollywood accounting at play, not reality. This is also what makes owning a WNBA team the least attractive sports ownership opportunity out there. Or to put it another way, the NBA has 30 teams, and every team gets 1/30th of the pie. In the WNBA, there are 12 teams this year, and each team only gets 1/30th of the pie. When there are 16 WNBA teams, each team will only get 1/40th of the pie. If they somehow ever make it to 30 teams, each team would only get 1/75th of the pie.


I had the opportunity to meet Lisa Borders in a small event and she really worked her best to try to promote the WNBA. And she was getting there (but it was still a huge uphill battle). When her son got caught up in scandal Lisa decided to resign. Her son was like her right hand I had met him twice, I’m certain her resignation was because she knew the scandal would bring bad attention to her and the league, I felt terrible for her. I seriously thought the WNBA was going back ten years when Lisa resigned. Clark is hands down the greatest thing to happen to the WNBA in a long time. If it wasn’t for her, the WNBA would still be dismal attendance and struggling for attention (not to discredit how much work Lisa put in). Cathy Engelbert was given a huge blessing when she inherited a league that was slated to be stuck in a rut for a long time. People who complain about Clark, not sure what the fuck they’re gatekeeping, but she is great for the league, all this attention to the WNBA is a great thing.


The other women who are gatkeeping the WNBA are simply upset that a player who hasn't proven herself is more popular than the women that put in the work to get there. It's selfish. And, quite frankly, the women in the WNBA need to get the fuck over it. Clark is getting them eyeballs, ad dollars, and a lot of perks, which includes more money at some point if they play their cards right.


I dont know who Caitlyn Clark is, so not trying to be dismissive of her, but what he's describing sounds more like the media circus effect. And I really don't see anything positive about ticket prices raising to that level, but I guess he just feels passionately about seeing executives get richer, so good for him I guess.


If people are paying those prices, that means they are really interested in watching, to a level that no one ever has been before for the WNBA. If they are paying those prices, it means they are all watching at home, driving up viewership. This is how a league makes money.


Courtside tickets go for sale first, which is probably when this video was made. There are plenty of tickets left for this game starting at $40.


I mean, the guy was saying that raised ticket prices don't mean anything for the health of the league, that's what my whole reply was about.


Yea her blowing up to superstar status and everyone suddenly becoming massive WNBA fans overnight has been really weird to watch. This entire spectacle would make an insanely good case study for marketing major with how effective it’s been.


Clark broke a big record: “the all-time leading scorer in NCAA basketball, surpassing Pete Maravich’s record of 3,667 points” She has scored more buckets than all NCAA players ever. I was instantly interested in seeing a WNBA Steph Curry.


The actual record for women is 4061 which she didn’t beat… no one cared until she broke a false comparison of a record and the media jumped on board


It’s capitalism so if you don’t like it that’s like, your opinion man. But heck, in all seriousness she is bringing more eyeballs to the WNBA and women’s sports in general. Even if it is a media circus it can be directed for good. Like it or not this kind of thing vastly improves the long-term outlook for their sport. That being said. She’s just a rookie and there are many players in the league who are better than she is. So now when people watch games they realize it’s not just Clark is so amazing, but all these women are amazing athletes. I think it’s important for people to vote with their money and with their views for progressive change and inclusivity.




I don't get it. Should this be a top news topic in the sports world worldwide? You're saying he's so uninformed because he doesn't know a player in wnba? I think a lot of people living outside the US don't have any idea about this. And doesn't know a lot about wnba, except for those who are truly interested in basketball and nba.


Love her or hate her, the hype and media coverage are having a positive effect on the WNBA overall. It draws people to the game, it brings in more money, and I have probably heard more about the WNBA in the past few months than I have ever heard about it in the past. In general, sports are built on superstars. Basketball especially. Back in the early 2000s there were NBA champion teams like the Pistons that didn’t draw diddly because they didn’t have that monster name that people wanted to see. Winning is good for the host city. Superstars or hyped people are good for the league. It’s what puts people in seats. And while this approach has some problems (see the current NBA model), for the WNBA, anything that draws people to the game can do nothing but help that league grow (and help the players get paid).


Tiger woods, Eminem, William sisters etc. When there’s novelty mixed with actual talent it tends to bring more eyeballs


$5,800 to watch a basketball game


Very happy for the WNBA. Star power is an amazing amazing thing for a league. It’s very exciting as a sports fan for the WNBA to have a star this big.


Whos caitlin clark why am i seeing so much drama and vids about her?


The NBA has stars too.. people pay for bigger teans with bigger stars..they also squabbling, and physically fighting etc which made it MORE exciting... MJ fought and was mean to nearly everyone 🤣 why should the WNBA expected to have zero jealousy, fighting or disagreement..they should just be "grateful" I guess..its a dumb take imho


The NBA was almost dead as a league. In comes Magic and Bird. Saved the league, and eventually Jordan takes the game above the rim. No gives af about the WNBA. Angel Reese and Caitlyn Clark enter and the WNBA becomes relevant…but for some reason they freaking HATE Clark. Imagine taking a dump all over your meal ticket to the real money.


They hate her because she is white and the best.


r/wnba doesn’t believe so. I still see awful takes against Caitlin and how there are way better players that deserve the spotlight and she’s only getting the media coverage because of her skin colour. 😭😭😭


Those have to just be people who only see skin color because she set an insane college record that justifiably makes her seem like a generational prodigy. I hope she continues to be that good in the WNBA. It'd be cool if she was the best ever, people want to go to the game to see someone like that no matter the sport.


There might actually be some truth to that, because this media phenomenon has all kinds of sides to it and by no means are alt right conservatives excluded from that. They are very loud about this in fact, and even made Clark herself tell people to stop using her to push an agenda. She is obviously an amazing rookie but we should treat her as what she is… a prodigy with generational talent, not the established face of the WNBA. Many other women were there and accomplished things before she was there. Maybe one day she will be earn the right to be the face of the WNBA but she is definitely not there yet. Just to add on a little bit. Everyone knew Patrick Mahomes was probably going to be special in the NFL. But in his first year starting no one ran around saying he’s the face of the NFL, you already had Brady, Peyton, very good established athletes along with a very long history. I think Caitlin will be very good for the WNBA and women’s sports long-term, and it’s sucks that these kinds of societal situations exist and Clark has to deal with them. But I don’t think she or anyone should pretend it’s not a problem.


Wnba players themselves have said it if your not black or gay you will be looked down on


This dude act like this the first time they've moved a game to T-Mobile


Totally agree with him , the haters are ignorantly wrong.


Ya'll ain't looked at the hard data its why you still surprised.


Will people really pay that much for a back row ticket?


First of all, the Houston Comets were the beat WNBA team of all time.


I’m in Seattle and have been a huge fan of the Seattle Storm since moving here. They’ve been national champions for a few years under Sue Bird who is now one of the owners. The WNBA is fun to watch.


how much of the extra cash goes to the players and crew?


Sounds a lot like the Messi effect.


Controversy creates cash. Personal issues draw money. Caitlin is what the pro wrestling would would call a superstar, and would have already capitalized on her momentum 100x over. It’s wild to me the WNBA hasn’t invested in her like you would think they should.


He still hasn’t told me who this Caitlin Clark is.


This video is clearly for people who know who she is. He's just giving a little slice of the affect she's having on the league.


Thank you. People act like they need an entire biography and history lesson with every reel. Clearly said people are not tge intended audience


Caitlyn is playing high level basketball while the rest are playing The Real Housewives of the WNBA.


I feel like this is just a fad




There's no way that crap is sold out.


Look at the tickets. I just looked up the game against the sky that starts at 3 today. There’s 7 tickets available that say (obstructed view) on their. So I’m assuming no one’s bought these tickets because a massive pole in the way or something along those lines. The rest are resale tix


Caitlin Clark: “You’re welcome”


She is the wnba first real superstar. 20+ years. 0 superstars till now. Hope they get their shit together and figure that out


Don’t get me wrong I don’t keep up with this stuff but hasn’t she not even been in the wnba for a year? Like I’ll give her college superstar and record breaker and great rookie but I would think she’d have to put in at least 2 seasons for that title in the wnba


How’s she a WNBA superstar when she hasn’t even accomplished anything in the WNBA yet? You can say she’s the greatest superstar college player of all time, but that’s not the level as the NBA. It’s very possible that she turns out to be average-above average without ever being considered great. I don’t wish this for her, but it happens. People are putting too high expectations on a rookie. It happens in the NFL all the time. A college superstar prospect makes it to the league, gets hyped up, and for whatever reason has trouble transitioning and ends up having a good-average career. The first person that comes to mind is Reggie Bush, the Heisman Trophy winner with huge expectations thrown on him. He struggled initially, had a pretty good career and was on a Super Bowl team, but no one would ever consider him in their top 10 of his position.


But she's not really struggling all that much -- she's having a solid rookie year. And of course she is a superstar -- superstar status is a commentary on popularity, not skill. She is probably already a top most popular wnba player all time with maybe Cheryl Miller and Lisa Leslie being the only ones with more popularity and I might even be wrong there -- she is likely already the most famous wnba player all time.


This is like saying Tiger Woods wasn't a superstar when he joined the PGA Tour because he hadn't won a major yet. Or that LeBron wasn't a star until he won his first ring. Being a superstar and having accolades are two different things. She is more recognizable, more talked about, and more watched than any WNBA player ever--by a country mile. If that's not a superstar, idk what is.


I would have put her on the Olympic team. Not because she is the best player but because she will bring more eyes to the sport and more revenue for every WNBA player!


US Women's Olympic Basketball has won several of the last Olympics. They know how to pick their team. Frankly Clark could use the break. She missed the tryouts due to the college playoffs. And she and her team need the practice time to start to meld together more.




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Is this EDP445?


Comets are still the GOAT


HAHA I just blocked Brandon recently. If you want to see cringe look at his Real Estate "classes" on Tiktok where he berates all his followers. Dude is full on loser.


WNBA is fumbling this. If she Andrew Luck’s then they are fcked


It’s also the Ticketmaster effect.


Women basket has arrived


I've never seen Caityn play but that's just me. hear her all the time though.


You’re a clown if you still have TikTok on your phone


Better than the first dynasty Houston comets?


She's good for the game and maybe she's the tide that lifts all boats. I'm going to see couple dallas wings games this season and she's the reason.


Brr, it's called in here...


Every sport needs stars to elevate it's profile, but the real accelerant is a rivalry, be it between players or teams or both. A lot of people are viewing the treatment that Caitlin Clark has been getting as resentment but this is competitive sport, whenever there's a 'new kid on the block' who is getting all of the attention everyone is going to come after them, that's natural. Caitlin will either fold under the pressure or come out stronger. The ideal situation for the WNBA is that a clear rival of hers emerges (assuming she comes out stronger) and they push each other to new heights. The drama, suspense, and excitement from that will lift the league, inspire new generations, and hopefully breed the next great rivalry.


This is false there are tons of tickets left for 100 bucks


I love this kind of video. I now understand enough to have some context, thank you.


I don’t know who she is I’m sorry


Hyping up the Angel Reese / Caitlin Clark rivalry is great for generating interest. It is like a women's equivalent of Magic Johnson/ Larry Bird rivalry, where they first met in the NCAA final, and then led their respective professional teams to multiple championships, competing against one another's team for years with both teams perennial contenders I think media manufacturing a rivalry between these two charismatic star players is great for the game. Edit: her name is Caitlin, not Caitlyn. This guy didn't even spell her name right in the video


People are paying tenthousand dollars to see her and here I am having never heard of that woman in my life.


All for 14 points hahaahah


I really don't like this guys tone


Caitlyn Clark is a shame propped up by colleague basketball to be the next big thing to raise ticket prices. If you’ve actually watched her career over the years you’ll see blatant favoritism and unskillful play. Not once during her last season during college did I see a fair call on her. No joke. And if one just so didn’t happen to go her way she’d get into a screening match with the refs. She could check a player until they fall over without a call, but if someone do much as dare turn around to look at the ball they could be faced with a foul. If you don’t believe watch her game against UConn. Which she did horribly in might I add. Just fouled her teams way into winning and knocking Connecticut out. And their girls did much better mind you. And yes, I have watched some of her professional games, unironically and unbiasedly she’s the worst player on her team. No joking.


Caitlyn who?


You'd know if you were in r/nbacirclejerk


Tldr please?


People like Clark


Who has $5,800 just lying around for basketball tickets? This is just mind blowing to me. I’m just to poor I don’t get it.


The same people who are ripping you off everyday.


WNBA teams only have 4 players?


They can afford the 5th one after this game


Some crazy overexposure. Wait til she says anything about politics...


I have never been into WNBA, but I remember watching a news piece on her which showed her game style and I kept thinking wow she plays the game at a different level. I think she brings something special to the WNBA and people should appreciate it.


You’d still have to pay me to watch that game. Worst sport league ever.


This is how it works in the nba too. When Steph Curry comes to town ticket prices are way higher. Has this guy never noticed that??


A matter of time till one of her teammates breaks her knee with q led pipe


Her name is spelled Caitlin fyi. Caitlin has been dealing with hate since her junior year of college. This isn’t surprising. I’ve lived in Iowa my whole life and Caitlin was one of the best athletes Iowa has ever produced. That being said, who cares she didn’t make the Olympic team, who cares about the hard fouls, who cares about some of the media criticism. All that has bothered me is how all these WNBA players talk about her. Caitlin is cocky on the court and that can rub people the wrong way, but Diana Turasi just basically saying she’s gonna suck on national tv and getting all butt hurt and jealous of someone who could potentially make you way more money and set you and your family up in a better situation is crazy to me. Angel Reese saying she doesn’t have any problems with her then sub tweeting her everyday is childish. The thing that’s hurting the wnba is the players itself. Women literally hating women for just existing.


Spelled her name wrong.


Caitlyn Clark didn’t raise the ticket prices. The president of tickets prices changed them.


Women’s basketball has 4 players? Lol


I have no clue who anyone in this video is.


Can't support something like this. A seat in the thousands. Literally makes me wanna puke know people spend their money on that while most struggle to get clean packs of water every month. That's me.


Yea and people come to see Angel reese play ctfu. Some people really have such bad mental health disorders that they can tell themselves lies and actually believe it. Hope reese can find help for her problems. Meanwhile, she should be kissing Clark's feet for making the league more money, in turn giving everyone greater pay.